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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Tammy Duckworth on Twitter: "Thankfully, there are better quotes from better Republican Presidents. Here’s one from Theodore Roosevelt—a Republican who earned the applause he received—that Trump might want to consider https://t.co/WAhvB23zGJ" / Twitter

James Woods hits back at 'morbidly corrupt' Nancy Pelosi after negative comment about Donald Trump | Fox News
What NP said:
"As far as the president is concerned, he's our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group -- what is it, morbidly obese they say. So I don't think that's a good idea," Pelosi told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.
James Woods on Twitter: "Morbidly corrupt... https://t.co/HNj6gB5XN3" / Twitter

Trump calls Nancy Pelosi a 'sick woman' with 'mental problems'
“Pelosi is a sick woman. She’s got a lot of problems, a lot of mental problems,” Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill after attending a lunch with Senate Republicans.

Pelosi says Trump is like a kid with ‘doggy doo on his shoes’
Pelosi launched into an extended attack on Trump at a press conference when asked about his tweet urging police to investigate the 2001 death of an intern who worked for MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, then a Florida GOP congressman.

“You’re asking me about the appropriateness of the actions of this president of the United States? So completely inappropriate in so many ways that it’s almost a given,” Pelosi said.

“It’s like a child who comes in with mud on their pants or something — that’s the way it is, they’re outside playing. He comes in with doggy doo on his shoes and everybody who works with him has that on their shoes, too, for a very long time to come.”

“I hear doctors talk to me about saying, ‘What’s matter with him?’ The things he says are so inappropriate for a president of the United States,” Pelosi said.

“There’s a word somebody used to me. They said you would understand it better if you knew what a confabulator is — look up the word confabulator — someone who just really doesn’t even know what the truth is. And just says anything. And because he says it, then he believes it,” Pelosi went on.
Or less kindly, "pathological liar".

She then defended her calling him "morbidly obese".
“I was only quoting what doctors had said about him. So I was only being factual, and in a very sympathetic way. I said he’s our president, we don’t want our president taking something that could be dangerous as the scientists said it could be. … again, a dose of his own medicine,” Pelosi said.
Can you imagine Angelo's and other right-winger's reactions if "Obuma" had done that?

Obuma is destined to go down as the worst president America has ever had [ that includes Nixon and the hopeless Jimmy Carter ] in a future when historians look back at this era. He wasn't called The Appeaser In Chief for nothing you know!
Why are people calling Trump "bonespurs"?

Because despite the fact that nobody knows more about the military than Trump, and that he is a wartime President, the army in their infinite wisdom disqualified Trump from serving in Vietnam because of bonespurs in his foot. But that's the fucking army for you.

Whether Trump had bonespurs in his left or right foot depends on what day you ask him.

Has your idol and most likely POTUS candidate creepy Biden ever served in the military?
Meats vs. worker safety — it's a false dichotomy | TheHill

Trump threatens retaliation against Michigan and other states that make it easier to vote - Vox

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Michigan sends absentee ballot applications to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!" / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "State of Nevada “thinks” that they can send out illegal vote by mail ballots, creating a great Voter Fraud scenario for the State and the U.S. They can’t! If they do, “I think” I can hold up funds to the State. Sorry, but you must not cheat in elections. @RussVought45 @USTreasury" / Twitter

Trump is not telling the truth about Michigan’s plans. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson plans to mail an absentee ballot application to voters, not an actual ballot. Several Republican-led states plan to do the same thing. (Nevada, by contrast, will provide actual ballots to voters.)

Yet while several states are taking steps to make it easier to vote absentee, the two states that Trump singled out are likely to be contested in the 2020 election. Trump barely won Michigan in 2016, and he lost Nevada by less than 3 points.

It’s also unclear which “funds” Trump is threatening to withhold from Michigan and Nevada, but he could be referring to “Election Security Grants” provided for in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which he signed into law in March.

So even if Trump’s warnings of voter fraud are offered in good faith — and not merely as an excuse to reject voting rights policies that, in his own words, do not “work out well for Republicans” — the president is proposing that we disenfranchise thousands or even millions of voters in order to prevent a small handful of fraudulent ballots from potentially being cast in 2020.
Trump acts like a big baby yet again.
Why are people calling Trump "bonespurs"?

Because despite the fact that nobody knows more about the military than Trump, and that he is a wartime President, the army in their infinite wisdom disqualified Trump from serving in Vietnam because of bonespurs in his foot. But that's the fucking army for you.

Whether Trump had bonespurs in his left or right foot depends on what day you ask him.

Has your idol and most likely POTUS candidate creepy Biden ever served in the military?

Nope. Nor has he claimed to be a better strategist and tactician than five star generals. What's your point?

You're right about Biden being my idol though. I have a shrine of him in my bedroom. My missus thinks it's hot, but I suspect that's because of her kink towards voyeurism.

He wasn't called The Appeaser In Chief for nothing you know!

Agreed. He was called The Appears in Chief by partisan cunts who like nothing better than projecting huge double standards. I don't seem to recall Obama writing love letters to North Korea, giving Saudi Arabia the green light to murder journalists or throwing the Kurds under a bus driven by a Turkish dictator. Someone else did that. Can't remember who.
Nightline on Twitter: "An exclusive interview with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC. Her take on the pandemic’s impact on African-American and Latino communities, and the debate on hazard pay for America’s most vulnerable essential workers. More tonight on @Nightline. https://t.co/M2NWrSXXsg" / Twitter

I slept through it. :(

Nightline on Twitter: "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on whether or not enough has been done to help protect essential workers - those most vulnerable residents of NYC boroughs most heavily impacted by COVID-19. Tonight , @JujuChangABC’s sit-down with @AOC. https://t.co/PiVOmMjsnB" / Twitter

AOC noted that the states whose leaders were criticized for overreacting are the states that have had relatively low death tolls.

Juju Chang on Twitter: ".@aoc tells me @nightline toinght that essential workers 'keep the lights on in our society' but historically have been "underpaid, under-recognized and under-valued in our economy" ABC News - [url]https://t.co/SkUMMBFgYa via @ABC" / Twitter[/url]

Public Citizen on Twitter: ".@AOC: The great irony of essential workers is that they have typically been underpaid, under-recognized and under-valued in our economy. https://t.co/OYZNVdRCN9" / Twitter

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says essential workers 'keep the lights on in our society' - ABC News - "The pandemic exposes fault lines that some were already experiencing."
Five of the nation’s hardest hit zip codes are in the New York congresswoman’s district which covers a portion of the Bronx and areas of Queens, and Ocasio-Cortez says many of the people she represents were more adversely affected by the virus because many of them work jobs that are deemed “essential,” thereby increasing their risk of exposure.
From that previous video clip,
“To me, an essential worker is any person in this country that is helping keep the lights on and helping us live day by day,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview with "Nightline" co-anchor Juju Chang.

“The great irony of essential workers is that they have typically been underpaid, under-recognized and under-valued in our economy, and if there’s one thing that this crisis shows us it’s that our essential workers deserve so much more,” she added.
“We all live in our own worlds and sometimes it’s hard to see experiences outside of our own, but I think one silver lining to this crisis is that people are now recognizing the inequities that have been here all along -- people saying, ‘wow, I didn’t know it was this bad,’” she said.
Has your idol and most likely POTUS candidate creepy Biden ever served in the military?

Nope. Nor has he claimed to be a better strategist and tactician than five star generals. What's your point?

You're right about Biden being my idol though. I have a shrine of him in my bedroom. My missus thinks it's hot, but I suspect that's because of her kink towards voyeurism.

He wasn't called The Appeaser In Chief for nothing you know!

Agreed. He was called The Appears in Chief by partisan cunts who like nothing better than projecting huge double standards. I don't seem to recall Obama writing love letters to North Korea, giving Saudi Arabia the green light to murder journalists or throwing the Kurds under a bus driven by a Turkish dictator. Someone else did that. Can't remember who.

How many " red lines did Obuma draw in the sands" of the Middle East again?
Nope. Nor has he claimed to be a better strategist and tactician than five star generals. What's your point?

You're right about Biden being my idol though. I have a shrine of him in my bedroom. My missus thinks it's hot, but I suspect that's because of her kink towards voyeurism.

Agreed. He was called The Appears in Chief by partisan cunts who like nothing better than projecting huge double standards. I don't seem to recall Obama writing love letters to North Korea, giving Saudi Arabia the green light to murder journalists or throwing the Kurds under a bus driven by a Turkish dictator. Someone else did that. Can't remember who.

How many " red lines did Obuma draw in the sands" of the Middle East again?

How many people who called Obama out on it suddenly became silent when Trump was literally appeasing to totalitarian states? Fuck your argument, it's done in extreme bad faith.

This is what you don't get, or don't want to get. Everything Obama has been accused of vis a vis appeasement, Trump has done with greater frequency and intensity. It was also pretty fucking stupid of you to use the Red Line moment to prove your point. All it proves is your unwillingness to be consistent in condemning different Presidents for the exact same thing.
Has your idol and most likely POTUS candidate creepy Biden ever served in the military?
You miss the point of nicknaming him Bonespurs.
It's not thgat he did not serve. I don't care that our political celebrities do or do not have military service. _I_ served, whuch is how i know it's not for everyone.
It's not th st he dodged the draft. At least for me, it's not. Viet Nam was a horrible waste and i don't presume to judge anyone making whatever choice they felt thery had ought to make. My dad dodged the draft. But he did it by joining the National Guard, and unlike Bush, showed up for his service.
My dad also doesn't dismiss our military dead by saying, 'they knew what they were facing going in.' He, and the distant cousin who fled to Canada, neither goes into a snit if they see a veteran is honored.

No, but Boney dodged the draft five times, using money and privilege not available to others. And NOW he wants to be lauded as a victorious commander of troops. Troops he'll put at risks he chose to avoid. Troops he loudly ckaims to support, then undercuts their choices, freedoms, pay, compensation, housing, as needed for his convenience.

He wants a military parade in his honor, but lacks the courage to stand in a light rain to honor the nation's dead.

He claimed to be able to defeat Isis. Thst was a campaign promise. He had a plan, but we had to elect him to find out what it was. When elected, he tasked 'his' generals with submitting a plannto him for the defeat of Isis.

So, all in all, the most significant aspect of Trump's military service to his country consists of bribing a doctor to hide him behind a fictional ailment ...
As a military verteran of 20 years, 3 months, and 3 days service, i would piss on him if he were on fire...just not the part that's burning.
Bone spurs aren't so bad. I had them while in the military and got by just fine with cortisone shot treatment for a couple months until they passed. Blubbah Thurmfp is a cowardly whiny little bitch who used the same excuse for five years. Who's had bone spurs for five years ferchissake?
Has your idol and most likely POTUS candidate creepy Biden ever served in the military?
You miss the point of nicknaming him Bonespurs.
It's not thgat he did not serve. I don't care that our political celebrities do or do not have military service. _I_ served, whuch is how i know it's not for everyone.
It's not th st he dodged the draft. At least for me, it's not. Viet Nam was a horrible waste and i don't presume to judge anyone making whatever choice they felt thery had ought to make. My dad dodged the draft. But he did it by joining the National Guard, and unlike Bush, showed up for his service.
My dad also doesn't dismiss our military dead by saying, 'they knew what they were facing going in.' He, and the distant cousin who fled to Canada, neither goes into a snit if they see a veteran is honored.

No, but Boney dodged the draft five times, using money and privilege not available to others. And NOW he wants to be lauded as a victorious commander of troops. Troops he'll put at risks he chose to avoid. Troops he loudly ckaims to support, then undercuts their choices, freedoms, pay, compensation, housing, as needed for his convenience.

He wants a military parade in his honor, but lacks the courage to stand in a light rain to honor the nation's dead.

He claimed to be able to defeat Isis. Thst was a campaign promise. He had a plan, but we had to elect him to find out what it was. When elected, he tasked 'his' generals with submitting a plannto him for the defeat of Isis.

So, all in all, the most significant aspect of Trump's military service to his country consists of bribing a doctor to hide him behind a fictional ailment ...
As a military verteran of 20 years, 3 months, and 3 days service, i would piss on him if he were on fire...just not the part that's burning.
Just quote this so it can be said again.
Can you imagine Angelo's and other right-winger's reactions if "Obuma" had done that?

Obuma is destined to go down as the worst president America has ever had [ that includes Nixon and the hopeless Jimmy Carter ] in a future when historians look back at this era. He wasn't called The Appeaser In Chief for nothing you know!
Man, you must be running out of material.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says essential workers 'keep the lights on in our society' - ABC News
“You have all of these workers that we rely on and few of them are getting tested, but [they are] still going to work because they are so economically desperate,” she said.

Asked by ABC News to weigh in on the debate over reopening, Ocasio-Cortez says it is "extraordinarily unfortunate" that the topic has become a partisan issue.

"It really ultimately comes down to paying attention to the scientists or not. It's not about reopening your state, and reopening your city shouldn't be about whether you're a Democrat or Republican. It should be about whether it is safe. And our policies should be aligning with what public health experts say," she said.
I agree completely.
Man, you must be running out of material.

The Alt Reich decided Obama would be the worst President ever in November 2008, and have not wavered in their convic, er, propaganda.
They don't let little things stand between them and their blather, like the fact that most Americans consider Obama one of the best Presidents ever, and deem Trump not only the absolute worst President ever but the worst head of any major country ever.
Andrew Lawrence on Twitter: "Nancy Pelosi calls Trump "morbidly obese" https://t.co/NEBc0kqMwC" / Twitter

alohalife on Twitter: "@ndrew_lawrence "...especially in his age group and shall we say, weight group what is morbidly obese, they say."
I bow down to the queen... the queen of shade. https://t.co/VBRMRfFRaP" / Twitter

CNBC on Twitter: "American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic https://t.co/vqZYrHUjFq" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Really great system we got here.
Can’t imagine why anyone would question how beneficial or sustainable it is for the working class" / Twitter

Lockdown Delays Cost at Least 36,000 Lives, Data Show - The New York Times
If the United States had begun imposing social distancing measures one week earlier than it did in March, about 36,000 fewer people would have died in the coronavirus outbreak, according to new estimates from Columbia University disease modelers.

And if the country had begun locking down cities and limiting social contact on March 1, two weeks earlier than most people started staying home, the vast majority of the nation’s deaths — about 83 percent — would have been avoided, the researchers estimated.

Under that scenario, about 54,000 fewer people would have died by early May.
Noting Differential Effects of Intervention Timing on COVID-19 Spread in the United States | medRxiv - with the disclaimer "This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice."
Swing-District Democrats Join Progressives to Back Paycheck Bill
After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi excluded a plan to keep unemployment down by subsidizing firms to keep workers on payrolls from her relief package last week, dozens of progressives have banded together with 10 “front-line” Democrats from swing districts to introduce it as a standalone piece of legislation.

The Paycheck Recovery Act, authored by Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., aims to make sure that paychecks are flowing from employers to workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
This is like what many other nations have been doing.
The stampede of front-liners toward Jayapal’s new bill, according to people involved in the negotiations, is driven by an intersection of policy and electoral concerns. The front-liners are concerned that Pelosi’s rejection of the paycheck bill, and her focus on unemployment, makes for poor politics, and they have complained that they are getting hammered at home by Republicans, who are dubbing Democrats the party of unemployment.

The bill itself: H.R.6918 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): To direct the Secretary of the Treasury to establish a grant program for employers adversely affected by COVID-19, and for other purposes. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Pramila Jayapal introduced it on May 19, with 92 cosponsors.
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