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Split Trump was a good president (split from: As a politician how can I serve everyone)

To notify a split thread.
So far, this thread has taught me a little bit about why we can’t have nice things.

Okay well I will speak to three things he said he will try to pass in his next term because I have been following them. He has talked about passing these things that I feel will help the country.

1. Passing a law that men and women are the only genders recognized by the U.S government and they are assigned at birth
2. Banning gender affirming care for minors.
3. Banning Transgender athletes from playing in women's sports.
I notice that you didn’t respond to our question. I and others asked what he DID that you thought was so good.

You are obviously disturbed by other people’s sexual identities, which is quite typically central to Republican psychosis. It is not a constitutional responsibility of the government to regulate sexual preferences or gender identities though.

Nevertheless, what makes you think Presidents pass laws?
They don’t.
They SIGN legislation that has passed both houses of Congress. They have nothing to do with writing that legislation.
Trump saying he would sign it IF it ever got past Congress (never happen) is a hollow statement meant to him up the anger of fools.

I do wonder why other people’s “sexual identities” bother you so much, while the FACT that a judge has found Trump guilty of rape and liable for sexual assault seems to be just fine with you. He seems to be a repressed homosexual to me, but I really couldn’t care less.

It’s his dishonesty that bothers me. If he “SAYS” he “WILL” do something and I have a chance to bet on it, I’ll go all in on “he won’t” because he is a proven compulsive liar.

I’ll repeat my request here; you said you thought Trump WAS a good president.

Thank you in advance.
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I've lived in Thailand for decades. Homosexuality and sex-change operations are VERY common. There's no stigma; everyone seems very TOLERANT. (Is this due to Buddhism? There's more interesting I can say about Thailand and about my own attitudes, but it would be off-topic.)

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

The world in general, and the U.S. specifically are faced with a wide variety of serious problems
* Climate change
* Increase in storms, flooding, and fire risk has made some homes uninsurable
* New Orleans and New York are just two cities faced with severe ocean encroachment
* The need to replace carbon-based fuels. Nuclear? Renewables? Research into batteries? Fusion?
* Degradation of ecosystems, loss of habitat, depletion of aquifers
* For various reasons, food shortages and hunger is on the rise in some poor countries
* Military aggression is on the rise all over the world, not just the Russia-Ukraine conflict
* Risk of nuclear weapons use is on the rise
* Drug addiction
* Employment disruptions due to mechanization, AI, foreign competition
* Sharp rises in income and wealth inequality; homelessness, etc.
* Changing demographics lead to fiscal problems
* New pandemics are likely
* Quality of American schools is falling
* Social media has many adverse effects. For example it has caused an increase in teen-age suicides.
* Et cetera

The above was typed at high speed; I'm sure I've overlooked many serious problems. These are all very serious problems. The very survival of the nation may be threatened. Future leaders will have to cope with difficult problems

1. Passing a law that men and women are the only genders recognized by the U.S government and they are assigned at birth
2. Banning gender affirming care for minors.
3. Banning Transgender athletes from playing in women's sports.

These are good laws I feel will help the country and these are things that I want to accomplish in politics as well.
I disagree that these would be good laws, and if we take as a hypothetical that they would be good laws, they are still pissant stuff that would be no major help in any way for the economy or society of the USA. Also, as others have said, they are not laws that Trump passed anyway.

Considering some of the problems I have mentioned above, I am flabbergasted that gender change should top a list of important political topics.
He created many good laws that helped the country.
Presidents aren't supposed to create laws at all; That's the role of the legislative branch.

But I am prepared to consider the possibility that you're right, if you can give me three (which is far fewer than "many") examples of laws Trump "created", and show how those laws helped the country.
I would but there controversial so they would anger people on here and I don't want anyone trying to attack me.
I’ll protect you! And there are others who will join me. Let ‘er rip, Buzz! If you really believe in the good of DJT, don’t be hesitant to share what’s so good. You might get disagreement, but that’s not attack, and you have weathered disagreement already. Besides, personal attacks are not permitted here. That’s why we have so many posters here who deserve to be attacked; it’s a safe zone!
Have you not noticed how polite everyone is?

So what’s the hangup?
Okay well I will speak to three things he said he will try to pass in his next term because I have been following them. He has talked about passing these things that I feel will help the country.

1. Passing a law that men and women are the only genders recognized by the U.S government and they are assigned at birth
2. Banning gender affirming care for minors.
3. Banning Transgender athletes from playing in women's sports.
We are woefully under capacity for nursing home beds.
Health care costs are too high.
The US is struggling to transition to a services based economy without low education factory jobs.
AI is on the verge of reducing more jobs on top of that.
Social Security and Medicare are on the verge insolvency.

And what matters most is gender? This is the problem, the alt-right has successfully got their base riled up against the dumbest stuff possible.
What in the $%#&&! is with people who, in a world with climate crisis and a country with mass shootings a national debt bigger than Trump's caboose are obsessed with the transgendered????????????????????????????
They actually mull over this subject? Really? REALLY?
I'm okay with all sorts of people having the freedom to do their thing. I'm not threatened with the notion of the transgendered. Maybe I should consider them more, but the truth is, it's a subject I just don't devote any time to. I guess I should wonder who's lurking in the men's room when I go in -- or warn the ladies when they're going to powder their noses. Truth is, I just don't think about it. Maybe I should, huh? Thank god for the Trumpanzees, they've got this covered. I salute you, proud Trump supporter. Let's stamp out this problem for good.
Jesus Tap-Dancing McChrist.
On second thought...reread that 1,2,3 list on the transgendered, and the bland statement that these are "good laws" that will "help the country". Does anyone else smell a joke here? Like we're being trolled to erupt on the guy? I mean, it's dumb enough to come from a MAGA source, but it's just too pat. Reserving my judgment on this. Still, it was nice to vent in #66.
On second thought...reread that 1,2,3 list on the transgendered, and the bland statement that these are "good laws" that will "help the country". Does anyone else smell a joke here? Like we're being trolled to erupt on the guy? I mean, it's dumb enough to come from a MAGA source, but it's just too pat. Reserving my judgment on this. Still, it was nice to vent in #66.
An evasion. Apparently Buzz cannot identify anything Trump DID that was good. Instead he comes up with what Trump SAYS he WOULD do IF he ever got a chance.
Most of us know what Trump saying something is worth, but Buzz might not be aware of the exchange rate for such things.
On second thought...reread that 1,2,3 list on the transgendered, and the bland statement that these are "good laws" that will "help the country". Does anyone else smell a joke here? Like we're being trolled to erupt on the guy? I mean, it's dumb enough to come from a MAGA source, but it's just too pat. Reserving my judgment on this. Still, it was nice to vent in #66.
Regardless the reasoning behind the post, it is the reasoning that people have been programmed into defending and using to base their votes in the voting booth. Real issues that are impacting these people be damned... boys are in girls sports and that is the hill they are fighting for.
There are so many other areas that I am fine with that I want to accomplish Immigration, Borders, Deportation, Climate Change, Healthcare, Illegal Immigration etc. There are literally these areas and like I said 32 others that I am completely fine with in politics that I want to achieve.
I wasn't sure whether this fit better here or in the "Trump is a good President" thread. But he has a lot to do with the current immigration disaster.

So I'll just ask. What policies do you think Trump did well with(concerning immigration) and what would you do, similarly or differently?
What policies do you think Trump did well with(concerning immigration)
Not just immigration!
"Immigration, Borders, Deportation ... Illegal Immigration etc."

Of the six things Buzz mentioned, four of them are the same thing. :horsecrap:
But he seems to have forgotten all about the gender stuff, trans stuff, gay people and sexual preferences stuff that he was preoccupied with elsewhere. Not exactly a demonstration of the laser focus he intends to bring to high office.
What policies do you think Trump did well with(concerning immigration)
Not just immigration!
"Immigration, Borders, Deportation ... Illegal Immigration etc."

Of the six things Buzz mentioned, four of them are the same thing. :horsecrap:
That's kinda why I was curious about his opinions on them.
There are so many other areas that I am fine with that I want to accomplish Immigration, Borders, Deportation, Climate Change, Healthcare, Illegal Immigration etc. There are literally these areas and like I said 32 others ...


You listed 6 things, but 4 of them are the same category. You've got Immigration and then you have Illegal Immigration which falls under Immigration. And you have Borders and Deportation which pertain to Immigration.

I'm kind of afraid to look at your other categories falling under the heading of "etc." Would they be: Aliens, Green Cards, Immigrant Imprisonment, Detention, ICE, Donald Trump actually won the Election, Undocumented Workers, English is our National Language, Caravans, and another etc?
He created many good laws that helped the country.
Presidents aren't supposed to create laws at all; That's the role of the legislative branch.

But I am prepared to consider the possibility that you're right, if you can give me three (which is far fewer than "many") examples of laws Trump "created", and show how those laws helped the country.
I would but there controversial so they would anger people on here and I don't want anyone trying to attack me.
I’ll protect you! And there are others who will join me. Let ‘er rip, Buzz! If you really believe in the good of DJT, don’t be hesitant to share what’s so good. You might get disagreement, but that’s not attack, and you have weathered disagreement already. Besides, personal attacks are not permitted here. That’s why we have so many posters here who deserve to be attacked; it’s a safe zone!
Have you not noticed how polite everyone is?

So what’s the hangup?
Okay well I will speak to three things he said he will try to pass in his next term because I have been following them. He has talked about passing these things that I feel will help the country.

1. Passing a law that men and women are the only genders recognized by the U.S government and they are assigned at birth
2. Banning gender affirming care for minors.
3. Banning Transgender athletes from playing in women's sports.

These are good laws I feel will help the country and these are things that I want to accomplish in politics as well.

I mostly agree with you.
I just don't see trans issues as particularly important in the big scheme of things.

Trump's immigration policies were a disaster. His fiscal policies were a disaster. His military policies were a disaster. How about we talk about those, instead of cheap promises concerning trans folks?
Were you ever to become president, it will not be for decades from now. During that time, this country’s white majority will happily pass into distinct minority status, and the country will be much darker-skinned overall as it is now, with a very large contingent of Hispanic-Americans, many of whom will be the hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying descendants of the people currently coming over the border. These people, now coming over the border, will be reuthlessly expoited by the extant white power structure, which is destined to disintegrate. A future president will be dealing with a different refugee problem: climate refugees, perhaps up to one billion of them, trying to escape homelands rendred uninhabitable or nearly so, because of the polices pursued today by the Republicans you support.
I would but there controversial so they would anger people on here and I don't want anyone trying to attack me.
I’ll protect you! And there are others who will join me. Let ‘er rip, Buzz! If you really believe in the good of DJT, don’t be hesitant to share what’s so good. You might get disagreement, but that’s not attack, and you have weathered disagreement already. Besides, personal attacks are not permitted here. That’s why we have so many posters here who deserve to be attacked; it’s a safe zone!
Have you not noticed how polite everyone is?

So what’s the hangup?
I will definitely second what he said about personal attacks--demolishing someone's position is fine, attacking them because we don't like a position is not fine. Stay civil about it and I'll defend your right to say positions that I disagree with. And we do hold each other accountable to the rules.

Okay well I will speak to three things he said he will try to pass in his next term because I have been following them. He has talked about passing these things that I feel will help the country.

1. Passing a law that men and women are the only genders recognized by the U.S government and they are assigned at birth
What's the need? How does someone being transgender harm anyone else? And note that the gender assigned at birth has been known to be wrong. The guevedoces can be detected at birth but normally are not--they appear female until puberty but then develop a penis. Male or female? (Biologically they are XY but insensitive to the form of testosterone that normally makes a fetus male. Thus they develop basically as females until the testosterone surge at puberty.)

What about Swyar syndrome? XY, but insensitive to all forms of testosterone. They develop as females but likely with fertility issues. Male or female? Typically only detected in adulthood and by no means always even then.

(We know the genetic marker of both of these, a DNA profile will reveal them but we don't do such testing at the screening level yet.)

If you want me to think something is wrong you need to either point to a non-consenting victim or the undue risk of creating such a victim (for example, DUI laws. Drunk driving is an undue risk even if you don't hit anybody.) I see no victim here. People don't all have to be forced into cookie-cutter roles!

And what about the intersexed? I've seen video of a person who naturally has breasts and a penis.

2. Banning gender affirming care for minors.
Again, why? Where's the victim? Very few people regret it and the majority of those who do are because of family/society reaction, not because they actually changed their mind. And note that we have already seen that this is just the camel's nose about banning gender affirming care, period.

3. Banning Transgender athletes from playing in women's sports.

These are good laws I feel will help the country and these are things that I want to accomplish in politics as well.
I think the data isn't clear on this one.

Those who were on puberty blockers and never went through male puberty are clearly on a competitive par with females and I see no reason they shouldn't be allowed to compete as females. I consider the waters so muddied about those who transitioned later that I do not know what the right answer is. It's pretty clear some of the "science" is ideology based but I can't tell which.

Also, note that the whole transgender issue blew up because the Republicans are using it as a wedge issue to try to separate the faithful from the rest of society. There are societies that have permitted transition for a long time and they don't have the problems that it's alleged to cause.
Trump was moving the nation forward in the right direction and he was doing good things for this country.
For the THIRD TIME ..,
WHAT “good things” did he do @NightHawkBuzz ?
(Other than whine about trans people)
Let's extend that--what good things did he attempt to do? Specifics, not general things like "drain the swamp" (especially as he flooded the swamp instead.)
Trump was moving the nation forward in the right direction and he was doing good things for this country.
For the THIRD TIME ..,
WHAT “good things” did he do @NightHawkBuzz ?
(Other than whine about trans people)
Let's extend that--what good things did he attempt to do? Specifics, not general things like "drain the swamp" (especially as he flooded the swamp instead.)
Every other week was going to be infrastructure week but it never actually arrived.

And what about that big beautiful medical plan that people were just going to fall in love with?
On second thought...reread that 1,2,3 list on the transgendered, and the bland statement that these are "good laws" that will "help the country". Does anyone else smell a joke here? Like we're being trolled to erupt on the guy? I mean, it's dumb enough to come from a MAGA source, but it's just too pat. Reserving my judgment on this. Still, it was nice to vent in #66.

He says he's 24 years old; I believe him. This is no angry Karen, embittered over many years; nor it it an Archie Bunker drunk on beer raving against younger generations. This isn't a middle-aged man who has endured both great happiness and disappointments and who has tuned his prejudices over a lifetime. This is a young man just starting out and -- much as some us did when we were young -- he already knows the answers.

We Baby Boomers were exposed to objective reality and honest debate whether we eventually turned to one extreme or another. But Generation Z knows only glibness. We got our news from Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, David Brinkley. For many in Generation Z these are replaced with Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and the like.

It would be sweet to find out he's a jokester just having fun. But 74 MILLION Americans voted for Trump in 2020, and a surprisinly large portion of them were young. We are staring into the future.
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