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What mu$t thi$ have co$t?


Mar 31, 2006
Far Western Mass
Basic Beliefs
I'm here...
Trump tweeted today:

Watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.

A 30 second spot during the superbowl can cost $5million. What must it cost to have the President shill for your show?
Trump is one of those people the more you know about them the more you realize how incredibly stupid they are.
Trump tweeted today:

A 30 second spot during the superbowl can cost $5million. What must it cost to have the President shill for your show?

View attachment 10403
Was following this a little bit on Twitter last night. Apparently this "Judge Jeanine" person was trash talking Paul Ryan.

Sounds to me like we know what the the Trump narrative is regarding TrumpCare - blame Ryan. I am not surprised. I suspect Trump sees Ryan as a threat to his power and is more than just a little intimidated by Ryan.
Was following this a little bit on Twitter last night. Apparently this "Judge Jeanine" person was trash talking Paul Ryan.

Sounds to me like we know what the the Trump narrative is regarding TrumpCare - blame Ryan. I am not surprised. I suspect Trump sees Ryan as a threat to his power and is more than just a little intimidated by Ryan.
This was Bannon political hit. The Republican Party is undersiege with itself.

And I'd like to take this time to thank the Tea Party for saving the ACA.
The Grand Old Party is such a glorious disaster at the moment. I'd call it a circular firing squad by they can't even form a circle.

This was one of the bigly promises on the campaign trail. Not just for Herr Trump, but for all the Republicans. They used the phrase "repeal and replace" so many times it is for all intents and purposes trademarked by the GOP. They spent the last 7 years running on the promise to not just clean up Obamacare, but wipe it out entirely.

And despite having majorities in both houses, the Presidency, and the political wind at their backs, they failed. The House Republicans failed. The Senate Republicans never got the chance to fail. Trump? Failed.

They failed because Fragilego Mussolini came into the Republican Party like an orange bull in a china shop and set about wrecking the joint. His divide and conquer strategy worked well in the campaign. The GOP was so fractured that he could take it apart bit by bit and when the smoke cleared the "party before country" party had no choice but to vote for the man who had ruined them. They silenced their criticism, some grudgingly endorsed the candidate, and succeeded in electing their own worst enemy.

I know it wasn't intentional, but this is payback. Grand Old Party karma just bit Trump in his fat ass. He didn't get a bill to sign because the wreckage of the Republican Party in Washington simply can't function. All their momentum is for naught, and they can barely keep their heads above the still-swampy water.

I can't wait to see how they'll fail next.
One point you make is the Republicans have been the party against Obamacare for 7 years.

They have had 7 years to come up with a plan.

They are a party that is unable to do anything productive.

Half the party thinks the government should only be running the military.
Surprise, surprise, the "Art Of The Deal" couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag with a compass, a pair of scissors and a flashlight.

While I think Trump's leadership was a factor in this failure, most of the fail belongs to the party itself. The party is a mix of a few moderates with a strong stomach, the Priebus faction (which is pretty far right, actually, but forms most of the party) and the Tea Baggers, er, Freedom Caucus (or whatever they'll end up calling themselves next week) which are the real extremists in the party. All of them have embraced a very draconian ideology: that small government can do little good but is a necessary evil, that low taxes stimulate growth, and that more money in the hands of the rich will eventually trickle down to the rest of us. This is combined with racism, an a priori assumption of American superiority, deep seated racism, and a belief that hard work is THE most determinate factor in wealth creation. Finally, there's a wrapping over it all of Christian dominionism. Part of this doctrine is a deep distrust knowledge and science. Evidence in conflict with these ideas is instantly and vehemently dismissed as biased - even evil.

Thus, we have a Republican party that has pitifully allowed their thinkers to atrophy, or they have fled the party. The part of the party that used to construct and analyze policy and present it for consideration has withered as it repeatedly came up against the realities of economics and history, and then lost because it conflicted with this ideology. Thus any proposed legislation is by these morons, or actually written by corporate lobbyists. Most time spent by our congress is spent raising money for re-election, allowing no time for study of policy or writing of new policy in any case.

Look at that last bill. It's an insult to every American's intelligence to begin with, but then it just got down right ludicrous. Did you see the changes made to the bill in order to entice the "Freedom Caucus" to back it?

Note these changes would have been to insurance in general, not just Obamacare. It would have ELIMINATED law mandating coverage by policies in the following areas:
Outpatient Care
Emergency Services
Maternity/Pregancy & Newborn Care
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Disorders
Prescription Drugs
Rehabilitative & Habilitative
Lab Services
Preventative Services
Pediatric Services

Seriously, only their own stupidity allowed them to dodge a bullet in actually passing this as law. Could you see the outcome from such legislation?

Their faith in God is only exceeded by their faith in the free hand of the market, and that does not make for good policy in the really real world.
The Grand Old Party is such a glorious disaster at the moment. I'd call it a circular firing squad by they can't even form a circle.

This was one of the bigly promises on the campaign trail. Not just for Herr Trump, but for all the Republicans. They used the phrase "repeal and replace" so many times it is for all intents and purposes trademarked by the GOP. They spent the last 7 years running on the promise to not just clean up Obamacare, but wipe it out entirely.

And despite having majorities in both houses, the Presidency, and the political wind at their backs, they failed. The House Republicans failed. The Senate Republicans never got the chance to fail. Trump? Failed.

They failed because Fragilego Mussolini came into the Republican Party like an orange bull in a china shop and set about wrecking the joint. His divide and conquer strategy worked well in the campaign. The GOP was so fractured that he could take it apart bit by bit and when the smoke cleared the "party before country" party had no choice but to vote for the man who had ruined them. They silenced their criticism, some grudgingly endorsed the candidate, and succeeded in electing their own worst enemy.

I know it wasn't intentional, but this is payback. Grand Old Party karma just bit Trump in his fat ass. He didn't get a bill to sign because the wreckage of the Republican Party in Washington simply can't function. All their momentum is for naught, and they can barely keep their heads above the still-swampy water.

I can't wait to see how they'll fail next.

I am a bit divided in my thoughts here.

Either Trump is deliberately orchestrating the demise if the GOP by making impossible populist promises and then pushing for a vote on legislation that had been hastily put together and was ill conceived and poorly executed, ensuring either failure at passage or failure in actually delivering the promised improvements being only step one


He's starting a significant progression into dementia.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
I am a bit divided in my thoughts here.

Either Trump is deliberately orchestrating the demise if the GOP by making impossible populist promises and then pushing for a vote on legislation that had been hastily put together and was ill conceived and poorly executed, ensuring either failure at passage or failure in actually delivering the promised improvements being only step one


He's starting a significant progression into dementia.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Not the only options.

Trump has gotten by through bullying for a while.

It is all he knows.

He was basically the CEO of a large corporation who could not be fired.

He did nothing but order people to solve problems.

You can't order Republicans in Congress to solve problems.

They have no experience. All they can do is mostly lower the tax responsibility of those who actually have representation in government.
The Grand Old Party is such a glorious disaster at the moment. I'd call it a circular firing squad by they can't even form a circle.

This was one of the bigly promises on the campaign trail. Not just for Herr Trump, but for all the Republicans. They used the phrase "repeal and replace" so many times it is for all intents and purposes trademarked by the GOP. They spent the last 7 years running on the promise to not just clean up Obamacare, but wipe it out entirely.

And despite having majorities in both houses, the Presidency, and the political wind at their backs, they failed. The House Republicans failed. The Senate Republicans never got the chance to fail. Trump? Failed.

They failed because Fragilego Mussolini came into the Republican Party like an orange bull in a china shop and set about wrecking the joint. His divide and conquer strategy worked well in the campaign. The GOP was so fractured that he could take it apart bit by bit and when the smoke cleared the "party before country" party had no choice but to vote for the man who had ruined them. They silenced their criticism, some grudgingly endorsed the candidate, and succeeded in electing their own worst enemy.

I know it wasn't intentional, but this is payback. Grand Old Party karma just bit Trump in his fat ass. He didn't get a bill to sign because the wreckage of the Republican Party in Washington simply can't function. All their momentum is for naught, and they can barely keep their heads above the still-swampy water.

I can't wait to see how they'll fail next.

I am a bit divided in my thoughts here.

Either Trump is deliberately orchestrating the demise if the GOP by making impossible populist promises and then pushing for a vote on legislation that had been hastily put together and was ill conceived and poorly executed, ensuring either failure at passage or failure in actually delivering the promised improvements being only step one


He's starting a significant progression into dementia.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
There is something critical to remember, the health care bill, that was Ryan's bill, not Trump's. For some reason, Trump decided to be a team player and backed it (this was apparent with his health care for all -> health care access for all change). Ryan knew the bill had to be rammed through because it was nothing but a tax cut with a little bit of health care. And then to try and sway the sociopaths of the party, they cut a lot of the health care protections. I'm surprised they didn't say patients couldn't sue doctors too!

It didn't pass and couldn't pass because it wasn't anything like a health care bill. Even the not so moderate Republican moderates scoffed at the bill as being too radical.

The quite incredible thing is that afterwards, Trump then Tweets to tell people to watch a woman on a television show that is going to say 'dump Ryan'.
I am a bit divided in my thoughts here.

Either Trump is deliberately orchestrating the demise if the GOP by making impossible populist promises and then pushing for a vote on legislation that had been hastily put together and was ill conceived and poorly executed, ensuring either failure at passage or failure in actually delivering the promised improvements being only step one


He's starting a significant progression into dementia.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Not the only options.

Trump has gotten by through bullying for a while.

It is all he knows.

He was basically the CEO of a large corporation who could not be fired.

He did nothing but order people to solve problems.

You can't order Republicans in Congress to solve problems.

They have no experience. All they can do is mostly lower the tax responsibility of those who actually have representation in government.
Well, sure. That goes in the mix, but frankly, Isn't it a given that he's a narcissist with poor impulse control, and in all respects completely unwilling or unable to work as part of a team, even as the leader of the team?

I also think this serves as a huge distraction from Russiagate. And is probably the primary motivation.
Not the only options.

Trump has gotten by through bullying for a while.

It is all he knows.

He was basically the CEO of a large corporation who could not be fired.

He did nothing but order people to solve problems.

You can't order Republicans in Congress to solve problems.

They have no experience. All they can do is mostly lower the tax responsibility of those who actually have representation in government.
Well, sure. That goes in the mix, but frankly, Isn't it a given that he's a narcissist with poor impulse control, and in all respects completely unwilling or unable to work as part of a team, even as the leader of the team?

I also think this serves as a huge distraction from Russiagate. And is probably the primary motivation.
Likely the other way around. The Republicans have been trying to kill ACA for 7 years.
Well, sure. That goes in the mix, but frankly, Isn't it a given that he's a narcissist with poor impulse control, and in all respects completely unwilling or unable to work as part of a team, even as the leader of the team?

I also think this serves as a huge distraction from Russiagate. And is probably the primary motivation.

He has the skills of a dictator, not a leader.

He doesn't inspire people.

He frightens them with lies. Those that follow him at least.

Like a preacher frightens his followers with lies.
This quote from Tremors 2 sums up all things Trump.

It was said by the character of Grady when the gang realizes the creatures disabled the cars and the radio transmitter in town not to trap the people but because they were trying to eat these things.

Grady: You mean they've been acting so smart because they're so stupid.

That is the Donald. His actions are instinctual and/or rote. He doesn't think things out. There is no master plan on his part. He may well be carrying out the plans of others who have thought things through and are just evil bastards.

That being said, things may work out for the Donald from time to time, but not because of any brilliance radiating from him. He, like the rest of us, can stumble into fortune.
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