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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

So you don't think the Last Jedi was just a remix/reboot of Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi?

It was, but far dumber.

"Let's build a new death star thing, but instead of fixing the hole that allows the whole thing to get blown up, and keep the clearly effective weapon system, we'll have it suck up stars that we can then use to shoot at planets. It'll be a million times more difficult to do and creates two enormous and unnecessary steps to destroying planets. Oh, and let's not improve any defensive or security measures that would indicate we've learned from losing two other death stars. Oh, and don't worry about how this new Empire came about and put the Rebels on the defense. It just happens that way and no one will ask any questions."


The plot and dialogue was predictable but it kept me watching the whole movie. The fight was more brutal than the others. Decent acting in the part of Creed's son.

Stallone looked like death warmed over, I was wondering if he really was sick.
The Waterboy. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. Another of Adam Sandler's stinkers. [my wife wanted to watch it thinking it was a comedy] What's surprising about this lemon are the actors who agreed to be in it. Kathy Bates, Henry Winkler, Jerry Reed and Blake Clark. Yea, I realise now that all are have been's.

I was busy on my tablet chatting to Facebook friends, but from what I seen of it, I rate it 1.5/10
The Waterboy. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. Another of Adam Sandler's stinkers. [my wife wanted to watch it thinking it was a comedy] What's surprising about this lemon are the actors who agreed to be in it. Kathy Bates, Henry Winkler, Jerry Reed and Blake Clark. Yea, I realise now that all are have been's.

I was busy on my tablet chatting to Facebook friends, but from what I seen of it, I rate it 1.5/10

That movie is silly fun, but kind of the last gasp of Sandler's films that were fun to watch. His list of films is long, but I'd say that Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, and... shit. I think that's all that were ever any good. Oh, The Wedding Singer was stupid fun too.
Dirty Grandpa, 0/10; A Robert De Niro stinker. Unwatchable, I had to bail after 20 minutes. I only tuned in because I needed a reminder as to how low De Niro can sink.
Roma 10/10

I'll admit that I was expecting to like this one -- Cuaron has yet to turn in a film that I don't like at least a bit, and has turned out some masterpieces -- but this still managed to completely blow me away. Masquerading as a fictional slice-of-life, this film is a documentary on the downlow, peeling back the layers of life and forcing you to look at them. The acting, especially by Mixteca newcomer Yalitza Aparicio, is spot on. So many moments of just painful, slow reality. I thought at first that the repeating metaphor of the plane flying by overhead was a pretty cliched metaphor of freedom, but realized about halfway through that the symbolism is a lot more subtle and interesting.

The partner also liked it, so now I'm making him watch Children of Men and Y Tu Mama Tambien... tambien. Viva cuaron, jajaja.
The Waterboy. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. Another of Adam Sandler's stinkers. [my wife wanted to watch it thinking it was a comedy] What's surprising about this lemon are the actors who agreed to be in it. Kathy Bates, Henry Winkler, Jerry Reed and Blake Clark. Yea, I realise now that all are have been's.

I was busy on my tablet chatting to Facebook friends, but from what I seen of it, I rate it 1.5/10

That movie is silly fun, but kind of the last gasp of Sandler's films that were fun to watch. His list of films is long, but I'd say that Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, and... shit. I think that's all that were ever any good. Oh, The Wedding Singer was stupid fun too.

Here's my analysis. The problem with Adam Sandler is the kind of humour it is. Sandler doesn't tell jokes. He's what's funny about it. He can pull a couple of very funny faces and voices. And that's it. It's essentially just that one joke that keeps being repeated. Humour runs on novelty. Also doesn't age well. The mature man being childish is a very end of 90'ies thing. But then Bush happened and now when an actual man child is at the helm of the world's most powerful country, it certainly isn't funny.

I used to love Adam Sandler's films. Me and my wife I had then would long for them. Would quote them endlessly. But now I think they're utter shit. Even the one's I used to like.

Adam Sandler is as if Jim Carrey would have stuck to doing his stand up routine on the screen. Which he did for a while. When it stopped working he moved on to do other stuff. Adam Sandler perhaps should do the same?
Dirty Grandpa, 0/10; A Robert De Niro stinker. Unwatchable, I had to bail after 20 minutes. I only tuned in because I needed a reminder as to how low De Niro can sink.

I know of a friend of a friend who went to see the manager of the cinema where this bitter lemon was showing to demand his money back! De Niro was washed up long before this stinker!
The Waterboy. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. Another of Adam Sandler's stinkers. [my wife wanted to watch it thinking it was a comedy] What's surprising about this lemon are the actors who agreed to be in it. Kathy Bates, Henry Winkler, Jerry Reed and Blake Clark. Yea, I realise now that all are have been's.

I was busy on my tablet chatting to Facebook friends, but from what I seen of it, I rate it 1.5/10

That movie is silly fun, but kind of the last gasp of Sandler's films that were fun to watch. His list of films is long, but I'd say that Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, and... shit. I think that's all that were ever any good. Oh, The Wedding Singer was stupid fun too.

Here's my analysis. The problem with Adam Sandler is the kind of humour it is. Sandler doesn't tell jokes. He's what's funny about it. He can pull a couple of very funny faces and voices. And that's it. It's essentially just that one joke that keeps being repeated. Humour runs on novelty. Also doesn't age well. The mature man being childish is a very end of 90'ies thing. But then Bush happened and now when an actual man child is at the helm of the world's most powerful country, it certainly isn't funny.

I used to love Adam Sandler's films. Me and my wife I had then would long for them. Would quote them endlessly. But now I think they're utter shit. Even the one's I used to like.

Adam Sandler is as if Jim Carrey would have stuck to doing his stand up routine on the screen. Which he did for a while. When it stopped working he moved on to do other stuff. Adam Sandler perhaps should do the same?

Yea, like get a job as a laborer or something! :laugh:
Adam Sandler perhaps should do the same?

He has from time to time shown the ability to be funny in different ways. For example, The Week Of was pretty good. There is a lot of silliness in it, but it was certainly worth a watch. Also there was... okay, I got nothin' else.

He was spectacular for a few years and then his schtick was used up.
Adam Sandler perhaps should do the same?

He has from time to time shown the ability to be funny in different ways. For example, The Week Of was pretty good. There is a lot of silliness in it, but it was certainly worth a watch. Also there was... okay, I got nothin' else.

He was spectacular for a few years and then his schtick was used up.

The sad thing is that for a brief time, he demonstrated an ability as a dramatic actor. "Reign Over Me" was a terrific performance. There was a window where "Adam Sandler, the serious actor" was a real thing, and then he went right back to "I want to make straight to video dumb comedies with my friends."
I Don't Know How She Does It. Kelsey Grammer should have stuck to making more Frasier episodes. Or at least this movie was the wrong vehicle for trying to break the mold.

As an employee at a Boston-based financial firm, Kate Reddy (Sarah Jessica Parker) struggles daily to balance the demands of her high-powered career with the needs of her husband (Greg Kinnear) and children. When she gets an account that requires frequent trips to New York and her husband gets a new job, Kate finds herself spread even thinner. Complicating Kate's life even more is new business associate Jack Abelhammer (Pierce Brosnan), who throws temptation into the mix.

Adam Sandler perhaps should do the same?

He has from time to time shown the ability to be funny in different ways. For example, The Week Of was pretty good. There is a lot of silliness in it, but it was certainly worth a watch. Also there was... okay, I got nothin' else.

He was spectacular for a few years and then his schtick was used up.

The sad thing is that for a brief time, he demonstrated an ability as a dramatic actor. "Reign Over Me" was a terrific performance. There was a window where "Adam Sandler, the serious actor" was a real thing, and then he went right back to "I want to make straight to video dumb comedies with my friends."

Punch-Drunk Love! That was a damn masterpiece. He was amazing in that. He clearly has the ability to act.
Quo Vadis, 8/10; Stars Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr and Peter Ustinov in a movie about Roman Emperor Nero. The plot is around the relationship between Marcus (Taylor) a roman commander and Lygia (Kerr) a new convert to the budding religion of Christianity and the mad as a hatter emperor Nero. A semi historical drama that has the usual Hollywood artistic license with accuracy but enjoyable none the less. Peter Ustinov plays the part of Nero masterfully.
I thought he was quite good in Reign over me. Of course that was not a comedy. But seeing Sandler in a truly serious role was.....well surprising.

That said, I rather liked The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates and Big Daddy..........but that's just me.
Adam Sandler perhaps should do the same?

He has from time to time shown the ability to be funny in different ways. For example, The Week Of was pretty good. There is a lot of silliness in it, but it was certainly worth a watch. Also there was... okay, I got nothin' else.

He was spectacular for a few years and then his schtick was used up.
The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p
The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p

I'm going to go way out left field and say Ryan Gosling. There is not a single movie I've seen him in that I enjoyed either his acting in particular, or the movie in general.
How It Ends - 3/10

The movie has a very interesting concept, but very poor execution of that concept. Basically, there's this guy who flies from Seattle to Chicago to get his girlfriend's father's blessing on asking her to marry him, since the father doesn't particularly like him or approve of the relationship. While he's there, there's some sort of disaster which affects the West Coast and knocks out power and cellphone service across the country. The father and boyfriend then get into a car and drive across country to Seattle in order to make sure the girl is OK.

From that basic concept, they really had no idea where to go. It's pretty much just a bunch of unconnected scenes which are vaguely linked together and don't particularly make sense. The "disaster" itself is never explained and the effects it has are inconsistent and unrelated. Eventually, the movie just ends in the middle of a scene and you're left wondering what the point of all of this was. They were clearly going for something in this film, but it doesn't look like anyone involved was in agreement on what that something was or how to put it into the movie.
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