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Trump threatens to keep government shutdown for months or maybe years!

I've heard right wingers gush over her "she's so HAWT!".
I HAVE noticed that i cannot find a woman attractive unless i can at least imagine that i would enjoy a conversation with her.

I have never noticed the opposite, that a woman becomes more, or in Ann's case, 'even minimally' attractive by saying something i want to hear.... but, it takes all kinds.
Nancy Pelosi knows how to exploit Trump's sexism — and she's totally owning him | Salon.com
Pelosi is a compelling foil for Trump in many ways, bringing experience and intelligence to bear in a battle against a man whose overconfidence is only matched by his inexperience and incuriosity. But her gender adds an interesting dimension to the drama, creating a far different dynamic than would spool out if the Democratic leader were, as most members of Congress still are, a man. Many people in politics and media are still not used to female power, and Pelosi's novel position, while creating some pointless problems for her, also gives her some surprising advantages.
Author Amanda Marcotte suspects that NP is a good judge of character.
Trump will never be moved with appeals to decency, as he has no decency and doesn't even pretend to care about it. But taking away opportunities for him to preen and brag before a national audience hits him where it hurts.
Thus using his narcissism against him, like inviting him to look at a reflection of himself in a reflecting pool.

Then a gender-politics angle.
More subtly, however, Pelosi is also using her gender to put Trump — who is visibly unnerved by having any woman around that isn't clearly there to serve him, sexually or otherwise — on his heels. Trump is already a terrible politician with no discernible deal-making skills, and he's clearly rattled by Pelosi in the same way that he was rattled by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential debates.
About the pResident's White House meeting with NP and Senator Chuck Schumer,
But without the talented team of editors from "The Apprentice" to create the illusion of Trump being ingenious and masterful, he instead came off as a petulant child unable to converse with adults on equal terms, especially adult women. Which is of course an accurate portrayal.

The good news is that Pelosi seems to have a knack for using this tendency to underestimate women to her advantage.
One wonders what would have occurred had Nancy Pelosi run for President in 2016...
I've heard right wingers gush over her "she's so HAWT!".
I HAVE noticed that i cannot find a woman attractive unless i can at least imagine that i would enjoy a conversation with her.

Seconded. Evidence that I would not enjoy her company is enough to render a woman not hot.
Why Trump Blinked | FiveThirtyEight Listing:
  • Senate Republicans rebelling
  • Approval ratings going down with disapproval ratings going up

Why did senate republicans go along with the shutdown in the first place? That's the better question. I suppose it was some kind of intraparty compromise but that should have thrown up a red flag, especially considering it's been tried before and had negative consequences for the GOP.

My personal take is that they again misjudged the democratic response, thinking the dems would cave. I'm certain Pelosi informed McConnell and others that they would not be held ransom. So as odd as it may seem the GOP just fucked up again, repeating unpopular history that they invented.
Why Trump Blinked | FiveThirtyEight Listing:
  • Senate Republicans rebelling
  • Approval ratings going down with disapproval ratings going up

Why did senate republicans go along with the shutdown in the first place? That's the better question. I suppose it was some kind of intraparty compromise but that should have thrown up a red flag, especially considering it's been tried before and had negative consequences for the GOP.

My personal take is that they again misjudged the democratic response, thinking the dems would cave. I'm certain Pelosi informed McConnell and others that they would not be held ransom. So as odd as it may seem the GOP just fucked up again, repeating unpopular history that they invented.
McConnell is doing everything to keep the GOP ship upright. Up to now, he has actually done a pretty good job. His silence during the shutdown generally kept the GOP from actually taking a wall position and good deal of people bought that. When Pelosi didn't just cave to Trump's demand... and the airports started having serious problems, action was needed.
I've heard right wingers gush over her "she's so HAWT!".
I HAVE noticed that i cannot find a woman attractive unless i can at least imagine that i would enjoy a conversation with her.

I have never noticed the opposite, that a woman becomes more, or in Ann's case, 'even minimally' attractive by saying something i want to hear.... but, it takes all kinds.

I had an office assistant whose appearance was, to me ... don't know how to put it - she was ugly. And fat. I had a hard time with that for a while. But she turned out to be extremely competent, articulate and an effective communicator. She became an invaluable resource in the office and over the months she became, if not classically "attractive", a very welcome sight in my eyes. She remains a dear friend to this day.
Why Trump Blinked | FiveThirtyEight Listing:
  • Senate Republicans rebelling
  • Approval ratings going down with disapproval ratings going up

Why did senate republicans go along with the shutdown in the first place? That's the better question. I suppose it was some kind of intraparty compromise but that should have thrown up a red flag, especially considering it's been tried before and had negative consequences for the GOP.

My personal take is that they again misjudged the democratic response, thinking the dems would cave. I'm certain Pelosi informed McConnell and others that they would not be held ransom. So as odd as it may seem the GOP just fucked up again, repeating unpopular history that they invented.
McConnell is doing everything to keep the GOP ship upright. Up to now, he has actually done a pretty good job. His silence during the shutdown generally kept the GOP from actually taking a wall position and good deal of people bought that. When Pelosi didn't just cave to Trump's demand... and the airports started having serious problems, action was needed.

The republican options are being exhausted. Trump's style is to use bombast, ridicule, bullying, intimidation and underhandedness to get his way. We've all worked for bosses like that so we know what that's like. If nothing else, the next two years will be interesting. If the senate goes blue in 2020 it will be even more interesting to watch Trumpo. Judging from what we've all seen so far, I expect him to triple down on all the stupidity we've witness until now. I think it's all he knows to punch himself out.
Bullies only know how to bully. NP has been dealing with sexist bullies for decades. As long as she can hold the House Democrats in line, I expect her to continue to out-maneuver our President.
These clowns are playing their stupid games and things slowly get worse in the oligarchy behind the show.
Why Trump Blinked | FiveThirtyEight Listing:
  • Senate Republicans rebelling
  • Approval ratings going down with disapproval ratings going up

Why did senate republicans go along with the shutdown in the first place? That's the better question. I suppose it was some kind of intraparty compromise but that should have thrown up a red flag, especially considering it's been tried before and had negative consequences for the GOP.

My personal take is that they again misjudged the democratic response, thinking the dems would cave. I'm certain Pelosi informed McConnell and others that they would not be held ransom. So as odd as it may seem the GOP just fucked up again, repeating unpopular history that they invented.

Yeah, I think they wanted to make the Democrats back down to make them look weak. Oops, they were listening to their own propaganda rather than reality.
Trump's numbers have slightly improved since he caved. He also seems to be having some success with the Venezuela situation and the Taliban. I expect his popularity to go back to roughly what it has been for months--2/5 of Americans love him, and less than 3/5 disapprove. Even with his obvious weakness and incompetence at making "deals" with everyone.

Nate Silver had an interesting take on Trump's ability to negotiate: How President Trump Is Like A Terrible Poker Player
I have a feeling of grave danger because that wall did not get built on time.

We are getting infected every day.

I can feel it.
Trump's numbers have slightly improved since he caved.
I would suspect the Trumpettes are rationalizing the bitter loss, convincing themselves he's setting them up for a REAL win.

Apparently the party line is "Trump did not win, but the American people lost" When in doubt, play the victim card.

Trumpo the suffering servant. He's only trying to save us from the brown mexican hordes.
Trump's numbers have slightly improved since he caved.
I would suspect the Trumpettes are rationalizing the bitter loss, convincing themselves he's setting them up for a REAL win.

In chess, that's something akin to the Queen's Gambit. "Yes, I may have just lost my queen, but that was only to set you up for checkmate."

It's the argument that Sean Hannity is reputedly making right now, much to Ann Coulter's consternation.
If we focus hard enough on all this bullshit gamesmanship we become the sucker Trump thinks we are.

This wall business is nothing but the magician making a captivating move with his right hand to not make you see what he is doing with the left.

Trump and the right have the Supreme Court and will have it for years.

The country has changed and will change more because of this.

Misery for many will increase because of this.

But a few with more than they could use already will get more wealthy and that is Trump's only goal.
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