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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

There was a plan for how the country should be reopened. It got squashed by His Flatulence. Fortunately, it leaked:


And a whistleblower has revealed how badly he fucked up the response:


Any idea how to download that CDC document other than copy the text of all 17 pages one at a time?

Edit: never mind. Finally saw the download link.

"Original Document - PDF" link in the right.
Trump’s damage is already done. He may not be able to save himself. - The Washington Post
Some stunning polls suggest the race is competitive in places where Trump should be winning easily. In Montana, a University of Montana poll finds: “Trump leading Biden by just 5 points, 45% to 40%, despite winning there by 20 points in 2016. A [Democratic] presidential candidate last won Montana in 1992, when Bill Clinton narrowly edged out George H.W. Bush by 2.5% as part of a landslide electoral college victory.” In Texas, the last two polls show Trump and Biden in a statistical dead heat. (Trump won by nine points in 2016.) And in North Carolina, which Trump won by almost four points, one poll shows Biden leading by seven points, and others show a dead heat.
But a lot can happen between now and November. Nevertheless,
“Rural towns that one month ago were unscathed are suddenly hot spots for the virus. It is rampaging through nursing homes, meatpacking plants and prisons, killing the medically vulnerable and the poor, and new outbreaks keep emerging in grocery stores, Walmarts or factories, an ominous harbinger of what a full reopening of the economy will bring.” And it’s not just big cities in red states. “Smaller towns and rural counties in the Midwest and South have suddenly been hit hard, underscoring the capriciousness of the pandemic.”
I'm concerned that Republicans and red staters may think that they and only they deserve aid. We've seen this when they objected to New York City getting a lot of aid after being hit by Superstorm Sandy, while never objecting when their own states get hit by hurricanes and tornadoes. They never say "We ought to accept those storms as just punishments for our sins and refuse any assistance in rebuilding. Aid only causes dependency, and that is why we are rejecting it, so that we may be self-reliant. It is better to be free and economically ruined than to be subject and prosperous."

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Patience Roggensack suggests covid-19 outbreak affects meatpacking workers, 'not regular folks' - The Washington Post
Yeah, when the heat comes....thinking Iran, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Israel...
“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” (Donald J. Trump, February 10, 2020)

Dateline May 7th, Phoenix Arizona.

Today's high temperature: 105.

Forecast high for tomorrow: 103.

Saturday: 102.

Still waiting for the virus to "go away."

And Arizona..

Arizona halts partnership with experts predicting coronavirus cases would continue to mount

Chart for Arizona. Rapid increase in cases

Then the pressure mounted, and Ducey folded...proving again it can be dangerous to try to channel Clownstick's behavioral methods.

Arizona reversed course on Thursday and resumed a partnership with epidemiologists whose projections suggest the state may be moving too rapidly to reopen businesses as cases of the novel coronavirus mount.
The rest of the article goes on about how the Team Ducey tried to cover the reversal in a not so sweet smelling growth material...
Krystal Ball: Why the rich are partying while country burns - YouTube

New Ad From Conservative Group Angers Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC - YouTube

Trump Got 'Lava Level Mad' At Staff After Personal Valet Contracts COVID-19 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - YouTube

Trump and some top aides question accuracy of coronavirus death toll - Axios
President Trump has complained to advisers about the way coronavirus deaths are being calculated, suggesting the real numbers are actually lower — and a number of his senior aides share this view, according to sources with direct knowledge.

Reality check: There is no evidence the death rate has been exaggerated, and experts believe coronavirus deaths in the U.S. are being undercounted — not overcounted.
Everyone remember the ‘bikini graph’? The chart showing job growth/loss under Bush then Obama?

If you don’t, then here it is:

Well it has been updated to show Trump’s record:

Melinda Gates Gives Trump Administration's Coronavirus Response 'D-,' Says More Money May Be Needed to Fight Pandemic
She also said an upcoming congressional stimulus bill should put forth more money to protect workers from the financial and viral effects of the epidemic.

"We need leadership at the national level," Gates said. "We lost two months... in terms of our national response. We have governors who are stepping up, luckily, but now we have 50 different home-grown state solutions instead of a national response."

"You know, if we were doing the things that the exemplar countries are doing, like Germany, we would be testing," she continued. "We would be testing first healthcare workers and then the most vulnerable. And we'd be doing contact tracing, and we would be able to start thinking about slowly, slowly reopening places in society in safe and healthy ways."
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"But we have a lack of coordinated effort," she concluded. "That's just the truth across the United States."

"We have to look at all employees as caregivers. We are caring for those at home and this hidden cost that our economy is built on the back of is finally visible to all of us. And so Congress can act," she said.
Melinda Gates gives Trump administration 'D-minus' for coronavirus response - POLITICO

Melinda Gates gives Trump admin D- on coronavirus response: 'We need leadership' | TheHill

Victory in Europe, and victory over a pandemic: Unconditional surrender vs. wishful thinking | TheHill - about how World War II started out with defeatism and setbacks for the Allies.

Facebook says anti-Trump ad includes 'partly false' information | TheHill - saying that Congress was also involved in the inadequate response to the pandemic.
Trump Death Clock: Times Square Billboard Tallies Lives Lost to COVID-19 Inaction

A 56-foot billboard called the Trump Death Clock was unveiled in Times Square in New York City. The tally of lives lost to government inaction was created by filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, who says, “On behalf of all of those who needlessly lost their lives to this failed leadership in a pandemic, we need a symbol, a symbol that cries out not only for accountability, but also for more responsible and responsive stewardship, going forward.” As of the Friday morning broadcast, the death toll count was nearly 47,000 and growing.
The DOW is up >300 points today so far. If the truth were told, it'd be down another thousand. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, COMMIE?

Overreactions are excellent buying opportunities.

Same shit, different day.

Two years ago when I ordered my broker to get me the hell out of stocks because Trump, he scoffed. Told me Presidents don't have any enduring impact on the stock market. I told him this isn't a president, it's an idiot.
Been rubbing it in ever since.

He freaks that a staffer tests positive and is being tested every day and yet he tries to hide the real impact of C19 from the general public, as well as the health advice on how bet to reopen, encouraging states to open prematurely and risk increasing death toll by 2-3x

He's a complete hypocrite.

All the while the "wartime president" is telling Americans to go out and be warriors for his precious economy. Such leadership.

And such humanity, from Tuesday.

With that said, for those people that have lost somebody, for the people that have lost a loved one, even a close friend, you know, nothing can ever happen that’s going to replace that. You know, I don’t care what kind of a year you have from an economic standpoint, nobody is ever going to replace that.

But I think, from an economic standpoint — purely an economic standpoint — I think next year is potentially going to be one of the best years we’ve had. There’s tremendous stimulus out there. And people want to get out. They want to go and they want to go to town. This country was founded on certain principles, and those principles are at work like you’ve never seen before
He's had a good life. A good, long life. It would be sad if he passed away due to the virus, but I think we can all say that he'd want us to continue on the path that he set before us. Yes, some of our elderly citizens may go a bit early, but it's for the greater good, after all.

If he dies of it will the right wing realize their mistake?

He freaks that a staffer tests positive and is being tested every day and yet he tries to hide the real impact of C19 from the general public, as well as the health advice on how bet to reopen, encouraging states to open prematurely and risk increasing death toll by 2-3x

He's a complete hypocrite.
Maybe the US would be better off if he does contract it... all of a sudden COVID-19 would be the biggest hugest priority ever in the history Presidencies, especially the bestest ones.
He's had a good life. A good, long life. It would be sad if he passed away due to the virus, but I think we can all say that he'd want us to continue on the path that he set before us. Yes, some of our elderly citizens may go a bit early, but it's for the greater good, after all.

If he dies of it will the right wing realize their mistake?
The guy wanted his experts to look into injecting disinfectant and shining lights on people to treat COVID-19... and they are still on board. These people are clinically brain dead when it comes to politics.
He's had a good life. A good, long life. It would be sad if he passed away due to the virus, but I think we can all say that he'd want us to continue on the path that he set before us. Yes, some of our elderly citizens may go a bit early, but it's for the greater good, after all.

If he dies of it will the right wing realize their mistake?


Even money they blame Hillary.
She couldn't beat him in an election, she couldn't take him down with the Russia hoax, or the impeachoax, and the virus was on the way down without ruining him, so someone slipped it into his food or something. Derp state! DEEP STATE!!!
Maybe the US would be better off if he does contract it... all of a sudden COVID-19 would be the biggest hugest priority ever in the history Presidencies, especially the bestest ones.

Nope. If he contracts it we won't hear from him for a few days. Best case, he gets intubated and we don't hear from him for a week or few. But if that happens we won't even get confirmation that he got it. If treatment works quickly he'll be back saying "I told you it was just the flu". If he gets near death then recovers it will be "I had some complications but even with that it's not so bad". Even if he dies, there will be some kind of effort to chalk it up to something else.

Come to think of it... I haven't heard him blathering on the TV for a few hours...
Trump says he couldn't have exposed WWII vets to COVID-19 because the wind was blowing the wrong way

President Trump commemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday with eight World War II veterans, the youngest of whom was 96 and the oldest of whom was 100, CBS News reports. The president, however, did not wear a mask around the veterans despite the CDC's warning that anyone over the age of 65 is at a higher risk for severe illness if they catch COVID-19.

Trump, notably, could have been exposed to the virus by one of his personal valets, who tested positive for COVID-19 this week and potentially wasn't wearing a mask when he interacted with the president. Asked if Trump gave "any consideration to wearing a mask" with the veterans "given that his valet just tested positive," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that Trump is "regularly tested." She added that the veterans "made the choice" to attend the ceremony "because they've chosen to put their nation first. They wanted to be with their commander-in-chief on this momentous day. And it was there choice to come here."

So, GOOD people don't get sick. Those that do apparently deserve it...
COVID19 is like AIDS, God's punishment.

Except... well, see, if i were looking for PURE men, military vets are not where i would start looking. Especially if they saw combat. Not judging them as bad, Nothing knows, but, really, their (our) job was to go somewhere and give people the deads. However they rationalized the deed, it's not really what I would call 'pure.'
And if Dodger-In-Chief had the slightest military experience he might know that.
Trump says he couldn't have exposed WWII vets to COVID-19 because the wind was blowing the wrong way

President Trump commemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday with eight World War II veterans, the youngest of whom was 96 and the oldest of whom was 100, CBS News reports. The president, however, did not wear a mask around the veterans despite the CDC's warning that anyone over the age of 65 is at a higher risk for severe illness if they catch COVID-19.

Trump, notably, could have been exposed to the virus by one of his personal valets, who tested positive for COVID-19 this week and potentially wasn't wearing a mask when he interacted with the president. Asked if Trump gave "any consideration to wearing a mask" with the veterans "given that his valet just tested positive," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that Trump is "regularly tested." She added that the veterans "made the choice" to attend the ceremony "because they've chosen to put their nation first. They wanted to be with their commander-in-chief on this momentous day. And it was there choice to come here."

The Broadside of a Bus Club keeps growing with the Trump Admin.
The DOW is up >300 points today so far. If the truth were told, it'd be down another thousand. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, COMMIE?

Overreactions are excellent buying opportunities.

Same shit, different day.

Two years ago when I ordered my broker to get me the hell out of stocks because Trump, he scoffed. Told me Presidents don't have any enduring impact on the stock market. I told him this isn't a president, it's an idiot.
Been rubbing it in ever since.

Assuming an S&P fund, high in 2018 was $2823 on 1/18. High Last year was 3230 in December. Today $2929. What’s to rub in?
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