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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Trump, you're no FDR or Winston Churchill — but you're a lot like Charles Lindbergh | Salon.com - "Trump defends coronavirus lies by comparing himself to wartime leaders — but he's closer to the Nazi apologists"
On Thursday night at a campaign rally in Freeland, Michigan, Trump insisted that when he told Woodward, "I wanted to always play it down," he was just channeling the strength of these historic leaders of the Allied powers during World War II.

Trump compared his public lies about the seriousness of the pandemic to FDR's famous "fear itself" quote and falsely claimed that Churchill gave speeches from the rooftops when "Hitler was bombing London."
Author Amanda Marcotte then mocked Trump's statements about the virus by imagining FDR and WC making similar statements about their nations' opponents.
Jokes aside, it's obviously preposterous of Trump to try to make this claim. As numerous commenters pointed out, whatever flaws Churchill and Roosevelt may have had, they were big proponents of rallying their countries in the face of severe adversity by telling the public the truth about the seriousness of the situation. They certainly did not lie about things constantly or look for ways to hide the true nature of the problem.

In fact, in Roosevelt's famous "fear itself" speech, which Trump referred to, Roosevelt literally also said, "This is pre-eminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today."
Like WC once saying "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."

AM then compared Trump to Charles Lindbergh, the hero flyer who became a Nazi-loving America Firster.
Trump's Michigan rally came very close to the 79th anniversary of Lindbergh's famous 1941 speech in Des Moines, Iowa, in which he accused "the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration," as well as "Communists" and "intellectuals," of being "war agitators" who have "marshaled the power of their propaganda, their money, their patronage" to frighten Americans into joining the fight against Hitler and the Nazis.

To make matters worse, Lindbergh asserted that the "greatest danger to this country" lay in what he called the "large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government" of "the Jewish people."
CL's speech: The American Experience | Lindbergh | Des Moines Speech
Charles Lindbergh was a prominent America Firster. The America First movement may have stated as a genuinely pacifist movement, but it soon became overrun by Nazi sympathizers. Nazi sympathizers in the US? The German-American Bund, for instance. They even had a "pro-American" rally in Madison Square Garden early in 1941 where they showed off a huge full-length portrait of George Washington - When Nazis Took Manhattan : Code Switch : NPR
Lindbergh's official line was that it was none of America's business if Europeans wanted to kill each other, the ulterior motives kept peeking through.

Most infamously, Lindbergh was presented with the Service Cross of the German Eagle by Hermann Göring in 1938. While Lindbergh found the Nazis' tactics against what he called their "difficult Jewish problem" distasteful, he still maintained an admiration for Hitler's government and wrote, "We should be working with them and not constantly crossing swords."

Basically, Lindbergh hated the idea of white people fighting other white people, saying they should instead "band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our European blood" and save their powder for the fight against "dilution by foreign races."

Lindbergh was scheduled to give a speech at an America First rally on Dec. 10, 1941, but it was pre-empted by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor three days earlier. That was after Lindbergh had assured audiences the previous year that "no nation in Asia has developed their aviation sufficiently to be a serious menace to the United States at this time." His confidence was no doubt due to his overtly racist belief that aviation was "a tool specially shaped for Western hands" and "one of those priceless possessions which permit the White race to live at all in a pressing sea of Yellow, Black and Brown."
The America Firsters quickly disbanded after that attack, and the only vote in Congress against declaring war on Japan was by Jeannette Rankin, someone who voted the way she did out of pacifist principle. She had voted similarly against the US entering WWI, and she wanted to cast a vote against the Vietnam War.
At this point in our history, we can see where Lindbergh and Trump diverge: At least Lindbergh was chastened enough by Pearl Harbor to shut up. He even tried to re-enlist in the Army Air Corps, but was rebuffed by the Roosevelt administration, although he later flew about 50 combat missions in the Pacific as a civilian consultant. Trump, on the other hand, continues to cling to the hope he can bamboozle voters into believing that this coronavirus thing is no big deal and will go away any day now.

Perhaps the difference between the two men is that Lindbergh, as despicable a person as he may have been, became famous for doing something that required courage, intelligence and skill, which was to become the first person to fly an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean.

Trump, on the other hand, has spent his life bouncing from one failed venture to another, cheating and grifting to create the illusion of enormous wealth and great success. And so while Lindbergh eventually had to concede reality, Trump will never quit believing he can flim-flam his way through this crisis, no matter how many corpses pile up in his wake.
I reviewed CL's famous solo transatlantic flight, and it was certainly a remarkable feat. Traveling for 33.5 hours across an ocean in an airplane comparable to a present-day private plane, traveling from one major city to another, NYC to Paris.

Trump hasn't done *anything* comparable to that.
Trump officials interfered with CDC reports on Covid-19 - POLITICO

The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports are authored by career scientists and serve as the main vehicle for the agency to inform doctors, researchers and the general public about how Covid-19 is spreading and who is at risk. Such reports have historically been published with little fanfare and no political interference, said several longtime health department officials, and have been viewed as a cornerstone of the nation's public health work for decades.

But since Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign official with no medical or scientific background, was installed in April as the Health and Human Services department's new spokesperson, there have been substantial efforts to align the reports with Trump's statements, including the president's claims that fears about the outbreak are overstated, or stop the reports altogether.

Emails show HHS official trying to muzzle Fauci - POLITICO

A Trump administration appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services is trying to prevent Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, from speaking about the risks that coronavirus poses to children.

Emails obtained by POLITICO show Paul Alexander — a senior adviser to Michael Caputo, HHS’s assistant secretary for public affairs — instructing press officers and others at the National Institutes of Health about what Fauci should say during media interviews. The Trump adviser weighed in on Fauci’s planned responses to outlets including Bloomberg News, BuzzFeed, Huffington Post and the science journal Cell.
Pelosi faces growing Democratic unrest over Covid relief - POLITICO
Speaker Nancy Pelosi faces growing calls from within her own ranks — including from some of her most vulnerable members — to take quick action on a coronavirus relief bill even if there’s no agreement with Republicans or the White House over the issue.

But Pelosi, supported by her leadership team and most committee chairs, is refusing to back down from her demands for a bipartisan $2.2 trillion-plus stimulus package to boost the U.S. economy, which Republicans have repeatedly dismissed.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the highly influential freshman lawmaker, also said she has wrestled with the issue even as she has seen the pandemic’s devastating influence back home.

“This administration, it seems what they want to do is cut another $1,200 check, but they don’t want to actually provide state and local [aid],” Ocasio-Cortez said. “That $1,200 is a nice little sugar high, and I support giving another stimulus check, but a second check in and of itself alone — if we’re not going to support state and local funding, if it’s not going to include significant investments in testing, tracing capacity and infrastructure — all it is is a little sugar high. It’s not going to solve the critical issues of the pandemic.”

The sentiment from Ocasio-Cortez and others reflects the mounting angst within the Democratic Caucus over the party’s handling of the coronavirus response and whether they need to do more to counteract the GOP’s messaging. The House passed a $3.4 trillion relief package in May but the Senate didn’t act on it.
Senate Republicans have their own aid package, but it includes things like exemption of businesses from COVID-19-related liability, things that Democrats find distasteful.
“This administration, it seems what they want to do is cut another $1,200 check, but they don’t want to actually provide state and local [aid],” Ocasio-Cortez said. “That $1,200 is a nice little sugar high, and I support giving another stimulus check, but a second check in and of itself alone — if we’re not going to support state and local funding, if it’s not going to include significant investments in testing, tracing capacity and infrastructure — all it is is a little sugar high. It’s not going to solve the critical issues of the pandemic.”
Ocasio-Cortez wins a cigar with this reflection on pretty much the sugar high $1200 free money check, but failing in providing support for the estimated quarter trillion in shortfall in revenues for state and local governments.
Coronavirus stimulus update: Trump suggests he could back bigger relief bill
  • President Donald Trump pushed Republicans to embrace more coronavirus stimulus spending as a stalemate over a fifth relief bill drags on.
  • White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told CNBC he was more optimistic about the chances for a deal in the last 72 hours than he has been in the last 72 days.
  • Bipartisan House members released a relief proposal Tuesday, but Democratic leaders rejected it.
Let's see if this amounts to anything. Elections are coming up in two months, and not having much to show for their efforts could mean trouble for them.
Coronavirus stimulus update: Trump suggests he could back bigger relief bill
  • President Donald Trump pushed Republicans to embrace more coronavirus stimulus spending as a stalemate over a fifth relief bill drags on.
  • White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told CNBC he was more optimistic about the chances for a deal in the last 72 hours than he has been in the last 72 days.
  • Bipartisan House members released a relief proposal Tuesday, but Democratic leaders rejected it.
Let's see if this amounts to anything. Elections are coming up in two months, and not having much to show for their efforts could mean trouble for them.

Here in Michigan, November ballots are going to be mailed out next week.
Donald Fucking Trump said:
If you take the blue states out, we're at a level that I don't think anybody in the world would be at. We're really at a very low level but some of the states -- they were blue states, and blue-state management.
Wow. What a fucking dick!
Donald Fucking Trump said:
If you take the blue states out, we're at a level that I don't think anybody in the world would be at. We're really at a very low level but some of the states -- they were blue states, and blue-state management.
Wow. What a fucking dick!

Yeah, and he blames Biden for not enacting a nationwide mask mandate.
Not just a dick, he's a fucking insane, stupid clown.
Olivia Troye: Pence's former lead coronavirus task force aide slams Trump and endorses Biden in new video - CNNPolitics
Olivia Troye, who was a homeland security adviser to Pence and his lead staffer on the White House's coronavirus task force, charged in the two-minute video that Trump failed to protect the American public because he only cared about himself and getting reelected. Troye's criticism is particularly striking because of her role working on the coronavirus task force, which Pence leads.

"Towards the middle of February, we knew it wasn't a matter of if Covid would become a big pandemic here, it was a matter of when," said Troye, who left the White House in late July. "But the President didn't want to hear that, because his biggest concern was that we were in an election year, and how was this going to affect what he considered to be his record of success?"

At one coronavirus task force meeting, Troye claimed that Trump suggested "maybe this Covid thing is a good thing."

"I don't like shaking hands with people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people," Troye claimed Trump said at the meeting.
More and more evidence of what a jerk the pResident is.
Olivia Troye: Pence's former lead coronavirus task force aide slams Trump and endorses Biden in new video - CNNPolitics
Olivia Troye, who was a homeland security adviser to Pence and his lead staffer on the White House's coronavirus task force, charged in the two-minute video that Trump failed to protect the American public because he only cared about himself and getting reelected. Troye's criticism is particularly striking because of her role working on the coronavirus task force, which Pence leads.

"Towards the middle of February, we knew it wasn't a matter of if Covid would become a big pandemic here, it was a matter of when," said Troye, who left the White House in late July. "But the President didn't want to hear that, because his biggest concern was that we were in an election year, and how was this going to affect what he considered to be his record of success?"

At one coronavirus task force meeting, Troye claimed that Trump suggested "maybe this Covid thing is a good thing."

"I don't like shaking hands with people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people," Troye claimed Trump said at the meeting.
More and more evidence of what a jerk the pResident is.
More and more evidence for trumpsuckers to dismiss as sour grapes. ;)
Don Moynihan on Twitter: "The USPS had a plan to send 5 reusable facemarks to every household in early April. Even had a press release ready.

The White House blocked the plan.

“There was concern...that households receiving masks might create concern or panic." (links)" / Twitter

OCR of image:
U.S. Postal Service to Deliver Face Coverings to Every American Household

Historic Delivery of 650 Million Face Coverings is in Partnership with the White House Coronavirus Task Force, the Department of Health and Human Services and a Consortium of Textile Manufacturers

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal Service today announced it will distribute 650 million reusable cotton face coverings on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS every residential delivery point in America, beginning in areas which HHS has identified as experiencing high transmission rates of COVID-19 and to workers providing essential services throughout the nation during this pandemic.

This unprecedented undertaking is being done in partnership with the White House Coronavirus Task Force, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and a consortium of textile manufacturers. Project: America Strong sub-task force within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Unified Command Structure, is complementing the Administration's whole-of-nation response to COVID-19

The first shipments are expected to reach U.S. households as early as April Xx.
Newly revealed USPS documents show an agency struggling to manage Trump, Amazon and the pandemic - The Washington Post - "Nearly 10,000 pages of emails, memos and other private documents offered new details about the agency’s struggles and the pro-Trump figures to whom it turned for advice"
It would be months before Louis DeJoy took the reins of the nation’s mail system, and the U.S. Postal Service already was mired in crisis.

Mail carriers were in revolt, fearful they had few protections against the newly emerging coronavirus. The Trump administration was bearing down on its finances, sending USPS officials scrambling over what they saw as a potential illegal takeover of agency operations. And then there was a looming standoff with Amazon, which privately signaled it could take some of its lucrative delivery business elsewhere.

The tensions surfaced at an April 9 meeting, when Amazon executives “stated their concerns” about the Postal Service’s economic plight amid the pandemic and questioned its “viability to them as a continued shipping partner,” according to a once-secret memo circulated within the agency, which described the situation as an “inflection point.” (Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.)
I predict that the Coronavirus outbreak in the USA will be 10x-100x worse than it was elsewhere

You certainly got that part right.

not because of Trump and his stupid evangelical VP

But not that part.

because (a) most people who get a fever would rather pay rent than pay thousands of dollars to get diagnosed and treated, and (b) people in America tend not to stay home when they get sick. Under any administration, this is a recipe for an epidemic.

Those factors could have - and would have, under another administration - been mitigated by helping those people out through public health support and paying their rent, instead of giving the money to Trump's donors and the Companies they run.

Trump and his political appointees are fucking with CDC guidance again just to make sure that no one can trust the CDC.

They get rid of guidance saying that people who are asymptematic or or pre-symptomatic should get tested if they were in close contact with someone who is positive.

Then they put it back in.

Friday they added a section emphasizing the the virus spread is primarily airbore and now today they get rid of that again.

Other than Trump's base, I don't know who they think that they are fooling. Anyone who reads thhe news knows that asymptematics can cause spread without knowing it and everyone knows that it's airbore. What the fuck?

Who is left to trust but the universities?
Trump Says He Deserves An ‘A+’ For His Handling Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
  • “We’ve done a phenomenal job. Not just a good job, a phenomenal job,” Trump said in an interview on Fox and Friends on Monday morning.
  • The president stated that the only flaw in his administration's approach to the deadly virus has been regarding public messaging.
  • “Other than public relations, but that’s because I have fake news. On public relations, I give myself a D,” Trump said, and then declared, “On the job itself, we take an A-plus.”
  • As of Monday morning, more than 6,825,700 people in the U.S. have been infected with the coronavirus, and 199,531 have died, according to the Johns Hopkins database.
  • In mid-March, Trump also gave himself a perfect score when evaluating his administration’s response to Covid-19.
  • When reporters at a White House briefing on March 16 asked how he would rate his response to the pandemic on a scale of one to ten, Trump replied, “I'd rate it a ten.”
Yet more of Trump's narcissism on display. Do his underlings keep him away from reflecting pools? This would be because he has a great risk of becoming so enraptured with the sight of his reflection that he falls in.

This as US coronavirus death toll nears 200,000 - YouTube
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