• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

We are all stardust...

Bilby. Real quick. look at pics of superclusters and spacey universe pics. The threaded type of images. Hubble or whatever. Then check out pics of synapse, neuron and tiny brain linkage pics. Save and rename them random numbers. Return and make a slideshow a week later. You won't be able to tell the difference. Nothing to do with this but heh we're poop anyway. Why not try it?
Bilby. Real quick. Make a "guess which pic this is" thread, based on what I've laid out here. This is all for science.
Bilby. Real quick. Make a "guess which pic this is" thread, based on what I've laid out here. This is all for science.

What did your last slave die of?

And why should anybody give a shit that stuff looks kinda like other stuff?

This isn't "all for science" - the pseudoscience forum is over there.
Aww dang. Correlative thing I wanted to work up. Need help sometimes. Your choice man. You could have made a difference for science, to rule out the possibility that space is really our minds. Simple as that, and simple to disprove.

What did your last slave die of

I'm a slave to science, bilby. I'll die of that. Not your science, but it is all the same thing in the end.
Bilby. Real quick. Make a "guess which pic this is" thread, based on what I've laid out here. This is all for science.

what is your hypothesis? that people can't tell the difference between large filaments and small filaments, when scale is not provided? well duh.

lets take 3 leather bound books and place them face down on a table. We can all take turns guessing which one is a bible, torah, or Koran...
My hypothesis is that "all religions are the same". If people cant tell what book is what, that makes my hypothesis a law, right?

(hint - that's not how science is done).
This is a bit surprising. Is this a well accepted version of where these elements came from? Obviously, the science is changing all the time.
Not talkin about science Malintent. Just because science uses a set of rules doesn't make it own the word science. Know what I am saying? My hypothesis has been that "all religions are the same" for a while now, how ironic. Can't get any damn help with it but every day is a new day.

But yeah, my actual "hypotheses" was an attempt at a conversation about space and the mind. They're pretty similar in unknowable ways. Scary one though huh. This is where you start throwing out space facts and drawing numbers up for me, I politely ask. Disagreeing. Calling it impossible, and explaining why in simple terms. The book thing didn't quite do it for me but yeah if you look at it like that, sure that makes sense. Maybe people just don't know anything about it. I def wasn't trying to come off like I do. Yeah just too complicated.
This is a bit surprising. Is this a well accepted version of where these elements came from? Obviously, the science is changing all the time.

The originator of the table, Jennifer Johnson, discusses this on her Sloan Digital Sky Surveys blog:

Jennifer Johnson said:
... is the latest version of an evolving periodic table color-coded by the origin of the elements in the Solar System. An original version of this was made by Inese Ivans and me in 2008 and refined and improved by Anna Frebel. Versions highlighting different aspects of the physical processes are available on Inese Ivans’ website.
(I have included the original links in this quote, apart from the link to Anna Frebel's video, which TFT doesn't parse correctly; That video is linked below)

References to the papers from which this information was sourced can be found at Inese Ivans' website, here. The earliest is Cameron, A. G. W. (1982) "Elemental and nuclidic abunndances in the solar system", In Essays in Nuclear Astrophysics, Ed. Barnes, C. A., Clayton, D. D., Schramm, D. N. ( New York, New York: Cambridge University Press); The most recent is Cowan, J. J., Lawler, J. E., Sneden, C., Hartog, E. A. D., & Collier, J., (2009) Nasa Law, (Table 1, "s- AND r-PROCESS ISOTOPIC SOLAR SYSTEM ABUNDANCES").

I would say this is pretty well evidenced and is based on current and accepted astrophysics. But of course, our understanding may change with new evidence.

Anna Frebel's video:

This seems wrong in places. For example, solely identifying the origin of Uranium with "merging neutron stars" is clearly incorrect. There are probably other errors here as well; I haven't examined it fully.
Interesting. All those elements are found naturally on our earth (right?!), which implies that we have had all those events happen in the vicinity of our solar system at some point in the past. That is, a neutron star collision, a massive star exploding, a white dwarf exploding and a dying low mass star. Given our solar system is only around 5 billion years old, and the universe is around 14 billion, that's a lot of stellar activity that happened here in 9 billion years. Is that typical or would that be considered unusual? If its pretty rare, then I would think life in the universe (as we know it anyway) would be rare as well, as a huge chunk of the elements, (even in trace amounts), in the table are critical to our being here. Or am I off base on something?
Interesting. All those elements are found naturally on our earth (right?!), which implies that we have had all those events happen in the vicinity of our solar system at some point in the past. That is, a neutron star collision, a massive star exploding, a white dwarf exploding and a dying low mass star. Given our solar system is only around 5 billion years old, and the universe is around 14 billion, that's a lot of stellar activity that happened here in 9 billion years. Is that typical or would that be considered unusual? If its pretty rare, then I would think life in the universe (as we know it anyway) would be rare as well, as a huge chunk of the elements, (even in trace amounts), in the table are critical to our being here. Or am I off base on something?

I don't think 2nd/3rd generation stars are uncommon... from wiki:
Generally, the youngest stars, the extreme population I, are found farther toward the center of a galaxy, and intermediate population I stars are farther out. The Sun is an intermediate population I star. Population I stars have regular elliptical orbits of the galactic centre, with a low relative velocity. It was hypothesized that the high metallicity of population I stars makes them more likely to possess planetary systems than the other two populations, because planets, particularly terrestrial planets, are thought to be formed by the accretion of metals.[9] However, observations of the Kepler data-set have found smaller planets around stars with a range of metallicities, while only larger, potential gas giant planets are concentrated around stars with relatively higher metallicity - a finding that has implications for theories of gas giant formation.[10]

What I have a hard time with is the idea that within a fraction of a second of a certain threshold of iron production, stars collapse/explode.

Good article: http://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~thj/popular/Collapsing_stars.html
This is a bit surprising. Is this a well accepted version of where these elements came from? Obviously, the science is changing all the time.
Stellar nuclear fusion is accepted theory for where the heavier elements are made. The original work was done with carbon some decades ago and opened the door. Not sure the lab anymore but it was California.

Sagan popularized the fact that we are "starstuff," as he called it.
This seems wrong in places. For example, solely identifying the origin of Uranium with "merging neutron stars" is clearly incorrect. There are probably other errors here as well; I haven't examined it fully.

What do you believe is the (other) significant mechanism that generated the Uranium found on Earth, and why?
Interesting. All those elements are found naturally on our earth (right?!), which implies that we have had all those events happen in the vicinity of our solar system at some point in the past. That is, a neutron star collision, a massive star exploding, a white dwarf exploding and a dying low mass star. Given our solar system is only around 5 billion years old, and the universe is around 14 billion, that's a lot of stellar activity that happened here in 9 billion years. Is that typical or would that be considered unusual? If its pretty rare, then I would think life in the universe (as we know it anyway) would be rare as well, as a huge chunk of the elements, (even in trace amounts), in the table are critical to our being here. Or am I off base on something?

Well, most of the Earth is made up of just a few elements. oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium between them make up about 97% of the earth by mass, with all the rest in that 3%. Of course, 3% of an entire planet is still quite a lot of stuff on human scales, but on solar system scales, the Earth itself is a tiny bit of slag left over from the sun's formation. Up to about 5 significant digits, there isn't anything in the solar system except the sun, and there's nothing in the sun except Hydrogen and a bit of Helium. Jupiter is the only significant extra-solar impurity; the rocky stuff - mostly oxygen, silicon, aluminium and iron - that makes up the four inner planets, the asteroid belt, and a scattering of other minor planets and debris adds up to bugger all as a fraction of the Solar System. Of course we tend to think of the slag of 'metals' (elements other than H and He) as important, but only because they include us and our home planet.

As to being critical to our being here, all we really need in significant quantities are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and a trace of phosphorous and sulphur. The other elements are not needed in more than tiny quantities when making plants or animals.
Interesting. All those elements are found naturally on our earth (right?!), which implies that we have had all those events happen in the vicinity of our solar system at some point in the past. That is, a neutron star collision, a massive star exploding, a white dwarf exploding and a dying low mass star. Given our solar system is only around 5 billion years old, and the universe is around 14 billion, that's a lot of stellar activity that happened here in 9 billion years. Is that typical or would that be considered unusual? If its pretty rare, then I would think life in the universe (as we know it anyway) would be rare as well, as a huge chunk of the elements, (even in trace amounts), in the table are critical to our being here. Or am I off base on something?

9 billion years is a long time. A lot of stuff could happen, and don't forget once it happens it's get blown in all directions.
Interesting. All those elements are found naturally on our earth (right?!), which implies that we have had all those events happen in the vicinity of our solar system at some point in the past. That is, a neutron star collision, a massive star exploding, a white dwarf exploding and a dying low mass star. Given our solar system is only around 5 billion years old, and the universe is around 14 billion, that's a lot of stellar activity that happened here in 9 billion years. Is that typical or would that be considered unusual? If its pretty rare, then I would think life in the universe (as we know it anyway) would be rare as well, as a huge chunk of the elements, (even in trace amounts), in the table are critical to our being here. Or am I off base on something?

9 billion years is a long time. A lot of stuff could happen, and don't forget once it happens it's get blown in all directions.

We're still on the same star for nearly 5 billion years now, and there's 5 billion more to go before it self destructs. So, 9 billion y.o. doesn't seem all that long to me when it comes to stellar evolution timescales.
Interesting. All those elements are found naturally on our earth (right?!), which implies that we have had all those events happen in the vicinity of our solar system at some point in the past. That is, a neutron star collision, a massive star exploding, a white dwarf exploding and a dying low mass star. Given our solar system is only around 5 billion years old, and the universe is around 14 billion, that's a lot of stellar activity that happened here in 9 billion years. Is that typical or would that be considered unusual? If its pretty rare, then I would think life in the universe (as we know it anyway) would be rare as well, as a huge chunk of the elements, (even in trace amounts), in the table are critical to our being here. Or am I off base on something?

Well, most of the Earth is made up of just a few elements. oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium between them make up about 97% of the earth by mass, with all the rest in that 3%. Of course, 3% of an entire planet is still quite a lot of stuff on human scales, but on solar system scales, the Earth itself is a tiny bit of slag left over from the sun's formation. Up to about 5 significant digits, there isn't anything in the solar system except the sun, and there's nothing in the sun except Hydrogen and a bit of Helium. Jupiter is the only significant extra-solar impurity; the rocky stuff - mostly oxygen, silicon, aluminium and iron - that makes up the four inner planets, the asteroid belt, and a scattering of other minor planets and debris adds up to bugger all as a fraction of the Solar System. Of course we tend to think of the slag of 'metals' (elements other than H and He) as important, but only because they include us and our home planet.

As to being critical to our being here, all we really need in significant quantities are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and a trace of phosphorous and sulphur. The other elements are not needed in more than tiny quantities when making plants or animals.


Looks like Iodine and Molybdenum are the heaviest elements our body needs at the trace level. I had it in my head that there were more. There are a lot of the heavier elements in us, but none that are needed for life functions.
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