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Trump - "We think we can cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more, but by 75 percent"

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Usually once a person is elected President, they try not to continue bullshitting their way through the Presidency, as it becomes clearly apparent that grandiose plans in a massive bureaucracy are not simple or even feasible.

Yet, President Trump *sigh*, is continuing to bullshit every one he speaks with.

article said:
"What we're doing is we are going to be cutting taxes massively for both the middle class and for companies, and that's massively," he said. "A bigger thing, and that surprised me, is the fact that we're going to be cutting regulation massively."

"We think we can cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more, but by 75 percent," he added.
Pres. Trump doesn't seem to know what "regulations" are. The idea that he thinks that 3/4's can be eliminated, but maybe more, simply reflects his complete and utter ignorance on the subject.

The business leaders must have tried hard no to roll their eyes while listening to such utter bullshit. Perhaps even considering offshoring their own jobs that way they wouldn't have to listen to this guy anymore.
The business leaders must have tried hard no to roll their eyes while listening to such utter bullshit. Perhaps even considering offshoring their own jobs that way they wouldn't have to listen to this guy anymore.
And the eyes of the CIA workers must have been spinning, with Don the Con blathered on about his Yuuuge crowds at his inauguration, and whining about the media. I would suspect that a good portion of those workers there to clap for Trump are quite adept at analyzing data and photographic evidence; as well as analyzing human behavioral traits.

It will be interesting, if nothing else, to watch Yuuge Trump BS, being squeezed out into little tiny gerbil pellets of reality.
Usually once a person is elected President, they try not to continue bullshitting their way through the Presidency, as it becomes clearly apparent that grandiose plans in a massive bureaucracy are not simple or even feasible.

Yet, President Trump *sigh*, is continuing to bullshit every one he speaks with.

article said:
"What we're doing is we are going to be cutting taxes massively for both the middle class and for companies, and that's massively," he said. "A bigger thing, and that surprised me, is the fact that we're going to be cutting regulation massively."

"We think we can cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more, but by 75 percent," he added.
Pres. Trump doesn't seem to know what "regulations" are. The idea that he thinks that 3/4's can be eliminated, but maybe more, simply reflects his complete and utter ignorance on the subject.

The business leaders must have tried hard no to roll their eyes while listening to such utter bullshit. Perhaps even considering offshoring their own jobs that way they wouldn't have to listen to this guy anymore.

I believe he means "regulation production"...but I am sure Washington Whitey will clear it all up for us.
Usually once a person is elected President, they try not to continue bullshitting their way through the Presidency, as it becomes clearly apparent that grandiose plans in a massive bureaucracy are not simple or even feasible.

Yet, President Trump *sigh*, is continuing to bullshit every one he speaks with.

article said:
"What we're doing is we are going to be cutting taxes massively for both the middle class and for companies, and that's massively," he said. "A bigger thing, and that surprised me, is the fact that we're going to be cutting regulation massively."

"We think we can cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more, but by 75 percent," he added.
Pres. Trump doesn't seem to know what "regulations" are. The idea that he thinks that 3/4's can be eliminated, but maybe more, simply reflects his complete and utter ignorance on the subject.

The business leaders must have tried hard no to roll their eyes while listening to such utter bullshit. Perhaps even considering offshoring their own jobs that way they wouldn't have to listen to this guy anymore.

From what I've seen he is cutting taxes for rich people and big businesses. Nothing that will accrue to me or my small business. Is there ANY indication that he will cut taxes for the middle class or for small businesses?

ETA: Other than what he says. My IQ is >85, so I don't believe anything he says.
From what I've seen he is cutting taxes for rich people and big businesses. Nothing that will accrue to me or my small business. Is there ANY indication that he will cut taxes for the middle class or for small businesses?

Well, "small businesses" means those with only a few hundred million a year in profits and "middle class" means that you only have the one private jet. They'll both do fine.*

* Minority owned businesses not included
From what I've seen he is cutting taxes for rich people and big businesses. Nothing that will accrue to me or my small business. Is there ANY indication that he will cut taxes for the middle class or for small businesses?

Well, "small businesses" means those with only a few hundred million a year in profits and "middle class" means that you only have the one private jet. They'll both do fine.*

* Minority owned businesses not included

"Small Business" is actually a self-certification for most purposes. I had to file a protest against a business that had won a federal set-aside bid that we had bid on. That Company had an innocuous name that made them sound like a mom-and-pop operation, but when they took that bid I looked into them... they actually did conform to one of the guidelines - less than 500 employees working within Corporate facilities. But they had thousands of contractors working for them. Then I looked up their board - populated by a former head of DHS, several Generals etc. So I checked into how many Federal contracts they had been given in the previous year. Within minutes, I was able to uncover more than $2,000,000,000.00 in previous year federal contracts, so I filed a protest. They didn't fight, they just withdrew their bid. It was "only" a a couple hundred thousand, not worth their while to fight for. No repercussions for their deceit of course, and we did get the award eventually.

I can't wait for Trump to hold up some multi-billion dollar concern with thousands of contract employees as a "small business" that benefited from his magnanimity.
So, Trump is saying he could cut the 15 pages we have regulating the size of holes in swiss cheese to 4 pages?

That seems doable. I could get it to 0 I bet.
So, Trump is saying he could cut the 15 pages we have regulating the size of holes in swiss cheese to 4 pages?

That seems doable. I could get it to 0 I bet.

Of course you might have to take it up with the cheese makers, who requested the regulation, and appear to have generally has paid for it.
"This is a voluntary program for Swiss cheese standards, which was created at the request of cheese makers and buyers that is paid for by industry, not government," Jarvis said.

For the curious cheese lovers, an A grade goes to Swiss that is white to light yellow, smooth, round and firm, with oval-shaped eyes and has just the slightest degree of mold.

The cheese industry paid the USDA about $11,000 to grade 3,905,923 pounds of all forms of cheese in 2010, Jarvis said. It invoices the industry for all grading costs, Jarvis said.
The USDA could not provide a cost breakdown for grading Swiss cheese.

Maybe a better idea would be to junk the dairy subsidies altogether, but then that would end the steady stream from that cash cow, called the the American Farm Bureau Federation, which funnels about $100 million a year into the swamp.
He's probably right about this. The regulatory system is a total mess. A proper cleanup would chop out a huge amount of it.

However, that's not what he's after. Rather, he just wants to chop out the regulations that get in the way of making money, never mind the consequences.

One thing I would like to see done: All new regulations need to spell out on an item-by-item basis what they are aimed at--specifically, not in generalities. This would make it much easier to clean up old stuff and if someone wanted to challenge one based on new developments it would be much easier.
So, Trump is saying he could cut the 15 pages we have regulating the size of holes in swiss cheese to 4 pages?

That seems doable. I could get it to 0 I bet.

Sure. Let's take a look at this document, could you produce it?
I would prefer the approach of eliminating those regulations where the costs of the regulation exceed the benefits or altering them so that the costs are less then the benefits than to simply reduce the absolute numbers of regulation.
So I have the total breakdown of the global economy to look forward to. Start saving immediately, got it.
I would prefer the approach of eliminating those regulations where the costs of the regulation exceed the benefits or altering them so that the costs are less then the benefits than to simply reduce the absolute numbers of regulation.
Clearly laughing dog knows nothing about anything. All regulations are bad. Doesn't matter if it is related to tax code, labor/safety laws, environmental laws, etc...

If it is a regulation, it is bad. I mean, sure some regulations are likely necessary, maybe even most of them, but we need to get rid of the bad wasteful regulations.
So, Trump is saying he could cut the 15 pages we have regulating the size of holes in swiss cheese to 4 pages?

That seems doable. I could get it to 0 I bet.

Sure. Let's take a look at this document, could you produce it?

Here is some cheese regulation stuff I found.


The first link has 1 and half pages about swiss cheese. The 2nd link is a document concerning how the different grades of swiss cheese are assessed, but it is 15 pages. So, do you think that Trump is referring to elimination of the different grades of swiss cheese?
Since we're measuring this by pages, Donald Trump can just change the font size.

Well, that would be one way to avoid the tragedies sure to befall the nation, nay dare I say the world, if we had no US federal regulation regarding Caciocavallo siciliano cheese.
Since we're measuring this by pages, Donald Trump can just change the font size.

Well, that would be one way to avoid the tragedies sure to befall the nation, nay dare I say the world, if we had no US federal regulation regarding Caciocavallo siciliano cheese.

So you're okay with getting moldy swiss cheese when you thought you were buying sicilano cheese that the cheese industry even bothered to define in a document so they could standardize among themselves. Well, I'm not. As a recent member of the Cheese of the Month Club, I like to trust the labels I am reading on my cheese. Oh and I know how you're going to respond...so predictable.
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