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Trump threatens to keep government shutdown for months or maybe years!

Shutting down the airports would be a power play equal to the muscle that Trump brings -- wouldn't it? Is this being contemplated? I assume DJT would then attempt a Reagan call-back and threaten to fire them all permanently, which I don't think would work in 2019.
The US is amidst a trade war with China, the whole travel ban thing with nations like Chad, and we currently are not paying our workers over a wall that won't do any of the things Trump (and no one else in Government) says it will, the limits of what Trump thinks he can get away with is untested at this point.
Shutting down the airports would be a power play equal to the muscle that Trump brings -- wouldn't it? Is this being contemplated? I assume DJT would then attempt a Reagan call-back and threaten to fire them all permanently, which I don't think would work in 2019.
The US is amidst a trade war with China, the whole travel ban thing with nations like Chad, and we currently are not paying our workers over a wall that won't do any of the things Trump (and no one else in Government) says it will, the limits of what Trump thinks he can get away with is untested at this point.

What Trump thinks he can get away with has no detectable limits. But Trump does almost no thinking beyond that, and has never experienced any consequences for anything he has done. so it remains to be seen whether he's right.
Shutting down the airports would be a power play equal to the muscle that Trump brings -- wouldn't it? Is this being contemplated? I assume DJT would then attempt a Reagan call-back and threaten to fire them all permanently, which I don't think would work in 2019.

TSOs are hardly the cream of the crop of government employees. They'd be easy to replace. They have advertised for them on pizza boxes for fuck sake.
Shutting down the airports would be a power play equal to the muscle that Trump brings -- wouldn't it? Is this being contemplated? I assume DJT would then attempt a Reagan call-back and threaten to fire them all permanently, which I don't think would work in 2019.

TSOs are hardly the cream of the crop of government employees. They'd be easy to replace. They have advertised for them on pizza boxes for fuck sake.
How easy is it to recruit people to work for zero pay?
How easy is it to recruit people to work for zero pay?

Well, if they hired a bunch of terrorists and drug dealers, their organizations would be more than happy to pay to have their people there and the costs can be passed on. All they need is a bit of out of the box thinking like that and everything's good.
Shutting down the airports would be a power play equal to the muscle that Trump brings -- wouldn't it? Is this being contemplated? I assume DJT would then attempt a Reagan call-back and threaten to fire them all permanently, which I don't think would work in 2019.

TSOs are hardly the cream of the crop of government employees. They'd be easy to replace. They have advertised for them on pizza boxes for fuck sake.
How easy is it to recruit people to work for zero pay?
Well, according to Ayn Rand's novel "The Furloughed", it should be easy to hire people who you promise you will eventually pay them, at some point due to the internal honorable drive that is to work for the Federal Government.
I was never furloughed, but my company has a policy that they do not pay overtime for the first 8 hours after you reach your 40. for the week.
At 49, you get overtime...

So we had one project where we were going to be teaching two classes at the same time. Group one from 0600 to Noon, group 2 from Noon to 1800. All available instructors from 0600 to 1800...
So, normal pay for 40 hours, bupkes for 8, then overtime for 12 on Friday. My manager tried to convince me that 12 hours at time and a half meant i averaged normal pay for the whole time... he was not a math major... and that is not the point of overtime....
I let it be known that i was going to tell every class that Thursday at ten each week i would no longer be getting paid for any answers i gave to any questions. They might want to hold them until Friday....

So, yeah, it's an honour to serve, i do love my job, and i enjoy my work, but the bank won't take honor for my house payments, and the supermarket will only take love for nonperishables.
I was never furloughed, but my company has a policy that they do not pay overtime for the first 8 hours after you reach your 40. for the week.
At 49, you get overtime...

So we had one project where we were going to be teaching two classes at the same time. Group one from 0600 to Noon, group 2 from Noon to 1800. All available instructors from 0600 to 1800...
So, normal pay for 40 hours, bupkes for 8, then overtime for 12 on Friday. My manager tried to convince me that 12 hours at time and a half meant i averaged normal pay for the whole time... he was not a math major... and that is not the point of overtime....
I let it be known that i was going to tell every class that Thursday at ten each week i would no longer be getting paid for any answers i gave to any questions. They might want to hold them until Friday....

So, yeah, it's an honour to serve, i do love my job, and i enjoy my work, but the bank won't take honor for my house payments, and the supermarket will only take love for nonperishables.
But according to Wilbur Ross, banks will give people loans for their furloughed salary, it is just common sense. Granted, this is not applicable to contractors as they are just straight up fucked with a cactus as they will never see the money.
But according to Wilbur Ross, banks will give people loans for their furloughed salary, it is just common sense.
... but other fuckers in the white house are claiming that the government is now in fighting trim. That the shutdown is showing the bare minimum neede to operate. So anyone thinking the GOP is into smaller govt. should be happy...

Meaning they might be giving loans to someone that does not have a secure employment future. Common sense says not to do that with your money..,.
How easy is it to recruit people to work for zero pay?
Well, according to Ayn Rand's novel "The Furloughed", it should be easy to hire people who you promise you will eventually pay them, at some point due to the internal honorable drive that is to work for the Federal Government.

She admired those who work for the Federal Government? That's news to everyone who ever read anything she wrote.
How easy is it to recruit people to work for zero pay?
Well, according to Ayn Rand's novel "The Furloughed", it should be easy to hire people who you promise you will eventually pay them, at some point due to the internal honorable drive that is to work for the Federal Government.

She admired those who work for the Federal Government? That's news to everyone who ever read anything she wrote.

Well, she was a conservative, so odds are that she was on food stamps.
I was never furloughed, but my company has a policy that they do not pay overtime for the first 8 hours after you reach your 40. for the week.
At 49, you get overtime...

Nobody complained to the Department of Labor about this illegal practice?
Shamelessly stolen from somewhere else:

"Mr. President you can have your wall.

You can get it the same way that President Obama got Obamacare; the way Lyndon Johnson got Medicare; the way Franklin Roosevelt got Social Security.

In each case the president had a project he wanted enacted; so his administration crafted a bill.

That bill went to Congress where committee hearings were held; amendments were proposed; studies were conducted that tested the cost, effectiveness etc. of the proposal; testimony was held in Congress; debate ensued and if the measure had enough support, a vote was taken and the measure was passed.

That's how you legislate. It takes hard work, planning and the ability to actually negotiate. Your pet project doesn't get to leap frog over the pathway laid out by the Constitution and 250 years of precedent.

You have chosen to skip over this entire process (even when you had majorities in both Houses) and have resorted instead to taking the American public hostage in exchange for your wall.

You want a wall?

Put down the gun you are holding to the head of the American people and get to work."

What makes you think Trump wants a wall? If he wanted a wall, he would have trivially gotten the money for it anytime over the past 2 years from the fully Rep controlled congress. He could have had WAY more than he is stomping his feet about now.
He waited until there was a Dem controlled house to start this fight. The fight is what he wanted.. not a wall.

I like the big fuck you that Pelosi gave Trump. Finally a Dem that learned to grow a pair. Been looking for that, as many of you know, for a while.

Now I am wondering what those here who criticized me for telling you the Dems were too weak and the "higher moral ground" was a fool's errand are saying about Pelosi keeping 800,000 workers unpaid with her newly found ovaries.... go on... speak out against her here and now for not taking the higher ground and rescuing those people by giving trump a few pennies (relatively speaking) to waste on a win-wall. How many billions will be lost by the end of the shutdown? Let's hear it, Elixir and friends...

My personal stance? There can be no wall. Not only is it ineffective but it is ecologically disastrous. I don’t care how expensive/inexpensive it is. It doesn’t work and it costs too much in terms of environmental damage. That’s enough for me without adding the damage to the US politically. Unfortunately it matters a great deal that the US political power is damaged.
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