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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
Man that is lazy.
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
Man that is lazy.
Yeah. It is a wonder why those attacking Musk now had no issue with the child exploitation on the site before he bought it.
I think he had already decided to step down as formal head of twitter, and made the poll just so that he could excuse it. He'll appoint someone else as CEO but will continue to tweet and make major decisions as the owner anyway.
That thought occurred to me as well.

Maybe he had an 'oh shit what the hll did I do this for' moment.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
Man that is lazy.
Yeah. It is a wonder why those attacking Musk now had no issue with the child exploitation on the site before he bought it.
Your posting is skipping again.
I think he had already decided to step down as formal head of twitter, and made the poll just so that he could excuse it. He'll appoint someone else as CEO but will continue to tweet and make major decisions as the owner anyway.
That thought occurred to me as well.

Maybe he had an 'oh shit what the hll did I do this for' moment.
Oh, he had that feeling back in May. But the purchase agreement was pretty much settled, so he was left taking over the company. The question is if he can find someone that can make Twitter profitable, after all these years are not being very profitable. He posted a poll on whether he should step down. He has 120 million "followers". 17 million accounts voted. Less than a half million retweets.
I think he had already decided to step down as formal head of twitter, and made the poll just so that he could excuse it. He'll appoint someone else as CEO but will continue to tweet and make major decisions as the owner anyway.
That thought occurred to me as well.

Maybe he had an 'oh shit what the hll did I do this for' moment.
The whole thing always looked like a "hold my beer" moment.

But I dunno. I consider social media like Twitter a cancer on society. Us old people tend to :


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Lotsa peeps on FB saying “Vote no! Don’t let him step down and blame someone else for his mess!”
Lotsa peeps on FB saying “Vote no! Don’t let him step down and blame someone else for his mess!”

I've never had a Twitter account.

But now I'm inclined to sign up.

So I can post stuff that gets me banned.

I think that getting banned by a mega-zillionaire from his "free speech" social media platform would be a hoot!

What do I have to do to become the kind of guy who gets banned from Twitter?
A license plate isn't doxxing. Names and emails would be.

Says you.

What happened in stalking incident Musk cited to ban @ElonJet - The Washington Post.

Using a video of the incident that Musk posted to Twitter, The Washington Post identified the owner of the car involved and then the driver shown in the video who had rented it through the car-sharing service Turo.

The idea of Mastodon as an alternative seems laughable to me.

Tell that to Musk, he appears to disagree.

If Musk doesn't like Mastodon, that's no skin off my nose.

Musk is/was banning links and any mention of Mastodon, most likely because he doesn't think Mastodon is a laughable alternative.

Yep. Musk said what he wanted to say, but the conversation got too hot for him to handle. So he fled.
Being for free speech does not mean you are pro a captive audience.

He wasn't forced to be there. He jumped into the conversation on his own, and then jetted out quickly, as he was being asked questions, like Desantis fleeing from an abortion question.

Yes, leaving when you don't want to answer questions is not somehow in conflict with being pro free speech. Being pro free speech doesn't mean you have to listen to somebody's speech.

That's nice, but has nothing to do with my comment.
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Musk tweeting that he was attending the World Cup is not hypocritical.
I agree. Good thing I wasn't talking about that, but Musk (free speech warrior that he is) banning links to Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon. And seeing as you didn't read my post properly, I'll happily provide you the link again:

You're welcome.

And that ill-thought policy is gone or modified now.

Because Musk continues to not know what the fuck he is doing. He is learning VERY SLOWLY and very poorly what most people (other than wingnuts) already knew about social media moderation. Number one, that some moderation is necessary, that a viable and successful platform cannot function according to free speech absolutism or even merely speech "which matches the law."

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Blastula said:
Using a video of the incident that Musk posted to Twitter, The Washington Post identified the owner of the car involved and then the driver shown in the video who had rented it through the car-sharing service Turo.

I don't know what resources the Washington Post had to be able to do that, but that does not seem right to me. If the average American can identify the owner of a car/personal details from a license plate I find that very concerning.

That's nice, but has nothing to do with my comment.

It has everything to do with it. Musk doesn't have to make himself a captive audience and stay and listen to people he doesn't want to listen to.
That's nice, but has nothing to do with my comment.
It has everything to do with it. Musk doesn't have to make himself a captive audience and stay and listen to people he doesn't want to listen to.

Still not relevant to what I was commenting on.

P.S. You might want to fix your first quote tag.
What Is Post, the Twitter Alternative Gaining Traction With Journalists and News Hounds? - Nov 23 - "The platform is still in beta, with a waitlist that’s grown to more than 125,000"

Post itself:
Home / Post. - domain name post.news
Remember when social media was fun, introduced you to big ideas and cool people, and actually made you smarter? Remember when it didn't waste your time and make you angry or sad? When you could disagree with someone without being threatened or insulted? We want to bring that back with Post.

We believe that all humans are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights that include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of their gender identity, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or beliefs.

If you do not agree with this principle, Post is not for you. We believe in freedom of speech and will oppose any government's attempt to censor speech on our platform. However, we have rules, which we plan to rigorously enforce via content moderation, with the help of our community.

Post will be a civil place to debate ideas; learn from experts, journalists, individual creators, and each other; converse freely; and have some fun. Many of today's ad-based platforms rely on capturing attention at any cost — sowing chaos in our society, amplifying the extremes, and muting the moderates. Post is designed to give the voice back to the sidelined majority; there are enough platforms for extremists, and we cannot relinquish the town square to them.
Commendable ambitions. Right-wingers may object "What kind of platform is this? I won't be able to insult or threaten or harass or dox left-wingers."

There is also the question of how will its operation be financed.

What can one do?
  • Write posts of any length and share them broadly
  • Comment, like, share, and repost content with your opinion
  • Buy individual articles from different premium news providers so you can access multiple perspectives, not just the ones you're subscribed to
  • Read content from various sources in a clean interface without jumping to different websites
  • Have meaningful discussions with friends, strangers, experts, and leaders
  • Tip creators of engaging content to help them create more of it, via integrated micro-payments
Some good features:
  • Block selected users from posting in response to one's threads
  • Hide selected users' posts, with an option to reveal them if one chooses
Post's content is still hidden, unless one knows the usernames of Post users, like:

@katiehill4ca's Profile / Post.
Katie Hill
Congresswoman (former). Mama (current).

Former Congresswoman. Finn’s mom. Author of She Will Rise: www.shewillrisebook.com. Founder of HER Time PAC: www.her-time.com. Not done yet.

Post Article / Post.
Katie Hill: "I’m saddened but not surprised by what Twitter is becoming. Glad that this alternative exists, and hope it continues to grow."

One can post pictures, like in Post Article / Post. - "In honor of Charles Schultz’s 100th birthday, here’s a pic of my kid dressed as Charlie Brown for Halloween."

They are hosted in cloudfront.net along with KH's profile picture.

Post Article / Post. - "Gonna have to figure out what kind of posts to post on Post… (there has to be a better phrase for that, right?)"
Post Content Rules | Post Help Center with this long list:
  • Terrorism and Hate Groups
  • Non-consensual or Underage Sexual Content
  • Harassment & Bullying
  • Violence & Harm
  • Personal Information of Others - doxxing
  • Sensitive media - with lots of violence
  • Bot or automated accounts - "If you are using an Account with a bot or other automated feeds, you must mark it as such, or it will be disabled."
  • Illegal Activity
  • Intellectual Property of Others
  • Fake News and misinformation
  • Impersonation and Deceptive Practices - parody accounts must be marked as parody
  • Adult Content
  • Third-party advertising - "You may not submit, post, or display any content on or through our services that includes third-party advertising, including content with pre-roll video ads or sponsorship graphics, without our prior consent."
I've added Parler:
The Spectacular Failure of Right-Wing Social Media Platforms | The New Republic - "From Kanye West (maybe?) buying Parler (but why?) to Donald Trump’s flailing (and scammy) Truth Social, the “free-speech” revolution is floundering."
This is their core belief: The big social media platforms have inherent liberal biases; the principles of free speech and expression demand new platforms. Naturally, there’s an alternative supposition here, which is that catering more to conservatives (Musk’s plan for Twitter) or entirely to the far right (the approach more or less taken by Trump’s Truth Social, Parler, and other platforms like Gettr or Gab) is also just a good business decision.

The idea that catering to the base awoken by Donald Trump in 2016 is a certain moneymaker is a familiar one. ... And so there’s been a simple plan: Build new structures for this audience, and milk the resulting cash cow.

Except it hasn’t really worked out. These platforms are relative ghost towns compared to the forebears they’re attempting to imitate.
If you are conservative and don’t post hate speech or blatant lies about the 2020 election—or are willing to do so in ways that don’t get noticed so that no one cares—you can just be on Twitter. Which is apparently where the fun is: “For Trump and his online base, Twitter, where virtually every member of the elite MAGA enemies list has a blue check, offered a unique product: direct lib-triggering at scale,” writes John Herrman in New York magazine. “For free! An incredible deal and probably a fatal indictment of the entire platform but, nevertheless, we post on.”

That’s the other problem with these Twitter alternatives: The trolls can’t compel the trolled to sign up. And so it turns out that the world without the blue checks and liberals is just monotony.

The category error at the center of all of these Twitter alternatives is that right-wing shitposters don’t actually need or want a safe space to play together. They want to be a part of a battlefield. This isn’t a thing that a right-wing version of Twitter can provide, so there just isn’t a point for any of these sites to exist.
They want to own the libs, but when there are no libs present for them to own, then they lose a major reason to be online. It's something like a relative whom I will call Lucy. She liked pulling the tail of a pet cat, but when another relative told her not to do that, she whined that that was taking away her fun. When the cat attacked her in response, she felt grievously affronted.

Also, right-wingers' grumbling about "liberal bias" seems to me like wanting a safe space for themselves, free of that alleged bias.
Why tech's giants aren't rushing to clone Twitter
Between the lines: Cloning Twitter would not be a huge technical challenge for companies like Microsoft, Google and Meta that already have a massive cloud infrastructure.

Yes, but: For these companies, a Twitter-like service would bring big political, social and legal headaches with little promise of a financial payoff.

Sources at Meta, Google and Microsoft suggest that they have no appetite for building a Twitter alternative.
Google has already built similar social-media sites: Buzz, Wave, Orkut, and Google+, but it is preferring to focus on YouTube.

What is Waze? Driving directions, live traffic & road conditions updates - Waze
Waze ~ Ways

What Is Post, the Twitter Alternative Gaining Traction With Journalists and News Hounds? - the article I'd mentioned, from thewrap.com, but on Yahoo News

Some features of Post seem nice, like its online tip jar and its ability to buy individual articles instead of having to do complete subscriptions to paywalled publications.
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