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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians

Rumour mongers and speculators have the burden of proof.

Unspecified reports and speculation seems to pass on as news.
You seem to want everyone to shut up until we can actually report a conviction, but you don't want an investigation to be started in order to get the conviction.

No; because there is insufficient information even to produce a case for impeachment or trial. The healthy way is to look at the information and give it a critical analysis.

Investigations can proceed and are going on. However this whole thing started with Clinton stupidly using a private server and then blaming the Russians because people can read what she has said and written. We do know that 24/7 media sought to influence the election but we can't see at this time an orchestrated attempt by Russia to specifically do this.

The US should also try and expand from its status quo as a twin-party system
yep. Loyalty to someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

What's this got to do with an anonymous source suggesting that Trump passed over some Lap Top information to the Russians?
That'd be anonymous sources and Trump has pretty much already come out and said he can say what he wants, he's President.

article said:
As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....

...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.

Which for American derived intelligence is true, but would be reckless. But for intel derived from ISIS, that has got to be rare and extremely difficult to get. So fuck Trump supporters and fence sitters. The US gave the keys to the brand new Porsche to a 10 year old.

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You seem to want everyone to shut up until we can actually report a conviction, but you don't want an investigation to be started in order to get the conviction.

No; because there is insufficient information even to produce a case for impeachment or trial. The healthy way is to look at the information and give it a critical analysis.
Obstruction of Justice (Firing Comey), tampering with a witness (Yates), leaking classified foreign intel (Syria related). The list is growing.
The president has now confirmed that he did it via twitter. And threw McMaster under the bus at the same time.

Holy shit. The man is far beyond stupid.
As Jon Oliver put it (with my twist), all a prosecutor would have to say is "The Senate, this man couldn't possibly be guilty of impeachable offenses because people who are guilty of such offenses must be brilliant, methodical, and big league..."

"I did it, I did all those things, I'm the most impeachable President ever!"

He clearly has no fucking clue, and being a pathologically lying sociopath also doesn't help. Add in his ties to Russian money laundering and, oh boy, the right-wing voters really fucked up this time!

He is also going to need to get a bigger bus for all the people he is throwing under it.
yep. Loyalty to someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

What's this got to do with an anonymous source suggesting that Trump passed over some Lap Top information to the Russians?
Follow the what I quoted backwards.

And what do you mean by "Lap Top" information. We do not know the content of the information Trump leaked. How would you know?
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Except he didn't contradict anything in the story. They didn't claim he discussed sources or methods. His statement was carefully worded empty blather, and really only served to confirm the story is accurate.
Trump's belligerent tweets this morning confirms the accuracy of the story, too :cool:
Understand High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The president does not have to be guilty of a crime in the traditional sense. Because of his position, he can be impeached for unsatisfactory job performance.

This is getting to the point, if we do not hear Republican members of the Senate speak out against this, it might be time to start worrying. This isn't funny anymore.
Trump is turning into scary clown.
Except he didn't contradict anything in the story. They didn't claim he discussed sources or methods. His statement was carefully worded empty blather, and really only served to confirm the story is accurate.
Trump's belligerent tweets this morning confirms the accuracy of the story, too :cool:

We really have to consider ourselves lucky that this man is so narcissistic and stupid in a way as to often admit responsibility for his fuck ups, even as his own administration is trying to clear him of any wrong doing.

McMaster, one of the few with any credibility left in this administration, just burned whatever he had left and should resign, when he denied the president doing what he himself just admitted to doing.
Trump's belligerent tweets this morning confirms the accuracy of the story, too :cool:

We really have to consider ourselves lucky that this man is so narcissistic and stupid in a way as to often admit responsibility for his fuck ups, even as his own administration is trying to clear him of any wrong doing.

McMaster, one of the few with any credibility left in this administration, just burned whatever he had left and should resign, when he denied the president doing what he himself just admitted to doing.
So what is that called, "Doing the Powell"?
Unsubstantiated information, whether from a reputable source or not is still unsubstantiated.Media simply passes on reports. In most cases they copy from each other.

You clearly have no idea how journalism works and should not be commenting on matters related to it.
Confirmed by Buzzfeed

Two US officials who were briefed on Trump’s disclosures last week confirmed to BuzzFeed News the veracity of the Post report, with one official noting that “it’s far worse than what has already been reported.”

You mean copies the Washington Post and credits it.

Laptops as tools of terrorism are common knowledge and


Laptops and electronic devices larger than a smart phone have been banned from carry-on luggage coming to the UK from airports in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.

The move was announced yesterday after a similar ban in the US.

Six UK airlines – British Airways, EasyJet, Jet2, Monarch, Thomas Cook and Thomson – and eight foreign carriers are affected.

Now, details over the scramble to stop technology coming onto planes are beginning to emerge.

Trump: "We're so good, we're so smart... our secret sources found out in Syria that blah blah blah..."
Russians: "So, you have sources in Syria, huh"? VERY interesting... that must also mean.. blah blah blah."

The "secret information" is not that interesting.., how dumbfuckwit blathered it out revealed HIGHLY sensitive information that puts allies lives on the line.. allies that would be smart to cut our intelligence agency off from information sharing. Trump just lost the war against terrorism for us all.

One has to be completely naïve or just stupid in the head to not understand the problem with a dumbass bigmouth having sensitive information he understands very little of. The man is 70 years old.. he doesn;t get a new job and issued a new brain... fuckwits!
The White House is playing word games, and their denials mean nothing anyway. They lie all the time, and demonstrably so. They're not a credible source. Anonymous sources are regularly used in these circumstances; no one is going to publicly confirm that these things happened if they want to keep their job.

Yes, because the Republican-controlled committees handling the investigation aren't doing their job, and Trump keeps firing people involved in it.

So there is nothing to say so far that anything was actually given away to anyone.

You're being totally unreasonable and are trying to downplay/defend indefensible behaviour.

I pointed out there is a disparity of information. That cannot mean there was or was not a breach. However again the accusers failed to provide a burden of proof.

The "accusers" (non-partisan intelligence staff that were present in the room) not only confirmed he fucked up, but trump called the CIA immediately following to say, "I fucked up, help us out here".. The journalists HAVE the details, they are just more respectful of human life and American freedom than Trumphole, as they are not releasing the actual sensitive information that Trump leaked to a hostile nation. They HAVE shared that information with top level people, who can only deny what they didn't report.
Yeah, it's not so much the content of what Trump said as what could be inferred by him saying it.

1. He revealed the name of the city where our operative gathered the info

2. The info itself is reportedly enough for Russia to form conclusions about what we know and how we might know it

3. By revealing this info without the operative's knowledge or permission, the operative may be hesitant to share intel with us in the future

All of which can hurt our ability to deal with the ISIS situation, which lest we forget, Trump was supposed to have completely and utterly solved by now.
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