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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

You'll have to get over it. Musk didn't want to buy Twitter, he tried to get out of it, but the elites at the top of Twitter forced his hand.
Yeah, because he was a moron that actually ended up held accountable when he bid way too high.
Yes, he bid too high, he tried to get out of it, and all of the leftists plebs working at Twitter who were horrified by the prospect of Musk taking over were not saved by the leftist elite C-suite, who sued Elon to buy, and who left with multi million dollar golden parachutes.

Leftist elites wanted Musk to buy Twitter and they got what they wanted.
This has nothing to do with leftists or elites, simply good business sense. Somebody offers you way above actual value for something you have, why would you not sell? Twitter was losing money and had no real path to profitability--that makes it's real value something like $0. They're offered $43B for it--taking the offer is a no-brainer.
Especially with the deals they were personally getting for it! They didn't let Musk walk out because, why the heck should they? There was a signed agreement, and this would make them more wealthy and the shareholders got a well above market value for the stock.
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
Works just fine?!?!

What he removed was mostly the ability to respond to problems. At this point Twitter is a trainwreck looking for a place to happen.

And what's with the child exploitation garbage? Claiming such stuff was removed doesn't make it so. What he's actually done is removed most of the ability to respond to such stuff.
Do you actually use Twitter? I've not noticed any slowdown. Works just fine.

So either most of Twitter’s work force was completely unnecessary and doing nothing useful for the operation of the platform or it’s just coasting on autopilot while the pilot leaves the aircraft.
Do you actually use Twitter? I've not noticed any slowdown. Works just fine.

I do not use Twitter.

I consider social media a cancer on the body politic.

But if Twitter works just fine then what's the problem? Why did it's new owner put up the poll? Why did he pay a ridiculous amount of money for it? Why is any of this happening at all?

Maybe there's more to this than your personal preferences?

ETA ~If Musk suspended everyone but his 1200 closest friends I'd be totally good with that.~
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
Works just fine?!?!

What he removed was mostly the ability to respond to problems. At this point Twitter is a trainwreck looking for a place to happen.

And what's with the child exploitation garbage? Claiming such stuff was removed doesn't make it so. What he's actually done is removed most of the ability to respond to such stuff.
Do you actually use Twitter? I've not noticed any slowdown. Works just fine.

Well yeah, and the train engineer can walk away from his duties too and you won't notice anything going wrong... until it goes wrong. All things said, it sounds like Twitter is a bit robust, so the system itself is okay. But Musk has gone out of his way to tarnish the brand, which is odd, because... usually people try not to do that with the companies they own.
The senior executives at Twitter, immediately before Musk bought Twitter, are the leftist elites who I am talking about here. I don't know that I'd call them 'businessmen'.
Musk is a genius. Apparently he got pwned by elite libtard non-businessmen.
Liberal elite dupe Elon Musk into overpaying for underperforming and bloated social media company that lags most other actually popular social media companies, and was required to bring his own sink for his office.
That isn't hypocritical. Being pro free speech does not mean you have to provide your personal resources to advertise commercial competitors. It just doesn't.
But he's going farther than that, suspending accounts that merely mention other services. The EU isn't happy.
I can repeat the same comment. Being pro free speech does not mean you have to provide your personal resources to allow mention of commercial competitors.
You'll have to get over it. Musk didn't want to buy Twitter, he tried to get out of it, but the elites at the top of Twitter forced his hand.
Yeah, because he was a moron that actually ended up held accountable when he bid way too high.
Yes, he bid too high, he tried to get out of it, and all of the leftists plebs working at Twitter who were horrified by the prospect of Musk taking over were not saved by the leftist elite C-suite, who sued Elon to buy, and who left with multi million dollar golden parachutes.

Leftist elites wanted Musk to buy Twitter and they got what they wanted.
Today on Wealthy Businessmen Liberal Elites...
The senior executives at Twitter, immediately before Musk bought Twitter, are the leftist elites who I am talking about here. I don't know that I'd call them 'businessmen'.
Musk is a genius. Apparently he got pwned by elite libtard non-businessmen.
I don't think Musk's a genius, but yes, he absolutely got 'pwned' by the senior executives at Twitter who forced him to buy at an inflated price, then got themselves fired with stock compensation worth many millions more than it otherwise would have been.
he absolutely got 'pwned' by himself for voluntarily signing an agreement to over-pay for a business and the senior executives at Twitter who wisely forced him to buy honor the agreement he stupidly made at an inflated price,

The agreement was voluntary and Musk’s own idea. No one “forced” him to make it. They only forced him to not be a liar and a cheat who reneges on it.
he absolutely got 'pwned' by himself for voluntarily signing an agreement to over-pay for a business and the senior executives at Twitter who wisely forced him to buy honor the agreement he stupidly made at an inflated price,

The agreement was voluntary and Musk’s own idea. No one “forced” him to make it. They only forced him to not be a liar and a cheat who reneges on it.
Nobody forced him to make the initial offer and I've never claimed otherwise.

Whether it was 'wise' for the Twitter senior executives to force him into honouring the agreement is an opinion you'd have to ask the previous Twitter base and its employees. I suspect there are quite a number of them who are unhappy that Musk took over.
You'll have to get over it. Musk didn't want to buy Twitter, he tried to get out of it, but the elites at the top of Twitter forced his hand.
Yeah, because he was a moron that actually ended up held accountable when he bid way too high.
Yes, he bid too high, he tried to get out of it, and all of the leftists plebs working at Twitter who were horrified by the prospect of Musk taking over were not saved by the leftist elite C-suite, who sued Elon to buy, and who left with multi million dollar golden parachutes.

Leftist elites wanted Musk to buy Twitter and they got what they wanted.
Today on Wealthy Businessmen Liberal Elites...
The senior executives at Twitter, immediately before Musk bought Twitter, are the leftist elites who I am talking about here. I don't know that I'd call them 'businessmen'.
Musk is a genius. Apparently he got pwned by elite libtard non-businessmen.
I don't think Musk's a genius, but yes, he absolutely got 'pwned' by the senior executives at Twitter who forced him to buy at an inflated price, then got themselves fired with stock compensation worth many millions more than it otherwise would have been. to complete the deal that Musk initiated and set most of the terms to.
Do you actually use Twitter? I've not noticed any slowdown. Works just fine.

I do not use Twitter.

I consider social media a cancer on the body politic.

But if Twitter works just fine then what's the problem? Why did it's new owner put up the poll? Why did he pay a ridiculous amount of money for it? Why is any of this happening at all?

Maybe there's more to this than your personal preferences?

ETA ~If Musk suspended everyone but his 1200 closest friends I'd be totally good with that.~

My former employer required us all to create Twitter accounts to tweet company news about 10 years ago. I had never tweeted but my account stayed active. I always felt it was all about "Look at ME! Look at ME!!!"

Since Musk took over I looked up my login and started to look around. It can be very seductive but I've come to the conclusion that it's just a MASSIVE waste of time.

And yes I agree that Twitter has done more harm than good in the last 8 years at least.

As an aside, the employer also required us to create Linked-in accounts. Linked in is way more focused on one's own industry pretty much non-political. It's ok but limited. But I'm glad that over the 10 years I've established about 500 industry contacts most of whom I know personally. At one point my former employer came out with a new handbook/employment contract that claimed that the company had a right to access my Linked-in account to cull my contacts. The entire company gave the new Vulture Capitalist owners the big FUCK YOU. They removed that from the employment contract after it became clear that they would have to fire all of us.
he absolutely got 'pwned' by himself for voluntarily signing an agreement to over-pay for a business and the senior executives at Twitter who wisely forced him to buy honor the agreement he stupidly made at an inflated price,

The agreement was voluntary and Musk’s own idea. No one “forced” him to make it. They only forced him to not be a liar and a cheat who reneges on it.
Nobody forced him to make the initial offer and I've never claimed otherwise.

Whether it was 'wise' for the Twitter senior executives to force him into honouring the agreement is an opinion you'd have to ask the previous Twitter base and its employees. I suspect there are quite a number of them who are unhappy that Musk took over.

Well that was a rapid goal-shifting wasn’t it? Here we were talking about whether Musk got pwned by senior executive or himself, and suddenly it’s all about whether users got pwnd by Musk.

I can understand why you’d want to switch horses so fast, since the first horse was so clearly an ass.
Well that was a rapid goal-shifting wasn’t it?

Here we were talking about whether Musk got pwned by senior executive or himself, and suddenly it’s all about whether users got pwnd by Musk.
I was talking about your characterisation of 'wisely', which you introduced.

I can understand why you’d want to switch horses so fast, since the first horse was so clearly an ass.
Addressing your comment isn't 'switching horses'.
Now that he has eviscerated the horse, he’ll hand the reins over to someone else and blame the product (users).
I did log back into Twitter recently for the first time since Musk happened to it. I did so to vote in the poll that he should quit as CEO, even though I suspected he would just renege in the way he has on past promises of that sort. The landslide vote was for him to leave. Will he quit?

Well, no word on that. Now there is some talk about how a lot of "bots" voted in the poll, and he is saying that only paying subscribers will get a chance to vote on matters affecting Twitter policy in the future. And he's still there. No word on whether he will quit, but he seems to be refusing to concede the election poll results.

Elon Musk: Only blue tick users to vote in Twitter polls on policy



From some of the twitter comments about the poll of 429 twitter users by HarrisX...

429 is a terrible sample size.

Twitter users are international but the poll was US only.

The company claiming its methods are great failed miserably for midterm elections.
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