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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I share you desire to see Hillary go away, but I think your "Go Bernie Go" statement is not an endorsement of Bernie so much as wanting to jack him into a loser's candidacy against something like Trump. You know, Bernie is about the only consistent politician on the campaign trail today. You may just be in for a big surprise.
Nah!. Bernie's too far to the left. Americans won't vote for him if shove comes to pull.
Except Bernie Sanders really isn't that far to the left.
Agree that Bernie isn't really all that far to the left. I will vote for him in the primaries. If nothing else, I think he is holding Hillary from moving more to the right.

Carly Fiorina vs Hillary Clinton would be interesting
Agree that Bernie isn't really all that far to the left. I will vote for him in the primaries. If nothing else, I think he is holding Hillary from moving more to the right.

Carly Fiorina vs Hillary Clinton would be interesting
I know Derec would love it!
Nah!. Bernie's too far to the left. Americans won't vote for him if shove comes to pull.
Except Bernie Sanders really isn't that far to the left.
Let's put it another way then. Mind you I'm an outsider looking in and only going by snippets of news we get here about the U S presidential race. Bernie's more to the left of centre than he is to the right?
Agreed -- Bernie's a communist -- ayup, that's "left."
The Donald is strangely centrist. He had to be arm-twisted into being a "loyal" Republican. He is from New York where almost everyone is liberal. To be "right" in NYC is to be somewhat less liberal than most.
Agreed -- Bernie's a communist -- ayup, that's "left."
The Donald is strangely centrist. He had to be arm-twisted into being a "loyal" Republican. He is from New York where almost everyone is liberal. To be "right" in NYC is to be somewhat less liberal than most.
Actually, the word on NYC is that it is one of the rare places where people can be openly gay, but in the closet Republicans.
The Ben Carson campaign called me at home today asking for money.


I told her I would die before contributing to a right wing christian nutcase who would try to break down our secular government and force his beastly Christianity onto everyone by government power.
Agree that Bernie isn't really all that far to the left. I will vote for him in the primaries. If nothing else, I think he is holding Hillary from moving more to the right.

Carly Fiorina vs Hillary Clinton would be interesting
I know Derec would love it!

I don't know why but lesbian porn popped into my head. Then I thought about it a little more and threw up a little in my mouth. :sick001:
I learned today that Trump has no advisors, no speech writers, no hangers on whatsoever. He says what he thinks.
If he's to keep the momentum going, he'll have to rectify that.
In this political subforum nobody is talking about the republican debate last night?

I actually listened to a lot of it as background noise while I did housework. Trump seems to be faltering a little, Carson looks weaker this time around, and Fiorina (or whatever her name is) did well. She barely made it onto the stage this time around and stood out better than most of the guys up there. Christie and Paul were notable but not great. The rest of them I didn't even notice. These guys need to do more to stand out if they want to last. Rick Perry was missing. I didn't realize he had bowed out already.


In this political subforum nobody is talking about the republican debate last night?

I started streaming it near the end (don't have cable TV) and based on what I saw, Trump's sheen is wearing thin, Fiorina did well, Rubio seems like he's tacking hard right, and they all were really happy to be at the shrine to Saint Reagan.

It was interesting to watch the back and forth between Trump and Carson over vaccines. Interesting in that Carson - who knows better - didn't even try to lecture the Donald on basic science. The Dr. looked really weak.

Scott Walker needs to go back home and continue fucking up his own state. Kasich came across as kinda reasonable, and that doesn't play well when you're standing in front of Reagan's Air Force One.

Oh, and Jeb! makes Mitt Romney look charismatic.
In this political subforum nobody is talking about the republican debate last night?

I actually listened to a lot of it as background noise while I did housework. Trump seems to be faltering a little, Carson looks weaker this time around, and Fiorina (or whatever her name is) did well. She barely made it onto the stage this time around and stood out better than most of the guys up there. Christie and Paul were notable but not great. The rest of them I didn't even notice. These guys need to do more to stand out if they want to last. Rick Perry was missing. I didn't realize he had bowed out already.

The 4, at 6 PM EST, were much better than the first hour with the 11 (?12, ?!3), at 8 PM. So switched off and went to bed at 9 PM. All times approximate only. ;)
I learned today that Trump has no advisors, no speech writers, no hangers on whatsoever. He says what he thinks.
If he's to keep the momentum going, he'll have to rectify that.
You mean, if he wants to be President, he'll have to rectify it. Pretty much to this point, he is just making shit up.

In this political subforum nobody is talking about the republican debate last night?
Absolutely nothing would be said last night that would shape this primary or federal election, so why in the heck would I waste 3 hours listening to political grandstanding?! And to hear Jake Tapper ask, "Mr. Trump, here have a bucket of mud, who are you going to fling it at?"

I actually listened to a lot of it as background noise while I did housework. Trump seems to be faltering a little, Carson looks weaker this time around, and Fiorina (or whatever her name is) did well. She barely made it onto the stage this time around and stood out better than most of the guys up there.
That is just a depressing reality of the Republican field.
Christie and Paul were notable but not great. The rest of them I didn't even notice. These guys need to do more to stand out if they want to last. Rick Perry was missing. I didn't realize he had bowed out already.
Trump is suffocating them. He is louder, more preposterous, and more full of shit than all of them. So he is stealing their thunder.

Trump has effectively killed Christie, Cruz, and Paul's chances so far. Their campaigns will need CPR and for Trump to quit to have a chance.

Meanwhile the right-wing is preparing all the apologetics to explain why a first term Senator (Rubio) is qualified to be President in 2016, but wasn't in 2008. You know, because this is totally different!
In this political subforum nobody is talking about the republican debate last night?

Well, the election is more than a year away so it doesn't actually matter.

Also, Trump's schtick is starting to get old but he still sucks up enough of the oxygen that none of the other crazies are really able to come across as crazy and the whole thing is kind of dull.
Doesn't matter? This is the most entertaining campaign season in decades. The Republican party has supplied a debate format (and many choices) that have resulted in multiple fiery but interesting exchanges. Aside from Jake Tapper's return to old style stupid questions, the lack of unrelenting formulaic dullness and triteness of reporters and candidates (the most forgettable being in the 1988 Democratic primary debate) is refreshing.

The Democratic primary is becoming interesting. Here-to-fore it has been Queen Hillary and three dwarves. But Grumpy-Bernie is upsetting the poison apple cart. Yikes! Now Dopey-Biden is certain to also run for the Queen's throne, and it's not looking good for the old girl.

And don't forget, Biden always provides fun gaffes and blunders, sooner or later. Recall the channeling of Neil Kinnock, when he went into repeated trances and plagiarized and repeated Kinnock's biography as his own? That provided lots of fun.

So yes, this season is worth a closer look.
As entertaining as it is, I worry. No one is addressing the issue of debt. Being 72 myself, I don't give a damn, really. I don't worry for myself, but for our collective grandchildren. Which generation will it hit? Gen2K -- those born in a year beginning with 2? The Genteen? The new20s? Who will pay when the debts come due. Free money for the banks continues for a while. I worry. I note that war increases the velocity of money. It is injected into the real economy, this, in turn, increases demand and a war-boom is born. The arms dealers, bankers and military (Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Complex) all profit. Greatly. A forgotten issue. I worry. In a dictatorship they vote, but there is only a choice of one name; in the US there are two names. I worry.
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