• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

Musk tweeting that he was attending the World Cup is not hypocritical.
I agree. Good thing I wasn't talking about that, but Musk (free speech warrior that he is) banning links to Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon. And seeing as you didn't read my post properly, I'll happily provide you the link again:

You're welcome.
Musk tweeting that he was attending the World Cup is not hypocritical.
I agree. Good thing I wasn't talking about that, but Musk (free speech warrior that he is) banning links to Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon. And seeing as you didn't read my post properly, I'll happily provide you the link again:

You're welcome.
That isn't hypocritical. Being pro free speech does not mean you have to provide your personal resources to advertise commercial competitors. It just doesn't.
OMG! But posting someone's real time location is really just posting their assassination coordinates! How can you justify the public publishing of Musk's ASSASSINATION COORDINATES???!!!
I'm currently at 27°31′30″ S 153°7′13″ E, if anyone cares enough to try to kill me. But you'll need to hurry, I am scheduled to leave in ten minutes...
OMG! But posting someone's real time location is really just posting their assassination coordinates! How can you justify the public publishing of Musk's ASSASSINATION COORDINATES???!!!
I'm currently at 27°31′30″ S 153°7′13″ E, if anyone cares enough to try to kill me. But you'll need to hurry, I am scheduled to leave in ten minutes...

That'd be important
If anyone cared.

Musk tweeting that he was attending the World Cup is not hypocritical.
I agree. Good thing I wasn't talking about that, but Musk (free speech warrior that he is) banning links to Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon. And seeing as you didn't read my post properly, I'll happily provide you the link again:

You're welcome.
That isn't hypocritical. Being pro free speech does not mean you have to provide your personal resources to advertise commercial competitors. It just doesn't.
That’s not untrue. But social media is not like a McDonalds banning Burger King advertising from its stores. The social media sites and users are interconnected. Think of all the links from other sites posted on this forum. He’ll probably reverse this policy.
OMG! But posting someone's real time location is really just posting their assassination coordinates! How can you justify the public publishing of Musk's ASSASSINATION COORDINATES???!!!
I'm currently at 27°31′30″ S 153°7′13″ E, if anyone cares enough to try to kill me. But you'll need to hurry, I am scheduled to leave in ten minutes...

That'd be important
If anyone cared.

Well, nobody showed up, so I kinda figured.
That isn't hypocritical. Being pro free speech does not mean you have to provide your personal resources to advertise commercial competitors. It just doesn't.

Fact remains, Elon Musk is doing the exact opposite of what he said he was going to do and the exact opposite of what he claims to believe. That is the very literal definition of a hypocrite.
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Some right-wing Twitter-like sites:

Donald Trump: @realDonaldTrump | Truth Social

Here is one of his tweets, er, truths:
@realDonaldTrump's post | Truth Social
All of the so-called experts who think that they know so much about my very successful private company, actually know almost nothing. It is a GREAT COMPANY, with lots of cash, some of the greatest assets anywhere in the World, and very little debt. Also, strong on deductions and depreciation. You will be seeing these numbers soon, but not all from my tax returns, which show relatively little. EVERYONE will be impressed, but the Fake News Media will not be happy, so against their narrative!
"Narrative"? He knows the word narrative? Totally so much profit, the best assets (?), little debt.
That isn't hypocritical. Being pro free speech does not mean you have to provide your personal resources to advertise commercial competitors. It just doesn't.

Fact remains, Elon Musk is doing the exact opposite of what he said he was going to do and the exact opposite of what he claims to believe. That is the very literal definition of a hypocrite.

Somewhat opposite, somewhat not at all what he said he'd be doing, IE monetizing Twitter to make it financially profitable and ending the bot issue. He has put the company at odds with advertisers and hasn't seemingly tried to deal with bots, other than offer a subscription service to make people pay to use Twitter.
A Shakespearean tragedy.

Exit stage right.

A throwback to the old image of the wealthy American eccentric business tyrant. Howard Hughs.
Pitiful. But not quite as pitiful as all those "Oh no, we NEED you Elmer Elon!" people.
I think he had already decided to step down as formal head of twitter, and made the poll just so that he could excuse it. He'll appoint someone else as CEO but will continue to tweet and make major decisions as the owner anyway.
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
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