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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Yeah, that's one of those movie with a critic ready title, because it doesn't know how to end. It almost felt like a tv pilot, for the one post-apocalypse series that I have no desire to watch.
I just failed to talk a kid out of spending $28 on a dvd of Infinity Wars.

Now I feel terrible because it is the worst film ever made. Absolutely nothing going for it.
The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p
I had an epiphany on this the other day.

Hollywood makes more money from Sandler as a comic than as an actor. There are plenty of great actors in Hollywood, but few Adam Sandlers who seem to have a knack for getting decent to very good gates on cheaply/poorly written movies.
The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p
I had an epiphany on this the other day.

Hollywood makes more money from Sandler as a comic than as an actor. There are plenty of great actors in Hollywood, but few Adam Sandlers who seem to have a knack for getting decent to very good gates on cheaply/poorly written movies.

Comedy is the most lucrative genre in the film industry. They're a high return, low risk investment. No matter what the comic is. We pay top dollar for it. The pressure on comedians to produce comedy is extreme. While adventure, action and drama generate more money at the box office. They're also massive investments. The ROI is lower. Especially for small studios, focusing in comedy is a no brainer. The high risk involved in the bigger budget films makes more people get involved and have an opinion about your film. If you want artistic freedom as a film maker, comedy is the way to go.

It's also smart to churn out comedy. They're all hit'n'miss. So instead of all the eggs in one fancy basket, many eggs in lots of shitty baskets.

It's the logic of Hollywood capitalism that has conspired to produce Adam Sandler comedies.
The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p
I had an epiphany on this the other day.

Hollywood makes more money from Sandler as a comic than as an actor. There are plenty of great actors in Hollywood, but few Adam Sandlers who seem to have a knack for getting decent to very good gates on cheaply/poorly written movies.

Comedy is the most lucrative genre in the film industry. They're a high return, low risk investment. No matter what the comic is. We pay top dollar for it.
I called bullshit on this and looked to prove you wrong.

Kevin James' Mall Cop 2 grossed $71 fucking million. While not ranking as well as Grown Ups 2 which was near double the domestic revenue, it was over a 2x return on investment, while Grown Ups 2 somehow only got 50% because it cost $80 million to produce. ?!?!?!

Scary Movies Are The Best Investment In Hollywood

538.com looked at this question and concluded the top ROI goes to horror movies. Although they compared it to "Romantic Comedy", not "Comedy" specifically, but there's bound to be a huge overlap in those two categories.

Still, "Romantic Comedies" comes in second for ROI. As the article covers, horror typically doesn't feature expensive stars, and they translate better in international markets.
The Witch

This was a re-watch. That's because it improves with multiple viewings and remains a compelling film. The directors choice to film in all natural lighting, including solely candle light at nighttime creates a foreboding atmosphere and immerses the viewer in the period. And it's the things you can't see clearly that are more frightening than what's shown due to the lighting choice.

I'm still impressed by the writing, dialogue, and actors in this movie.

Finally, this is the type of stuff we need in horror movies. I subjected myself to The Nun a few weeks back and found it stupid. The Witch is so far above that kind of schlock that it's hard to believe these movies are in the same genre. The Witch isn't just a good horror movie, it's simply a great movie that's multi-layered and allows for multiple legitimate interpretations.

It's so good.

The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p

I've honestly enjoyed everything I've seen Affleck do (note: I haven't seen everything he's done ;) ), I can't say the same for Sandler. But both have entertained me well over the years so no hard feelings towards either.
The question then is this..........Who's the worst actor, Sandler or Ben Affleck? Who'd win the gong at Rotten Tomatoes? :p

I've honestly enjoyed everything I've seen Affleck do (note: I haven't seen everything he's done ;) ), I can't say the same for Sandler. But both have entertained me well over the years so no hard feelings towards either.

For me the difference is that there's nothing Affleck did that surprised me the way Sandler's performance in Reign Over Me did. Ben's a serviceable actor, but he hasn't done anything that makes you stand up and take notice.

His brother Casey, on the other hand...jeez, the acting genes all poured into one son.
Source is Wiki. Iv'e seen both, well attempted to watch would be a better description. I think these two stinkers say it all about Sandler!

Jack and Jill (2011)
Jack and Jill is a comedy film starring Adam Sandler as Jack, a commercial director, who is visited by his "identical" twin sister, Jill (played by Sandler, in drag), during the holidays. Salon stated that Jack and Jill "received some of the worst reviews of any movie ever" upon its release.[453] In the film, Jill is wooed by Al Pacino, whom Jack wants to be in his Dunkin' Donuts commercial. Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times noted the irony of Pacino's presence, as the actor is best known for playing Michael Corleone in The Godfather, which is widely considered one of the best films ever made, in this film, which he called "one of the worst movies in the history of cinema!"[454] Ramin Setoodeh of The Daily Beast and Peter Travers of Rolling Stone reviewed it together in an article entitled "Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill' Is the Worst Movie Ever Made".[455] After an hour-long critique, RedLetterMedia claimed that it was "so egregious that it ceased to be a film", and the site also later called it "the worst thing in the world".[456] Mike McGranaghan wrote, on his website The Aisle Seat: "Howard the Duck, Gigli, Showgirls, From Justin to Kelly. What do they all have in common? They're all widely considered among the worst big studio movies ever made. You know what else they have in common? They're all better than Jack and Jill."[457][458] Jack and Jill was featured in the top ten worst films of all time poll conducted by RiffTrax.[443][444] Jack and Jill won a record 10 awards at the 32nd Golden Raspberry Awards, sweeping every category. It broke the record previously held by Battlefield Earth for having the most Razzies earned by a single film and is the only film to win every possible award.[316] The film holds a 3% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 108 reviews.[457]

That's My Boy (2012)
Another comedy film starring Adam Sandler, That's My Boy concerns a middle school student named Donny Berger who has sex with his teacher, gets her pregnant, and in turn, earns a lifestyle of a minor celebrity, something he never intended to happen. Years later, Donny (played by Sandler) crashes his now-adult son's (Andy Samberg) wedding and bachelor party to get his money so he can pay his taxes, therefore avoiding prison. The film has been widely panned due to its comedic portrayal of incest, hebephilia, statutory rape, and gerontophilia,[459][460][461] with film critic Andrew O'Hehir of Salon stating, "[Sandler's] new movie about a rape survivor and his estranged son is supposed to be funny, but radiates pain and rage."[462] Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times proclaimed, "To say That's My Boy is one of the worst movies of the year is to insult 2012. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen",[463] while Richard Haridly of Quickflix called it "one of the saddest and most exhausting" films he has ever seen.[464] MaryAnn Johanson of Flick Filosopher outright panned the film for its inability to generate laughs as well as its depraved content, calling it "a disgusting excuse for a comedy" and possibly "the most repulsive movie I've ever seen",[465][466] and Jonathan Lack of We Got This Covered declared, "That's My Boy isn't just the worst film of 2012, it's one of the most morally reprehensible comedies of all time, a disgusting movie you should stay far, far away from."[465][467] Furthermore, Ed Whitfield of The Ooh Tray stated, "It may be the worst film, in any genre, ever made",[465][468] while Chris Sawin of Examiner.com called it "the equivalent of recreational brain trauma with a slice of shoving a railroad spike through one of your eyes just to pass the time", and said that "Gargling paint thinner is better entertainment."[465] In addition to the movie's overwhelmingly negative reviews, That's My Boy earned eight nominations at the 33rd Golden Raspberry Awards, such as Worst Picture and Worst Director, and won the awards for Worst Actor (Sandler) and Worst Screenplay.[469] It holds a 20% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of July 29, 2015 based on 113 reviews.[470]
Comedy is the most lucrative genre in the film industry. They're a high return, low risk investment. No matter what the comic is. We pay top dollar for it.
I called bullshit on this and looked to prove you wrong.

Kevin James' Mall Cop 2 grossed $71 fucking million. While not ranking as well as Grown Ups 2 which was near double the domestic revenue, it was over a 2x return on investment, while Grown Ups 2 somehow only got 50% because it cost $80 million to produce. ?!?!?!


Meh. Produced by Adam Sandler. Starred by Adam Sandler. That's the same bag of money. Films like to inflate the budget, to make it look like a higher end film than it is. Adam Sandler likes to inflate his salary, and lower his return on investment as a producer. It's just magic with numbers.


FYI, Grown Ups 2 grossed 247 million. But that's not so strange. People like watching bad movies, because they are bad. I do.
Mike McGranaghan wrote, on his website The Aisle Seat: "Howard the Duck, Gigli, Showgirls, From Justin to Kelly. What do they all have in common? They're all widely considered among the worst big studio movies ever made. You know what else they have in common? They're all better than Jack and Jill."[457][458]
The above movies tried to be good movies. I don't know if most Sandler films are ever expected to be anything but what a good deal of what people want to see.
His brother Casey, on the other hand...jeez, the acting genes all poured into one son.

Yeah, but for me, Casey Affleck leaves me flat. Manchester by the Sea was a great movie, but I could see lots of other lead actors in that film. Ben Affleck I can take or leave, but something about Casey makes my teeth hurt.
Colossal - 7/10

An interesting, low budget sci-fi movie about this woman who goes back to her home town and randomly finds out that when she walks across a certain park, it creates a giant monster that stomps over Seoul, Korea. Her reactions go from "Hey, that's kind of cool. I will make the monster dance" to "Holy shit, I just accidentally fell over and killed a few hundred people". Then various hi-jinks ensue.

It's a clever little film and well worth watching.
Since the second worse actor in the universe is the topic.

Runner Runner [2013] A university student heads to Costa Rica to confront a gambling tycoon he believes has swindled him. Of course It stars the pathetic Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake and Gemma Arterton.

Had Affleck not been in it I would have rated it 3.5/10 but because he's in it, 2.5/10
I watched this short film today:


It's visually arresting. Used to be that short films were short on budget, but CGI has elevated even the most basic of concepts to a point where they're indistinguishable effects-wise from major studio productions.

And while this is certainly great in terms of visual effects, that's all it really is. I think back to the 90s reboot of The Outer Limits, and that this would be a great opening for an episode on that show, but it doesn't really go anywhere. It reads more like a demo reel for a special effects company than a fully fleshed out film.
I watched this short film today:


It's visually arresting. Used to be that short films were short on budget, but CGI has elevated even the most basic of concepts to a point where they're indistinguishable effects-wise from major studio productions.

And while this is certainly great in terms of visual effects, that's all it really is. I think back to the 90s reboot of The Outer Limits, and that this would be a great opening for an episode on that show, but it doesn't really go anywhere. It reads more like a demo reel for a special effects company than a fully fleshed out film.

What low budget productions doesn't have is good actors. So they need to rely more on effects than big productions. So that's what they do. Iron Sky is a good example of that.

I really love low budget movies. I like them better than high budget one's. They have more love in them.
Cured - 7/10

Takes place in the aftermath of a zombie invasion. The zombie virus didn't kill and reanimate people, just turned them into zombie-like monsters. A cure was discovered and administrated to the zombies, who became human again but retained all of their memories of their time as a zombie. The story is about their being reintegrated into society and the hatred and fear of the rest of the population about these former monsters living amongst them and the PTSD suffered by the Cured over what they did while they were infected.

The main character is a Cured who gets taken in by his sister-in-law and tries to move on with his life despite the prejudice against him and while trying to avoid the awkward "Hey, I'm sorry I ate your husband" conversation with his sister-in-law. There's also a group of Cured who become extremist terrorists in response to the constant fear they live in from everyone around them wanting them dead.

It's a very interesting film and surprisingly well done and intelligent for a low budget horror flick.
The Hasty Heart 1949
Set in a WWII hospital in India. A rough proud Scotsman is thrown in with Brits and Americans and shuns friendship. Eventually he makes friends and finds out in the end he has weeks to live, thinking it was all pity on the part of the oters.

Good acting, Ronaldd Reagan gives a good performance.
Goodfellas. An all star cast with Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, the much underrated Joe Pesci and Lorraine Bracco. Iv'e seen this movie a minimum of 6 times since it was released in 1990 and still not tired of it.

Superb acting and a fact based story-line made this a true rare gem.

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