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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Seen a few more of the latest MST3k films. Back when I was a kid, the generally accepted reality was that a sequel wasn't going to be as good as the original. This whole trilogy thing that we see these days is a newer phenomenon. So when The Lost Kingdom II came out, it was going to have a hard time beating a pretty bad film about a boy and his shag rug Chewbacca clone trying to save the Kingdom without knowing magic, but being able to do it anyway.

When Manos Hands of Fate enters a discussion about a movie, you know it is terrible. At least Manos followed a formula. The Lost Kingdom II didn't seem to care how the plot continued to move along. It just did, regardless of how bad it was. I mean, when soldiers are going down quicker than Stormtroopers... you know it is bad! And the main character is about as lovable as an STD. I found Denise Richards' roll as a nuke physicist much more reasonable than that kid as the hero of the film. OI!
Agree completely. This is an excellent movie.
thirded. this is is actually in my top echelon for best comedy movie of all time.

Naked Gun, Airplane, Holy Grail, Sex and the Single Girl, One-Two-Three, Duck Soup or Night at the Opera (though I think Day at the Races is their best), Bringing Up Baby, ... Mystery Men?!
mystery men, super troopers, 'monty python' as one large entity... and of course i have a bunch of favorites from over the years, but so many of them are contextual to the era.

for example, airplane is not funny at all if you're 38 and saw it for the first time a couple months ago.
i could see how it would have been funny in 1980, but what the thing it was parodying doesn't exist anymore and a lot of its humor is cultural references that don't exist anymore.
same with the naked gun and most of the zucker/abrahams canon - great movies for their time, but have not aged well, so i can't really put them in an upper tier by any objective measure.

if you're going purely subjective i'd put 'repossessed' in my list of favorite comedies, but it's a terrible movie that i probably only remember fondly because i haven't seen it in 20 years.
Mystery Men was very good at execution and had just the right tone shifts throughout. It was self aware but not cynical. Janene Garafalo was great in it.

Just watched some clips of it now. The overuse of close ups shot from low angle and dutch angles is a bit annoying. But that was probably taking the piss out of Joel Schumacher's Batman and the like.
for example, airplane is not funny at all if you're 38 and saw it for the first time a couple months ago.

Blasphemy! Heathen, be gone! Burn him! I've found a witch! Burn him!
*Grabs a torch*

He is one line about how 'Jerry Lewis is underrated' from getting torched!

Airplane! is one of the best slapsticks ever. It is relentless! "The hell I don't. I've been hearing that shit ever since UCLA! Go tell your old man to guard Walton up and down the court for 40 minutes." Then Captain Ouever says something like "Billy, do like Gladiator movies?"
Saw "Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" at the dollar movies (paid twenty dollars for the popcorn and sodas). Between this and having to watch another cartoon movie (the last one I saw was "Boss Baby") this was definitely the lesser of two evils.
Had an old pass for my nearby mega theater, so I used it for a matinee today. Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It was an okay follow up. Lots of bright shiny colors and explosions. Lots of jokes, insults, and one liners. Even the bad guys are adorable. Worth every penny I paid.

MST3K - The Netflix Rebirth - I finished the last film last night and it was a somber occasion. People opened up their wallets to support this project and Joel Hodgson delivered! The show was higher impact and rapid fire. They also, thanks to technology, were able to get the bots a little more interactive in the theater.

They did everything right including upping the quality of the skits in between the movie, sometimes choosing comedy over length. And as I said, in the theater, it was rapid release. They did perfectly on an already good concept. I wish there could be more.

4 of 4
Can't wait to see "Valerian". First reviews look positive...http://collider.com/valerian-reviews/


I am fully confident ofLuc Besson with the story's plot, characters and special effects. I am not about Cara Delavigne in general, but hopefully Besson can pull a good performance out of her. She is so darn rich and well connected her acting skills were not necessary, she is no Glenn Close yet with acting.
MST3K - The Netflix Rebirth - I finished the last film last night and it was a somber occasion. People opened up their wallets to support this project and Joel Hodgson delivered! The show was higher impact and rapid fire. They also, thanks to technology, were able to get the bots a little more interactive in the theater.

They did everything right including upping the quality of the skits in between the movie, sometimes choosing comedy over length. And as I said, in the theater, it was rapid release. They did perfectly on an already good concept. I wish there could be more.

4 of 4

It really was a solid effort. I hope there's another season. The only thing I was disappointed in was Patton Oswalt's role. In one of his standup routines he tells a story about him and his brother going to see Jerry McGuire, where at a key point in the movie his brother says out loud in the theater "Fuuuuuck you!"

I was hoping to see something like that in these versions. I know that's never been MST3K's style though.

Yeah, I'm a little behind on some movies. This was 9/10. The only things holding it back were a couple heavy-handed shots of children driving the point home about who were the victims in all this, and I thought the last act felt a bit rushed, but other than that, this was a fantastic movie. Yeah, everyone who grew up Catholic or in and around Catholics has heard at least one "priest and altar boy" joke, and that's the thing...everyone knew about it at some level. It was baked into the cake, and this movie shined a...well...spotlight on that pervasiveness.

It also gives you not just a sense of what good journalism is all about, but a sense of what we're in the process of losing. Or perhaps have already lost. That scene with all the trucks headed out to deliver the bombshell issue was a stark reminder of how newspapers are all but dead, and investigative journalism as well. Can you imagine a cable news channel giving a team of journalists months on end to work on one story that would risk the future of the channel? I can't.
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