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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians

We also suspect how accurate the White House will be when covering their asses.

I know it's hard to know who is the bigger bullshitter. Probably neither the WoPo or McMaster is telling the truth. Not sure how that would work, but it's probably the case

No, McMaster tld the truth. He did not SAY the name of the source or SAY the methods used... he shared the ACTUAL INTEL in such a way that only his toddler mind could think that the source or method could not be easily deduced.

"Don't tell mom I took the cookie"

"MOM! there's a cookie missing and I didn't take it!!!!"

"what are you doing!?!!?!?"

"Not telling mom that you took the cookie".
Is there anyone here who still believes that we should run our government like a business?

I'll go ahead and take ownership of the thought I had a year ago that a highly commoditized society might benefit from a businessman as leader. I was very wrong. To paraphrase Greenspan, I failed to calculate the depth of greed within the human nature.
3. By revealing this info without the operative's knowledge or permission, the operative may be hesitant to share intel with us in the future[/B]

The operative may very well already be dead.
The operative, their connections, etc... murdered. Extremely possible. Jebus, getting ISIS intel can not be easy!

Sharing highly classified info with a nation that is aligned with Syria and Iran. Good job their Trumpy. His approval rating dropped after Comey, and this may drop him down to 30 points... or at least to the lowest it may be able to get, short of Trump signing an executive order banning guns.

And all of this... to brag. Impeach this wannabe daughterfucker!
If you want Il Douchebag to do something, you need to prod it 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

Comey should say that Cheetolini is too stupid to have a tape system and say there is no way he could tape, so no tapes exist. This may prod him to release the tape to show they world he can tape...

If you want Il Douchebag to do something, you need to prod it 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

Comey should say that Cheetolini is too stupid to have a tape system and say there is no way he could tape, so no tapes exist. This may prod him to release the tape to show they world he can tape...

Sen. Whitehouse: Are you aware of any recordings of your conversation?
Former FBI Director Comey: No sir. Honestly, I don't think the President would have been smart enough to even put a system in place to...
*Twitter Alarm*
Sen. Whitehouse: Hmm... looks like Trump just tweeted the recording.
When the fffffFUCK will Dems learn to simulate outrage like the GOP?? This President has, in 120 days, accused his predecessor of a felony, had the investigating committee chair from the House run to him with inside info, fired the guy in the exec. branch who was beginning an investigation, now this. In a reverse situation, the GOP would be in full howl, 24/7. with breathless Fox 'Breaking News' flashes every 5 minutes.
Also, is it true that Spicer and Kellyanne now share a hutch in the White House rhododendron, and growl at anyone who tries to peek in?
Remember when Obama bowed to the Saudi King? I know, it is nothing like what Trump did, but the Right-Wing was messing their pants over it, talked it for a week plus.
No, McMaster tld the truth.

"The Washington Post article was false" he said. That was a false statement, despite having gone on to list some thing that didn't happen and that WaPo didn't say.
Like every other pawn in Cheato's game - he LIED. Too bad, seeing all these otherwise good people dragged down to the level of street scum.
No, McMaster tld the truth.

"The Washington Post article was false" he said. That was a false statement, despite having gone on to list some thing that didn't happen and that WaPo didn't say.
Like every other pawn in Cheato's game - he LIED. Too bad, seeing all these otherwise good people dragged down to the level of street scum.

You're right, he did say that... it is possible that some trivial (or not so) detail was off in the reporting... a technicality.
You seem to want everyone to shut up until we can actually report a conviction, but you don't want an investigation to be started in order to get the conviction.

No; because there is insufficient information even to produce a case for impeachment or trial. The healthy way is to look at the information and give it a critical analysis.

Investigations can proceed and are going on. However this whole thing started with Clinton stupidly using a private server and then blaming the Russians because people can read what she has said and written. We do know that 24/7 media sought to influence the election but we can't see at this time an orchestrated attempt by Russia to specifically do this.

Even if Russia didn't hack the DNC, we do know about their orchestrated fake news technology.

The US should also try and expand from its status quo as a twin-party system


How can anybody this wrong about everything they talk about?

You have no clue how impeachment works nor about American government works in general. Congress can impeach for anything they want, it doesn't have to be something criminal. You would also be wrong to say you know there is not enough information for criminal charges, because you don't know what all the evidence is (accept this for once), and because there is already publicly available evidence that could be prosecutable.

The Russian hack of the DNC has NOTHING to do with Clinton's server or her emails. WP, you are fake news.
So the secret intel Trump gave to the Russians came from and belonged to Israel and they really didn't want the Russians to have it. I understand Trump is going there next week. I wonder how the meeting with Netanyahu will go behind closed doors.
The main battle cry is that it is fake news since the sources were anonymous. A couple have claimed that since the president can arbitrarily declassify anything that it doesn't matter.

He can declassify OUR stuff, but declassifying something from an ally would be a whole different ball of toupee wax.
It wasn't his information to declassify, not without their permission.


Whether or not Trump is harmed personally, the damage this does to the USA is huge and long-lived. No ally of the US is going to want to share intelligence with a country whose leader has demonstrated an inability to keep their secrets secret.

At a stroke, Trump has massively crippled his nation's ability to know what is happening in the world. And that damage will persist at least until he is out of office, and probably for much longer - after all, allied intelligence services can't risk giving information to the US that a future POTUS might blab. Something that, up until now, seemed like an unlikely event, has become a highly plausible security threat.

Don't tell the Americans anything; they can't keep a secret.
That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.
He can declassify OUR stuff, but declassifying something from an ally would be a whole different ball of toupee wax.
It wasn't his information to declassify, not without their permission.

This will severely hamper our collection of intelligence. Our allies are probably right now wondering whether or not to continue sharing intelligence.

Intelligence agencies don't 'wonder' whether or not to do things that might compromise their agents and sources, without any clear and immediate upside. They just stop doing the thing that is identified as a risk.

I would be shocked if any US ally has not already stopped sharing anything sensitive with the US.

The default position is to protect your sources unless there is a massive and compelling reason not to.

During WWII, the allies were prohibited from acting on hard information gained via the breaking of German codes, unless there was good intelligence from at least one other source; this meant that often commanders had to allow a disaster to unfold, because preventing it might have tipped off the Germans that their communications were not secure.
No; because there is insufficient information even to produce a case for impeachment or trial. The healthy way is to look at the information and give it a critical analysis.

Investigations can proceed and are going on. However this whole thing started with Clinton stupidly using a private server and then blaming the Russians because people can read what she has said and written. We do know that 24/7 media sought to influence the election but we can't see at this time an orchestrated attempt by Russia to specifically do this.

Even if Russia didn't hack the DNC, we do know about their orchestrated fake news technology.

The US should also try and expand from its status quo as a twin-party system


How can anybody this wrong about everything they talk about?

You have no clue how impeachment works nor about American government works in general. Congress can impeach for anything they want, it doesn't have to be something criminal. You would also be wrong to say you know there is not enough information for criminal charges, because you don't know what all the evidence is (accept this for once), and because there is already publicly available evidence that could be prosecutable.

The Russian hack of the DNC has NOTHING to do with Clinton's server or her emails. WP, you are fake news.

Sorry I only studied English law. A case against Trump at this point wouldn't fly in an English court. Is the Chief Justice ready to preside over the Senate Trial. Has a date been set?

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything. In fact all we have had is a call for impeachment by Democrats.

If Trump is right and this was for as he says it was I don't think proceedings will get far.

The Democrats lost the election and should get over the Butt-Hurt.

The Guardian article here
Around midday on Monday, Congressman Al Green, a Democrat from Texas, held a press conference to call for the impeachment of Donald Trump. The firing of FBI director James Comey, Green said, was an obstruction of justice falling clearly into that basket of “high crimes and misdemeanors” prescribed in the constitution as grounds for impeachment.

Green should have waited five hours. Because by the time the sun went down on Monday, advocates for Trump’s impeachment had a lot more to work with.


“As president I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled WH meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining … to terrorism and airline flight safety,” Trump wrote. “Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against Isis and terrorism.”

The episode has once again stoked the chorus calling for the impeachment of Trump, a chorus that has steadily built over the four months of the Trump presidency.

Legal analysts say that Trump is correct in noting his “absolute right”, as president, to share information as he pleases. The president’s discretion overrides any categorical classification, and there has been no assertion that Trump broke a law by allegedly sharing the information.

The president may, however, have broken his oath of office, according to analysis at Lawfareblog, whose top six analysts joined in a byline to write: “It’s very hard to argue that carelessly giving away highly sensitive material to an adversary foreign power constitutes a faithful execution of the office of president.”

- - - Updated - - -

That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.

What is the carelessness involved?
That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.

What is the carelessness involved?

1. He revealed the name of the city where our operative gathered the info

2. The info itself is reportedly enough for Russia to form conclusions about what we know and how we might know it

3. By revealing this info without the operative's knowledge or permission, the operative may be hesitant to share intel with us in the future (EDIT: or may already be dead)
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