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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

As much as I dislike him, I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he calculated that he could make a splash by appealing to the basest members of the party, the group that the establishment is used to dealing with at arm's length. I doubt he's shocked at all that this has been successful. I think this is what Trump does, he spies an opportunity, and grabs at it with both hands. Sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses. But he's won more than he's lost, and he's winning now.
As much as I dislike him, I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he calculated that he could make a splash by appealing to the basest members of the party, the group that the establishment is used to dealing with at arm's length. I doubt he's shocked at all that this has been successful.
He is mocking women for menstruation and being ugly and his poll numbers keep climbing. I don't think anyone, including himself, thought that could happen. He could punch Fiorina on stage in a debate for questioning him... then respond afterwards she should have ducked, and his poll numbers would go untouched.
I think this is what Trump does, he spies an opportunity, and grabs at it with both hands. Sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses. But he's won more than he's lost, and he's winning now.
This was an attempt at publicity that has gotten well out of control. He said some really stupid things that got a lot of press, what he was looking for, but at the same time, apparently appealed to the lowest common denominator of the Republican Party, though the polling numbers are moving beyond that.
Are you saying that no one could have predicted that bashing women and mexicans would be popular amongst republicans?

I admit, I am a little surprised that someone would do it so openly, but the writing has been on the wall for years. Trump tested the racist waters with that birther shit, he had plenty of reason to believe that there was a big audience for this.
Both partys are a shameful embarrassment any self-respecting Republic, not only due to their leadership but the also the primitive prejudices of a knuckle dragging hoi poli. That 70 percent of the voters think that Hillary and/or Donald are the best we have, and the best folks of virtue and character is disgusting. Such are the "role models" of our for our children.

That said, of the two circus acts, the Republican ring is far more fun. The slog between Hillary and Bernie is a dreary series of Hillary blunders. Trump is a blustering and fun act, gratifyingly throwing the Republican country club blue blood establishment into apoplectic fits. The Grand poo-bahs of the Jeb Bush and Karl Rove cabal is getting the beating of its life.

But the mood seems to be for a Jessie Ventura personae for President, and polls show Trump just might win. Only in America!
Both partys are a shameful embarrassment any self-respecting Republic, not only due to their leadership but the also the primitive prejudices of a knuckle dragging hoi poli. That 70 percent of the voters think that Hillary and/or Donald are the best we have, and the best folks of virtue and character is disgusting. Such are the "role models" of our for our children.

That said, of the two circus acts, the Republican ring is far more fun. The slog between Hillary and Bernie is a dreary series of Hillary blunders. Trump is a blustering and fun act, gratifyingly throwing the Republican country club blue blood establishment into apoplectic fits. The Grand poo-bahs of the Jeb Bush and Karl Rove cabal is getting the beating of its life.

But the mood seems to be for a Jessie Ventura personae for President, and polls show Trump just might win. Only in America!

It really is sad that these are the best you have available.

Perhaps you should look into trimming your Presidential campaigns down to a couple of months as opposed to a couple of years and a better quality of candidate would find that they have the time and energy to make a run for it.

Also, stop putting Iowa and New Hampshire first. They have like twelve people between them. Mix it up and give other states a chance for the first go-around.
Are you saying that no one could have predicted that bashing women and mexicans would be popular amongst republicans?
To the extent he is doing so? Todd Akins statement was no where near as crass "on its face" (it was worse than people understood) as Trump's menstruation comment. When I heard that he said that I figured, 'Well, that's it. Will the next clown step up?'

I admit, I am a little surprised that someone would do it so openly, but the writing has been on the wall for years. Trump tested the racist waters with that birther shit, he had plenty of reason to believe that there was a big audience for this.
I suppose, but his crassness is almost unprecedented for a candidate leading in the polls.
Both partys are a shameful embarrassment any self-respecting Republic, not only due to their leadership but the also the primitive prejudices of a knuckle dragging hoi poli. That 70 percent of the voters think that Hillary and/or Donald are the best we have, and the best folks of virtue and character is disgusting. Such are the "role models" of our for our children.
Moore-Coulter to the Googol! Comparing Clinton with Trump?!

That said, of the two circus acts, the Republican ring is far more fun. The slog between Hillary and Bernie is a dreary series of Hillary blunders. Trump is a blustering and fun act, gratifyingly throwing the Republican country club blue blood establishment into apoplectic fits. The Grand poo-bahs of the Jeb Bush and Karl Rove cabal is getting the beating of its life.

But the mood seems to be for a Jessie Ventura personae for President, and polls show Trump just might win. Only in America!
The polls do not indicate Trump can win a general election. And unlike Ventura, Trump hasn't been in charge of any municipality or government. Also Ventura had a platform. Trump doesn't have a plan. Trump isn't running for President. That is why he doesn't actually have a platform!
Holy crap! Mr. Resting Bitch-Face is calling other people ugly?!?

Woah! Trump backed away from his ridiculous statement saying he was referring to her "persona" not "looks" (sounds like a politician now). Sorry Trump, didn't mean to kick you in the crotch, I was trying to shake your hand.
Moore-Coulter to the Googol! Comparing Clinton with Trump?!
Incorrect comparison. I am comparing Clinton AND Trump to the alternatives within their respective parties. Bernie, Warren, Jim Webb, and perhaps Joe etc. are all better roll models of honesty and integrity than Hillary. And many GOPers are better than Trump (and few, if any, worse).

I mean really Jimmy - why not Jerry Brown? The guys way more level headed, less beholden to moneyed interests, and far more honest than the Queen.

That said, of the two circus acts, the Republican ring is far more fun. The slog between Hillary and Bernie is a dreary series of Hillary blunders. Trump is a blustering and fun act, gratifyingly throwing the Republican country club blue blood establishment into apoplectic fits. The Grand poo-bahs of the Jeb Bush and Karl Rove cabal is getting the beating of its life.

But the mood seems to be for a Jessie Ventura personae for President, and polls show Trump just might win. Only in America!
The polls do not indicate Trump can win a general election. And unlike Ventura, Trump hasn't been in charge of any municipality or government. Also Ventura had a platform. Trump doesn't have a plan. Trump isn't running for President. That is why he doesn't actually have a platform!

Although only one poll, Survey USA had Trump winning in a face to face with Hillary. It's very unlikely he would win (too thin skinned in a debate) but its possible.

The Donald may be our new King...
Is Trump anymore to the right than Ronald Reagan was?

Trumps positions are actually a mixed bag on the traditional right-left spectrum, whenever he actually talks about issues. Rather, he appeals to the know-nothing type base nativism of the Republican party.
Is Trump anymore to the right than Ronald Reagan was?

Trumps positions are actually a mixed bag on the traditional right-left spectrum, whenever he actually talks about issues. Rather, he appeals to the know-nothing type base nativism of the Republican party.

Yea, it's not his rightwingism that people are against him for, it's his batshit craziness.
Trumps positions are actually a mixed bag on the traditional right-left spectrum, whenever he actually talks about issues. Rather, he appeals to the know-nothing type base nativism of the Republican party.

Yea, it's not his rightwingism that people are against him for, it's his batshit craziness.

I don't see Trump as batshit crazy, I see him as an opportunist who is basically saying anything that brings cheers from the Republican base. His previous actions place him as center-right. He knows that he can only win by going full right-wing.
When Akin said that stuff, it was the Republican Establishment that showed him the door.

They would very much like to show Trump the door too, but they can't. They are weaker now.
When Akin said that stuff, it was the Republican Establishment that showed him the door.

They would very much like to show Trump the door too, but they can't. They are weaker now.

That's because they weakened themselves. They've spent the past decade stabbing themselves in the leg and are now bitching about how they have a limp.
No argument, Tom. I'm just saying that is part of the opportunity that a person can perceive.
When Akin said that stuff, it was the Republican Establishment that showed him the door.

They would very much like to show Trump the door too, but they can't. They are weaker now.

Hell, they aren't even willing to disown Huckabee's Dred Scott comments.
Trumps positions are actually a mixed bag on the traditional right-left spectrum, whenever he actually talks about issues. Rather, he appeals to the know-nothing type base nativism of the Republican party.

Yea, it's not his rightwingism that people are against him for, it's his batshit craziness.
Nixon thought he'd make a good president one day. He's appealing to laypeople. That's where he thinks the votes are.
Besides, he's the best thing going for Hilary.
Is Trump anymore to the right than Ronald Reagan was?
This question isn't applicable to Trump as he doesn't actually have a political platform. I don't think he thought he'd be in this position and his PR grab has gotten out of control.
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