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Trump threatens to keep government shutdown for months or maybe years!

Well, it looks like Trump is folding as badly as one of his businesses.

Good job, Pelosi.
Well, it looks like Trump is folding as badly as one of his businesses.

Good job, Pelosi.
But at least he has enough clout to demand that HE be the one to announce an agreement has been made.
Probably thinks everyone will think he single-handedly ended it, and his approval will go up....

I bet he actually lost some diehards today.
Well, it looks like Trump is folding as badly as one of his businesses.

Good job, Pelosi.

Trump to temporarily end shutdown -- without wall funding
Trump said:
"I am very proud to announce today that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government," Trump said in remarks from the Rose Garden.
Extortionist in chief is proud to stop hurting citizens he once swore to defend because his extortion didn't work.
You mean the same people he continues to claim support his goal of a wall?

He went on and on about the wall and this agreement doesn't include a wall.
How many of his supporters are going to remember that five minutes from now, though?
How many of his supporters are going to remember that five minutes from now, though?

For five minutes they will remember Trump claiming this as a victory...
In 3 weeks, howeve r, if there is no Wall* on the cards, there will be a shifting.

*Or more to the point, when Lush and Ann tell them there is no Wall.
Trump got himself into this mess because a couple of bonehead right wing blowhards called him a coward for refusing to shut down the government until he got his wall.

The final result of his caving to them: 35 days of drama and misery at tremendous expense to the public followed by a total capitulation to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Well, until February 15. Trump is blustering that he could shut down the government again or declare a national emergency if he doesn't get his vanity project, but I don't see him doing that. He has no leverage over the Democrats, and the public just doesn't want his wall. His popularity is still relatively high with his loyal base, but it has dropped a few points. His disapproval rating is almost as high as it has ever been. The only past president that was this unpopular in polling data at this point in his term of office was Ronald Reagan
Yeah, if he threatens another shutdown, they can just post tomorrow's polls.
The fact that he hasn't declared an emergency instead of caving has to mean that someone who hasn't been indicted yet has convinced him the courts won't allow it.

So, maybe White House aides should be working on how to spin funding for border security (without The Wall) is a victory, and qualifies as keeping his campaign promise.

"Well, i never actually meant a physical, you know, brick and motor wall, per se. But with the $(whatever) billion i beat out of the Democrats, we'll have personnel and technology to make what is effectively a wall securing our Southerest boarder."
Well, it looks like Trump is folding as badly as one of his businesses.

Good job, Pelosi.
But at least he has enough clout to demand that HE be the one to announce an agreement has been made.
Probably thinks everyone will think he single-handedly ended it, and his approval will go up....

I bet he actually lost some diehards today.

I doubt he lost any diehards.

But his approval rating has gone from 42 percent to 34 percent over the last month. Republicans still lick his balls but he lost big among the electorate generally.

Shutdown Drags President Trump's Approval Rating Down to 34%: Poll
Trump to temporarily end shutdown -- without wall funding
Extortionist in chief is proud to stop hurting citizens he once swore to defend because his extortion didn't work.
You mean the same people he continues to claim support his goal of a wall?

He went on and on about the wall and this agreement doesn't include a wall.

No, I mean Federal Workers.
For context, Trump was heralding how proud he was of the Federal workers and the hardships they and their families went through, and were willing to go through in their support of his wall.

It was a truly disgusting thing to hear from Trump.
Right, they were proudly behind him. In retrospect, what a little bitch he is. Miss Nancy's bitch. He has exactly one move left, and it's this ridiculous 'declare an emergency' move, which -- should the courts uphold his side of it -- would signal the end of checks and balances. If a President can declare that only his take on an issue is the right move, and that it's an emergency if he can't get his way, then we have an emperor. Remember when the big conservative lather was that Obama was a dictator -- that whenever he made a proposal or issued an EO on immigration, he was assuming all of Congress's power? We'll see how many brave Republicans make a similar objection to Orangey. Stay tuned for Valentines Day.
Well, it looks like Trump is folding as badly as one of his businesses.

Good job, Pelosi.
But at least he has enough clout to demand that HE be the one to announce an agreement has been made.
Probably thinks everyone will think he single-handedly ended it, and his approval will go up....

I bet he actually lost some diehards today.

I doubt he lost any diehards.
A number of my coworkers don't care about a Wall, or the shutdown, but they were in crazy support of Trump standing up to the Democrats. Finally. After 8 years of Obama running things without check, they ONLY want him to have the balls to face up to Pelosi, esp. since the dems stole so many seats....

Folding like he did, some are not going to accept Trump pretending to declare this as a victory.... Ant santa did not bring them the one thing they wanted
I loved how Annie Coulter's wimp quote got so much play yesterday -- I must've seen it 10 times during the day/evening. She must be purring nonstop. What a country/POTUS/media landscape we have when this dimestore media troll can get this much attention with a name-calling tweet.
I loved how Annie Coulter's wimp quote got so much play yesterday -- I must've seen it 10 times during the day/evening. She must be purring nonstop. What a country/POTUS/media landscape we have when this dimestore media troll can get this much attention with a name-calling tweet.

I thought I read somewhere that Trumpy "unfollowed" her skankiness. Mercy. The Horror. One can only imagine the conservative dismay. :D
I loved how Annie Coulter's wimp quote got so much play yesterday -- I must've seen it 10 times during the day/evening. She must be purring nonstop. What a country/POTUS/media landscape we have when this dimestore media troll can get this much attention with a name-calling tweet.

Her entire career has been has been playing the clownish right wing media troll. This behavior is no different from what it was when she first started her comedy routine. In fact, Donald Trump revived a career that seemed to be fading during the Obama years. He made her day when he claimed to cancel her Twitter feed. She earns her living by ridiculing and being ridiculed.
I loved how Annie Coulter's wimp quote got so much play yesterday -- I must've seen it 10 times during the day/evening. She must be purring nonstop. What a country/POTUS/media landscape we have when this dimestore media troll can get this much attention with a name-calling tweet.

Her entire career has been has been playing the clownish right wing media troll. This behavior is no different from what it was when she first started her comedy routine. In fact, Donald Trump revived a career that seemed to be fading during the Obama years. He made her day when he claimed to cancel her Twitter feed. She earns her living by ridiculing and being ridiculed.

I've heard right wingers gush over her "she's so HAWT!".

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Air safety measures are ‘unraveling’ due to shutdown, says air traffic union | PBS NewsHour
Air traffic controller shortage delays flights at several US airports
  • On Day 35 of the partial government shutdown, a shortage of air traffic controllers prompts the Federal Aviation Administration to delay flights into New York’s LaGuardia Airport.
  • Flights were also delayed at several other major airports, including at Newark, Atlanta and Philadelphia.
  • FAA air traffic controllers were told to work without pay during the shutdown.
So it was the prospect of collapse of passenger aviation that forced the pResident to give in.
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