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Very Big News: We killed the ISIS leader again

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Is anyone else confused by this?

The US left Syria. But the US killed him in Syria. No, wait, allegedly he committed suicide. We didn't kill him. No, wait, he killed himself while we were trying to kill him. So no one can get the reward? And now the Kurds are also taking credit for the assassination suicide. A joint operation. So while the US (who were not there) and Kurds (who have been abandoned and fleeing from Turks) were trying to assassinate him again, he magically killed himself which also happens to be against Islam. Uh???

I believe he's dead again, but something seems off. I can't tell what.

This seems more an attempt at P.R.--we did it MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. The troops can all come home again (because they already left) which really means go to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, there are 12,000 ISIS members detained some hundreds have escaped. Maybe that number will grow to thousands. There are 50,000 family member sympathizers also detained some of whom escaped. And these organizations are not a cult of personality but instead an ideology. Killing one guy over and over or letting him kill himself doesn't do much to the thoughts.

I don't know. I am more ranting than anything else. I am interested in others' interpretations of this news, their skepticism, and ramifications. Please tell me what you think,
"Bigger than Bin Laden. Much much bigger. Bigly bigly bigger! Biggest ever and we made him cry."

Ya sure yabetcha Donny. One thing for sure, though - it ain't impeachment depositions!
(I still want to know how yesterday's deposition is characterized by those who were there, but Rump has succeeded once again in providing a shiny bauble for the press to fixate upon.)

Trump is now thanking the Russians for helping with the assassination suicide. What?

President Trump thanked the nations of Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iraq for help in killing ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He also thanked the Syrian Kurds for "certain support." SDF General Mazloum Abdi tweeted that there has been five months of joint monitoring until they were able to achieve an operation to kill Baghdadi.

And Mother Russia is responding with skepticism that it happened.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov, refuted President Trump’s statement, stating in part: “The Russian Defense Ministry has no reliable information about U.S. servicemen conducting an operation for ‘yet another’ elimination of the former Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the Turkish-controlled part of the Idlib de-escalation zone.”

The Russian Defense Ministry also disputed President Trump’s claim that Russia provided access to U.S. air units entering the airspace over the Idlib de-escalation zone during that mission in Syria. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to provide a comment about President Trump’s announcement, directing everyone to General Konashenkov’s statement.

Kremlin-controlled Russian state media shot down President Trump’s announcement, with headlines that read: “The Russian Defense Ministry does not believe in al-Baghdadi’s liquidation.” Major General Igor Konashenkov scoffed at the changing details of the operation, with Trump adding alleged participants and various countries that supposedly took part in the raid, “each with completely contradictory details,” which Konashenkov said “raises reasonable questions and doubts about [the operation’s] veracity, not to mention success.”


Konashenkov skeptically pointed out that al-Baghdadi was already supposedly “eliminated” multiple times, with such claims being later disproven. In fact, Russia itself, as well as the Assad regime, have falsely claimed to have killed the ISIS leader multiple times.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman further emphasized that even if al-Baghdadi were to be eliminated, that wouldn’t change facts on the ground in Syria or make any difference with respect to the multiple escaped ISIS fighters.
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The killing of Baghdadi does not balance Trump's abandonment of our allies the Kurds to Turkey. Baghdadi's death had to occur sooner or later, but we didn't have to stab the Kurds in the nack
“Armed with that initial tip, the C.I.A. worked closely with Iraqi and Kurdish intelligence officials in Iraq and Syria to identify Mr. al-Baghdadi’s more precise whereabouts and to put spies in place to monitor his periodic movements,” the report notes, before adding the president’s abrupt pull-out from Syria forced the military’s hand.

“Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American forces from northern Syria disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared, according to military, intelligence and counterterrorism officials. Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions,” the Times reports.

So much for Trump's braggadocio.
But wait! There's more!

Trump, in his statement this morning, said "I got to watch much of it," and the White House later published a photo of Trump and Pence with some stern-looking generals in the Situation Room. Presumably watching the raid unfold in real time, just like Obama did during the raid that killed Bin Laden.

Thing is, according to the official reports, the raid began at 3:30 D.C. time. Trump was at his golf course in Virginia when it began, and left at 3:34. According to the official account, he arrived back at the White House at 4:18. The photo - according to the time stamp in the meta-data - was taken at 5:05. Just over an hour and a half after the raid began.

Trump said in his announcement that capturing or killing al-Baghdadi was the "top national security priority of my administration." Yet when the raid began, our stalwart Commander in Chief was busy wrapping up yet another round of golf at taxpayer expense.

Way to support the troops, Cadet Bone Spurs.
But wait! There's more!

Trump, in his statement this morning, said "I got to watch much of it," and the White House later published a photo of Trump and Pence with some stern-looking generals in the Situation Room. Presumably watching the raid unfold in real time, just like Obama did during the raid that killed Bin Laden.

Thing is, according to the official reports, the raid began at 3:30 D.C. time. Trump was at his golf course in Virginia when it began, and left at 3:34. According to the official account, he arrived back at the White House at 4:18. The photo - according to the time stamp in the meta-data - was taken at 5:05. Just over an hour and a half after the raid began.

Trump said in his announcement that capturing or killing al-Baghdadi was the "top national security priority of my administration." Yet when the raid began, our stalwart Commander in Chief was busy wrapping up yet another round of golf at taxpayer expense.

Way to support the troops, Cadet Bone Spurs.
Well, of course.
That gave the graphics kid a chance to edit the operation into a 'highlights' reel. So Trump did'nt have to sit thru boring transport, target confirmation,nextraction.

And even then, he probably hadvthembfadt-forward to the kill.
"Was that him? That was BagDaddy?"
"No, sir, that was a lookout."
"Was that?"
"That! That looked like BagDaddy!"
"No, that goat was... you know what? Just skip to FINEX. That, sir, was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
"You're sure? So now i can tell Putin we got him."
"Uh.... Yeah. And, you know, our congress. Maybe the media."
"And the Joint Chiefs!"
(General looks around the Situation Room.) "Yeah... weshould tell the Joint Chiefs.... soon."
Well, this whole publicity circus had an even shorter shelf life than Bush 43's "Mission Accomplished" photo op.

Losing control of the area put the Pentagon in a serious dilemma. According to military officials, they decided to go with a “risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared”:

Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions.

Thankfully, due to the competence and adaptability of our special forces, they were able to pull it off despite Trump jeopardizing the mission. Pentagon officials also had significant praise for Kurdish intelligence, who helped the C.I.A. even after Trump decided to abandon them to fight Turkey and their insurgent-backed forces.

And the icing on the cake:
In fact, as Pentagon officials admit, without the Kurds, this victory would not have happened:

The Syrian and Iraqi Kurds, one official said, provided more intelligence for the raid than any single country.

The president did profusely thank Russia in his announcement, however. Even though they too did not participate militarily, Trump sickeningly gushed and fawned all over them. What’s worse, he heaped praise on Putin’s army even before once mentioning the US troops who conducted the operation.

This was surprising, since Russia said they had nothing to do with the raid.

Oh, and the photo of the situation room, probably bullshit.
“Armed with that initial tip, the C.I.A. worked closely with Iraqi and Kurdish intelligence officials in Iraq and Syria to identify Mr. al-Baghdadi’s more precise whereabouts and to put spies in place to monitor his periodic movements,” the report notes, before adding the president’s abrupt pull-out from Syria forced the military’s hand.

“Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American forces from northern Syria disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared, according to military, intelligence and counterterrorism officials. Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions,” the Times reports.

So much for Trump's braggadocio.

The military must be really disgusted by him to give those quotes.
As I understand it, one of Big Daddy's wives escaped to the Kurds, told them where he was. The Kurds then told us and we put Big Daddy under surveillance.
But wait! There's more!

Trump, in his statement this morning, said "I got to watch much of it," and the White House later published a photo of Trump and Pence with some stern-looking generals in the Situation Room. Presumably watching the raid unfold in real time, just like Obama did during the raid that killed Bin Laden.

Thing is, according to the official reports, the raid began at 3:30 D.C. time. Trump was at his golf course in Virginia when it began, and left at 3:34. According to the official account, he arrived back at the White House at 4:18. The photo - according to the time stamp in the meta-data - was taken at 5:05. Just over an hour and a half after the raid began.

Trump said in his announcement that capturing or killing al-Baghdadi was the "top national security priority of my administration." Yet when the raid began, our stalwart Commander in Chief was busy wrapping up yet another round of golf at taxpayer expense.

Way to support the troops, Cadet Bone Spurs.

Reports say the raid was going on until after 6pm. It's a cheesy narcissist's photo, but it could very well be taken during the raid.
The killing of Baghdadi does not balance Trump's abandonment of our allies the Kurds to Turkey. Baghdadi's death had to occur sooner or later, but we didn't have to stab the Kurds in the nack

I find it weird how leftists say, "The Kurds! The Kurds! Our allies!" But when we speak of our ally in Israel who also needs our help, leftists say, "Screw Israel! They don't need us to fight their battles! Why are we helping Israel?!?!"

Very anti-semitic. No other explanation.

Also, leftists speak better of an ISIS terrorist than they do about the President:
"Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar ad helm of Islamic State, dies at 48".

That was the Washington Post headline at first before they changed it. And people say leftists are the logical ones?

Orange man bad, ISIS leader good! LOL!
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The killing of Baghdadi does not balance Trump's abandonment of our allies the Kurds to Turkey. Baghdadi's death had to occur sooner or later, but we didn't have to stab the Kurds in the nack

I find it weird how leftists say, "The Kurds! The Kurds! Our allies!" But when we speak of our ally in Israel who also needs our help, leftists say,
The killing of Baghdadi does not balance Trump's abandonment of our allies the Kurds to Turkey. Baghdadi's death had to occur sooner or later, but we didn't have to stab the Kurds in the nack

I find it weird how leftists say, "The Kurds! The Kurds! Our allies!" But when we speak of our ally in Israel who also needs our help, leftists say,


But Keith, if you don't know that leftists hate Israel and want us to stop giving them foreign aid, then maybe you aren't as far left as I thought.
now, just show that the 'leftists'in that opinion piece are the same people "The Kurds! The Kurds!"

Seriously, you should know by now that you heed to supoort your actual claim.
But Keith, if you don't know that leftists hate Israel and want us to stop giving them foreign aid, then maybe you aren't as far left as I thought.
whoa. That's dangerously close to admitting to an error, Halfie. Are you feeling okay?
The killing of Baghdadi does not balance Trump's abandonment of our allies the Kurds to Turkey. Baghdadi's death had to occur sooner or later, but we didn't have to stab the Kurds in the nack

I find it weird how leftists say, "The Kurds! The Kurds! Our allies!" But when we speak of our ally in Israel who also needs our help, leftists say, "Screw Israel! They don't need us to fight their battles! Why are we helping Israel?!?!"

Very anti-semitic. No other explanation.

Also, leftists speak better of an ISIS terrorist than they do about the President:
"Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar ad helm of Islamic State, dies at 48".

That was the Washington Post headline at first before they changed it. And people say leftists are the logical ones?

Orange man bad, ISIS leader good! LOL!

WUT! You really know how to twist the facts. If Sean Hannity your mentor?
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