At this point my view is there is nothing practical that can be done, as always throughout history nature will run its course.
That's the doomster view. I find a lot of people going to that view.
I listened to an anthropologist talk about how civilizations fail.
A civilization grows ad becomes successful by a set of working paradigms. Complexity and population grows to the point where the old paradigms no longer work.
Leadership changes but replacements come from the same cultural pool. Problems are opt solved and the civilization declines.
A civilization depleting resources is not new in history. Mayans and Incas. There is a theory based in archeological evidence ad science that Mayans polluted their water supplies and agricultural land. Large scale building projects required a cement or mortar that required burning large amounts of minerals, resulting in a toxic byproduct.
In ancient Greece or Rome a coastal marine criter was havested to exinction for a prized purple dye.
Today in the USA our constitution was framed for a small argcutal riral poulation. The west was wide open for colonization and explotaion. We are gerally today going by 19th century econmic growth patadigms. Ecomcs based on pulation and comsuption growth without limt is not sustaable.
I was an engieer for most of my aduktlife, and I kw how the conomy works and what drives it.
I say it is not sustanable bas a pragmatic realist based in observationm scince, and experience.
I lved for a whle in the Idaho pangandle, silver mining. The panndle is heavily poluted. The smelterr in Kellog contaminated town top soil with arsenuc. The soil was scapedup and put in a giant berm alng the highway.
I have seen the huge open pit coal mines on cross coutry drives.
Part of our 20th centry pardim was prte demcacy that suppoted free markey\t capitalism. intending to open consumer markets for Amercan goods.
The same question I have askd anarchists on politucs as what we shoud replace our system. How are decions made? Who decids what and how much gets produced? Who decides worker compnsation? All with us huams as we are. I never get a response.
Human history is gowh, declne, chaos, war followed by something different. WWII swept away the old Europen order and made way for modern liberal democarcy. Global lLiberal democracy right now is shaky. We are on the verge of re electng Trump.
Liberaal global demcacy is in doubt as to survival. There is no way to know what will result. Historically when times get hard and chaotc they go with strong authorterian leaders. Caesar, Napoleann, Mussolini, Hitler. Today Putin, Trump,.
Liberal deocracy is being proped up through economic growth. When people have thigs to buy and jos they are happy. Low, zero, or negative growth over time woud be catastophic.
It is a tiger by the tail, we can not abruptly cnge economics without serios conseunces, hence comption increases.
Putin and Jinping made themselves dictators for life. Netanyahu in Isreal is trying to dismantle judical oversight of the legislature.
So, whatever you propose has to work with people as we are.
In the news people are upset that the Ken actor got an Academy Award nomination and Brby did not....that is 'the peole' you would have to govern.