• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What music are you listening to right now? (Warning: Lotsa videos)

One of the top comments sums it up for me: Never in my life have I been so stuck between "This is the coolest thing ever" and "Kill it with fucking fire."
As a big U2 fan back in the day and seen them live several times, it saddens me to say they are past their sell by date. The Sphere looks like a fantastic venue but I'm not paying mega $$ to listen to U2 playing their greatest hits from 20+ years ago.

Not well known today Tito Puente's percussion and rhythms were a major influence in music.

“Oye Como Va,” one of the most famous Latin jazz songs of all time, was written by Tito Puente as early as 1956. However, it was first recorded in 1962, when it was included on his album El Rey: Bravo, which referenced his popular moniker as the King (el Rey) of Mambo.Aug 29, 2017

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I can't listen to this without crying. I first heard it about a year after Julie died, and I literally had to pull over and just bawl for a while before I could continue driving.

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