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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Under Water Evolution Only watched it to ogle Kate Beckinsale in her skin tight black cat suit! :o Give it a miss. 2/10
I agree about Cruise though. He's become a Star, so he can no longer disappear into roles. He's "Tom Cruise playing X".
Matt Damon can fall into a role. In fact Damon is so good at it, he doesn't really need makeup to make you think he isn't Damon. Ed Norton, Christian Bale are extremely capable of this as well.
Watched Sliding Doors again last night and I must admit on second viewing it's not bad film. Gwyneth Paltrow copped a lot of flak for her performance in this daydream romantic tale, but I thought her performance was quite good.

Two possible futures are explored when a young woman who just got fired from her job rushes to board a subway train. In one scenario she catches the train in the other she misses it. One she catches her husband chock of block up his mistress on their bed. [actually the mistress is on top :p] The look on hubbies face is priceless being caught in the act. In the other scenario she gets home just after the hubby has had his tryst with the mistress. Again hubbies efforts in hiding the evidence is quite hilarious.

Speaking of Tom Cruise, I finally got around to watching Oblivion.

I'm not one to try and figure out the "twist" while I'm watching a film, but less than halfway into this one I paused it and said to myself:

The "scavs" are the remnants of humans, and our protagonists are actually working for the real bad guys. They're probably clones or robots and the rest of the movie will focus on Harper's journey from servant of the bad guys back to human hero.

It was certainly a very pretty movie, but also pretty boring.

The Patriot
Mel Gibson once again gives us a solid "alternative history" story
In this one Mel Gibson almost single handedly wins the American revolution while the French twiddle their thumbs (arriving when the war is over), the Biritish are either dippy or eeeevvvviiiiiillllll and we see the birth of a future Batman villain
And it works well enough
The story is silly but entertaining
The history is mutilated but cobbled back together well enough
The acting is all solid
And the overall package is at the very least entertaining
So I would say that this is worth a watch as long as you don't take it too seriously

The Fifth Element
This is one of those over the top, goofy and just plain fun movies
It's bright, it's colourful, the acting is all good and the whole thing is just a bit of fun
It does have it's downsides like Chris Tuckers ear splittingly loud character
But have a bit of fun and give this a go

What We Do In The Shadows
It has a good setup
A mockumentary about 300+ year old vampires trying to adapt to a rapidly changing modern world
And it has some good jokes
But it is all presented with little to no passion
and that is where this movie falls flat
It just never gets out of neutral gear and so you can just never get invested in what is happening
So good ideas with a lacklustre execution

I'm not sure what to think about this movie
Is it good? maybe
Bad? not really
Great? eeeeh probably not
Entertaining? yeah....generally
Worth watching? I dunno
Speaking of Tom Cruise, I finally got around to watching Oblivion.

I'm not one to try and figure out the "twist" while I'm watching a film, but less than halfway into this one I paused it and said to myself:

The "scavs" are the remnants of humans, and our protagonists are actually working for the real bad guys. They're probably clones or robots and the rest of the movie will focus on Harper's journey from servant of the bad guys back to human hero.

It was certainly a very pretty movie, but also pretty boring.


I agree completely. Just another Tom Cruise action sci-fi.

The Patriot
Mel Gibson once again gives us a solid "alternative history" story
In this one Mel Gibson almost single handedly wins the American revolution while the French twiddle their thumbs (arriving when the war is over), the Biritish are either dippy or eeeevvvviiiiiillllll and we see the birth of a future Batman villain
And it works well enough
The story is silly but entertaining
The history is mutilated but cobbled back together well enough
The acting is all solid
And the overall package is at the very least entertaining
So I would say that this is worth a watch as long as you don't take it too seriously
I agree with your criticisms, but for me the revisionism distracted me too much to enjoy it. I would not have rated it as high as you did.

The Fifth Element
This is one of those over the top, goofy and just plain fun movies
It's bright, it's colourful, the acting is all good and the whole thing is just a bit of fun
It does have it's downsides like Chris Tuckers ear splittingly loud character
But have a bit of fun and give this a go
Chris Tucker was the best thing in an otherwise unwatchable pile of tripe, but that's just my opinion.


I'm not sure what to think about this movie
Is it good? maybe
Bad? not really
Great? eeeeh probably not
Entertaining? yeah....generally
Worth watching? I dunno

That's pretty much my take on it. This was definitely more in the vein of Star Trek than Star Wars. There were clearly unnecessary things in the movie that existed for the sole purpose of introducing symbols to further the underlying ideas being discussed by the writers/director. Story and character development take a back seat to using the movie to discuss larger ideas, and the movie is slow-paced like Star Trek.

This isn't a bad approach. In fact it's one of the reasons I generally like Star Trek better than Star Wars. My main problem is that the trailers made it look like a fast-paced action movie. When you make me expect one kind of movie and show me something else completely, that gets on my nerves. I like this kind of movie, but the gap between expectation and delivery left a sour taste in my mouth.

One more thing the movie has in common with the Star Trek approach to science fiction is the fact that science and knowledge are presented as positive things. Unfortunately, that is unusual enough in science fiction movies to cause it to stand out. For all that the movie tries to talk about big ideas like knowledge, life, sentience, etc., the biggest statement it makes is in what it doesn't say. By lacking the typical "science bad, scientists bad, we're better off not knowing new stuff" message of most science fiction movies, it offers a strong commentary on most of the other science fiction movies out there.
I was really excited about Chappie because I really like the director, but the reviews are severely mixed. Has anyone here seen it? What's your take on it?
Speaking of Gibson. His interpretation of the christ tale in The Passion Of The Christ is way over the top. I know the man is a catholic, but really! 3/10
I tried to watch "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Made it about 20 minutes in before I shut it off. Am I suppose to care about two guys tripping? Was there a prequel with these characters that I should have watched first so I could somehow relate to their experience, or somehow find it funny? Was it all inside jokes? Maybe someone can explain this movie to me.
I tried to watch "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Made it about 20 minutes in before I shut it off. Am I suppose to care about two guys tripping? Was there a prequel with these characters that I should have watched first so I could somehow relate to their experience, or somehow find it funny? Was it all inside jokes? Maybe someone can explain this movie to me.

It is an absurdist surrealist movie.

Just enjoy the trip, so to speak.

Personally, I thought it was funny as hell. I really enjoy screening to friends who think when they're drunk or stoned that they're convincing when they try to act sober.

Yeah right.
I tried to watch "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Made it about 20 minutes in before I shut it off. Am I suppose to care about two guys tripping? Was there a prequel with these characters that I should have watched first so I could somehow relate to their experience, or somehow find it funny? Was it all inside jokes? Maybe someone can explain this movie to me.

It is an absurdist surrealist movie.

Just enjoy the trip, so to speak.

Personally, I thought it was funny as hell. I really enjoy screening to friends who think when they're drunk or stoned that they're convincing when they try to act sober.

Yeah right.

So I'll dig out some white widow and make some tea....give it another shot. ...any excuse is a good excuse
Black Hawk Down, 7/10: A strong cast in the story of a US raid in Mogadishu to capture a "warlord". It's a dramatization of a book, a somewhat true story but as always things are blurred between history and good drama. What is true is that 19 US servicemen lost their lives in this botched mission.
It is an absurdist surrealist movie.

Just enjoy the trip, so to speak.

Personally, I thought it was funny as hell. I really enjoy screening to friends who think when they're drunk or stoned that they're convincing when they try to act sober.

Yeah right.

So I'll dig out some white widow and make some tea....give it another shot. ...any excuse is a good excuse

It could be good to read up on the author to it as well. He's interesting in his own right. Fear and Loathing is supposedly autobiographical. It's supposedly stuff that really happened. He made that style of writing famous in the 60'ies. Gonzo journalism. He was one of the major figures in the American "counter culture".

So I'll dig out some white widow and make some tea....give it another shot. ...any excuse is a good excuse

It could be good to read up on the author to it as well. He's interesting in his own right. Fear and Loathing is supposedly autobiographical. It's supposedly stuff that really happened. He made that style of writing famous in the 60'ies. Gonzo journalism. He was one of the major figures in the American "counter culture".

also, the movie is directed by terry gilliam - which is a whole other huge "thing" that makes for a lot of context regarding what kind of movie it's going to be.

you weren't wrong in how you viewed it, OLDMAN, it's just... it was made that way on purpose.
It could be good to read up on the author to it as well. He's interesting in his own right. Fear and Loathing is supposedly autobiographical. It's supposedly stuff that really happened. He made that style of writing famous in the 60'ies. Gonzo journalism. He was one of the major figures in the American "counter culture".

also, the movie is directed by terry gilliam - which is a whole other huge "thing" that makes for a lot of context regarding what kind of movie it's going to be.

you weren't wrong in how you viewed it, OLDMAN, it's just... it was made that way on purpose.
Johnny Depp in the lead role didn't help either!
The Lincolm Lawyer [thriller] Stars Matthew McConaughy and the very underrated actress Marisa Tomei. [why else hasn't she been in many more movies] The plot is thus: A cynical lawyer takes on the case of defending a wealthy man accused of sexual assault. The lawyer who does everything to win a case finally has an attack of regret on his concious when he realises his client is guilty but he must still win his case.
A good stylish crime thriller. 8/10
Marisa Tomei was in a very good movie called "The Wrestler" She played a stripper which is ok by me.
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