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Trump’s Dictatorship, what will it actually look like?

Investigating the known, public political goals of those you appoint to high office is a minimal responsibility of any leader.
Oh, no. Trump doesn't do responsibility. Never has, never will.
He delegates it. The higher you are in the hierarchy of one of his organizations, the more likely you are to spend some time in jail.
Once he has pardon power again only those he wants in jail will be in jail.

J.D. didn't say anything in the clip about banning abortion or defunding SS and MC.

Something seems amiss with this Project 2025 (I admit I haven't done a deep dive into it, though, given that it is 900+ pages long and I have a life).

I came across this earlier in my news feed, though:

Viral Claims About Project 2025 Are Mostly False

Over the last week, there has been growing online discourse surrounding Project 2025, a collection of conservative policy recommendations published by the Heritage Foundation alongside a coalition of other conservative organizations. Heritage has released similar “Mandate for Leadership” reports for decades with the intent of shaping policy in Republican presidential administrations. Project 2025 is not directly affiliated with the GOP or Donald Trump, but it does feature contributions from many former Trump administration officials with close ties to the Republican nominee.

Though the plan was released more than a year ago, it has only recently become a major talking point for Democrats and progressive activists. Even President Joe Biden this week encouraged Americans directly to “Google Project 2025.”

There's an infographic by Robert Reich (somewhat beloved on this forum I've noticed) early in this article that has 31 claims about Project 2025. The article is from The Dispatch. They debunk, confirm and/or clarify each claim. You can read their media bias report here (trigger warning: it is a right of center source):

The Dispatch

Failed Fact Checks

  • None in the Last 5 years
Overall, we rate The Dispatch Right-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that moderately favor the right. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record. (D. Van Zandt 3/18/2020) Updated (05/24/2024)

Someone enlighten me as to who I should believe about Project 2025. Is Robert Reich just confused about what's in it? Is he flat out lying? Or maybe that infographic isn't even from him? Or is it a fake? Is there a better source?
Investigating the known, public political goals of those you appoint to high office is a minimal responsibility of any leader.
Oh, no. Trump doesn't do responsibility. Never has, never will.
He delegates it. The higher you are in the hierarchy of one of his organizations, the more likely you are to spend some time in jail.
Once he has pardon power again only those he wants in jail will be in jail.
Also the jail be like:

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