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White House pulls CNN's Jim Acosta's pass after contentious news conference

Hilarious. Acosta was being a dick and got schooled. And then the next reporter that spoke to Trump said something in support of Acosta and Trump said, "yeah, well I'm not a fan of yours either". Brilliant ! :hysterical:
So Acosta being kicked off the White House Press Corp because of doctored video coverage is brilliant?
Hilarious. Acosta was being a dick and got schooled. And then the next reporter that spoke to Trump said something in support of Acosta and Trump said, "yeah, well I'm not a fan of yours either". Brilliant ! :hysterical:

Acosta was asking tough questions. If Trump is too much the pussy to handle tough questions he should 1) probably grow a thicker skin, and 2) probably stop being such a colossal cunt himself until he learns how to take the treatment he dishes out.

Even more pathetic is that they had to use video fakery to justify their shit behavior.

Saddest of all, there are obviously still fanboys who are simpleton enough to admire the Shitgibbon for behaving like a seven-year-old. But hey, they gotta look up to someone, I guess.
Hilarious. Acosta was being a dick and got schooled. And then the next reporter that spoke to Trump said something in support of Acosta and Trump said, "yeah, well I'm not a fan of yours either". Brilliant ! :hysterical:

It's horrifying that there are tens of millions of Americans that TSwizzle has accurately spoken for. Worse, if Trump would have had Acosta arrested on the spot, they'd support that too. When we talk about valuing democracy, people like TSwizzle are not part of that conversation.


In an alternate universe, Trump would have simply said that he was unconcerned about the investigation, that we should all just let it run its course, and that he was looking forward to being exonerated by Mueller's findings. Done and one. Next question.

Clearly though, Trump is shitting his pants over it. If he wasn't worried about it, he would not have been so instantly thrown into a tantrum. This person with this temperament is in charge of our military. The only reason he hasn't had a bombing fit on some random nation is because the military is running itself right now, and Trump is too ignorant, too lazy to learn, and is probably intimidated by our military leadership. So he's hands off. But boy, he can pitch a fit at a reporter like an 8 year-old bully whose been held back three times, and whose greatest pleasure is beating up kindergartners for their cookies.

There's also the fact that he called it a hoax. Things being the way they are, if Trump says something's false, then it's true, and vice-versa.
Acosta is not a real journalist, he works for CNN for goodness' sake. It was funny, I laughed and I laughed. :hysterical:

This is why I never brag about voting being mandatory in Australia. Sword cuts both ways.

I know what you mean, it's so frustrating when the plebs don't vote the way they are supposed to.
Acosta is not a real journalist, he works for CNN for goodness' sake. It was funny, I laughed and I laughed. :hysterical:

Just out of curiosity, can you name a couple of "real journalists" and who they work for? :hysterical:
Trump would have simply said that he was unconcerned about the investigation, that we should all just let it run its course, and that he was looking forward to being exonerated by Mueller's findings. Done and one. Next question.

Of course you assume that Trump is not the head of an organized crime syndicate masquerading as an administration.
Unfortunately that assumption runs contrary to observable facts.
Acosta is not a real journalist, he works for CNN for goodness' sake. It was funny, I laughed and I laughed. :hysterical:

Just out of curiosity, can you name a couple of "real journalists" and who they work for? :hysterical:

It's okay, TSwizzle, I got this for you.

Bannon, Goebels, O'Reilly, Carlson, Milo, Hannity, Alex Jones, and Geraldo Rivera.
Acosta is not a real journalist, he works for CNN for goodness' sake. It was funny, I laughed and I laughed. :hysterical:

Just out of curiosity, can you name a couple of "real journalists" and who they work for? :hysterical:

It's okay, TSwizzle, I got this for you.

Bannon, Goebels, O'Reilly, Carlson, Milo, Hannity, Alex Jones, and Geraldo Rivera.
None of those rise to the journalistic integrity of Jeff Gannon. *link included for the memory impaired*
I don't understand why the entire press corps doesn't ban Trump and just no longer cover anyone out of his occupation. It's nothing but an endless stream of lies.

ETA: I understand of course, in case some here don't get irony. But boy would that be satisfying to see them all file out and turn off their cameras, etc.
I don't understand why the entire press corps doesn't ban Trump and just no longer cover anyone out of his occupation. It's nothing but an endless stream of lies.
The Press Corp situation is much like arguing with a clueless creationist about evolution. You are right, you know you are right, you know they are wrong... but it just doesn't matter. And now the White is going BaptistBoard (I apologize if that reference is too dated) and banning the press.
The press briefings are useless, nothing informative about them. At the least they should quit covering the rallies.
The US is already a fascist state in terms of the government serving big business and not the people.

It can't be called a democracy when the people have no representation or power.

This is just a movement of the presidency towards totalitarianism.

Something fascist states slowly drift towards.

Trump has been a petulant petty dictator his entire life.

That kind of power dynamic harms all parties.

The dictated to develop learned helplessness and apathy. Like the White House press corps that accepts this vulgar violation of the spirit of the First Amendment.

While the dictators become incredible assholes really unworthy of life in human society.

As this ilk controls vast fortunes and the future of the US.

Any society that puts people like Trump in control is a sick sick society.
The press briefings are useless, nothing informative about them. At the least they should quit covering the rallies.

Yeah, the press briefings are a farce, and the rallies are off the charts insane, but they need to be documented. The press can't simply abdicate coverage of Trump due to him being a POS.

And can you imagine a WH press corps made up of nothing Fox, Breitbart, etc. "journalists"?

There is no choice for the media but to cover all of this to the best of their abilities.
The press briefings are useless, nothing informative about them. At the least they should quit covering the rallies.

Yeah, the press briefings are a farce, and the rallies are off the charts insane, but they need to be documented. The press can't simply abdicate coverage of Trump due to him being a POS.

And can you imagine a WH press corps made up of nothing Fox, Breitbart, etc. "journalists"?

There is no choice for the media but to cover all of this to the best of their abilities.

If they do nothing it will get worse.

This is too far.

Kicking out journalists because they ask the wrong questions is tyranny. It it already too far.

Any remaining journalists should leave and write about this tyrannical situation until that reporter is returned.
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