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Tucker Carlson goes on vacation as criticism mounts over false claim about white supremacy 'hoax'

right-wing terrorists have killed more people on U.S. soil than jihadis have since 9/11

But Halfie sez there aren't that many of them. So why can't we just kill them all and their families, like Cheato wants to do for (presumably "other") terrorists?


psssst pssssst

jihadis and other repressive religious fundamentalist groups are right wing terrorists too

I keep pointing this out, yet it keeps on being hand-waved away because some idiot asshole who happened to be a greedy piece of shit decided to destabilize a region by empowering right wing terrorists.

It's almost like when right wing terrorists get power, they cause instability...
Tucker is right, though. He made a comment that all the white supremacists in the U.S. couldn't even fill one football stadium. And these are the people who the left are scared of? They have no political power whatsoever.

He also feigned ignorance of the significance of 88.... criticizing comments that Trump's announcement that the "whitehouse flag will fly at half mast until 8/8" was a white supremacist secret message of support. He could have said it was just a coincidence and conspiracy stories are bad... but he lives by them and now is dying by one. simply google "88" and everything he said in his piece about it being "numerology" and "invented conspiracy" is contradicted.
OK, so you have admitted that Israel and Japan are filled with racist bigots who need to open up their borders to the third world.
No, no one admitted that.
YOU claim that all countries use 'race' to limit immigration.
But you have not supported that.
Where do you find the limits Japan uses for approving immigration?

You have a long way to go before anyone has to accept that every country uses race to limit immigration.

So, regarding that 'I do my best to answer the questions,' will you support your bullshit or just duck the issue yet again?

It's also a pretty fucking moronic comparison considering Japan is not even a third of the size of Alaska, and Israel isn't even a fifth of the size of New England.

So I am confused. If the U.S. was a very small country, then it would be OK to have only whites?
Nope. Read better.

I try my best to answer the questions.

Try harder, because you are the worst question dodger here.

I notice you did not answer my post #94, despite it only requiring an A or B choice.

Why is it so hard for you guys to answer the question?

Your question is falseley premised. If you read better you would (maybe) understand.

And son, you don't get to complain about dodges until you clear your prolific backlog first.
I notice you did not answer my post #94, despite it only requiring an A or B choice.

Why is it so hard for you guys to answer the question?

Your question is falseley premised. If you read better you would (maybe) understand.

And son, you don't get to complain about dodges until you clear your prolific backlog first.

So then just answer my question:

Should Israel tear down its racist wall and let in more of the the third world? A simple yes or no would suffice. I am surprised there is not a whole slew of posters responding with yes or no.
Halfie, see above. I won't answer again until you show you've understood.
Who is destroying white people? Are there, like, concentration camps and ovens and stuff? Are they being sterilized? Sent back to the country they “came from”?

Right, none of those. They’re just being asked to coexist with people who don’t look like them, here, in this Nation of Immigrants, of all places, and it’s apparently causing some of them to self-immolate.

Why don’t most white people feel they’re being destroyed? Are we just not as smart as you torch-toters?
Who is destroying white people? Are there, like, concentration camps and ovens and stuff? Are they being sterilized? Sent back to the country they “came from”?

Right, none of those. They’re just being asked to coexist with people who don’t look like them, here, in this Nation of Immigrants, of all places, and it’s apparently causing some of them to self-immolate.

Why don’t most white people feel they’re being destroyed? Are we just not as smart as you torch-toters?

It is because everyone says "only white people can be racist." This statement itself is pure stupidity and shows the hatred for whites.

The immigrants coming into this country want to outbreed white people and make us go extinct. No other race would take that lying down. But we whites are told to "take it and like it." We can not fight for our race the way other races can. This amounts to a hatred of whites.
Who is destroying white people? Are there, like, concentration camps and ovens and stuff? Are they being sterilized? Sent back to the country they “came from”?

Right, none of those. They’re just being asked to coexist with people who don’t look like them, here, in this Nation of Immigrants, of all places, and it’s apparently causing some of them to self-immolate.

Why don’t most white people feel they’re being destroyed? Are we just not as smart as you torch-toters?

It is because everyone says "only white people can be racist."

No, everyone doesn't say that. In fact, I don't know anyone who says that. But there are a lot of white people who claim that everyone says that.

The immigrants coming into this country want to outbreed white people and make us go extinct.

Oh, is that what they want? Not safety, a job, a home that isn't a cardboard box? They want you to not exist? Okay, whatever you say.

If you ever get the urge to face reality, you'll reach the conclusion that you're not afraid of your race becoming extinct, you're afraid of being a MINORITY. And your fear is based on how YOU treat minorities. You're the root cause of your own fear. Ironic, isn't it?
No, everyone doesn't say that. In fact, I don't know anyone who says that. But there are a lot of white people who claim that everyone says that.

The immigrants coming into this country want to outbreed white people and make us go extinct.

Oh, is that what they want? Not safety, a job, a home that isn't a cardboard box? They want you to not exist? Okay, whatever you say.

If you ever get the urge to face reality, you'll reach the conclusion that you're not afraid of your race becoming extinct, you're afraid of being a MINORITY. And your fear is based on how YOU treat minorities. You're the root cause of your own fear. Ironic, isn't it?

You admitted it yourself. You said they live in cardboard boxes. So, they will come here and do the same. If they could build up their own country, they would stay there. There's a reason they can't build up their own country. They have low IQ's. Why would you want millions upon millions coming here to live in cardboard boxes?

If you look up Africa, they have the most wealth based on all their natural resources. Yet, their people still live in huts and eat dirt. It's terrible how much they squander what they have. :(
Halfie, see above. I won't answer again until you show you've understood.

Understand what????

That question would indicate you failed at understanding it, whatever it happens to be.

Is it so much to ask for a simple yes or no answer to my question about Israel?

This is supposed to be the forum of the big intellectuals not afraid of confrontation and shooting straight from the head!

So, why is it so hard to answer yes or no to the question of, "Should Israel tear down its racist wall and let in the third world?"
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