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White House pulls CNN's Jim Acosta's pass after contentious news conference

Any remaining journalists should leave and write about this tyrannical situation until that reporter is returned.

But that's exactly what Trump would want. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' life would suddenly become a helluva lot easier.

"Sarah, you look especially radiant today. So can you tell us, about the great successes the President has achieved since yesterday. Also, if he has not surpassed Lincoln in terms of greatness, do you expect him to do so by next week?"

"Mr. President, given the rising violence of the liberal mobs across our nation, has your administration considered summarily imprisoning the Democratic leadership?"

Trump is the one who takes his ball and goes home when the other kids don't let him win. The press can't act similarly, or the fictional questions above will become reality.
Acosta was asking tough questions.

Trump: "Lads, it's CNN."

On the floor. :hysterical:

Yeah, I got a real kick watching him overreact. Man, you can see him sweat, just about.

When my son was a boy, I could tell whether he was telling the truth or not in part by gauging how sensitive he was to having his story questioned; his defensiveness was usually inversely proportional to his veracity. Trump doesn't strike me as very different.
Acosta is not a real journalist, he works for CNN for goodness' sake. It was funny, I laughed and I laughed. :hysterical:

Just out of curiosity, can you name a couple of "real journalists" and who they work for? :hysterical:

It's okay, TSwizzle, I got this for you.

Bannon, Goebels, O'Reilly, Carlson, Milo, Hannity, Alex Jones, and Geraldo Rivera.

No argument from TSwizzle, I see. Maybe he doesn't know who they work for.
Reposting from Facebook
John Faugno said:
In the wake of Jim Acosta’s public bullying by our President, and the attempt to literally pull the microphone from his hand as he asked a question, the White House has removed Acosta’s credentials, citing the reason that he “put his hands” on the intern who was trying to take the microphone. The C-Span footage does not show any such action taken by Acosta. The White House then released a video, showing the same incident, but with Acosta taking more forceful action to push the intern away.
The Associated Press asked Abba Shapiro, a video producer, to examine the video tweeted out by White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, and he concluded that the video had been doctored to speed up Acosta’s hand movements and give the impression of violent action.
While it is tragic that the White House has acted, once again, in a way that I didn’t think was possible, setting a new low for the administration’s behavior, this incident represents a further slide away from reasoned democracy and towards an Orwellian dystopia. While President Trump has made no effort to hide his contempt for the press, and has made every effort to undermine those journalists who are trying to uncover the truth about a myriad of things, including but not limited to the Trump ’16 campaign’s involvement with Russia, the President’s involvement with those actors who were conducting business with Russia (including his own son, Donald Trump Jr.), the President’s financial history with foreign powers, and the President’s actions that may be interpreted as Obstruction of Justice, this video doctoring goes far beyond screaming “Fake News” or lying to the public about voter fraud or Inauguration attendance numbers.
This is the White House transforming into Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. The bold-faced lying, while troubling, can be disputed by the referencing of facts and easily dismissed. This is about doctoring evidence and creating a new narrative in the public consciousness. This is putting a brazen untruth out into the public eye, giving people the ability to “see for themselves” and “make their own judgments” because there are not only two opposing views, but two opposing sets of “facts.”
The real tragedy is that Trump’s staunch supporters will not even see the real footage. The doctored tape will be distributed through FOX, Breitbart, and other conservative outlets, and they will make no mention of the real tape. The people who only see news through these highly biased (and borderline propogandist) sources will not even be aware of the controversy. They’ll simply take that “news” at face value, and when challenged, will simply come back with the same old arguments about how the media bias is geared against the President and they will lie, cheat and steal to undermine him. They’ll never sit and watch the two tapes side by side, they’ll never question Sarah Sanders’ words, and will think justice is being done as Acosta is removed from the press corps.
This incident is preying on the very natural and instinctive tendency in humans to only pay attention to those things that confirm their already existing opinions. This is going to new extremes to feed confirmation bias at its worst. Trump’s efforts to silence the media have so far failed, so the White House has taken a new tactic – creating an alternate set of evidence to “prove” the illegitimacy of the media.
We, as citizens, have to stand up against these efforts to destroy our democracy. We have to ensure that, when history looks back at the Trump era, we see the truth, not Trump’s truth. We need to see that Trump did indeed lose the popular vote, and not because of “millions of illegals” voting against him. We have to see that his inauguration did not “break attendance records.” We need to see that his attempts to get in the media’s way is not out of some sense of righteousness or justice, but to cloud the truth, and obscure it from the public eye.
We need to see that Jim Acosta was doing nothing but exercise his First Amendment rights, and that made him an enemy of the White House.
I say pull the credentials for all the current media organizations and reissue them to far left and far right outlets. This way when Trump and Huckaby-Sanders look out at the crowd half will be wearing tie-dyed tee shirts and the other half fatigues. Fitting for the Trump WH.
Any remaining journalists should leave and write about this tyrannical situation until that reporter is returned.

But that's exactly what Trump would want. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' life would suddenly become a helluva lot easier.

"Sarah, you look especially radiant today. So can you tell us, about the great successes the President has achieved since yesterday. Also, if he has not surpassed Lincoln in terms of greatness, do you expect him to do so by next week?"

"Mr. President, given the rising violence of the liberal mobs across our nation, has your administration considered summarily imprisoning the Democratic leadership?"

Trump is the one who takes his ball and goes home when the other kids don't let him win. The press can't act similarly, or the fictional questions above will become reality.

If they stay it will only get worse. And what has happened will become unchallenged precedent.

The only way to make anything good happen is to not play.

They have no courage.

They have no principles.

What the networks should do is run commentary of the critics of Trump every night and nothing from the administration. Except they should report vigorously every lie from the administration and any bad news.

FOX gets to pretend it is a real news organization because real news people sit next to FOX reporters.
Reposting from Facebook
John Faugno said:
In the wake of Jim Acosta’s public bullying by our President, and the attempt to literally pull the microphone from his hand as he asked a question.

Facebook ?!!! Oh the irony !!

And hilarious at the same time. On the floor LMFAO. :hysterical:
Reposting from Facebook
John Faugno said:
In the wake of Jim Acosta’s public bullying by our President, and the attempt to literally pull the microphone from his hand as he asked a question.

Facebook ?!!! Oh the irony !!

And hilarious at the same time. On the floor LMFAO. :hysterical:

Why is it funny? The White House Press Secretary released a doctored video of the incident to support wild claims that Acosta was somehow violent or abusive or assaulted a woman. This type of dissembling is not amusing but is horrific and shameful, particularly as it comes directly from the White House.

I think I always doubted Trump's leadership skills but there he is: leading his followers straight to the bottom of the garbage heap.
I think I always doubted Trump's leadership skills but there he is: leading his followers straight to the bottom of the garbage heap.

Actually, they were already at the bottom and he just let them up for air. That's why they pretend shit like this is funny. They're bottom feeders.
Facebook ?!!! Oh the irony !!

And hilarious at the same time. On the floor LMFAO. :hysterical:

Why is it funny? The White House Press Secretary released a doctored video of the incident to support wild claims that Acosta was somehow violent or abusive or assaulted a woman. This type of dissembling is not amusing but is horrific and shameful, particularly as it comes directly from the White House.

I think I always doubted Trump's leadership skills but there he is: leading his followers straight to the bottom of the garbage heap.

Please stop, my sides. :hysterical:
Facebook ?!!! Oh the irony !!

And hilarious at the same time. On the floor LMFAO. :hysterical:

Why is it funny? The White House Press Secretary released a doctored video of the incident to support wild claims that Acosta was somehow violent or abusive or assaulted a woman. This type of dissembling is not amusing but is horrific and shameful, particularly as it comes directly from the White House.

I think I always doubted Trump's leadership skills but there he is: leading his followers straight to the bottom of the garbage heap.

Please stop, my sides. :hysterical:

I've missed your nuanced and well thought arguments.
Facebook ?!!! Oh the irony !!

And hilarious at the same time. On the floor LMFAO. :hysterical:

Why is it funny? The White House Press Secretary released a doctored video of the incident to support wild claims that Acosta was somehow violent or abusive or assaulted a woman. This type of dissembling is not amusing but is horrific and shameful, particularly as it comes directly from the White House.

I think I always doubted Trump's leadership skills but there he is: leading his followers straight to the bottom of the garbage heap.

Please stop, my sides. :hysterical:

Forgive my condescension, but it's hard to take anyone seriously when their only response is laughter. You remind me of Drich.

Hopefully you can offer something of substance ... but until then, the single smiley you know how to type must do your heavy-lifting for you.

Probably gonna lose audience soon, brotha. Engage some neurons soon, eh?
There is no defense for this.

All you will get from the ass suckers of Trump is hand waving of some kind.
Well that presser was...interesting. I guess that explains why he doesn't do many.

He must have known they weren't there to lob softballs at him. Who the hell let him do go out there?
My goodness, CNN really is butt hurt over this;

CNN is suing the White House to demand the immediate return of press credentials to its reporter Jim Acosta after the media pass was revoked last week following a high-profile public contretemps with Donald Trump during a press conference.

My goodness, CNN really is butt hurt over this;

CNN is suing the White House to demand the immediate return of press credentials to its reporter Jim Acosta after the media pass was revoked last week following a high-profile public contretemps with Donald Trump during a press conference.

Fox News was literally organizing rallies against President Obama, and he didn't strip them of their passes.
My goodness, CNN really is butt hurt over this;

CNN is suing the White House to demand the immediate return of press credentials to its reporter Jim Acosta after the media pass was revoked last week following a high-profile public contretemps with Donald Trump during a press conference.

Fox News was literally organizing rallies against President Obama, and he didn't strip them of their passes.

That proves that Trump is smart and Obama is a dumb Kenyan Muslim.
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