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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

This Is Not the Apocalypse You Were Looking For | WIRED
Covid-19 changed everything. Suddenly, the immense and frightening upheaval, the cataclysm that means nothing can go back to normal, is here, and it’s so different from what we imagined. I was expecting Half-Life. I was expecting World War Z. I’ve been dressing like I’m in The Matrix since 2003. I was not expecting to be facing this sort of thing in snuggly socks and a dressing gown, thousands of miles from home, trying not to panic and craving a proper cup of tea. This apocalypse is less Danny Boyle and more Douglas Adams.

T Karney on Twitter: "Do you know why the "preppers" are losing their shit? ..." / Twitter
Do you know why the "preppers" are losing their shit?

Because this wasn't the apocalypse they were promised. They were promised a wasteland; a sudden destruction of everything; with bodies littering the streets and a massive power vacuum, which they would get to fill.

They were told, but Orson Scott Card, and Dean Ing, and David Brin, and Vernor Vinge, and... that the world would be a shambles, gov't would disappear and they would be the New World Order.

They had food to make it to... sometime, and the guns to become the new Feudal Masters. They talk about the "return to the old days" and "Rustic Democracy" but they imagined themselves running the show.

They, you see, would be defending "The Valley" against "The Outisde", and the outside was all those effete (or not-white) folks from the cities.

This isn't what they paid for.

It's not supposed to be everyone working together to try and make sure it doesn't all fall apart; they were promised sudden death and holy fire; a nuclear blast or a heavenly rapture; followed by the war of all against all.

But the world doesn't work that way. It never has. Lucifer's Hammer (for all the flaws in it's dramatic arc; which are many; and could be reduced by erasing the casually racist framing) got this right.

Even in the midst of an actual Götterdamerung; while the skies are falling; folks are linking up, helping their neighbors; and even the strangers passing through.

Preppers don't believe in that. They cut themselves off from society when they started their bunkers; their personal lifeboat; with a list of whom they were willing to save; and the rest can die.

This pandemic... it shames them. It shows them (though I doubt they realise it) their view of humanity is stunted, and warped. They want the End Times they were promised.

And, like toddlers who don't get their birthday party at Chucky Cheese, they are throwing tantrums; trying to get what they think they deserve.

As I would like to be able to engage with the parts of twitter I use/enjoy/interact with... I'm going to be muting this thread... because just the first tweet has done this in less than 24 hours.
Some of these disaster preppers have built their own survival bunkers. The recent lockdowns seem like a good time to practice with their bunkers. How well did it go?
“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” (Donald J. Trump, February 10, 2020)

Dateline May 7th, Phoenix Arizona.

Today's high temperature: 105.

Forecast high for tomorrow: 103.

Saturday: 102.

Still waiting for the virus to "go away."

The Chinese virus still hanging around killing Americans [ ambient temperature makes no difference to it] and many other thousands throughout the world is all the Trumps fault. Right, got it now. How could I be so stupid not to see that before!

Trump specifically said that ambient temperature would make a difference. His error in this regard is absolutely his fault.

How you could be so stupid is entirely a matter for you.

Forget that bullshite. Everyone knows the Trump is a buffoon and opens his big mouth when it would be best to keep it shut, or better still, try to hire Obongo's speech writers.

I'm just pointing out that no matter who was POTUS atm, the Chinese flu originates from Wuhan, either from a wet market or nearby in a Wuhan lab. Trump or anyone else had nothing to do with it's spreading and creating the pandemic, as much you'd like to blame the most hated, by the left, president in American history.
Trump specifically said that ambient temperature would make a difference. His error in this regard is absolutely his fault.

How you could be so stupid is entirely a matter for you.

Forget that bullshite. Everyone knows the Trump is a buffoon and opens his big mouth when it would be best to keep it shut, or better still, try to hire Obongo's speech writers.

I'm just pointing out that no matter who was POTUS atm, the Chinese flu originates from Wuhan, either from a wet market or nearby in a Wuhan lab. Trump or anyone else had nothing to do with it's spreading and creating the pandemic, as much you'd like to blame the most hated, by the left, president in American history.

How would you compare Mark McGowans performance with Donald Trumps?

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Trump specifically said that ambient temperature would make a difference. His error in this regard is absolutely his fault.

How you could be so stupid is entirely a matter for you.

Forget that bullshite. Everyone knows the Trump is a buffoon and opens his big mouth when it would be best to keep it shut, or better still, try to hire Obongo's speech writers.

I'm just pointing out that no matter who was POTUS atm, the Chinese flu originates from Wuhan, either from a wet market or nearby in a Wuhan lab. Trump or anyone else had nothing to do with it's spreading and creating the pandemic, as much you'd like to blame the most hated, by the left, president in American history.

How would you compare Mark McGowans performance with Donald Trumps?

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I suspect angelo thinks he's doing a shit job because four legs good, Labor bad.
How would you compare Mark McGowans performance with Donald Trumps?

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I suspect angelo thinks he's doing a shit job because four legs good, Labor bad.

I don't think he understands that early response DOD in fact play a large role in keeping infection rates lownin many places around the world, from travel quarantined to effective social distancing guidelines followed early and often.

But I guess this is what we get for electing a president who has muzzled the EPA and gutted the CDC, proving time and again that he doesn't care what "nerds" think.
Everyone knows the Trump is a buffoon ... Trump or anyone else had nothing to do with it's spreading and creating the pandemic

Bullshit. On January 24th the buffoon was praising his friend President Xi for his transparency, even though Fauci had been telling him point-blank for weeks that China was refusing to provide bio samples for vaccine research and was not giving the US science community accurate information. He was warned numerous time by then that American deaths could be in the tens or hundreds of thousands, but he did NOTHING. The buffoon and his daughter have so much money to lose if their China manufacturing goes south, that they chose to lie to the American people about it ("It's one person from China... it's going to be just fine" said Trump on 1/24) and is still lying to this day. Even though Republicans are now telling him he has to make China the villain in this story if he doesn't want to be blamed for the tens or hundreds of thousands of American deaths that will result from his lies and deceptions, Trump refuses to jeopardize his personal interests.
Trump has everything to do with the extent and the speed with which the pandemic is spreading though the US. And he is helping his buddies like DeSantis in Florida suppress reporting, re-categorize deaths that are occurring in FL, forbidding medical examiners from reporting deaths and declaring himself a hero in true Trump style.
Yesterday Florida reported 5 - count 'em: FIVE deaths. They have at least 38,000 active cases, so that number is a bad joke.
The same shenanigans are going on in Texas, Georgia, and anywhere else Republican corruption has take root.
How would you compare Mark McGowans performance with Donald Trumps?

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I suspect angelo thinks he's doing a shit job because four legs good, Labor bad.

I don't think he understands that early response DOD in fact play a large role in keeping infection rates lownin many places around the world, from travel quarantined to effective social distancing guidelines followed early and often.

But I guess this is what we get for electing a president who has muzzled the EPA and gutted the CDC, proving time and again that he doesn't care what "nerds" think.

Not sure you interpreted the question correctly. Dannyk was asking how angelo would compare Trump's efforts with the Premier of Western Australia during this pandemic(A Premier is the equivalent of a US Governor roughly). The interesting part is Mark McGowan is from the Labor party. Now we are all aware that angelo gets quite furious when he assumes people have opinions on politicians that only mirror ideological lines, so I have no doubt his answer will be well thought out and insightful backed up with facts.

Believe me.
Trump specifically said that ambient temperature would make a difference. His error in this regard is absolutely his fault.

How you could be so stupid is entirely a matter for you.

Forget that bullshite. Everyone knows the Trump is a buffoon and opens his big mouth when it would be best to keep it shut, or better still, try to hire Obongo's speech writers.

I'm just pointing out that no matter who was POTUS atm, the Chinese flu originates from Wuhan, either from a wet market or nearby in a Wuhan lab. Trump or anyone else had nothing to do with it's spreading and creating the pandemic, as much you'd like to blame the most hated, by the left, president in American history.
So when Trump suggested that people go to work sick, that had no impact? Or when Trump was fanning flames for people to go outside and protest that has had no affect? Or kind of ignoring the problem in late February saying it'd go away like a miracle... when it was spreading everywhere.

We could possibly be outside by now, safely, had Trump reacted appropriately.
Some of the Michigan protesters' targets are fighting back: Michigan lawmaker enters State Capitol flanked by armed black men - Business Insider
  • Michigan Rep. Sarah Anthony was flanked by three black men toting rifles when she entered the State Capitol in Lansing on Wednesday.
  • It's been less than a week since hundreds of protesters descended on the building while the legislature was in session, carrying guns and racist symbols to oppose the coronavirus lockdown.
  • "It was just unnerving to me as a woman and as a person. These community volunteers today won't be needed all the time, but they wanted to have a presence today," Anthony told City Pulse.
  • Michael Lynn, Jr. a community activist who organized Anthony's security detail said, "We came out here today to make sure we could provide some protection, even if it's only just to make her feel better."
Another news story mentioned 5 black men and 1 Hispanic man, and different kinds of guns.

That's brilliant. Let the white "protesters" crap themselves when they realize that they're not the only ones who own guns.
AOC's Instagram page has lots of fun stuff, and some of it very relevant:

Everyday Bronx on Instagram: “For #followfriday we are featuring images hashtagged #everydaybronx This is NY Photo by @sheri.baker_ #everydaybronx #everydayeverywhere…”

Outside with no mask?

(Forget about it)

CEOs were asked to remove masks before meeting with Mike Pence in Iowa.
Mere hours after Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for COVID-19, he was set to meet with a group of food industry executives who had gathered for a roundtable discussion in West Des Moines, Iowa. But before Pence joined them on the stage, someone came in and asked all five guests to remove their masks, which they all did dutifully, reports the Intercept, which posted a segment of the live video stream of the event that showed the sequence of events. “The strange request underscored just how committed the White House is to ignoring federal health advice intended to slow the spread of the pandemic coronavirus,” notes the Intercept’s Robert Mackey.
Face masks make a political statement in era of coronavirus
The decision to wear a mask in public is becoming a political statement — a moment to pick sides in a brewing culture war over containing the coronavirus.

While not yet as loaded as a “Make America Great Again” hat, the mask is increasingly a visual shorthand for the debate pitting those willing to follow health officials’ guidance and cover their faces against those who feel it violates their freedom or buys into a threat they think is overblown.
Pence will not self-quarantine and plans to be at the White House Monday - CNNPolitics

Meadows learns to navigate Kushner’s sprawling White House influence - POLITICO - "The new chief of staff is witnessing Trump White House truisms: Power centers vie over many decisions, and Jared Kushner is often the most powerful voice."

‘Scary to Go to Work’: White House Races to Contain Virus in Its Ranks - The New York Times - "With two White House staff members testing positive, some officials fear the disease is already spreading rapidly through the West Wing."
The Trump administration is racing to contain an outbreak of the coronavirus inside the White House, as some senior officials believe that the disease is already spreading rapidly through the warren of cramped offices that make up the three floors of the West Wing.

Three top officials leading the government’s coronavirus response have begun two weeks of self-quarantine after two members of the White House staff — one of President Trump’s personal valets and Katie Miller, the spokeswoman for Vice President Mike Pence — tested positive. But others who came into contact with Ms. Miller and the valet are continuing to report to work at the White House.
I'm surprised that Trump isn't scared shitless. He has some of the disease's risk factors, and he and Pence get tested once a day, even as they don't seem interested in a massive expansion of testing for all the rest of us.
It's appearing pretty obvious that C19 is not going to subside in the summer coming up in the northern hemisphere. It also appears that the pressure is on to open up the economy regardless. So has anyone seen anything at all that suggests any effort on the part of the trump administration to massively ramp up the volume of testing and the accuracy and speeds at which results are obtained?

Without massive and quick testing, as well as contact tracing, I don't see how we can avoid doubling the number of deaths. I also don't see people being willing to return to anything like their normal economic behavior and thus even if companies are allowed to open, people will still stay away. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/07/politics/pew-research-poll-coronavirus-restrictions-states/index.html And supply chains for necessary supplies will falter as employees get sick and die.

What the fuck is the Trump administration doing to make it possible to open the economy safely? Anything? I've even seen mentions of Trump commenting we don't need more testing?

It's appearing pretty obvious that C19 is not going to subside in the summer coming up in the northern hemisphere. It also appears that the pressure is on to open up the economy regardless. So has anyone seen anything at all that suggests any effort on the part of the trump administration to massively ramp up the volume of testing and the accuracy and speeds at which results are obtained?

Without massive and quick testing, as well as contact tracing, I don't see how we can avoid doubling the number of deaths. I also don't see people being willing to return to anything like their normal economic behavior and thus even if companies are allowed to open, people will still stay away. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/07/politics/pew-research-poll-coronavirus-restrictions-states/index.html And supply chains for necessary supplies will falter as employees get sick and die.

What the fuck is the Trump administration doing to make it possible to open the economy safely? Anything? I've even seen mentions of Trump commenting we don't need more testing?
The supply chain issue is definitely the largest concern right now. Opening the economy needs all production to be nearly perfect. As in, protocols for assuring no transmission, not merely testing. So food plants, distribution systems, manufacturing plants. And there appears to be absolutely no effort by the Trump Admin to see to that. He kind of handed it off to the states and just demands shit. If (when) there are outbreaks within the distribution network, that'll weaken the ability of the US to either produce or move goods. And that is when things could get bad!

And this ignores the threat to nursing homes and hospitals. This simply looks at the reduced interchangeable distribution and production network in the US. Pretty much, the US needs to be all-in on the economy at the expense of life, there is no middle ground here.
Pretty much, the US needs to be all-in on the economy at the expense of life, there is no middle ground here.

I don't understand what you mean here Jimmy.

I don't see the population being "all in on the economy" unless there is the necessary testing, tracing and as you pointed out, enforced effective protocols. People simply won't do it in exceptionally large numbers. So the economy will remain tanked until those are in place. Trump somehow doesn't get that his ignoring those issues essentially guarantees that the economy will not be able to recover.
Pretty much, the US needs to be all-in on the economy at the expense of life, there is no middle ground here.

I don't understand what you mean here Jimmy..

I don't see the population being "all in on the economy" unless there is the necessary testing, tracing and as you pointed out, enforced effective protocols. People simply won't do it in exceptionally large numbers. So the economy will remain tanked until those are in place. Trump somehow doesn't get that his ignoring those issues essentially guarantees that the economy will not be able to recover.
Agreed. The issue is that 20 to 33% of the country is making the most noise about the question of opening or not opening. And if we do open, we really need to be all in on opening, otherwise, we will disrupt the supply chains. People dying in factories... can't care. People dying in meat packers... need beef! So PPE or no, we have to move forward because otherwise, the COVID-19 blooms would disrupt our supply chains and access to food and goods will likely become compromised.
From The Atlantic article I posed above. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/05/theres-only-one-way-out-of-this-mess/611431/

Caitlin Rivers, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, also struggled to articulate the lack of any federal plan this week.

For the past few months, Rivers has helped write a series of reports for the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, about how to reopen the economy amid the pandemic. But testifying to Congress on Wednesday, she emphasized how little those plans had been followed and how much work remained to be done. The U.S. needs a federal team relentlessly focused on assessing and expanding its ability to test for the coronavirus, she said. Such a task force could tell governors, for instance, “whether and when significantly more tests may be reliably available to states,” and it could advise businesses on whether their plans to test workers “are even possible.”

But that federal effort has yet to materialize, she said: “If this work has been done, I have not seen it, and I fear that neither have the governors and other state and local leaders who are having to make decisions about how and when to reopen.”

In recent days, President Trump has seemed skeptical of the utility of tests, even though White House employees are tested for the virus every day. After Katie Miller, a member of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff, tested positive for the virus today, Trump said that the result illustrated why “the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great.”

When even the ultra-conservative American Enterprise Institute tells Trump that to open the economy we need the massive testing, etc... and he ignores it, what the fuck hope is there?
Trump's statement on Friday regarding the testing being an issue was smack your forehead with an I-beam stupid.

'What good is testing if someone can all of a sudden test positive?' Agreed, let's stop testing at the White House.
I'm picturing a day when I can leave my home, go out to work, do some shopping, browse a bookstore or catch a couple of games of bowling, then come home to my (immuno-compromised) wife.

Before I leave, home I need to take a test. The test has to be nearly 100% reliable, able to be performed by clueless yours-truly, and report the results immediately. I can't just take a test when I feel sick, because I can have the virus for several days while asymptomatic. Otherwise I might infect my coworkers.

But what if I pick up the virus from someone else at work? Then I should test myself before leaving work and going to the bookstore.

But what if I pick up the virus at the bookstore. I should test myself once more before leaving for the bowling alley, and I should test myself before going home. If I bring the virus home to my wife, then she's a Dead Woman Walking.

One normal day, four tests, just for me.

I don't know what's the answer.
I'm picturing a day when I can leave my home, go out to work, do some shopping, browse a bookstore or catch a couple of games of bowling, then come home to my (immuno-compromised) wife.

Before I leave, home I need to take a test. The test has to be nearly 100% reliable, able to be performed by clueless yours-truly, and report the results immediately. I can't just take a test when I feel sick, because I can have the virus for several days while asymptomatic. Otherwise I might infect my coworkers.

But what if I pick up the virus from someone else at work? Then I should test myself before leaving work and going to the bookstore.

But what if I pick up the virus at the bookstore. I should test myself once more before leaving for the bowling alley, and I should test myself before going home. If I bring the virus home to my wife, then she's a Dead Woman Walking.

One normal day, four tests, just for me.

I don't know what's the answer.
I don't think you can detect contraction of the disease anywhere near that quickly.
I think that the most rapid test I have heard of are machines that can give results back in about 45 minutes. I also heard that the reliability is in question and of course there are very few of them.

This is the kind of bottleneck that Trump needs to have an actually competent team working on an funding. But he appears not to want to.
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