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Trump's Tax Returns

And who really measured the impact of these trolls anyway?

Uh, you can thank Koy:

Who measured it, how they measured it, what they discovered.

... just in case that was not a totally disingenuous question.
Anyhow, thank you for agreeing with (or simply not addressing) my observation that if the US had been up to election interference shenanigans on the scale of Russia's effort in 2016, the whole TrumPutin Coalition of Greed wouldn't exist today.
Nate Silver disagrees
And why are we forgetting about anti-Trump trolls? Where is the investigation into that?
Who were these people? Russians? North koreans? German? Nicaraguan? americans,? who?

Hillary Clinton was the perfect candidate. No way should could ever lose. So, ergo, RUSSIANS.

How do you fail so badly at logic? You have to start with true assertions. You have to actually follow those with logical connections. Here, let me straighten that out for you.

Russians were proven to be manipulating social media to favor Trump. Russians aren't as bad at logic and strategy as you. So, Ergo, they had some non-zero effect on the opinions of Americans who were duped by Russian disinformation.
To Get Trump’s Tax Returns, N.Y. Democrats Try a New Strategy

Albany lawmakers are seeking state tax returns, not the federal ones at the heart of the current standoff in Washington. But a tax return from New York — the president’s home state, and the headquarters of his business empire — could likely contain much of the same financial information as a federal return.

“I think it’s a good general principle for us to be promoting,” Mr. Buchwald said. The bill, first introduced in 2017, now has enough co-sponsors to pass the Assembly and Senate.

A third bill, also sponsored by Mr. Hoylman, would require candidates for president and vice president to reveal their past tax returns in order to appear on primary and general election ballots. Similar efforts are also being considered in more than a dozen other states, including California and New Jersey.

There's more than one way to tree a coon.
To Get Trump’s Tax Returns, N.Y. Democrats Try a New Strategy

Albany lawmakers are seeking state tax returns, not the federal ones at the heart of the current standoff in Washington. But a tax return from New York — the president’s home state, and the headquarters of his business empire — could likely contain much of the same financial information as a federal return.

“I think it’s a good general principle for us to be promoting,” Mr. Buchwald said. The bill, first introduced in 2017, now has enough co-sponsors to pass the Assembly and Senate.

A third bill, also sponsored by Mr. Hoylman, would require candidates for president and vice president to reveal their past tax returns in order to appear on primary and general election ballots. Similar efforts are also being considered in more than a dozen other states, including California and New Jersey.

There's more than one way to tree a coon.

In this case, peel an orange.
Nate Silver disagrees

With what?
And SO WHAT? Is Silver the new inerrant voice of the alt-white?
Why are you unable to address anything yourself?

Russians were proven to be manipulating social media to favor Trump. Russians aren't as bad at logic and strategy as you. So, Ergo, they had some non-zero effect on the opinions of Americans who were duped by Russian disinformation.

No confusing the alt-whites with facts, zorq. It's totally unfair - ALTERNATIVE facts support their idiocy.
Why are you trying to deny them their alternatives?
Are you a NAZI???
Nate Silver disagrees
And why are we forgetting about anti-Trump trolls? Where is the investigation into that?
Who were these people? Russians? North koreans? German? Nicaraguan? americans,? who?

Hillary Clinton was the perfect candidate. No way should could ever lose. So, ergo, RUSSIANS.

How do you fail so badly at logic? You have to start with true assertions. You have to actually follow those with logical connections. Here, let me straighten that out for you.

Russians were proven to be manipulating social media to favor Trump. Russians aren't as bad at logic and strategy as you. So, Ergo, they had some non-zero effect on the opinions of Americans who were duped by Russian disinformation.

Here we are. Two plus years after the election. And there are folk who bitterly cling to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Acceptance is a hard road, it seems.
What is Russia actually accused of doing? Did they hack voting machines? Or did they just talk to people?

Why are you enabling a derail in your own thread? Try to get it back on track, don't ask questions that are in other threads like RussiaGate the Mueller investigation. Sheesh. Unless it actually is on-topic because this is some sad attempt to just generically rant against Democrats. In which case, carry on?

As for the tax returns, Trump's people said he wasn't going to share them during the campaign because of an audit. That audit has long been done. If he lied and it wasn't because of the audit, he should be called on it because part of why he was elected is because of the information he gave during the campaign. So it is proper for people to call for the tax returns now even if some of the people know he will not ever give up the tax returns. He has to be held to account and the electorate needs to be informed properly about their leaders and those running to be their leaders. So, if he is the type of person who will lie to get out of showing his tax returns and then will lie about it again after lie#1 is exposed, then people need to know this. In that sense, whether it is right and proper for any leader to show their tax returns is moot. It is just right and proper for campaigning leaders to tell the electorate the truth. And I don't want to hear all the haters with "but Democrats," because yes of course that includes Democrats, that just isn't the topic of this thread. Participate in different threads for that purpose.
What is Russia actually accused of doing? Did they hack voting machines? Or did they just talk to people?

The latter.

If we do the same to ourselves it's legal, probably free speech. A fool and his stupidity are never parted kinda thing.

But foreign countries are not allowed to meddle or influence. This is what the Ruskies did.

I'm certain they would love to hack voting machines. So would lots of people here too.
If we do the same to ourselves it's legal, probably free speech. A fool and his stupidity are never parted kinda thing.

But foreign countries are not allowed to meddle or influence. This is what the Ruskies did.

Well good luck with that one. People talk. Russians have probably talked to Americans about their politics since the formation of the country, as have Americans talked to Russians about theirs. It would make more sense to me if this was about hacking, stopping people from voting, having a candidate as an agent etc.

But so much hubub over just talking? That just seems bizarre.

And what is Trump suspected of and accused of that will show up in his tax returns? That he did business with Russia? I am sure he did. Why wouldn't he have? He ran an international company. Or would the tax returns somehow indicate that he is bought by the Russians? If the latter then this makes sense.

As for him saying he would release his tax returns and then not delivering on that promise, politicians break election promises all the time. I don't see why Congress, who is supposed to be making laws for the good governance of the people, should be wasting time with partisan politics. But I guess that's pretty much what they do, which is why actual lawmaking for the good of the country is so slow.
And what is Trump suspected of and accused of that will show up in his tax returns? That he did business with Russia? I am sure he did. Why wouldn't he have? He ran an international company. Or would the tax returns somehow indicate that he is bought by the Russians? If the latter then this makes sense.

Trump is lying about releasing his tax returns. He is very likely bought by the Russians, the Saudis, the Azerbajanis (he knowingly participated in a project for them that was funded by the Iranian Republican Guard, which he just designated as a terrorist org) and others. But so what, right? He can shoot someone on 5th Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it (they probably deserved it, and besides, lots of people shoot people so it's no big deal).
About the taxes he is likely just playing coy - lying about his tax returns in the hope that the can get Dems really wound up about it, then release them to great fanfare, knowing that they will show no obviously provable criminal activity, and he can dismiss all the apparent conflicts and compromise (kompromat). Pretty much just like he does with every other scandal - like the Stormy hush money thing, the Mueller report and all the other scandals - deny deny deny, change your story to accommodate leaks as they come out, accuse others of whatever you've done, and most important: keep talking and repeating yourself until nobody wants to hear it any more.
And what is Trump suspected of and accused of that will show up in his tax returns? That he did business with Russia? I am sure he did. Why wouldn't he have? He ran an international company. Or would the tax returns somehow indicate that he is bought by the Russians? If the latter then this makes sense.
I'll try to make this simple to understand. Three words. I'll make them large.

And what is Trump suspected of and accused of that will show up in his tax returns? That he did business with Russia? I am sure he did. Why wouldn't he have? He ran an international company. Or would the tax returns somehow indicate that he is bought by the Russians? If the latter then this makes sense.
I'll try to make this simple to understand. Three words. I'll make them large.


I think you'd be far better pursuing the issue of him not creating a true blind trust when he became president. That shows conflict of interest. I don't know what his taxes are supposed to show that would prove conflict.
I think you'd be far better pursuing the issue of him not creating a true blind trust when he became president. That shows conflict of interest. I don't know what his taxes are supposed to show that would prove conflict.

I assume you mean other than business dealings with and debts to foreign organizations with whom he now makes decisions worth hundreds of billions of dollars for those entities.
I think you'd be far better pursuing the issue of him not creating a true blind trust when he became president. That shows conflict of interest. I don't know what his taxes are supposed to show that would prove conflict.

I assume you mean other than business dealings with and debts to foreign organizations with whom he now makes decisions worth hundreds of billions of dollars for those entities.
Yeah. Other than that.

I mean, and his son-in-law meeting with russian oligarchs in trump tower during the campaign.

Other than that.

Or his obvious pandering to putin.

Other than that.
I think you'd be far better pursuing the issue of him not creating a true blind trust when he became president. That shows conflict of interest. I don't know what his taxes are supposed to show that would prove conflict.

I assume you mean other than business dealings with and debts to foreign organizations with whom he now makes decisions worth hundreds of billions of dollars for those entities.
Yeah. Other than that.

I mean, and his son-in-law meeting with russian oligarchs in trump tower during the campaign.

Other than that.

Or his obvious pandering to putin.

Other than that.

Exactly. If you disqualify all of his conflicts of interest from consideration, there aren't any conflicts of interest and therefore no need to look for any conflicts of interest.
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