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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Moron in chief says he has been taking hydroxychloroquine for a week and a half.

Studies so far show it' not useful on C19 and it's known to have serious and sometimes deadly side effects including heart problems. Trump has a common preexisting heart problem.


Is he this stupid or is he actually lying?
One of the quirky aspects of having a narcissist for president is that he is a victim of the cult of personality too.

"Trump said it so it must be true."

BTW, is hydroxychloroquine an over the counter drug? If not, which idiot "doctor" gave Trump the prescription?
Moron in chief says he has been taking hydroxychloroquine for a week and a half.

Studies so far show it' not useful on C19 and it's known to have serious and sometimes deadly side effects including heart problems. Trump has a common preexisting heart problem.


Is he this stupid or is he actually lying?
One of the quirky aspects of having a narcissist for president is that he is a victim of the cult of personality too.

"Trump said it so it must be true."

BTW, is hydroxychloroquine an over the counter drug? If not, which idiot "doctor" gave Trump the prescription?

It' not over the counter. It's prescription only for use against lupus and malaria under close Dr supervision because of its serious side effects. It's not approved for use against C19 and the FDA has only allowed limited experimental use against C19 in the hospital setting. Ya. The Doctor is committing malpractice.
Moron in chief says he has been taking hydroxychloroquine for a week and a half.

Studies so far show it' not useful on C19 and it's known to have serious and sometimes deadly side effects including heart problems. Trump has a common preexisting heart problem.


Is he this stupid or is he actually lying?

Not only is he saying he is taking it, the asshole is saying lots of medical professionals are taking it. What a fucking asshole. I hope he is taking it, I hope he is taking a lot of it. I hope his doctor is Michael Jackson’s last one.

Also I’ll call you out on your fake news. We all know Trump doesn’t have a heart.
Moron in chief says he has been taking hydroxychloroquine for a week and a half.

Studies so far show it' not useful on C19 and it's known to have serious and sometimes deadly side effects including heart problems. Trump has a common preexisting heart problem.


Is he this stupid or is he actually lying?

Not only is he saying he is taking it, the asshole is saying lots of medical professionals are taking it. What a fucking asshole. I hope he is taking it, I hope he is taking a lot of it. I hope his doctor is Michael Jackson’s last one.

Also I’ll call you out on your fake news. We all know Trump doesn’t have a heart.

What the hell is he even trying to prove? He says he doesn't have C19 - at least so he says. The side effects are well known for this drug. It can cause really serious problems for some people.

And of course be may not be taking it at all, He lies so much that nothing he says can be accepted as true.
If you read the letter the doctor wrote, it doesn't explicitly confirm that Trump is taking it. Personally, I think the doctor wrote him a prescription for a placebo. With a baby this big you sometimes have to kiss his boo-boos to make them stop hurting.
If you read the letter the doctor wrote, it doesn't explicitly confirm that Trump is taking it. Personally, I think the doctor wrote him a prescription for a placebo. With a baby this big you sometimes have to kiss his boo-boos to make them stop hurting.
Man... that could be even worse. I was on a placebo and didn't die from COVID-19, so I'm ordering hospitals to give their patients placebo.
Infinite reps to anyone who manages to get SCROTUS to tweet that he's found a drug even better than hydroxychloroquine: "It's called 'placebo', and it's made in America. We have the best drugs."
Nancy Pelosi fears for 'morbidly obese' Trump after hydroxychloroquine admission | US news | The Guardian
He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

Wisconsin is starting to resemble a failed state | Wisconsin | The Guardian - Republicans having gerrymandered themselves into power there.

Congress just did something it hasn't done in a decade - CNNPolitics - its approval rating has gone up from 22% to 31%.
So what changed? The coronavirus pandemic crippled the country -- and Congress reacted aggressively, passing a series of bills that pumped money into the economy in hopes of keeping it afloat until stay-at-home orders and quarantine restrictions designed to stem the spread were no longer necessary.

Previous Gallup polls show how much Congress' image was helped by its reaction to the coronavirus. In a March Gallup survey nearly 6 in 10 Americans said they approved of the job Congress was doing to combat the virus. That number dipped to 48% in April but it was still far above overall approval for Congress.

... 1) People don't like Congress, until they need it.

... 2) People like when Congress actually does stuff.
Newsom: Dining to begin soon in most California counties, haircuts and church a few weeks away
Newsom also said California could allow pro sporting events to resume by June, although games would be without spectators and with “very prescriptive conditions.” In the preceding months, Newsom has been wary of major sporting events functioning as hubs for transmission.

Newsom also said relief could come to reeling cosmeticians and shaggy-headed residents in the weeks ahead if the trend lines of declining cases hold. His reopening framework put cosmetology services in a later phase, after manufacturing and curbside retail, but Newsom said encouraging numbers could accelerate the process.
Good to see them open up what is relatively safe to open up.
If you read the letter the doctor wrote, it doesn't explicitly confirm that Trump is taking it. Personally, I think the doctor wrote him a prescription for a placebo. With a baby this big you sometimes have to kiss his boo-boos to make them stop hurting.
Man... that could be even worse. I was on a placebo and didn't die from COVID-19, so I'm ordering hospitals to give their patients placebo.

That would be interesting if Trump is unknowingly just getting a placebo. It would certainly exonerate the Dr in term of medical ethics. But I doubt we'll ever know for sure unless the Dr gets so much heat from the medical community that he fesses up and Trump then fires him or Trump gets himself killed by the real med and autopsy shows it.
If you read the letter the doctor wrote, it doesn't explicitly confirm that Trump is taking it. Personally, I think the doctor wrote him a prescription for a placebo. With a baby this big you sometimes have to kiss his boo-boos to make them stop hurting.
Man... that could be even worse. I was on a placebo and didn't die from COVID-19, so I'm ordering hospitals to give their patients placebo.

That would be interesting if Trump is unknowingly just getting a placebo. It would certainly exonerate the Dr in term of medical ethics. But I doubt we'll ever know for sure unless the Dr gets so much heat from the medical community that he fesses up and Trump then fires him or Trump gets himself killed by the real med and autopsy shows it.
Is it morally unethical to allow one's patient to willfully self-medicate if that means thousands to hundreds of thousands of lives can be saved?
Hamza Shaban on Twitter: "The data scientist who designed Florida's COVID-19 dashboard — a mobile friendly, intuitive display of the outbreak — has been removed from her position because she refused to censor data and manipulate numbers to generate support for reopening, she says (links)" / Twitter

COVID-19 data researcher removed as Florida moves to re-open state - the state's COVID-19 case dashboard had been degrading in performance and data availability over the last few weeks.
The site was created by a team of Florida Department of Health data scientists and public health officers headed by Rebekah Jones. She announced last week her removal as of May 5 in a heartfelt farewell note emailed to researchers and other members of the public who had signed up to receive updates on the data portal.

Citing "reasons beyond my division’s control," Jones said her office is no longer managing the dashboard, is no longer involved in publication, fixing errors or answering questions "in any shape or form."

She warned that she does not know what the new team's intentions are for data access, including "what data they are now restricting."

"I understand, appreciate, and even share your concern about all the dramatic changes that have occurred and those that are yet to come," she wrote.

"As a word of caution, I would not expect the new team to continue the same level of accessibility and transparency that I made central to the process during the first two months. After all, my commitment to both is largely (arguably entirely) the reason I am no longer managing it."

Jones signed off, "It was great working with you guys. Good luck, and stay safe."
I'm reminded of Trofim Lysenko, a plant breeder and quack geneticist who got officially supported in the Soviet Union, with mainstream genetics being proscribed as un-Marxist Mendelist Weismannist Morganist bourgeois idealism.
Hamza Shaban on Twitter: "Rebekah Jones said that her removal was "not voluntary,” that she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen,” reports CBS 12, in Tallahassee https://t.co/wvc2CHyenl" / Twitter

Woman who designed Florida's COVID-19 dashboard has been removed from her position | WPEC
Rebekah Jones said in an email to CBS12 News that her removal was "not voluntary" and that she was removed from her position because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen."

Mark M on Twitter: "@hshaban Then there's Georgia that intentionally manipulated their COVID-19 cases graph (unless they are complete idiots) to suggest a decline in new cases over time - and justify the business re-opening https://t.co/xvwfvKiitf" / Twitter

Graph incident shows how Georgia is bungling coronavirus data - Business Insider
  • A recent graph from Georgia's Department of Public Health mixed up times and locations and appeared to show a consistent decline in COVID-19 case counts in the state's hardest-hit counties.
  • The department later updated the graph to show case counts in chronological order after criticism that included a state representative's letter to the governor's office.
  • The graph, which the representative described as "misleading," is just one of Georgia's data failures as it reopens businesses during its coronavirus outbreak, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Wednesday.

So this means that Georgia joins Florida as a member of the Trofim Lysenko Club.
That would be interesting if Trump is unknowingly just getting a placebo. It would certainly exonerate the Dr in term of medical ethics. But I doubt we'll ever know for sure unless the Dr gets so much heat from the medical community that he fesses up and Trump then fires him or Trump gets himself killed by the real med and autopsy shows it.
Is it morally unethical to allow one's patient to willfully self-medicate if that means thousands to hundreds of thousands of lives can be saved?

What are you talking about? Trump taking this drug when he does not have C19 serves no medical purpose whatsoever.

We are talking about Trump who says that he does not have C19 in the first place. Yes it's unethical to prescribe a drug that has well known risks especially for Trump who is vastly overweight and has a common heart condition. The drug is not being given for any medical purpose whatsoever. The FDA has only approved the drug for specific diseases such as Malaria and Lupus. The FDA is allowing limited use of the drug for people who actually have C19 but only in a hospital setting within a clinical trial.

It's unethical to prescribe a risky drug when doing so serves no medical purpose at all. All trump is doing is increasing the tightening supply of this drug for people who do need it for malaria and lupus. There are shortages of this drug for the people who actually need it for its approved uses.
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