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Trump's Small Dick Syndrome Manifests Itself In Major Pro Sports

2) The statement wasn't made by the NFL, or any supporter of the NFL. It wasn't self-promotion.
It doesn't need to be from the NFL. It makes it seem like the NFL is much larger than it actually is. Whether you are a vested supporter, or opponent countering Goliath, it is still self-promotion.
If you are going to make that argument, you should change your handle to "Devil's Advocate". Football is by far the largest sport in the US. In the Fall High School, College, and Professional football draws incredible amount of attention, like no other sport. Football doesn't own god, but Football is huge. So big Trump tried to buy a piece of it with the USFL, but ultimately helped lead to the collapse of that league.

And now for some irony.
Donald Trump said:
If God wanted football in the spring he wouldn't have created baseball.
As I said the NFL players are there to play ball. They can exercise their rights out of the work place. The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.

The idea that rights do not extend to the workplace is an idea only contained within unjust economic arrangements.

Also its pretty amazing so see one of our free speech veterans now defending the president's decision to try and silence his political opponents.
This has nothing to do with NFL players hating America. It has to do with them exercising their free speech rights and lots of bigots and fucktards getting upset about it. Kneeling during the National Anthem (a personal choice) is no more injecting politics into sports than the playing of the national anthem.

One would think that this issue was one the President's radar that the US would not be in armed conflict anywhere in the world and not threatened by anyone in the world, and that the economy for everyone was in great shape.

They are there to play the ball for all Americans and should not discriminate on the basis of political views. There is nothing wrong with playing the National Anthem.
You are correct, there is nothing wrong with the anthem being played at a NFL game, just as there is nothing wrong with an American kneeling during the anthem. A patriot isn’t defined by a showy display, or by flying a flag. My dad didn’t stand at church to be recognized as a patriot veteran. But a couple of my in-laws sure did for their 4-year stint in the volunteer military (with STD’s being their biggest threat). My dad didn’t fly the American flag, but he was one of the most honest persons I knew. But my in-law made sure he had an updated uniform to make sure people knew his fat gut had served; and he will cheat/lie like an SOB (or maybe now a dotard).

Yeah, this would be far closer to my dad had he made it to 97:
My grandpa is a 97 year-old WWII vet & Missouri farmer who wanted to join w/ those who #TakeaKnee: "those kids have every right to protest." pic.twitter.com/LurCj7SLUB

They can do this in their own time and not force their dogma on others. Anyone else bringing their politics to the workplace would get the bum's rush for being disruptive.
They don’t have regular workplace jobs. Maybe the Dotard should get the bums rush for his various behavioral events…after all anyone else bringing their BS to the workplace would get the bum’s rush…
They can do this in their own time and not force their dogma on others. Anyone else bringing their politics to the workplace would get the bum's rush for being disruptive.
…after all anyone else bringing their BS to the workplace would get the bum’s rush…
Wouldn't giving someone a bum's rush for offending you be forcing your dogma on others?

I mean, I know the political views of everyone in my office. Their stance on knees, bathrooms, SSM, treason, Trump, flag burning, flag-based clothing, boy scouts, and all sorts of crap related to public education.
Not a one of them has been bum's rushified in the last 17 years...
Also, I note that while I disagree with almost all of their positions on just about every fucking thing, I STILL disagree. None fo their dogma has been forcified upon me.

....Except for the farting rule. but that's mostly a matter of filing with the EPA, not politics.
…after all anyone else bringing their BS to the workplace would get the bum’s rush…
Wouldn't giving someone a bum's rush for offending you be forcing your dogma on others?
Well yah...but then again, it wasn't my rule idea... But I've read a few real CEO's comments about "if I/we did that, we'd out the door in a heartbeat..."

I mean, I know the political views of everyone in my office. Their stance on knees, bathrooms, SSM, treason, Trump, flag burning, flag-based clothing, boy scouts, and all sorts of crap related to public education.
Not a one of them has been bum's rushified in the last 17 years...
Also, I note that while I disagree with almost all of their positions on just about every fucking thing, I STILL disagree. None fo their dogma has been forcified upon me.
Me three, at least when I wasn't a remote worker...the water cooler isn't nearly as colorful nowadays.

....Except for the farting rule. but that's mostly a matter of filing with the EPA, not politics.
That was one advantage of working directly for the military (silly service), they don't have to answer to the EPA nor OSHA...or maybe it is a disadvantage when it comes to a building crumbling...
The idea that rights do not extend to the workplace is an idea only contained within unjust economic arrangements.

Also its pretty amazing so see one of our free speech veterans now defending the president's decision to try and silence his political opponents.

What I also find alarming is the amount of hatred Trump can whip up in an instant, and how irresponsible he is with it. Note that there's a difference between "alarming" and "surprising." If Trump tells his constituents to hate the NFL, they'll hate the NFL. The impact of that remains to be seen, and Trumptards are notoriously vocal, but Trump has no problem with attempting to destroy an American organization: in this case, the NFL.

These useless questions keep re-ocurring to me: where is the GOP on this? Isn't there anyone around Trump to tell him that this is really, really bad? Isn't there something that can be done to stop this shit right now before it gets worse?

And the reason those questions are useless is because the answer is "no" to all of them.
When real news is no longer vogue

Not a bad summary of the latest Dotard machinations...forget the Russian probe...
In Trump-land This Week: From Dotard to Bashing the NFL

In a manic, self-aggrandizing oration on Friday night in Huntsville, Alabama, under the guise of a campaign speech for special election candidate Luther Strange (not kidding! The guy’s real name!) the president found a new target: the NFL players who kneel in silent protest during the national anthem. With his typical eloquence, he wished a team owner would say, “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired!” As the outraged response—from the sports world and far afield—rapidly gains momentum, we can only wonder: Why is Trump so much more upset about this than he was about Charlottesville? Could he be bringing this up with such ferocity because he wants us to talk about this—about anything!—instead of the Russia probe?...
funinspace's link said:
Could he be bringing this up with such ferocity because he wants us to talk about this—about anything!—instead of the Russia probe?...

funinspace's link said:
Could he be bringing this up with such ferocity because he wants us to talk about this—about anything!—instead of the Russia probe?...
If that was the case, his White House wouldn't be a mess. Trump is unhinged and he only knows how to speak out to his loyal and blind base.
Trump is unhinged and he only knows how to speak out to his loyal and blind base.
Well, you do have to respect his attempt to regain credibility, by repurposing his previous gaffe. Talking about the whole 'taking a knee' and saying "There are good people on both sides (of the argument)..."
Or, in the case of your responses, babbling puppetry from the Ultra-right. Statistics about crime rates by race has nothing to do with the issue of exercising free speech, even speech with which you (or I) disagree,

As I said the NFL players are there to play ball. They can exercise their rights out of the work place.
Or in the work place. After all, the owners are exercising their free speech by playing the national anthem.
The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.
Which is irrelevant to the protest. Duh.
As I said the NFL players are there to play ball. They can exercise their rights out of the work place.
Or in the work place. After all, the owners are exercising their free speech by playing the national anthem.
If this were a work place issue, the owners would be the ones to take issue, not the POTUS.
Not a bad summary of the latest Dotard machinations...forget the Russian probe...
In Trump-land This Week: From Dotard to Bashing the NFL

In a manic, self-aggrandizing oration on Friday night in Huntsville, Alabama, under the guise of a campaign speech for special election candidate Luther Strange (not kidding! The guy’s real name!) the president found a new target: the NFL players who kneel in silent protest during the national anthem. With his typical eloquence, he wished a team owner would say, “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired!” As the outraged response—from the sports world and far afield—rapidly gains momentum, we can only wonder: Why is Trump so much more upset about this than he was about Charlottesville? Could he be bringing this up with such ferocity because he wants us to talk about this—about anything!—instead of the Russia probe?...

But this brings me back around to one of my original points: did Trump intentionally do it to distract or does he just say whatever the fuck crosses his mind, and then the fallout begins?

The idea that it's an attempt to distract is tempting to jump on, but it's not like Mueller and his team are going to stop working. Of course, one would assume that Trump knew that and wouldn't bother to try such a stupid measure, but it is Trump we're talking about. So with that in mind, does he think he can avoid the investigation if enough of his idiotic supporters are cheering for him? That question wouldn't enter the mind of a rational person and that's what's so genuinely frightening about Trump: it cannot be said with certainty that he's a rational person.

If you go with him being rational, then he seems like an evil genius, plotting many steps ahead. I mean, the investigation is going to find whatever it's going to find, and no amount of Trumptard fucksticks are going to prevent that. So maybe Trump is purposely whipping up his base to the point where members of Congress won't throw him out because they'll fear physical violence? His fate is not in his own hands right now, which means the control he can exercise has to come from unconventional means. He's certainly not a sophisticated person, that's for sure. He's a dullard with power and dullards do easy things. Violence is easy. Thus, if Trump is a rational person, then he could be setting up some kind of future violence against his political opposition, regardless of the party.

If you go with him being irrational, then it all makes perfect sense. He's a baboonish dimwit who feels his way through things and simply reacts to things that make him feel good from moment to moment. All of this is just another shit-splosion of his dementia, which will pass, leaving in its wake all kinds of unintended carnage that will take years to repair by other people.

And that does seem more like Trump's MO, right? Do a bunch of shit, see what happens, and if it goes south, fuck it: there's still money and I won't have to deal with it.

On a gut level, that makes more sense to me than Trump thinking so many steps ahead. A lot more sense.
But this brings me back around to one of my original points: did Trump intentionally do it to distract or does he just say whatever the fuck crosses his mind, and then the fallout begins?

I don't think he thinks that strategically. He was in front of a rabidly redneck audience, where until not too long ago people were lynched for being the wrong color and "uppity". It was the perfect topic.
I agree, Opoponax. He is not conniving in any clever, scheming way. He simply has zero control over his own reactions or the direction his attention goes. Zero. Some around him might find this useful for the purpose of distraction, but Trump only says things like, "Oh hey, look at that shiny thing over there" on the fly. He doesn't have the capacity to premeditate or scheme. He's a vapid tool, easily used by power hungry zealots.
They should simply stop playing the National Anthem at football games. This was only added to sporting events to increase enrollment in the military (gee, who made it political first?). As such, it should simply be eliminated.
it is injecting politics. If you were consistent, you would say they should play it on their own time. Of course, I didn't say it was wrong to play the National Anthem, so I have no idea why you interject that straw man. And there is nothing wrong with someone taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem.

None of this has anything to do with Marxists or Obama or Trump (he was protesting the treatment the shooting of unarmed black men), so please stop your babbling derails.

They can both protest and allow due process outside of working hours. Not all shootings of black men by police are an act of murder. Let a fair unbiased process take place without puppetry from the Ultra-left.

There is a right wing report here but it quotes the Washington Post. I can't get this normally as my subscription expired.


1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force," according to Mac Donald in a speech at Hillsdale College.

Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 13 percent of the population. But as Mac Donald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.

"Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force," writes MacDonald.

MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.
I think he suffers from impulse control which to me is quite scary. He's POTUS and as anyone knows, people that act without a thought for consequence end up hurt or endangering others. As president, he can harm an awful lot of people with his impulsive rants.
Not a bad summary of the latest Dotard machinations...forget the Russian probe...

But this brings me back around to one of my original points: did Trump intentionally do it to distract or does he just say whatever the fuck crosses his mind, and then the fallout begins?

The idea that it's an attempt to distract is tempting to jump on, but it's not like Mueller and his team are going to stop working. Of course, one would assume that Trump knew that and wouldn't bother to try such a stupid measure, but it is Trump we're talking about. So with that in mind, does he think he can avoid the investigation if enough of his idiotic supporters are cheering for him? That question wouldn't enter the mind of a rational person and that's what's so genuinely frightening about Trump: it cannot be said with certainty that he's a rational person.

If you go with him being rational, then he seems like an evil genius, plotting many steps ahead. I mean, the investigation is going to find whatever it's going to find, and no amount of Trumptard fucksticks are going to prevent that. So maybe Trump is purposely whipping up his base to the point where members of Congress won't throw him out because they'll fear physical violence? His fate is not in his own hands right now, which means the control he can exercise has to come from unconventional means. He's certainly not a sophisticated person, that's for sure. He's a dullard with power and dullards do easy things. Violence is easy. Thus, if Trump is a rational person, then he could be setting up some kind of future violence against his political opposition, regardless of the party.

If you go with him being irrational, then it all makes perfect sense. He's a baboonish dimwit who feels his way through things and simply reacts to things that make him feel good from moment to moment. All of this is just another shit-splosion of his dementia, which will pass, leaving in its wake all kinds of unintended carnage that will take years to repair by other people.

And that does seem more like Trump's MO, right? Do a bunch of shit, see what happens, and if it goes south, fuck it: there's still money and I won't have to deal with it.

On a gut level, that makes more sense to me than Trump thinking so many steps ahead. A lot more sense.

- - - Updated - - -

I think he suffers from impulse control which to me is quite scary. He's POTUS and as anyone knows, people that act without a thought for consequence end up hurt or endangering others. As president, he can harm an awful lot of people with his impulsive rants.
Not a bad summary of the latest Dotard machinations...forget the Russian probe...

But this brings me back around to one of my original points: did Trump intentionally do it to distract or does he just say whatever the fuck crosses his mind, and then the fallout begins?

The idea that it's an attempt to distract is tempting to jump on, but it's not like Mueller and his team are going to stop working. Of course, one would assume that Trump knew that and wouldn't bother to try such a stupid measure, but it is Trump we're talking about. So with that in mind, does he think he can avoid the investigation if enough of his idiotic supporters are cheering for him? That question wouldn't enter the mind of a rational person and that's what's so genuinely frightening about Trump: it cannot be said with certainty that he's a rational person.

If you go with him being rational, then he seems like an evil genius, plotting many steps ahead. I mean, the investigation is going to find whatever it's going to find, and no amount of Trumptard fucksticks are going to prevent that. So maybe Trump is purposely whipping up his base to the point where members of Congress won't throw him out because they'll fear physical violence? His fate is not in his own hands right now, which means the control he can exercise has to come from unconventional means. He's certainly not a sophisticated person, that's for sure. He's a dullard with power and dullards do easy things. Violence is easy. Thus, if Trump is a rational person, then he could be setting up some kind of future violence against his political opposition, regardless of the party.

If you go with him being irrational, then it all makes perfect sense. He's a baboonish dimwit who feels his way through things and simply reacts to things that make him feel good from moment to moment. All of this is just another shit-splosion of his dementia, which will pass, leaving in its wake all kinds of unintended carnage that will take years to repair by other people.

And that does seem more like Trump's MO, right? Do a bunch of shit, see what happens, and if it goes south, fuck it: there's still money and I won't have to deal with it.

On a gut level, that makes more sense to me than Trump thinking so many steps ahead. A lot more sense.
As I said the NFL players are there to play ball. They can exercise their rights out of the work place.
Or in the work place. After all, the owners are exercising their free speech by playing the national anthem.
The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.
Which is irrelevant to the protest. Duh.

Sport is not a platform give verdicts before due process has been exercised.
If the anthem is dropped altogether that's up to the organizers. The Player's contract contains the following 3 key requirements

1. Play the ball
2. Play the ball
3. Play the ball

Politics is outside working hours.
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