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Trump's Tax Returns


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
Top story on CNN right now is that Congress wants to see Trump's tax returns. I don't get it. Why?

This seems purely political. If he did some sort of tax fraud, then the IRS should investigate him. Good chance they already have. Why should any of it be made public and why should Congress be involved?

Am I missing something here?
Of course it's political.
Every candidate for, what, the last 60 years or so? They all publish.
Trump SAID he'd publish, once he was elected.
So this is just helping him meet a campaign promise.

He sold himself as a successful businessman. Well, let's see that. Is he that successful? Or is he surviving only on loans and not paying contractors?

And I don't think they're looking for tax 'fraud,' exactly. But financial entanglements. Ethical questions.
Top story on CNN right now is that Congress wants to see Trump's tax returns. I don't get it. Why?

This seems purely political. If he did some sort of tax fraud, then the IRS should investigate him. Good chance they already have. Why should any of it be made public and why should Congress be involved?

Am I missing something here?

There's circumstantial evidence to suggest that he's compromised to Russia due to his financial ties to them. The oversight requirements of Congress require them to look into this.
Am I missing something here?
Apparently the year 2016.

Indeed. Trump is already known to have been kompromatted by Russia, and it is likely that the Saudis and probably even the Azerbajanis own their respective pieces of him.
But hey - pointing that out is fucking POLITICAL, so we should just suck it up and let this corrupt administration run amuck.
You can bet dollars to donuts the Republicans would do it. So fuck him.
I would bet that after we get this clown pushed out of the White House, that Congress will pass a law requiring prospective presidents (say after being nominated by their respective party) to release at least the last 3 tax returns.
I would bet that after we get this clown pushed out of the White House, that Congress will pass a law requiring prospective presidents (say after being nominated by their respective party) to release at least the last 3 tax returns.
Democrat Presidential Nominees. Based on McConnell going nuclear on the Judicial Nomination process, any changes would be nothing but partisan.
There are some states passing requirements that candidates have to reveal their tax returns to get on the ballot there. Right now, it's only Dem states so it doesn't make much of a difference, but it appears to be a legal way to introduce this requirement.
I would bet that after we get this clown pushed out of the White House, that Congress will pass a law requiring prospective presidents (say after being nominated by their respective party) to release at least the last 3 tax returns.

There already is a law that pursuant to investigations of possible wrong doing, the US Congress has the right to subpoena any American's tax returns. That includes the President's tax returns. Trump's. This is the law the Democrats are using to get at his tax returns.
I don't get the whole "this is clearly political" as a complaint when we're talking about, you know, politics. It seems like a(nother) dishonest attempt at distracting from real issues that exist in the political process/body.
Top story on CNN right now is that Congress wants to see Trump's tax returns. I don't get it. Why?

This seems purely political. If he did some sort of tax fraud, then the IRS should investigate him. Good chance they already have. Why should any of it be made public and why should Congress be involved?

Am I missing something here?

There's circumstantial evidence to suggest that he's compromised to Russia due to his financial ties to them. The oversight requirements of Congress require them to look into this.

JUST Russia? How about to either people or the government officials in Saudia Arabia, Israel (through Jared) or any other number of countries. Jared and Ivanka should also have tax returns released or GTFO of government positions.


Ira Greenstein: Jared Kushner‘s Criminal Deal With Israel Behind U.S. Involvement In Syria For Genie Energy’s Control of the Golan Heights

This hyperfocus on Russia has really been detrimental and has backfired.
This hyperfocus on Russia has really been detrimental and has backfired.

It also brings into question possible conflicts of interest between various countries and the possible candidacy of former Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz. It seems that if we want to continue to allow business people to run for president we need to closely examine their tax returns. That is if we want to continue as a democracy.
This hyperfocus on Russia has really been detrimental and has backfired.
Trump's son and son-in-law and Campaign Manager met with Russians at Trump Tower, at the very least, as a guise to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton. That happened. When added to the fact that we were getting intel from the Dutch and Aussies that Trump Campaign folks were talking with shady people related to Putin... that isn't paranoia, that warranted concern.

And we still haven't seen the Report, of which Barr's own letter indicates there is stuff of concern in it.
If nothing works you can ask russian hackers to help, they can help with Mueller report as well.
If nothing works you can ask russian hackers to help, they can help with Mueller report as well.

True. They were happy to help Trump when he publicly asked them to. No "collusion", just a request for assistance that was received and paid back... no transaction... just one party does something and another party does something else and everyone walks away happy and richer... but no deals or collusion. oh no, heavens to Betsy.. where are my pearls!
This hyperfocus on Russia has really been detrimental and has backfired.

It also brings into question possible conflicts of interest between various countries and the possible candidacy of former Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz. It seems that if we want to continue to allow business people to run for president we need to closely examine their tax returns. That is if we want to continue as a democracy.
No, 20 years investigating Hillary, with no indictments, that's a backggire.
4 years investigating Whitewater, and finding a blowjob, an impeachment that failed to convict, that fizzled.
Let's see the actual report, before we'll know if anything backfired, or fizzled.
What is this weird belief that Trump supporters--in particular--have that the mere act of declaring something to be dead, will just somehow magically make it dead? Is that the cuck in them autonomically responding to their alpha males? Do they think everyone will just go, "Oh, ok, well, so long as you say it's dead then I guess it's dead."

It's the same stupidity in a game where players think they can influence a referee's call by just insisting that they didn't foul someone or like idiot children that think denial absolves them. So fucking weird.
This hyperfocus on Russia has really been detrimental and has backfired.

I totally disagree It's the focus on Trump that is detrimental. The Russia matter is of urgent concern that should require hyperfocus on someone's part. That's why we hired Mueller. The focus on Trump has taken the collective eye off the ball, which is election rigging by a hostile foreign power, and putting a stop to it.

Putin, MBS and Trumpkin are all perfectly happy to have the media and the public perpetually mesmerized by every stupid thing that comes out of Trump's mouth, every law he breaks, every woman he rapes - it's all so OUTRAGEOUS! News shows have never sold so many drugs.
Meanwhile, back at the Kremlin and the Palace of the Crown Prince, all plans proceed apace.
We will be lucky if this country isn't under martial law, and even pretends to any democratic principles by 2021.
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