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Trump's Small Dick Syndrome Manifests Itself In Major Pro Sports

No - Trump would pitch a fit and tweet something moronic and vile about Opoponax. And his 'tards would lap it all up while the waved their hands at the criticism.
Maybe, but that does not stop him from laughing first.
It would not stop from eating his own shit first either. What's your point?
As I recall Trump just as any president in the past is working on a lot of issues.
This has nothing to do with NFL players hating America. It has to do with them exercising their free speech rights and lots of bigots and fucktards getting upset about it. Kneeling during the National Anthem (a personal choice) is no more injecting politics into sports than the playing of the national anthem.

One would think that this issue was one the President's radar that the US would not be in armed conflict anywhere in the world and not threatened by anyone in the world, and that the economy for everyone was in great shape.

They are there to play the ball for all Americans and should not discriminate on the basis of political views. There is nothing wrong with playing the National Anthem.

From Russia with Love
https://www.rt.com/usa/190048-usa-bombing-six-country/ (23 September 2014)
O, bomber! Obama bombs 7th country in 6 years

And from the UK press as RT is taboo.
'Peace' President? How Obama came to bomb seven countries in six years
US has engaged in conflict in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and now Syria

They can do this in their own time and not force their dogma on others. Anyone else bringing their politics to the workplace would get the bum's rush for being disruptive.

The Anthem and other ceremonies is about America, not Trump. This was never a problem to the NFL since 1920.
If they really hate America they can to to North Korea to further serve as Marxist marionettes over there.

- - - Updated - - -

They can do this in their own time and keep politics out of sport. The Anthem and other ceremonies is about America, not Trump.

The Anthem is a battle song that taunts the opponent. If people really wanted to keep politics out of sport, they'd stop playing the fucking song.

You mean an American team playing against an American team taunts with the Anthem?
They are there to play the ball for all Americans and should not discriminate on the basis of political views. There is nothing wrong with playing the National Anthem.
it is injecting politics. If you were consistent, you would say they should play it on their own time. Of course, I didn't say it was wrong to play the National Anthem, so I have no idea why you interject that straw man. And there is nothing wrong with someone taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem.

... **irrelevancies galoe***....
None of this has anything to do with Marxists or Obama or Trump (he was protesting the treatment the shooting of unarmed black men), so please stop your babbling derails.
it is injecting politics. If you were consistent, you would say they should play it on their own time. Of course, I didn't say it was wrong to play the National Anthem, so I have no idea why you interject that straw man. And there is nothing wrong with someone taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem.

... **irrelevancies galoe***....
None of this has anything to do with Marxists or Obama or Trump (he was protesting the treatment the shooting of unarmed black men), so please stop your babbling derails.

They can both protest and allow due process outside of working hours. Not all shootings of black men by police are an act of murder. Let a fair unbiased process take place without puppetry from the Ultra-left.

There is a right wing report here but it quotes the Washington Post. I can't get this normally as my subscription expired.


1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force," according to Mac Donald in a speech at Hillsdale College.

Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 13 percent of the population. But as Mac Donald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.

"Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force," writes MacDonald.

MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.
But he is 'technically' a below average businessman when measured against the S&P 500.
You are talking about private as opposed to public.

No. The winningest winners create businesses large enough to become publicly traded. This dude can't even borrow money in the US. Had my dad given me hundreds of millions of dollars in 1982, would I be better off partnering with trump or investing it in an S&P 500 index?

He's managed a real estate portfolio well. Not very impressive. In any business with moving components (going concern) he's failed. When he has to manage components of an active business - he's failed.

He has seriously under-performed standard real estate indices too.


Conclusion: In the finance literature, investors who have outperformed are said to have skill, or talent, and those who do not are called underperformers. Using both independent and self-reported estimates of his net worth, Donald Trump has underperformed his real estate investor peers by 48% and 57%, despite taking more risk. Donald Trump is obviously a skillful presenter and a talented entertainer, but in terms of his investment skills, he is a clear underperformer.

You are talking about private as opposed to public.

No. The winningest winners create businesses large enough to become publicly traded. This dude can't even borrow money in the US. Had my dad given me hundreds of millions of dollars in 1982, would I be better off partnering with trump or investing it in an S&P 500 index?


What I've bolded. This says it all. This says he's a fuck-up. Given every advantage and slow walked through what is arguably the safest and simplest of business ventures, he can not get a loan from a US bank... for what is largely real estate ventures.
You're going to have to be a lot more clear about what you're attempting to say.
I talked about this some in the Kapaernick thread. Neither the church nor the NFL honestly owned or owns Sunday. Simply flagrant self-promotion akin to the Beatles are bigger than God.

1) Thank you for pointing out that no one actually owns a day of the week. I'm sure there were many people who didn't know that.

2) The statement wasn't made by the NFL, or any supporter of the NFL. It wasn't self-promotion.

Your clarification wasn't worth the wait.
And Trump would normally be laughing at this, but I am assuming that it hasn't been posted on Twitter yet.

Are you sure about that? Trump doesn't seem to be able to ignore things that the most basic human beings are able to.

Trump isn't a self-made man. He isn't innovative, and as has been well documented, he significantly underperformed against his competitors and the market in general. And to point this out is an enormous threat to him. I don't think that's arguable.

But if Trump were to just laugh at me, that doesn't mean anything I said is inaccurate.

We have the most powerful person on the planet concerning himself with football, and is whipping up the absolute worst people in the U.S. over it.

What rational person would look at what Trump is doing and say that it's good for the nation, has a legitimate purpose, and will have a longterm positive outcome. Well, it may have a longterm positive outcome in that it could wake more Americans up to the batshit insanity that's roaming the White House.
They can both protest and allow due process outside of working hours. Not all shootings of black men by police are an act of murder. Let a fair unbiased process take place without puppetry from the Ultra-left....
Or, in the case of your responses, babbling puppetry from the Ultra-right. Statistics about crime rates by race has nothing to do with the issue of exercising free speech, even speech with which you (or I) disagree,
I obviously know it was not meant as literal, and it is still a brazen lie.
Please explain how an insincere statement made in jest can be a brazen lie.
This describes Trump talking about promises that he will accomplish in his first 100 days: simply hyperbole, which is only an insincere statement made in jest.
I talked about this some in the Kapaernick thread. Neither the church nor the NFL honestly owned or owns Sunday. Simply flagrant self-promotion akin to the Beatles are bigger than God.

1) Thank you for pointing out that no one actually owns a day of the week. I'm sure there were many people who didn't know that.
You are very welcome.

2) The statement wasn't made by the NFL, or any supporter of the NFL. It wasn't self-promotion.
It doesn't need to be from the NFL. It makes it seem like the NFL is much larger than it actually is. Whether you are a vested supporter, or opponent countering Goliath, it is still self-promotion.

Your clarification wasn't worth the wait.
Sorry, but I never promised you a rose garden.
Please explain how an insincere statement made in jest can be a brazen lie.
This describes Trump talking about promises that he will accomplish in his first 100 days: simply hyperbole, which is only an insincere statement made in jest.
No, 'this' was the claim that the NFL owns Sunday. That was what you called a brazen lie.
A lie is something said that you know not to be true. If it was hyperbole, it was never meant to be taken as true. Your calling it a lie, therefore, is a brazen lie or gross ignorance.

As to Trump making campaign promises in jest, a defense that's actually off-point in this exchange, that would only work if you believe his entire campaign was insincere. I could almost buy that, but that would still mean he's below par on fulfilling promises, if only because he never intended to fulfill any of them.
This describes Trump talking about promises that he will accomplish in his first 100 days: simply hyperbole, which is only an insincere statement made in jest.
No, 'this' was the claim that the NFL owns Sunday.
No, it was a lie.
That was what you called a brazen lie.
A lie is something said that you know not to be true.
Correct again.
If it was hyperbole, it was never meant to be taken as true.
As literal.
Your calling it a lie, therefore, is a brazen lie or gross ignorance.
A brazen lie.

As to Trump making campaign promises in jest, a defense that's actually off-point in this exchange, that would only work if you believe his entire campaign was insincere.
His campaign was of course insincere, I have already said this many times. When I say that Trump is a habitual liar, this is no hyperbole on my part.
I could almost buy that, but that would still mean he's below par on fulfilling promises, if only because he never intended to fulfill any of them.
I think he plans to accomplish tax refrom, but not replace ACA.
They can both protest and allow due process outside of working hours. Not all shootings of black men by police are an act of murder. Let a fair unbiased process take place without puppetry from the Ultra-left....
Or, in the case of your responses, babbling puppetry from the Ultra-right. Statistics about crime rates by race has nothing to do with the issue of exercising free speech, even speech with which you (or I) disagree,

As I said the NFL players are there to play ball. They can exercise their rights out of the work place. The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.
As I said the NFL players are there to play ball. They can exercise their rights out of the work place. The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.

The idea that rights do not extend to the workplace is an idea only contained within unjust economic arrangements.
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