The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida
It's a self help book, I think targeted at New Age men to become more manly. I have read it before. I remember liking it. Since then I've been to workshops based on the book, which I think have been awesome. So I decided to read it again, to freshen up. Now I think it's absolute fucking garbage. There's a core in there which I like. But most of it is swill.
I think the book can be boiled down to:
1) The masculine is the stable, protecting, predictable force
2) The feminine is the creative, wild and unpredictable force
3) Both men and women can be both, but men tend to lean more towards masculine, a women the feminine.
4) If one partner is one thing, the other partner will be the other thing. Because we need polarity in relationships. If we don't get it, it's boring and we break up. Both are needed.
5) Men and women won't understand each other and that's not only fine, but good.
So many pages to write this fairly simple thing. It's full of flowery New Age language. It's frustratingly vague and waffly at times.