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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

The War Of The Roses Michael Douglas and the then extremely delicious Kathleen Turner. They both did another movie together, not sure before or after this one. [Romancing The Stone Both are excellent ways to spend time watching. I rate the former and the latter 8.5/10
The War Of The Roses Michael Douglas and the then extremely delicious Kathleen Turner. They both did another movie together, not sure before or after this one. [Romancing The Stone Both are excellent ways to spend time watching. I rate the former and the latter 8.5/10

They also did Jewel of the Nile which was a sequel to Romancing the Stone

Danny De Vito was also in all three movies.
50 Shades of Grey - A movie developed from the very popular book that got woman to wonder just how much they would compromise their dignity to be wealthy. The story centers around the main character John Grey who is a billionaire. Being a billionaire, he has whatever possessions he could possibly desire, but general human nature always makes us want more. He finds a woman that he is attracted to and courts her. Once he thinks she is ready he takes her to his play room and tries to explain what he is into to her. When he opens the door she sees a whole bunch of large heavy objects hanging from the ceiling. "I like to drops things on women," he says to her in confidence. "But wouldn't that hurt?" she asks. "No, I'll be fine," he replies.

So the woman consents to his odd fetish as he drops large safes, pianos, and 100 ton weights onto her. Despite the crippling pain, she is alright with it, because... hello billionaire! But as I noted, his passion just requires larger and heavier things to be dropped. 100 ton weights don't do it for him any more, and he goes out trying to find a larger one. But he can't find one, and despite being a billionaire, he can't get one made... just too large. This drives him insane. The woman tries to console him by letting him play El Kabong and handing him a guitar, but he whimpers like a child in the corner. All the possible things within his grasp, being a billionaire and he can't drop one simple 150 ton weight on a woman he professes to love.

He is committed into a nice mental institution where only crazy billionaires get to go, but not before signing over power of attorney to the crafty woman who sold her dignity for being very very very wealthy. With all of his money, she goes on to lobby in Congress to cut the Capital Gains tax.

3 of 4
Django Unchained - 8/10

The D is silent, mother-fucker.

A bounty hunter buys a slave who can identify some convicts he's hunting and ends up training him as a bounty hunter and then they go off to find the slave's wife. Very well done.
"The Hustler", oddly I've never watch the whole thing before. Very well acted by Piper Laurie. Newman ain't bad either. More of a story than "Colour of Money". 8/10
50 Shades of Grey - A movie developed from the very popular book that got woman to wonder just how much they would compromise their dignity to be wealthy. The story centers around the main character John Grey who is a billionaire. Being a billionaire, he has whatever possessions he could possibly desire, but general human nature always makes us want more. He finds a woman that he is attracted to and courts her. Once he thinks she is ready he takes her to his play room and tries to explain what he is into to her. When he opens the door she sees a whole bunch of large heavy objects hanging from the ceiling. "I like to drops things on women," he says to her in confidence. "But wouldn't that hurt?" she asks. "No, I'll be fine," he replies.

So the woman consents to his odd fetish as he drops large safes, pianos, and 100 ton weights onto her. Despite the crippling pain, she is alright with it, because... hello billionaire! But as I noted, his passion just requires larger and heavier things to be dropped. 100 ton weights don't do it for him any more, and he goes out trying to find a larger one. But he can't find one, and despite being a billionaire, he can't get one made... just too large. This drives him insane. The woman tries to console him by letting him play El Kabong and handing him a guitar, but he whimpers like a child in the corner. All the possible things within his grasp, being a billionaire and he can't drop one simple 150 ton weight on a woman he professes to love.

He is committed into a nice mental institution where only crazy billionaires get to go, but not before signing over power of attorney to the crafty woman who sold her dignity for being very very very wealthy. With all of his money, she goes on to lobby in Congress to cut the Capital Gains tax.

3 of 4
Thanks for the review. I'll wait until it's out on DVD if I'll even bother. These kind of movies that are made a fuss about usually disappoint.
50 First Dates [supposedly a comedy] It stars Adam Sandler, enough said. I wonder how they tricked Drew Barrymore to co star in this stinker. 1.5/10
50 First Dates [supposedly a comedy] It stars Adam Sandler, enough said. I wonder how they tricked Drew Barrymore to co star in this stinker. 1.5/10

To each their own angelo. I enjoyed the movie. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler have starred in other movies as well. The Wedding Singer comes to mind.

I would have given the movie 8/10 IMO.
Not that Barrymore is any better an actor mind!

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50 First Dates [supposedly a comedy] It stars Adam Sandler, enough said. I wonder how they tricked Drew Barrymore to co star in this stinker. 1.5/10

To each their own angelo. I enjoyed the movie. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler have starred in other movies as well. The Wedding Singer comes to mind.

I would have given the movie 8/10 IMO.

Most critics gave it no more than 5/10
Not that Barrymore is any better an actor mind!

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To each their own angelo. I enjoyed the movie. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler have starred in other movies as well. The Wedding Singer comes to mind.

I would have given the movie 8/10 IMO.

Most critics gave it no more than 5/10

MEH! To each their own.
I can not think of a single good thing to say about this movie
The effects look absolutely awful, honestly a movie from the 1930's would have better effects then this
And probably more colour too because this movie hates colour more then Man of Steel
The script makes The Room look like Shakespeare
The acting would be abysmal if you could bring yourself to call what was going on "acting"
Just avoid this movie

300: Rise of an Empire
It isn't bad
But I couldn't help finding myself kinda disinterested in this movie
Maybe if they had turned the cheese factor up for the whole movie it could have been a bit more exciting
But the long stretches between the fights fell kinda flat
And it also meant that when the fights came they sometimes seemed like too much and too silly and so fell flat
Eva Green was awesome tho
Everything else was ok
I can not think of a single good thing to say about this movie

What were you expecting?

If I remember correctly, the "film studio" that put out the movie is known for low budget straight to video ripoffs of big budget schlock like "Transformers." They are perhaps now best know for the inadvertent "hit" Sharknado.
I can not think of a single good thing to say about this movie
The effects look absolutely awful, honestly a movie from the 1930's would have better effects then this
And probably more colour too because this movie hates colour more then Man of Steel
The script makes The Room look like Shakespeare
The acting would be abysmal if you could bring yourself to call what was going on "acting"
Just avoid this movie
That is about as bad a review as it gets if Daioh can't find a single good thing to say about it. In fact, that may be a threshold for it potentially breaking the law being so bad.
I can not think of a single good thing to say about this movie

What were you expecting?
Well normally you can expect at least something
Cheesy effects, some corny one liners, a few chuckles from a silly plot and if you are lucky an actor chewing the scenery in an entertaining way

So this is a simple little action/comedy movie starring Jean Reno
It has him as a cop who returns to Japan after his old sweetheart dies
There he finds a crime conspiracy, a young lady and hilarity
And it is a decent comedy and a decent action movie
The acting is all solid with the main trio all being well done and likeable, but the villain is a little underbaked in the end
The action is all solid and generally fun and the comedy is weaved throughout the story quite well
And the script is solid
So I would say this is worth a watch

Expendables 3
Ok I was pretty "eehhhhhhh' on the first movie, and this one doesn't change my opinion very much
I still don't really care about the old characters and I certainly don't care about the new ones
Ultimately I would say that Mel Gibson and Antonio Banderas are the best parts of this movie
The rest just kinda dull
Life of Crime


A plot summary of this film adaptation of Elmore Leonard's novel The Switch might lead you to expect a suspenseful thriller; don't, as it's much more of a black comedy. Considered as such, it's quite good, although not on the same level as the best Leonard-to-screen adaptations (e.g., Jackie Brown or Out of Sight). Standouts in a strong ensemble cast include Isla Fisher, John Hawkes, and especially Jennifer Aniston.

Based on Jim Thompson's novel Pop. 1280, a book that I recently read and enjoyed.

The movie is set in Senegal in 1938. It covers the same themes and features the same basic characters as the novel.

I liked the movie, in the same way I liked the book, but I couldn't tell you if I would've enjoyed the movie as much without having first read the novel.

In French with subtitles.

Rear Window - Saw this in the theater over the weekend. Hitchcock film about a guy who is stuck in his room with a broken leg. Without access to the Internet, he is forced to live through the lives of others by starring out the window in the windows of the neighboring apartments. The film is pretty good, though I did miss the mark at predicting the end. My one problem is the movie ends but it never bothers to explain certain things, so you feel kind of robbed by the director for putting cheats into the narrative. There is talk about suspense, but honestly, I wasn't that suspensed. Big ass spoilers...

I thought that there was no murder. I thought someone in the end would happen due to the suspicion and they'd be ironically victims of their own curiosity. Things that allegedly happened could explain had actually gone on. And it was hard to tell if subtle hints (the guy is not wearing a wedding band... something that is not picked up on by any of the characters) were pointing you to some conclusion or if it was simply an oversight.

3 of 4

X-Men Days of Future Past
- This film left me like the first New Class film. Good parts, okay parts, but overall felt like it could have been better. The outcome is so certain that the impact of certain events that occurred especially near the end are minimal and unimportant.

2.5 of 4
Screamers (1995) 2/10


Here's another Philip K. Dick film with all the potential of Blade Runner. The basic premise is that there's a huge war and humanity has created self-replicating and self-designing robot weapons. Ever evolving and becoming more and more effective without any human involvement. They're like a kind of swarming insects with chainsaws At least, that's what they were originally. This of course have predictable and disastrous consequences. Yes, exactly what you think will happen actually happens. It's still a great premise for a movie. I won't give away the twists. Some are really cool. A really great idea for a movie. Lots of promise. Most of the film is dedicated to the two human sides laying aside their differences in order to help defeat the robot army together.

But there the praise ends. Catastrophic execution. Terrible acting all around. Lots of angry acting. Lots of menacing whispers. Most of the dialogue is laughably silly. Peter Weller plays the main character. Terrible choice. He's way more wooden and robotic than any of the robots he's fighting. There's loads of pointless and stupid design choices. They do a lot of stuff that has zero impact on the story. They fail to milk the cool stuff that happens enough. Mostly just a long string of missed opportunities. It doesn't seem to have been a low budget movie. Somebody put money into this. So they could have pulled it off.

The pre-CGI graphics are surprisingly well done. The screamers (the robot insects) are really scary and well made.

Screamers 2 (2009) 2/10


Beside it's flaws, Screamers became a cult movie and in 2009 some fans managed to make a sequel. This is a low budget movie. The acting is atrocious. The effects are really well made for this budget. The story is so-so.

Rise of Zombies (2012) 1/10


A run-of-the-mill Zombie flick that makes the cardinal error of trying to explain the science behind the zombie outbreak. Who the fuck cares!?! I demand superficial and stupid scientific hand-waving in my zombie movies. Every time the scientist has yet another lecture on his findings I just wanted to stab myself in the face with a screwdriver. I saw the film because it has an impressive list of has been great actors. it's pretty obvious why they're not famous any more. This film is a real stinker. I can't think of a single redeeming quality of it. There's nothing about it that is even original. A big part of the value of a zombie movie is the elaborate death scenes. Especially ways in which zombies are killed. In this film it's all one shot to the head. I can't recall of a single interesting death. Zombie movies can get away with shit acting. it's part of the tradition and charm of them. But the degree of the shit acting in this film really took the prise. There's not even gratuitous nudity. It's not so bad it's good. It's just bad. The film is total garbage in every way!
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