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What will happen Nov-Jan?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
In the US...will we have a coup, insurrection, civil war, something violent, riots, people breaking Dear Leader out of jail, ...? Is he going to write a book called My Struggle in prison?

In order to try to navigate this question, let's break it down into two phases: before Election Day and after Election Day.

Pre-Election Day

Will Trump end up in prison? Will this actually affect anything at all or make him even more popular? Remember that the conservative media and propaganda are extremely powerful. They've managed to convince an extraordinary number of Republicans and some independents over time that the 2020 Election was stolen. They've also been hammering on Trump being unfairly convicted and so if we extrapolate based on past patterns, their narrative is going to win. Republicans are not going to throw away Trump but the numbers of those supporting him will increase instead (at least based on this pattern). Many Republicans in the past have said they'd not support Trump under specific circumstances and they've gone back on their word. His cult personality and grip on propaganda are too strong for any significant opposition in the ranks.

The state of the country will be very politically polar, more so than it has been, and unstable.

But what else will happen during this phase? Would more Trump convictions actually do anything at all? If he went to prison, how would the guards, typically conservatives, treat him? Sympathy would play out, but to what extent among independents?

What else will Republicans do? This is an open question for forum members.

There's some kind of Biden impeachment inquiry or whatever going on and so will they impeach Biden in the House right before Election Day and then hand over the reins to the Senate right afterward to make it an issue? They could probably include some surprises in there to play out in the media. Say, for example, someone on a legal team in one of the Trump cases contacted someone in the DOJ for legal advice on some arcane issue, then they could re-frame that into a conspiracy between the DOJ (i.e. they'll call it "Biden's administration") and the prosecution.

Post-Election Day

What kind of electoral scenarios are there?
  • Trump wins hands-down
  • Biden wins hands-down
  • Election results are very close
    • Short-term no winner is declared
    • Long-term no winner is declared
Post-Election Day - Trump wins hands-down

This is possibly the easiest scenario to think about. Biden would concede. People would be disappointed. A convicted felon would be President, he'd be appealing the verdicts and calling for immunity, etc. As someone very old, he might die in office or get severe dementia by the time he leaves office and therefore never really face accountability for his actions.

Post-Election Day - Biden wins hands-down

There would probably be a lot of noise on social media and there might even be some events by some lunatics. There might be some court challenges, too. But I think there would just be too many big hurdles for many Republicans to try to engage in shenanigans. So I'd expect some short-term instability and then for it to peter out.

Post-Election Day - Election Results are very close

I find it hard to believe there would be another coup attempt in Congress. Here's why. The majority of the House are Republicans. By January, they'd all be marching in lockstep to certify Trump or deny certain state results or whatever their strategy would end up being to install Trump. I don't believe they would need the threat of force from a gathering of cult members outside their workplace to get them to go along with their team winning.

But there are a lot of people, a lot of brainwashed, angry people. And those people could be utilized as resources for things. So are there other places where these people could show up? Or other ways in which they could they could impact the results between Nov and Jan if they do not like those results.

Back in the 2020 timeframe, I observed a lot of people lying on facebook about the elections, like saying they observed things they did not--like seeing thousands of ballots being driven away in a porsche and all kinds of other stories. Some of these lies made their way into the courts as well, usually perpetrated by the team crying foul...like trying to break into voting machines and then claiming they were broken into. So, based on that pattern, I expect to see a lot of that.

What may be new this time around?

Crowd-funding of legal challenges across various states?

Showing up at the various court trials of legal challenges? This has already begun with Trump's personal trials, but could it also happen en masse with paramilitary groups showing up to block rulings by certain deadlines?

Could these people show up at state assemblies or other state-level activities to use the threat of force?

What else?
I think you are overlooking, or unaware of the extent to which the insurrectionist machine is prepared to overturn a Trump loss. If they have enough representation in Congress, the electoral votes will NOT be certified, and the States will install Trump.
Even without a sufficient minority to prevent certification there are probably ways they can mount violence or otherwise disrupt the process to justify “sending” the election to the States, giving Trump the office.


(Unlike 2016, our local trumpsuckers probably won’t even mock or deny what I am pointing out.)
I think you are overlooking, or unaware of the extent to which the insurrectionist machine is prepared to overturn a Trump loss. If they have enough representation in Congress, the electoral votes will NOT be certified, and the States will install Trump.
I believe both Houses have to contest and then the VP isn't available to create a new power to question the election. It would be beyond extraordinary for the election to be stolen in Congress. Granted, Trump has set so many new bars for achievement, who knows. But it isn't exactly easy to steal it in Congress.
Even without a sufficient minority to prevent certification there are probably ways they can mount violence or otherwise disrupt the process to justify “sending” the election to the States, giving Trump the office.
Except Trump isn't in the White House and the US Capitol can be guarded. If Trump is trying to repeat history, DC will know and will be prepared. But first Biden has to win re-election, which isn't an assured thing. It isn't in great doubt, but America scored one own goal, so you can't say it isn't reasonable for Biden to lose, legitimately.
I think you are overlooking, or unaware of the extent to which the insurrectionist machine is prepared to overturn a Trump loss.

You are right. I did not include a number of things. For example, I forgot to include the possibility of an assassination attempt on Biden. I think it' be far more likely in the event of a close election because of all the propagandizing.

If they have enough representation in Congress, the electoral votes will NOT be certified, and the States will install Trump.
Even without a sufficient minority to prevent certification there are probably ways they can mount violence or otherwise disrupt the process to justify “sending” the election to the States, giving Trump the office.

Can you give details on how that process works, specifically the failure to certify process?

Also, does Mike Johnson become President in the interim?
Can you give details on how that process works?
lol, no. There are a number of ways, mostly resting on States’ legislatures deciding who the State’s electors have to vote for, regardless of voters’ will.

This begins to explain it.

the state legislature tells the Biden electors, vote for Trump. And under a companion case to the one I argued in the Supreme Court, the Colorado electors' case, the court upheld a procedure by which the electors who fail to vote in the way they are supposed to vote can be removed. In the scenario we're talking about, the Biden electors, I'm sure, will say, no, I'm not going to vote for Trump, I'm going to vote for Joe Biden.

They would be removed under the procedure that we're describing, and they would be replaced with a Trump elector.”
Can you give details on how that process works?
lol, no. There are a number of ways, mostly resting on States’ legislatures deciding who the State’s electors have to vote for, regardless of voters’ will.

This begins to explain it.

the state legislature tells the Biden electors, vote for Trump. And under a companion case to the one I argued in the Supreme Court, the Colorado electors' case, the court upheld a procedure by which the electors who fail to vote in the way they are supposed to vote can be removed. In the scenario we're talking about, the Biden electors, I'm sure, will say, no, I'm not going to vote for Trump, I'm going to vote for Joe Biden.

They would be removed under the procedure that we're describing, and they would be replaced with a Trump elector.”
That might be a good way to precipitate the end of the Electoral College. But getting there could be nasty if it goes this way.
Can you give details on how that process works?
lol, no. There are a number of ways, mostly resting on States’ legislatures deciding who the State’s electors have to vote for, regardless of voters’ will.

This begins to explain it.

the state legislature tells the Biden electors, vote for Trump. And under a companion case to the one I argued in the Supreme Court, the Colorado electors' case, the court upheld a procedure by which the electors who fail to vote in the way they are supposed to vote can be removed. In the scenario we're talking about, the Biden electors, I'm sure, will say, no, I'm not going to vote for Trump, I'm going to vote for Joe Biden.

They would be removed under the procedure that we're describing, and they would be replaced with a Trump elector.”

I don't think it's even this complicated anymore. The easiest thing they can try is a refusal to certify particular electors/the way they voted in particular states where Biden won. They do not have to go hogwild with it either but use justification from pending court cases that they refuse to drop or the cases could go to the Supremes where the conservatives could rule in favor of Trump. Anyway, removing a few elector results can create a situation where there is no majority winner. Then, the House votes for the President among the top three people (Biden, Trump, and I don't know who would be third). Since the Republicans control the House, they basically win and can succeed in pulling stunts like this to help them along the way.

I suppose it is also true that the kinds of things you are saying about replacing electors can also play a role, especially if this gives reason to call into legitimacy the certification of the results. It's like another reason to not certify unless they just go along with the Trump elector. Either way, they can vote for the President once they delegitimize the Electoral College.
This seems relevant:

May 31 - Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.


On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."


Jacob Ware, a co-author of the book “God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America”, said the violent language used by Trump’s followers was testament to the former president’s “ironclad ability to mobilize more extreme supporters to action, both at the ballot box and through violence.”

“Until and unless he accepts the process, the extremist reaction to his legal troubles will be militant,” said Ware, a research fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.


After Thursday's verdict, many of his supporters also said that his conviction was proof that the American political system was broken and that only violent action could save the country.

“1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That's the only solution,” said one poster on Patriots.win. Another added: “Trump should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him if he says the words...I’ll take up arms if he asks.”
This seems relevant:

May 31 - Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.


On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."


Jacob Ware, a co-author of the book “God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America”, said the violent language used by Trump’s followers was testament to the former president’s “ironclad ability to mobilize more extreme supporters to action, both at the ballot box and through violence.”

“Until and unless he accepts the process, the extremist reaction to his legal troubles will be militant,” said Ware, a research fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.


After Thursday's verdict, many of his supporters also said that his conviction was proof that the American political system was broken and that only violent action could save the country.

“1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That's the only solution,” said one poster on Patriots.win. Another added: “Trump should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him if he says the words...I’ll take up arms if he asks.”
If they are so convinced that only violence can fix our country why are they waiting for Trump to ask them?

Maybe because they can blame him when they get caught and tried?
If they are so convinced that only violence can fix our country why are they waiting for Trump to ask them?

That is a difficult question, but I will take a stab at it.

The originating proposition is
Fixing our country ==> violence

But as you point out, Trump can violate the implication, i.e. because it's only if he approves of it.​

If we look more generically at the proposition, it's
A ==> B

Have we observed before a people stating logical propositions but that some entity can violate them? Yes, presuppositionalists state logic is a thing but god doesn't have to follow your logic.​

So it seems like The Chosen One may be able to do supernatural miracles that circumvent the need for violence.
It appears that there are people on line calling for the doxing of jurors already. The new normal?
It appears that there are people on line calling for the doxing of jurors already. The new normal?
No. It's New Normal.
Trump Normal.
IOW, stupid and crazy.
Also - I thought - illegal.
Meh. It's illegal to do all kinds of stuff that Trump (or any of his fans) does, and so far, that illegality hadn't caused him any particular inconvenience, and has if anything actually helped his popularity campaigns (though many of his fans have found out too late just how valuable a Trump promise, to protect them from consequences, really isn't).

It remains to be seen whether that changes when he is sentenced for the 34 crimes of which he was recently convicted; But I wouldn't bet on it.

The legality or otherwise of any action is relevant only if that action is taken by Trump's enemies. His supporters can do whatever they please. The law is for other people, not for them.
It appears that there are people on line calling for the doxing of jurors already. The new normal?
No. It's New Normal.
Trump Normal.
IOW, stupid and crazy.
Also - I thought - illegal.
Meh. It's illegal to do all kinds of stuff that Trump does, and so far, that illegality hadn't caused him any particular inconvenience, and has if anything actually helped his popularity campaigns.
According to robinsch people" are doing the calling for doxxing, not Trump.
It remains to be seen whether that changes when he is sentenced for the 34 crimes of which he was recently convicted; But I wouldn't bet on it.
I'd bet against it if I could.
The legality or otherwise of any action is relevant only if that action is taken by Trump's enemies. His supporters can do whatever they please. The law is for other people, not for them.
Three tiers of justice - Trump, then his Suckers, then everyone else. Sounds fabbuless
Can you give details on how that process works?
lol, no. There are a number of ways, mostly resting on States’ legislatures deciding who the State’s electors have to vote for, regardless of voters’ will.

This begins to explain it.

the state legislature tells the Biden electors, vote for Trump. And under a companion case to the one I argued in the Supreme Court, the Colorado electors' case, the court upheld a procedure by which the electors who fail to vote in the way they are supposed to vote can be removed. In the scenario we're talking about, the Biden electors, I'm sure, will say, no, I'm not going to vote for Trump, I'm going to vote for Joe Biden.

They would be removed under the procedure that we're describing, and they would be replaced with a Trump elector.”
Is it a vote if the vote is forced? Pretty sure that makes the position of "elector" trivial.
Among the swing states, Florida (G), Georgia (G), New Hampshire (G), Virginia, Arizona, Wisconsin, North Carolina all have BOTH Houses of the state legislature controlled by Republicans. I've marked three of these states with a "G" to denote Republican Trifecta -- the Governor is also Republican. (I've listed New Hampshire and Virginia for completeness; both are relatively sane and let's assume both cast evs for Biden despite their Red legislatures.)

Under rules confirmed by the Supreme Court, any of these states' legislatures may cast their electoral votes for Trump regardless of the ballots cast in their states. If they do so, Biden cannot win. The election is likely to be very close and even a SINGLE Red-controlled state that overrides its voters' intent may be enough to give Trump 270+ evs. (Actually 269 is all he needs.)

Among swing states, only Michigan and Nevada have Blue-controlled legislatures; Pennsylvania's houses are split. These three states (along with Virginia and New Hampshire) may get Biden to 266 evs (or 267 evs with Omaha) -- not enough. Biden MUST win at least one of {Arizona, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida}. He must win at the ballot box AND survive the inevitable attempt by the Red-controlled legislature to subvert the popular will.

The Blues may mount a challenge, submitting alternate electors and hoping the U.S. Congress overrides the state legislatures. But IIUC, it will be the NEW Congress that makes the decision, and the newly-elected Congress is likely to have both chambers Red.

Therefore it is likely that Trump will get 270+ electoral votes. Although this will lead to fascist take-over of a once-great country, at least it may avoid some immediate mayhem.)
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