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Trump suggests Delaying Election

Calm down everyone. Metaphor, Jason and their ilk assure us that Donald intends to honor the results of the election.
May I suggest you mob have a silent election?

How would that help? Trump doesn't follow any of the rules/laws that we already have around election campaigns, so I am not sure how adding any more would change a damn thing.
No, you're not paranoid. He actually said it. And he was wrong to say it.

You said I was paranoid when I said he'd attempt this, and when I said he would dispute the results of the election, if held.
Now that it's evident that he will do anything - ANYTHING - to hold on to power, you seem to be gravitating toward "that's what I always said".
I suppose you should get some credit for that, even if you already forgot what your yesterday position was....

Not that it matters what any of us thinks or says. Nobody here is in any position to place any constraints on Trump's coup attempt, and those who are in such a position have not yet taken any action.
Lest anyone forget, T began his presidency -- at press conference #1 -- by claiming that he had actually won the popular vote. He is a liar, he needs no evidence to make his lies, and he now has an AG telling lies (about vote fraud) without any evidence. I'm not convinced he will find a way to hold on to the presidency if he loses the vote in November, but we are up for some very ugly events which will throw doubts on our democracy. Trump has no bottom level. He's an abyss.
Trump can only steal the election if Congress, SCOTUS, the military and the American public let him.
Trump can only steal the election if Congress, SCOTUS, the military and the American public let him.
The Senate and the DOJ are all in, SCOTUS is on the fence, the military is (so far) sitting this one out and the American public can do shinola about it because any action taken against the Trump regime serves as an excuse for them to tighten their grip. Plus we have Traustis claiming Orange Man Not So Bad, Jasons prevaricating about how Trump isn't going to defy electoral results and millions of half witted 'Murkins steeped in FOX propaganda.
It is a DIRE situation, folks.
Trump can only steal the election if Congress, SCOTUS, the military and the American public let him.

Quick question; how many times in the last three years has Trump said, "Article 2 of the Constitution says I can do whatever I want"?
Trump can only steal the election if Congress, SCOTUS, the military and the American public let him.
The Senate and the DOJ are all in, SCOTUS is on the fence, the military is (so far) sitting this one out and the American public can do shinola about it because any action taken against the Trump regime serves as an excuse for them to tighten their grip. Plus we have Traustis claiming Orange Man Not So Bad, Jasons prevaricating about how Trump isn't going to defy electoral results and millions of half witted 'Murkins steeped in FOX propaganda.
It is a DIRE situation, folks.
Even Mitch McConnell said the election will not be postponed.
Trump can only steal the election if Congress, SCOTUS, the military and the American public let him.
The Senate and the DOJ are all in, SCOTUS is on the fence, the military is (so far) sitting this one out and the American public can do shinola about it because any action taken against the Trump regime serves as an excuse for them to tighten their grip. Plus we have Traustis claiming Orange Man Not So Bad, Jasons prevaricating about how Trump isn't going to defy electoral results and millions of half witted 'Murkins steeped in FOX propaganda.
It is a DIRE situation, folks.
Even Mitch McConnell said the election will not be postponed.

That’s not the issue. What this “Delay the election” crap is about, is to add another drop in the bucket of bullshit that Trump, Barr and probably McConnell will throw at the election if they lose. More to come - bet on it.
Analogous actions taken by Trump, his admin., and the Republicans in the last 3 years:

1- Firing oversight agents and officials at all levels of government, including the southern district in NY (relates to: immunity from investigation)
2- Denying subpoenas from Congress, claiming the right to decide that certain investigations are purely political (relates to: immunity, denial of Constitutional role of Congress)
3- Transferring military funds to Trump's wall, withholding aid to Ukraine until political dirt is produced (relates to: assuming unconstitutional executive power on spending, involving other countries in our election process)
4- Constant messaging that mail-in voting leads to massive fraud (relates to: laying the groundwork for a fraudulent claim of election fraud)
5- Arguing to SCOTUS that a sitting president is immune to criminal charges (relates to: cloak of immunity, denial of oversight)
6- Trump quote, 7/23/19: "Then I have Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as President." (relates to...well, what do you suppose?)
7- Trump stating that he will not necessarily accept the election results; Trump floating the idea that the election should be postponed until it is safe to hold it; Trump stating that mail-in counts could mean that years might go by before we know who won, or perhaps we would never know (relates to: an attempt to create doubt and chaos around our democracy, also, lays groundwork for the entire last act of Trump's life, should he lose)
8- I'll shove Helsinki in here, although it belongs at an earlier position -- rejecting US intelligence and siding with Putin to deny that there was Russian meddling and hacking in the '16 election (relates to: aiding our adversaries, embedding foreign nationals acting in secret into our elections, and who knows what else?)

There's more, I'm sure, but I'm getting disgusted just thinking about this stuff. From my list above, Trump was unsuccessful only at #5, as SCOTUS rejected the argument. Otherwise, his actions above have enraged Democrats but have been met with minimal resistance by Republicans. Does anyone seriously think that Donald would refrain from throwing the country into chaos for months and months, on a crusade of crazy conspiracy theories? From his perspective, there is no big price to pay. He views the entire covid crisis as a drama about him. The economy matters because it's about him. He knows more than generals, more than "most CPAs", more than the country's leading epidemiologists, and he is the only one who can fix it. If SCOTUS ultimately unseats him, he will have made the cynical calculation that he has performed his ritual part for the fan base, and created his own Lost Cause legend....at a cost of the loss of confidence in our institutions.
(The compensation, I suppose, would happen if Trump did anything close to challenging the election results, and that this led to a new Voting Rights Act, one that would perhaps establish a voting day holiday, set standards for polling places and voting formats, allow felons who have served their time to regain their voting rights, etc., etc.)
So that's how paranoid I am. But, every single time I think I've seen Trump do the slimiest thing he is capable of...
Even Mitch McConnell said the election will not be postponed.

That’s not the issue. What this “Delay the election” crap is about, is to add another drop in the bucket of bullshit that Trump, Barr and probably McConnell will throw at the election if they lose. More to come - bet on it.
No doubt that Trump is prepping his excuse if he loses. He is also diverting attention from the fact that is estimated that GDP dropped over 10% this past quarter.
You said I was paranoid when I said he'd attempt this, and when I said he would dispute the results of the election, if held.
Now that it's evident that he will do anything - ANYTHING - to hold on to power, you seem to be gravitating toward "that's what I always said".
I suppose you should get some credit for that, even if you already forgot what your yesterday position was....

When you were ranting you were taking a case where Reporter A was quoting Reporter B who was quoting Reporter C who was quoting Reporter A who was quoting Reporter B who was speculating.

This time there is some actual reason for concern.

Also ... "what your yesterday position was...." ... you haven't figured out what my position is.
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