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Well... NOW he's under investigation.

Reportedly, Jared, the great white hope, urged Trump to fire Comey. The minute Comey was fired (with obvious obfuscation on the part of the administration) was the minute the special investigation seemed to think a personal investigation of obstruction of justice was necessary. This is pretty obvious, and it's for obvious reasons. I wonder how much Jared's advice will be heeded from now on?

Look, like it or not, this is forming a pattern. Anyone looking into Russian collusion or looking into Trump finances gets the axe by the dear leader.
This is simply politics and it is symptomatic of the clutching of straws by moving in another direction from collusion and election tampering.
I don't think it's moving in a different direction so much as moving in yet another direction. An additional avenue of investigation, not an abandoning of any previous investigations.

You appear to be drawing conclusions from where the media is focused, not from any actions taken by the investigators...which you wouldn't be privy to, anyway.

So that's funnier, still.

I was referring to the media and in part to the fact how every question is fed to the press. An inquiry will take on different directions. What happens in the USA is that when a question is raised (lately obstruction) it is fed to CNN and the Washington Post even before anything has been discovered.

It would be sensible to at least establish if there is further more to go on and convene hearings etc, rather than have a press fanfare over nothing. However many like to see the news of the moment even when the stories were not borne out in fact.

In this respect it is political and funny in a sense.
I don't think it's moving in a different direction so much as moving in yet another direction. An additional avenue of investigation, not an abandoning of any previous investigations.

You appear to be drawing conclusions from where the media is focused, not from any actions taken by the investigators...which you wouldn't be privy to, anyway.

So that's funnier, still.

I was referring to the media and in part to the fact how every question is fed to the press. An inquiry will take on different directions. What happens in the USA is that when a question is raised (lately obstruction) it is fed to FOX, Breitbart, CNN and the Washington Post even before anything has been discovered.

It's not WaPo of NYT's fault that FOX and Breitbart won't publish anything about their orange emperor that isn't flattering.
It's not WaPo of NYT's fault that FOX and Breitbart won't publish anything about their orange emperor that isn't flattering.

I've never been to Breitbart before but I did a search for McCain comments and this stood out. No flattery here:

Report: John McCain Claims Barack Obama Provided Better ‘American Leadership’ Than Donald Trump
Anti-Trump Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has reportedly told a left-wing newspaper that he believes “American leadership” was better under President Barack Obama than President Trump — the latest in a series of shots the failed 2008 presidential candidate has taken at his fellow Republican.

According to the Guardian, McCain was “visibly irked” when asked about comments Trump made last week in the wake of the terrorist attack in London, in which he criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan for his response to the atrocity.

“What do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead,” McCain said. “They are not sure of American leadership, whether it be in Siberia or whether it be in Antarctica.”

Then, when asked if America’s international standing was better under Obama, McCain reportedly responded: “As far as American leadership is concerned, yes.”

McCain — who lost his 2008 presidential bid against then-candidate Obama after a campaign in which he repeatedly defended Obama from his supporters’ criticisms — has been an outspoken critic of Trump and has refused to tone it down since his fellow Republican took the White House.

In a recent tour of Australia, McCain told an audience in Sydney that Trump has “unsettled” allies and Americans alike.

“Other American allies have similar doubts these days and this is understandable,” McCain said, according to The Associated Press at the city’s university. “I realize that some of President Trump’s actions and statements have unsettled America’s friends. They have unsettled many Americans as well.”

He went on to urge the Australians to “keep at” the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal in the hope that one day “America will decide to join you.”

He also said in an interview with an Australian TV network that Trump makes him “nervous from time to time” and said he was bothered that Trump does not always take the advice of his national security team.

“Can I tell you that he does all the time? No. Does it bother me? Yes, it bothers me,” he said.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Breitbart News based in New York.
I've never been to Breitbart before but I did a search for McCain comments and this stood out. No flattery here:

Report: John McCain Claims Barack Obama Provided Better ‘American Leadership’ Than Donald Trump
Anti-Trump Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has reportedly told a left-wing newspaper that he believes “American leadership” was better under President Barack Obama than President Trump — the latest in a series of shots the failed 2008 presidential candidate has taken at his fellow Republican.

According to the Guardian, McCain was “visibly irked” when asked about comments Trump made last week in the wake of the terrorist attack in London, in which he criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan for his response to the atrocity.

“What do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead,” McCain said. “They are not sure of American leadership, whether it be in Siberia or whether it be in Antarctica.”

Then, when asked if America’s international standing was better under Obama, McCain reportedly responded: “As far as American leadership is concerned, yes.”

McCain — who lost his 2008 presidential bid against then-candidate Obama after a campaign in which he repeatedly defended Obama from his supporters’ criticisms — has been an outspoken critic of Trump and has refused to tone it down since his fellow Republican took the White House.

In a recent tour of Australia, McCain told an audience in Sydney that Trump has “unsettled” allies and Americans alike.

“Other American allies have similar doubts these days and this is understandable,” McCain said, according to The Associated Press at the city’s university. “I realize that some of President Trump’s actions and statements have unsettled America’s friends. They have unsettled many Americans as well.”

He went on to urge the Australians to “keep at” the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal in the hope that one day “America will decide to join you.”

He also said in an interview with an Australian TV network that Trump makes him “nervous from time to time” and said he was bothered that Trump does not always take the advice of his national security team.

“Can I tell you that he does all the time? No. Does it bother me? Yes, it bothers me,” he said.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Breitbart News based in New York.

President Bannon prob'ly has Adam Shaw in in a west wing broom closet right now, beating some sense into him. :D
McCain broke ranks a "long period of time" ago.
Vice president Pence has a lawyer now
It's almost like that song, isn't it?

Twenty staff free from suspicion,
Twenty cabinet members to go!
Impanel one, under the gun,
Nineteen staff left free, like dominoes...


Assertions from Vice President Mike Pence that he did not know of former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s work on behalf of foreign governments until he learned of them in media reports have just two explanations, Rep. Elijah Cummings said Friday. “Either he's not telling the truth, or he was running a sloppy shop.”

Cummings, the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, noted during a Friday interview on CNN’s “New Day” that he had sent a letter to Pence, then chairman of President Donald Trump’s transition team, last November regarding Flynn’s ties to the Turkish government. Cummings received a receipt from the transition team’s office of legislative affairs, confirming they had received the letter and pledging to “review your letter carefully.”

My own emphasis
I was referring to the media and in part to the fact how every question is fed to the press. An inquiry will take on different directions. What happens in the USA is that when a question is raised (lately obstruction) it is fed to FOX, Breitbart, CNN and the Washington Post even before anything has been discovered.

It's not WaPo of NYT's fault that FOX and Breitbart won't publish anything about their orange emperor that isn't flattering.

And the Washinton Post and NYT doesn't exactly publish anything that is flattering about the Orange Emperor though I thought he tends to look more blondish.
And now the Special Counsel is also investigating Jared's business dealings:


I'm rating the chance of Trump firing Mueller at better than 50-50. And if he does, the consequences will be an order of magnitude greater than from Comey's firing.

I thought so too, then I remembered it's congress that would need to intervene. So, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Trump may fire congress, probably with an enabling act. All he needs is a false flag event and the deed is done. :wink: As a blood German, he will know his homeland history.


I thought so too, then I remembered it's congress that would need to intervene. So, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Trump may fire congress, probably with an enabling act. All he needs is a false flag event and the deed is done. :wink: As a blood German, he will know his homeland history.



The quoted Enabling Act refers to former German legislation and is therefore not applicable.
I'm rating the chance of Trump firing Mueller at better than 50-50. And if he does, the consequences will be an order of magnitude greater than from Comey's firing.

I think Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice, said that he would have to be the one to fire Mueller. So it seems Trump can't do so directly. But I imagine he might nominate an Attorney General who would.
I'm rating the chance of Trump firing Mueller at better than 50-50. And if he does, the consequences will be an order of magnitude greater than from Comey's firing.

I think Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice, said that he would have to be the one to fire Mueller. So it seems Trump can't do so directly. But I imagine he might nominate an Attorney General who would.

Rosenstein will probably have to recuse himself, having been involved in the Comey firing. ... that would leave Rachel Brand in charge of the investigations.
What a rat's ass mess.
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