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Trump TV Network

My prediction: a fizzle.
1) Trumpius Caesar will look a lot dumber as a loser, and a loser to a 'corrupt' 'girl' than he does now -- that will peel off the slightly-less-dumber portion of his mob, leaving him with the ultra-ultra Trumpsuckers. Trailer trash and trailer trash avatars.
2) He is far too cheap to put together a news team, let alone a full-scale news department. So what's he gonna have? Easy to produce shows like an Ann Coulter hour? The return of Glenn Beck to prime time cable? Hard to see how he competes with the fanatics at Fox.
My prediction: a fizzle.
1) Trumpius Caesar will look a lot dumber as a loser, and a loser to a 'corrupt' 'girl' than he does now -- that will peel off the slightly-less-dumber portion of his mob, leaving him with the ultra-ultra Trumpsuckers. Trailer trash and trailer trash avatars.
2) He is far too cheap to put together a news team, let alone a full-scale news department. So what's he gonna have? Easy to produce shows like an Ann Coulter hour? The return of Glenn Beck to prime time cable? Hard to see how he competes with the fanatics at Fox.

He'll go the low-budget route (internet, podasts etc), and it will be immensely profitable. Even if he "only" manages to peel off five or ten million or so of his lunatic fringe and gets them pay $10/mo to subscribe to his nonsense, that definitely pays for groceries.

Several people have predicted this. Looks like they nailed it.

May it be as popular and long-lived as the Sarah Palin channel; and as successful as the majority of his other business ventures.

Considering the sheer number of new (since Palin) "Alaska wilderness" type shows that are on TV still today, perhaps it will be a bit more long-lived than you think.
For some good laughs on Twitter:


though I think this one was even funnier:

Cucks Away with Pepe The Frog

Trump Tower Confidential

Sleep Great, America with Dr. Ben Carson

The Great Big Bang Theory, hosted by Donald Trump
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