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Universal Elegance and Correspondence

Now evolutionists and global warmers insist that they are right because of consensus.
Who insists they're right BECAUSE OF consensus?
Can you provide any links that support this?
Or is 'the consensus' something that is brought up as something other than the evidence that they're correct?
Can you tell the difference?

Maybe it's not 'we're right because there's a consensus.'
Maybe you're misunderstanding the claim that there's a consensus because we're right?
I'm not surprised, given you appear to hold theistic views yourself. Perhaps you can't see the forest for the trees.

Theistic views are bad. Only atheistic views are good. That's precisely why there are so *many* atheists, some 2% of the population.
Actually, atheists are about 14% of the population. Of course, there are lots of backward places, like Saudi Arabia or the USA, where admitting atheism might be dangerous or might restrict your opportunities; and in those places, reported atheism is much lower.

It is unwise to forget that the USA only represents 5% of the world. The other 95% of us do things differently.
Now evolutionists and global warmers insist that they are right because of consensus. Lots of people in agreement.
No, there is a consensus because they are right
But when very few people agree with atheists, they abandon the "consensus" perspective. This is just one of very many nonsensical and irrational
positions of atheists, the most important and amusing of which is that they are *smart* and anyone who disagrees with their dogma is terminally stupid.
Atheists are a mixed bunch. Some are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Just because smart people are usually atheists, that doesn't imply that all, or even most, atheists are smart.
A young boy comes home to his atheist father after school one day and says, "Father, my friend told me about the trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Is this true?"
The atheist father says, "No, son. There is only one God, and we don't believe in him."

Now, about the Easter Bunny Non-Believer's Association, and the Tooth Fairy Deniers, and the Santa Claus Naysayers, and the Unicorn Non-Believers.
Oh wait, they don't exist. Only atheists who obsess on what they "don't believe in."

Pretty funny.
Just as soon as Easter Bunny believers start passing laws that limit the freedom of abunnyists, or the Santa believers get to avoid paying their fair share of tax, or the unicornists demand that we have "In unicorns we trust" printed on our money and scrawled all over public buildings, you will see those groups arise.

You can believe any crazy shit you like; it is when you start expecting others to act like your madness is real that you will get resistance.

Set rules for yourselves alone, making no attempt to influence lawmakers to support your faith; pay your full share of taxes without exemptions, and keep your slogans to your own private property, and nobody will care.
How would that even work, anyway? A consensus as proof that the consensus is right? Where'd you get the consensus in the first place, if it rests on the consensus as the evidence for the consensus...

It'd be like when the engineers in Starfleet tried to reverse engineer the cloaking device. It cloaks the ship and the energies the ship is producing. Which would include the cloaking device. So the device would need to cloak itself, too. Which would require more power. Which would require more cloaking. Which entails more power, more cloaking, more power...
Eventually, they find the engineer down in the canteen, drinking green stuff and singing 'I'll Take You Home Eileen,' while scratching calculation into the bar counter with a stylus....
How would that even work, anyway? A consensus as proof that the consensus is right? Where'd you get the consensus in the first place, if it rests on the consensus as the evidence for the consensus...

It'd be like when the engineers in Starfleet tried to reverse engineer the cloaking device. It cloaks the ship and the energies the ship is producing. Which would include the cloaking device. So the device would need to cloak itself, too. Which would require more power. Which would require more cloaking. Which entails more power, more cloaking, more power...
Eventually, they find the engineer down in the canteen, drinking green stuff and singing 'I'll Take You Home Eileen,' while scratching calculation into the bar counter with a stylus....

Ultimately everyone will be able to agree that consensus is impossible.

Oh, wait.

The title of this thread is "Universal Elegance and Correspondence." Clearly you intentionally attempt to avoid the subject of elegance and correspondence, and instead focus on your petty hatefest, "I am an atheist so you must shut up."

Back to the subject of pervasive elegance. One of the most reactive nonmetals is oxygen. It exists in great abundance in the most reactive form, gas. Gasoline vapors react far more rapidly than liquid gasoline does.

The atmosphere contains approximately 19% oxygen, and apparently it has remained stable at that level for thousands of years. Fire is a sufficiently rapid reaction that it cooks our food, warms our homes, and emits light abundantly, unlike iron oxidizing This profoundly fortuitous cycle is but one in thousands of elegant cycles benefiting humanity. I understand it. I study it, as Christians have studied and advanced science for hundreds of years.

There will be an ignorant few who "resist" anything, including laws prohibiting rape and murder, decency and integrity. This is the nature of free thought.
Everyone is free to sin, or be ignorant. To insist that elegance is self-produced is the ultimate sin and ignorance.
The title of this thread is "Universal Elegance and Correspondence." Clearly you intentionally attempt to avoid the subject of elegance and correspondence, and instead focus on your petty hatefest, "I am an atheist so you must shut up."
So, that's a 'no' on being able to support your assertion. Okay.
To insist that elegance is self-produced is the ultimate sin and ignorance.
Is there any point in asking if your can actually provide support for THIS assertion, either?
Or will you accuse me of 'hating' just for asking the question?
I study it, as Christians have studied and advanced science for hundreds of years.
That's the funny thing, too.

If there weren't plenty of christains accepting the evidence for evolution over the last 150 years or so, it wouldn't be the well-established science that it is, today. So why are you so insistent on resisting a theory that Christain scientists have produced?
No evidence for your false assertion, ehh?

So wait... you complain that I'm not providing evidence for the assertion... but you feel totally justified in asserting that it is false without providing any evidence for that yourself? :rolleyes:

Of course, I don't actually *have* to provide evidence to the statement that consciousness can not exist without a proper mechanism for it and that this mechanism can not exist within the planck epoch. You DO however have a burden of proof when you claim that it *is* possible. He who makes the positive claim has the burden of proof. Regardless of your personal beliefs; the laws of reality do not allow for consciousness to exist without a physical mechanism. And no physical mechanism complex enough to allow consciousness to function could exist during the planck epoch.

If you want to dispute these basic facts, you will have to provide either some mechanism capable of allowing consciousness during this period; or must provide some plausible means by which consciousness can exist without a physical mechanism. You've had more than enough opportunity to present either, and your failure to do so tells us everything we need to know.

Obviously the presupposition of Goddidit or Goddidn'tdoit is enough to satisfy all inquiry into the matter for someone such as yourself.

No matter how poor your grasp of english is, there is no way that someone could possibly reach this absurd conclusion from our exchange.

although desire to avoid research into consciousness may influence some anti-theists into avoiding certain branches of thought, much like the hypothetical weird fears you claim religious people have that will cause them to avoid looking into the origins of the universe.


It's actually *because* of our research into the nature of consciousness that we have learned it can not exist without a physical mechanism. Do not confuse your own inability to accept scientific facts that contradict your beliefs with some sort of universal truth about people. I would *love* for evidence to show that consciousness can exist in the absence of a physical mechanism for it. But no such evidence exists and by all likelihood never will.

On a side note, if all forces exist at the beginning, and consciousness is a manifestation of force, consciousness was probably around at the beginning as well.


You can't possibly think that's an actual argument.

Consciousness is not a force; much less a fundamental one of physics at that. Consciousness is the result of interactions taking place as a result of the specific (and complex) organization of a physical system. Human consciousness for example, can only exist as a result of a brain within which neural activity is taking place. You will not produce consciousness if you simply take a pile of brain matter and think that's that; it needs to be organized in the right form and some form of activity must be taking place within that form. The simplicity of existence in the moments directly after the big bang prohibits the existence of an organized physical system with enough complexity to produce consciousness.

Consciousness is the physical mechanism. Period.



Consciousness is an emergent property of a physical system. Consciousness itself is not physical; but it can not exist without a physical system to produce it.

No. It's not circular, although I can see how you thought that. Mirror technique, many apologies for the asymmetry of the beginning:

If there is not a consciousness, then positing there is can lead to the creation of incorrect imaginary scenarios that neglect the truth.
If there is a consciousness, then positing there is not can lead to the creation of incorrect imaginary scenarios that neglect the truth.

Except nobody is 'positing there is not'. We're simply not *assuming* there is. There is a fundamental difference. If the evidence suggests there was a consciousness, we'll follow the evidence. So far, all the evidence points in the *opposite* direction.

*You* want us to give serious consideration to a consciousness existing at the birth of the universe. *Science* however, doesn't want to waste its fucking time and resources on a hypothesis that has already been discredited by research into the nature of consciousness. Science is, however, willing to change its mind if it uncovers any actual evidence suggesting its prior research is wrong; whereas you, don't seem to be particularly inclined to accept evidence that runs contrary to your pet beliefs.

We're just saying that there is no reason to assume that gods exist or are needed. Nothing in reality or beyond requires a god to explain.
You don't know that.

I do actually. We have not run into a single problem in our understanding of the universe that requires us to assume a god exists. Sure, you could argue that we MIGHT encounter such a problem in the future... but if you're reduced to making that argument, then god has fallen very very very very far indeed.

What, the old assert God isn't required to explain things, therefore it is foolish to insert God into things claim?

It's called Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation that is supported by evidence tends to be likeliest. Inserting god when the chain of events (as is the case with the creation/evolution of the universe) can be explained *without* the use of such a god is adding complexity where it isn't needed. Adding god at that point becomes the equivalent of adding the idea that in order for your car engine to start you need to sing to it first. The engine works perfectly well without you singing to it.

Nope. I'm obviously (context!) not talking about taking events and chopping them into more events. More events = more calculations. At smaller distance scales, more interactions occur. The number of calculations might be balanced out by gravitational time dilation... but maybe not- there is, after all, absolutely no complete quantum theory of spacetime that I am aware of (I'm not talking about speculation, like loop QG).

You seem to be ignoring the part where I explained to you that what I said *is* correct on account of the fact that the universe already exists in its current form, and therefore retroactively adding more events to the theory doesn't change anything. :rolleyes:

religion isn't what you think it is, it's what it is.

"Religion is what it is". Because that totally explains it.

Your claims indicate prejudice against religious people as a whole. Mine do not.


Yeah, I think it's about time to wrap this one up. It seems you've consistently been either unable or unwilling to actually understand what's being said to you; arguing against strawmen instead. Given your propensity to exhibit this behavior no matter the topic, I have to wonder whether or not its an intentional tactic to annoy people into giving up.
I do actually. We have not run into a single problem in our understanding of the universe that requires us to assume a god exists.

"Our understanding of the universe" is exactly THE problem.

We don't know everything about ANYTHING. And you pretend that it all made itself... out of NOTHING!

In futile efforts to circumvent scientific evidence, you made up "Multiverses"? That is the ultimate laugh. It's infinite magic.
Infinite time is a figment of your imagination, and so is the pretense that megatime times zero equals everything.

Here's one short clip you can spin to your heart's delight. Deny with words what you cannot deny with science or reason.
That is your metier, spin, and profound condescension, arrogance. Terribly unscientific and anti-intellectual, those.


Make that two short clips. This is a beautiful example of elegance and correspondence that defies the claim of having made itself out of nothing.

I study it, as Christians have studied and advanced science for hundreds of years.
That's the funny thing, too.

If there weren't plenty of christains accepting the evidence for evolution over the last 150 years or so, it wouldn't be the well-established science that it is, today. So why are you so insistent on resisting a theory that Christain scientists have produced?

Pardon me for noticing, Mister Scholar, but even when I SHOW you how to spell "Christians" you can't get it right.
You can't even be consistent with your own misspelling. These are some of the reasons why I have ignored you for so long.
I do actually. We have not run into a single problem in our understanding of the universe that requires us to assume a god exists.

"Our understanding of the universe" is exactly THE problem.

We don't know everything about ANYTHING. And you pretend that it all made itself... out of NOTHING!

In futile efforts to circumvent scientific evidence, you made up "Multiverses"? That is the ultimate laugh. It's infinite magic.
Infinite time is a figment of your imagination, and so is the pretense that megatime times zero equals everything.

Here's one short clip you can spin to your heart's delight. Deny with words what you cannot deny with science or reason.
That is your metier, spin, and profound condescension, arrogance. Terribly unscientific and anti-intellectual, those.


Hugh Everett has been dead since 1982, so it seems implausible that he is posting here under the handle 'Dystopian'.

Of course it may not be the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics that has upset you; perhaps just the word 'multiverse' is getting up your nose. In which case, given that it was coined in the 1890s, I think your chances of finding a living person to rail at for its existence has by now passed.

Perhaps you could calm down, wipe the spittle off your monitor, and discuss the actual opinions people here express, rather than beating the bejeezus out of that straw man?
"Our understanding of the universe" is exactly THE problem.

We don't know everything about ANYTHING.

And therefore god. :rolleyes:

The good old god of the gaps.

And you pretend that it all made itself... out of NOTHING!

This is a strawman argument.

In futile efforts to circumvent scientific evidence, you made up "Multiverses"? That is the ultimate laugh. It's infinite magic.

It's hilarious that *you* of all people claim others are trying to circumvent scientific evidence. :rolleyes:

Infinite time is a figment of your imagination

Hilarious; you've just refuted the existence of your own god. After all, in order for anything to actually *happen*, that something must exist *within* time (you can not have change without the passage of time). This thus also applies to creation; meaning that God (if he exists) is subject to time as well (no, stating that god was outside of time until he created time doesn't work as that is a paradox; the creation of time is a change in state and therefore can not happen without time existing in the first place, necessitating the infinity of time).

However, this leaves us with the question of how God came to be. Since you've already established that nothing can come from nothing, this must necessarily mean that either 1) god does not exist, 2) god was created by something else (leaving us with the problem of infinite regress), or 3) god is eternal, and therefore time is also necessarily infinite. However, since you've established that infinite time can not exist, this means we're left with only two options; and somehow I suspect you will never accept a god that was itself created by something else. Therefore, god does not exist.

So, thanks for that bit of entertainment.
Pardon me for noticing, Mister Scholar, but even when I SHOW you how to spell "Christians" you can't get it right.
Yes, that would be the salient detail of my post, a penchant for misspelling that word.
It started on another forum where an arrogant asshole of a Christian misspelled another word as 'athiest.' When someone pointed it out, he insisted that everyone knew what he was spelling, anyway, and two letters didn't matter. So i developed this habit.
Not a mistake. But, hey, concentrate on that affectation and ignore any actual points that might be problematic for your stance.
You can't even be consistent with your own misspelling. These are some of the reasons why I have ignored you for so long.
And also, you can't quite deal with the truth, clearly.
A tiny fraction of universal correspondence and elegance, the topic of this thread, which I created, and which extremely nasty people

You've called this a 'cesspool of liberals' and we're the nasty people.
A) Simply inserting more events into a unit of time does *not* mean a consciousness existing at that point experiences time differently. The subjective experience of time does not change based on the volume of events.
Except if the events are changes in states of consciousness that include some form of awareness of events passing.
Irrelevant, since consciousness can not exist during the time period in question
No evidence for your false assertion, ehh?
So wait... you complain that I'm not providing evidence for the assertion... but you feel totally justified in asserting that it is false without providing any evidence for that yourself? :rolleyes:.
Umm, your assertion that conscious events (if they occurred) are not relevant is false, no matter how you put it. However, since you brought up your other assertion:
I don't actually *have* to provide evidence to the statement that consciousness can not exist without a proper mechanism for it and that this mechanism can not exist within the planck epoch.
You don't know that no mechanism for consciousness could exist during that period. In addition, you don't know that consciousness needs any other "mechanism" than consciousness in order to exist. Asserting either is foolish, but if foolish is what you want to be, nobody will stop you if you aren't hurting anyone.

It's actually *because* of our research into the nature of consciousness that we have learned it can not exist without a physical mechanism.
A physical mechanism which, if you look hard and long enough, you might find is consciousness itself.

The simplicity of existence in the moments directly after the big bang prohibits the existence of an organized physical system with enough complexity to produce consciousness.
Should I assume you know nothing of the extremely complex constantly evolving virtual energy fields within a proton, and throughout spacetime? You've already indicated you know very little about consciousness, or whether or not non-human consciousness requires a human brain if it exists.

Consciousness is an emergent property of a physical system. Consciousness itself is not physical; but it can not exist without a physical system to produce it.
So you assert. It's a pretty useless assertion if you actually want to learn the truth.
*You* want us to give serious consideration to a consciousness existing at the birth of the universe.
You simply need to stop asserting things for which you have no proof (like consciousness cannot exist without a physical mechanism that resembles a human brain). I want to be able to read what you say without thinking "this guy is clueless and he thinks he is not, so I can't even joke around him a lot".

You seem to be ignoring the part where I explained to you that what I said *is* correct on account of the fact that the universe already exists in its current form, and therefore retroactively adding more events to the theory doesn't change anything. :rolleyes:
Some theories are incomplete. You do understand that incomplete theories don't describe all events that happen, right?
Your claims indicate prejudice against religious people as a whole. Mine do not.
Yeah, I think it's about time to wrap this one up. It seems you've consistently been either unable or unwilling to actually understand what's being said to you; arguing against strawmen instead.
As you can see, a decent amount of comments you created were more or less unsupported by anything, or strawman. Hell- you even tried to defend an undefendable assertion, calling attention to it. Why call attention to an assertion you made, which you can't prove?

I still like how you cited a paper from someone who quoted that fear of God quote.

The question is, do you think that quote supports your view that fear of God prevents research into the origins of the universe, when someone who says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" on their home page is researching methods of probing the early universe??

Seriously.. don't you think it is funny that the one thing you find that describes probing the early universe has that quote on the web page? I do.
A tiny fraction of universal correspondence and elegance, the topic of this thread, which I created, and which extremely nasty people

You've called this a 'cesspool of liberals' and we're the nasty people.
Saw your explanation in another thread.
It appears that nastiness is okay under one or more of two conditions:
1) as long as you're really sure it's accurate. So, then, you have no cause to complain about people saying your arguments display a lot of ignorance. If they're really sure 'ignorance' is accurate, then it's okay.

Or maybe, 2) as long as the other guy starts it first. So, again, once you accuse pretty much everyone on the board as being a liar and a liberal and ignorant and so on, you've got to allow that it's justified when people throw shit back at you.
  • Christian revelation did not anticipate any development of modern science;
  • Plus, Christian revelation before the advent of science contradicted subsequent develpments in science in notorious and very important ways.

This being so, how can any Christian fundamentalist have the gall to declare a non-theistic view of the universe defeated by Christian revelation?

It's risible to the point of belly ache.
This being so, how can any Christian fundamentalist have the gall to declare a non-theistic view of the universe defeated by Christian revelation?
The same way he ignores facts, countering examples, counter arguments, common sense and simple English whenever it gets in his way.
It's the conclusions that are important, not how he gets there.
This being so, how can any Christian fundamentalist have the gall to declare a non-theistic view of the universe defeated by Christian revelation?
The same way he ignores facts, countering examples, counter arguments, common sense and simple English whenever it gets in his way.
It's the conclusions that are important, not how he gets there.

Education does work. If some arguments in particular aren't working, it's not only the Ss who are unresponsive, it's the arguments. Not that they are invalid --oh no, they can be quite valid, yet still be undidactic for this individual or individuals in particular.
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