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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Trump continues to deny that there is a shortage of PPE for health care workers. I saw a clip from yesterday, where he contradicted a nurse who said there have been sporadic shortages of PPE. You could see his face get uglier than usual, like a little spoiled toddler, who doesn't like ti when mommy tells him he did something wrong. So, he just lies or remains in denial over how poorly he and his toadies have handled this pandemic.

Hmmmm. Who would know if there was a shortage of PPE? A man who has hasn't stepped foot in a hospital during the criss, or a professional nurse who has worked in an ICU during the worst pandemic in our lives?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Trump admin is now projecting 3,000 daily deaths by June, and they are STILL pushing to “reopen.” We are now careening towards one 9/11-scale death event *per day.* This was all preventable w/ tests, tracing,& policy.
Instead the GOP showered their friends w/ bailout money." / Twitter

That's about the number of American soldiers who died in the D-Day invasion of Normandy in WWII.

Schumer, Pelosi set to unveil 'Rooseveltian' relief package | TheHill
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that he and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will soon unveil a coronavirus relief package that he described as “Rooseveltian” in its scope and size.

“We need big, bold action," Schumer said in an MSNBC interview with Stephanie Ruhle, adding that he and Pelosi "are working very closely together on putting together a very strong plan, which you will hear shortly.”

“We need Franklin Rooseveltian-type action and we hope to take that in the House and Senate in a very big and bold way,” he added.
But Mitch McConnell wants Congress to "take a pause".
“The people like McConnell and McCarthy and even [President] Trump who say, ‘Let’s wait and do nothing,’ well, they remind me of the old Herbert Hoovers. We had the Great Depression — Hoover said let’s just wait it out. It got worse and worse,” Schumer said.

Hoover famously, and wrongly, predicted a rapid economic recovery in 1930. Instead, the Great Depression lasted until 1939.

Democrats want to take other steps such as providing hazard pay to essential workers and disbursing hundreds of billions of dollars more to state and local governments to cover salaries for police, firefighters, teachers and sanitation workers.
Let's see what they come up with.
Trump tells allies his wearing a mask would 'send the wrong message', make him look ridiculous - "The president said doing so would make it seem like he is preoccupied with health instead of focused on reopening."

Masks have become the latest battlefield in the US left-right culture wars.
Whether Americans are embracing the change may depend on their political party. While most other protective measures like social distancing get broad bipartisan support, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say they’re wearing a mask when leaving home, 76% to 59%, according to a recent poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

The split is clear across several demographics that lean Democratic. People with college degrees are more likely than those without to wear masks when leaving home, 78% to 63%. African Americans are more likely than either white people or Hispanic Americans to say they’re wearing masks outside the home, 83% to 64% and 67%, respectively.

he notable exception is among older people, a group particularly vulnerable to serious illness from the virus. Some 79% of those age 60 and over were doing so compared with 63% of those younger.
Cuomo: Most new NY coronavirus hospitalizations are from people who stayed home
  • Early look at data from 100 New York hospitals shows that 66% of new admissions related to the virus are people who were at home, Cuomo said.
  • He also said a majority of the cases in New York City are minorities, with nearly half being African American or Hispanic.
It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.

“Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it’s up to you,” Cuomo said.
When I look at that, I think "Did they get the virus from family members? Friends?"
What?! And look like they're doing the right thing? A good right wing authoritarian follower would never do anything so weak.
Parts of Asia that relaxed restrictions without a resurgence in coronavirus cases did these three things
  • South Korea and Hong Kong successfully relaxed pandemic restrictions without having another rise in cases by data sharing, using targeted testing and contact tracing.
  • The varying results of efforts across Asia to contain the virus and reopen society present policy options and perhaps lessons for countries behind on the outbreak’s timeline.
  • Public health specialists who spoke with CNBC said they’re not confident U.S. officials are taking note of what’s working and not working in Asia.
The tulips were blooming in Seoul and Dr. Jerome Kim was strolling in his government-issued KF-94 mask with his wife when he got a text message alerting him to a confirmed coronavirus infection in his neighborhood.

That alert was one of dozens, if not hundreds, that millions of South Koreans have received since the coronavirus arrived in the country on Jan. 20, Kim said. He added that such sharing of information, despite its data privacy implications, has helped to keep the infection rate down even as businesses reopen.

Hong Kong and South Korea have largely succeeded in reopening society and so far preventing a second outbreak by rolling out a trio of measures: widespread testing, sharing data with the public on the location of infections and following up with infected people and their contacts. These measures present a toolbox of proven policies that help drive down the spread of the coronavirus.
Singapore seemed like another Asian success story, but then it got a big outbreak.
However, Singapore’s response overlooked a crucial segment of the population, Fisher said: the hundreds of thousands of foreign workers upon whom the nation depends for low-wage labor. The virus began to spread throughout the overcrowded and unsanitary dormitories that house these workers, said Fisher, who also serves as chair of the WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network. It has since erupted into Southeast Asia’s largest outbreak.
Seems like the problem that the US has with many of its immigrants.
Kayleigh McEnany Tries To Turn The Tables On The Media – Deadline
In her second official briefing before the White House press corps, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked about a comment she made on Feb. 25 on Fox Business Channel, in which she said that because of President Donald Trump, “we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here.”

But McEnany tried to turn the tables on the media, suggesting that a number of outlets also downplayed the threat of the coronavirus.

Trump administration rejects CDC guidance on reopening US amid coronavirus - CNNPolitics
Reopening amid coronavirus: CDC drafts new guidance for organizations and businesses - CNN
Reopening guidelines.pdf - "For each category, the draft document notes reopening in phases."
For schools and day camps that are preparing to reopen, the document recommends to consider keeping classes together in order to include the same group of children each day and avoid mixing between groups.

The document also suggests to space out seating and bedding to 6 feet apart if possible, avoid "non-essential" assemblies and field trips, and have students eat lunch in classrooms rather than cafeterias, among other recommendations.

As restaurants and bars consider reopening, the document notes that they should reopen with limited capacity that still allows for social distancing.

According to the document, restaurants should move toward disposable menus, plates and utensils; switch to single-use condiments; install sneeze guards at cash registers; and avoid salad bars, buffets and self-serve drink stations.

The document also calls for the use of a cloth mask or face covering by employees when near other employees and customers.
All very sensible.

One of Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus - CNNPolitics - "Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the senior staffers who regularly interact with them are still being tested weekly for coronavirus, two people familiar told CNN."
There was a plan for how the country should be reopened. It got squashed by His Flatulence. Fortunately, it leaked:


And a whistleblower has revealed how badly he fucked up the response:


Any idea how to download that CDC document other than copy the text of all 17 pages one at a time?

Edit: never mind. Finally saw the download link.
“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” (Donald J. Trump, February 10, 2020)

Dateline May 7th, Phoenix Arizona.

Today's high temperature: 105.

Forecast high for tomorrow: 103.

Saturday: 102.

Still waiting for the virus to "go away."
“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” (Donald J. Trump, February 10, 2020)

Dateline May 7th, Phoenix Arizona.

Today's high temperature: 105.

Forecast high for tomorrow: 103.

Saturday: 102.

Still waiting for the virus to "go away."

Ya. This story has another chart showing cases in NY vs rest of the US

“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” (Donald J. Trump, February 10, 2020)

Dateline May 7th, Phoenix Arizona.

Today's high temperature: 105.

Forecast high for tomorrow: 103.

Saturday: 102.

Still waiting for the virus to "go away."

And Arizona..

Arizona halts partnership with experts predicting coronavirus cases would continue to mount

Chart for Arizona. Rapid increase in cases
Trump’s unhinged rant about Lincoln Project ad shows his weakness - The Washington Post
Trump raged that he is a winner, while they are “LOSERS" who represent the GOP that Barack Obama beat in 2008 and 2012. In the 2016 primaries, Trump seethed, they “got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer.”

In contrast to those losers, Trump fumed, he delivered for the GOP: two Supreme Court justices and the “biggest EVER Tax & Regulation cuts.”

But this very boast on taxes and regulations shows why Trump’s reelection case is so weak. It’s a reminder that as president, he fully embraced GOP plutocracy and sold out on the sham economic populism that, by his own mythology, enabled him to outdo all those Republicans. He is revealing the corrupt bargain he has since made with conservative economic elites.
He attacked his opponents for having connections to Goldman Sachs, then hired some people with Goldman Sachs connections for some high-level positions.
The original idea was that Trump would win reelection in spite of that enormous betrayal. He would coast on the good economy he largely inherited, and falsely give his policies credit for it, thus obscuring their true plutocratic nature, paving the way for more plutocracy to come.
Yes, pose as some economics genius who spends 12 hours a day studying economic data and giving instructions to businesses across the country.
The new campaign message is that he can rebuild the economy better than presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who the Trump camp argues co-piloted a sluggish rebound from the 2008 financial crisis, according to two officials familiar with the strategy.
“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” (Donald J. Trump, February 10, 2020)

Dateline May 7th, Phoenix Arizona.

Today's high temperature: 105.

Forecast high for tomorrow: 103.

Saturday: 102.

Still waiting for the virus to "go away."

And Arizona..

A state where our governor's claim to fame is running a chain of ice cream parlors.

Ducey was the CEO of Cold Stone Creamery, based out of Scottsdale. I'll give him this...the ice cream was pretty good...but that doesn't exactly qualify him to run a multi-billion dollar economy. We've had some colorful characters (and a few crooks) in the governor's mansion over the past few decades, but Doug is right up there with the worst when it comes to incompetent leadership.
Democrats need to use Republicans’ playbook to make sure Trump loses - The Washington Post
Democrats, learn from your former Republican foes: Pull heartstrings, wave the flag and go straight for the jugular.

Political warfare in this country has long been asymmetrical. Democrats tend to appeal to voters with arguments based on reason, fairness and economic self-interest. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but defeating President Trump and his GOP enablers is too important to leave any weapons on the shelf. Democrats need to learn to use the tools that Republicans have long wielded with tremendous skill and success: emotion, patriotism and cultural affinity.
The "Mourning in America" ad has a title that evokes Ronald Reagan's 1984 ad "Morning in America", and it depicts a country in decrepitude.
We do know, however, what the members of the Lincoln Project did to Trump: They hit him where it hurts. The president understands the importance of emotion in politics. He knows he is in grave danger of suffering a humiliating loss at the polls, and the last thing he wants to see is his opponents playing the game the way he does — if with a bit more finesse.
He wants to get re-elected, of course.
Trump can’t do what Reagan did and ask voters if they’re better off than they were four years ago — not with nearly 75,000 Americans dead from covid-19 and unemployment nearing Great Depression levels. He is already trying out various campaign themes, all of them designed to drive wedges and stoke anger: blame China for the virus. Blame Democratic governors and mayors for shutdown orders. Blame the media for asking inconvenient questions.

George Conway: Trump went ballistic at me on Twitter. Here’s why he reacts with such rage. - The Washington Post
Just days ago, the president flipped out at a detailed New York Times article that described how he watches television at all hours, obsessed about how he’s covered in the news. As though to prove the story’s thesis, Trump rage-tweeted that it was a “phony story” and that the media would say “Anything to demean!”
He then described Trump's rage-tweeting at him for "Mourning in America".
Just to be clear, I'm not wishing death on anyone. That would be a heartless, cruel thing to do. Yet, if I were to take my cue from the right wing's "open the economy, too bad for grandma" advice...


WASHINGTON - The White House rapidly increased coronavirus testing for those around President Donald Trump and took other emergency measures Thursday after a staffer whose job potentially put him in close daily contact with the president had tested positive for the coronavirus.

The truth is that Trump is an elderly man, and while some debate still exists around his health, the simple fact is that he's an "at risk" individual. If we're to follow the advice of his administration and his supporters, it only seems fair to say....

He's had a good life. A good, long life. It would be sad if he passed away due to the virus, but I think we can all say that he'd want us to continue on the path that he set before us. Yes, some of our elderly citizens may go a bit early, but it's for the greater good, after all.
Did Creepy pedo Biden say 600.000 dead Americans or not! I love the way you're trying to dodge the facts! In fact, does Biden know WTF he is right at this moment?

Not dodging the facts. He said it, then almost immediately corrected himself. To claim otherwise is spin. If you think misspeaking disqualifies you to run for President, I have some bad news for you. And if you think Biden is the least articulate person to have ever run for President, I have some even worse news for you. Neither is even remotely factual.

"Over 600,000 dead, many of them are people who are those workers, those nurses, doctors, some of them, because they have put themselves in a position to save other people's lives, protect the rest of society," Biden said Thursday on MSNBC. "And we talk about that number like 600 plus thousand people ..."

Host Joe Scarborough interrupted Biden, correcting him by saying, "60,000."

"Yeah, 60,000," Biden responded. "I misspoke ... over 60,000 dead."

But speaking of dodging, you still have yet to provide any evidence to your claim that, "The New York Times itself has admitted that around 87% of the mainstream media is pro Dem". We can talk about dodging, if you like.

Agree to a point that every now and then one can " misspeak" , but with Creepy Pedo Joe it's an every day occurrence. Let's face it, a dude who mistakes his sister for his wife is not fit to be POTUS! Did I say 87% of mainstream media such as NYT is anti Trump? Actually it's more like 95% in NYT case and between 65%-90% in the case of CNN, NBC etc. A credible media source with an ounce of decency would not show any bias if they're printing/programming to a mass audience.

The moron doesn't even know what century he's in..................
Did I say 87% of mainstream media such as NYT is anti Trump? Actually it's more like 95% in NYT case and between 65%-90% in the case of CNN, NBC etc. A credible media source with an ounce of decency would not show any bias if they're printing/programming to a mass audience.

Firstly, every fucking time I have fucking asked you this fucking question, I have linked your original fucking post and quoted you FULLY and in context. How can you fuck that up, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Let me spell it out. You said "The New York Times itself has admitted that around 87% of the mainstream media is pro Dem". I have asked for proof. Several times. When and where did the NYT "admit" to this. If it were just your opinion, I would dismiss it as it has been my experience that right wingers cry bias every time a story is reported that they don't like. That didn't happen here. You said, and I'll fucking quote you again, "The New York Times itself has admitted that around 87% of the mainstream media is pro Dem"

So, point to this admission pr admit you're wrong.

Now, to the other part of your post,

Agree to a point that every now and then one can " misspeak" ,
I find it very difficult to believe you would give anyone you disagree with a pass on misspeaking. You give the impression of someone who thrives on gotcha moments. Not something I can prove either, but it's interesting to note. You then go on to say

but with Creepy Pedo Joe it's an every day occurrence.

Which kinda shows your ignorance in US politics and this Presidential campaign in particular. Your "creepy Joes" rhetoric has been debunked so many times (most recently here), you repeating it shows a lack of comprehension or a learning disability on your part. Let's try this one more time. Nothing Biden has done or has been accused of disqualifies him for running for President, especially in this election considering the competition.

You don't like a "dude who mistakes his sister for his wife"? What do you think of a guy who can't remember his wife or his son's name?
Tell me which is worse - mixing up the centuries or mixing up the centuries?

Every reason you have given for why Biden should not be president disqualifies the only alternative. And quite frankly the stupidity that is Trump is so pervasive, the thread about Trump's idiocy is over 200 pages long. I'm definitely not a fan of whataboutisms, but this is Moore/Coulter territory for fucks sake. That you are unwilling or unable to even acknowledge this suggests either a willfulness to argue dishonestly or an abundance of ignorance inspired by obstinate stupidity.
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