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Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

Who lies more -- the Left or the Right?

  • It's only the Right which lies, never the Left.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • It's only the Left which lies, never the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's no provable case where the Left lied.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • There's no provable case where the Right lied.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both sides lie, but the Right lies more than the Left.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Both sides lie, but the Left lies more than the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whichever side is better at lying is the one which will win.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Getting your candidates elected takes priority over telling the truth.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • The Hunter Biden laptop never existed, despite the recent trial.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • It's necessary to lie when it helps win more votes for your side.

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
May 9, 2014
Basic Beliefs
---- "Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts."
OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?

It's not often that we have a clearcut case to prove which side told the truth and which side lied. Because both sides make up their own "facts" -- the Red facts vs. the Blue facts. And each side can cite their news source --- MSNBC or Fox News etc. for their "facts" which prove the other side is lying.

But in the case of the H. Biden laptop, the truth now is undeniable. This laptop was used for evidence in the recent trial. For years Progressive talk-show hosts have denied that the laptop even existed, and that the whole story was fabricated by Hannity and Giuliani etc. So don't the Demos have to admit this time that it's their side which lied?

What are some other cases where BOTH SIDES must recognize the same truth and must agree on which side lied? Do Trumpsters have to admit that their side is the one which lied, in some other case?

It is true that the Left must admit this now -- Right? It's their side which lied about this. Each side accused the other of lying, for 2 or 3 years. And it is now established what the truth is -- that the laptop did exist and was taken by the FBI for evidence, as Trumpists claimed, while Demos/Progressives continued to deny it and accused Hannity-Giuliani of making up the whole story, because no such laptop existed. And they continued saying this for at least 2 years.

Isn't it good to establish the Truth, for certain, in this or that case, identifying beyond doubt which side lied and which side told the truth? Are Progressives honest enough to now admit that it's their side which lied in this case? At least in this one major Left-Right squabble, it's official that it was the Demos/Left/Bidens who were the liars. Right?
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OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?

It's not often that we have a clearcut case to prove which side told the truth and which side lied. Because both sides make up their own "facts" -- the Red facts vs. the Blue facts. And each side can cite their news source --- MSNBC or Fox News etc. for their "facts" which prove the other side is lying.

But in the case of the H. Biden laptop, the truth now is undeniable. This laptop was used for evidence in the recent trial. For years Progressive talk-show hosts have denied that the laptop even existed, and that the whole story was fabricated by Hannity and Giuliani etc. So don't the Demos have to admit this time that it's their side which lied?

What are some other cases where BOTH SIDES must recognize the same truth and must agree on which side lied? Do Trumpsters have to admit that their side is the one which lied, in some other case?

It is true that the Left must admit this now -- Right? It's their side which lied about this. Each side accused the other of lying, for 2 or 3 years. And it is now established what the truth is -- that the laptop did exist and was taken by the FBI for evidence, as Trumpists claimed, while Demos/Progressives continued to deny it and accused Hannity-Giuliani of making up the whole story, because no such laptop existed. And they continued saying this for at least 2 years.

Isn't it good to establish the Truth, for certain, in this or that case, identifying beyond doubt which side lied and which side told the truth? Are Progressives honest enough to now admit that it's their side which lied in this case? At least in this one major Left-Right squabble, it's official that it was the Demos/Left/Bidens who were the liars. Right?
?? [removed] The laptop was used in court to demonstrate hunters drug problems. No evidence of Joe Biden corruption on it. Hunter is not the president!
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OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?

It's not often that we have a clearcut case to prove which side told the truth and which side lied. Because both sides make up their own "facts" -- the Red facts vs. the Blue facts. And each side can cite their news source --- MSNBC or Fox News etc. for their "facts" which prove the other side is lying.

But in the case of the H. Biden laptop, the truth now is undeniable. This laptop was used for evidence in the recent trial. For years Progressive talk-show hosts have denied that the laptop even existed, and that the whole story was fabricated by Hannity and Giuliani etc. So don't the Demos have to admit this time that it's their side which lied?

What are some other cases where BOTH SIDES must recognize the same truth and must agree on which side lied? Do Trumpsters have to admit that their side is the one which lied, in some other case?

It is true that the Left must admit this now -- Right? It's their side which lied about this. Each side accused the other of lying, for 2 or 3 years. And it is now established what the truth is -- that the laptop did exist and was taken by the FBI for evidence, as Trumpists claimed, while Demos/Progressives continued to deny it and accused Hannity-Giuliani of making up the whole story, because no such laptop existed. And they continued saying this for at least 2 years.

Isn't it good to establish the Truth, for certain, in this or that case, identifying beyond doubt which side lied and which side told the truth? Are Progressives honest enough to now admit that it's their side which lied in this case? At least in this one major Left-Right squabble, it's official that it was the Demos/Left/Bidens who were the liars. Right?
Straw man. You need to demonstrate that someone on the left lied saying the laptop did not exist.

And one example does not proscribe a more than X resolution. You do understand how math works, right?

Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?​

I think they meant which side lies to other people more, not to themselves more.

I'm still going with Libertarians. They often take extreme positions far outfield of reality and promote those to other people. Take a look at lewrockwell.com. Many of their conspiracy theories are far right but then get shared across moderate right, independents and far left, like 9/11 conspiracies etc. The partisan goal is to delegitimize both main parties, so they have to lie twice as much and twice as intensely.
OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?
?? Well you are being a little deceitful here. The laptop was used in court to demonstrate hunters drug problems. No evidence of Joe Biden corruption on it. Hunter is not the president!
Remember when Giuliani said that the laptop had illegal pics of children on it (and that he had copies on those files on him).
OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?
?? Well you are being a little deceitful here. The laptop was used in court to demonstrate hunters drug problems. No evidence of Joe Biden corruption on it. Hunter is not the president!
Remember when Giuliani said that the laptop had illegal pics of children on it (and that he had copies on those files on him).
Oh yea! Lumpen: I really don't care about Hunter. I feel bad for him. He'll be dramatically overcharged in the drug case because he's the president's son; and Biden won't protect him (which is appropriate). But I don't really care about Hunter. If you got something (anything concrete) that points to Joe Biden's character - then release it! Quit being so passive aggressive.
OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

You forgot to put that in ALL CAPS.

And while I don't peruse every left-leaning outlet, for the most part the people on "the left" are like "Hunter Biden committed a crime? Prosecute him. Nobody is above the law."

It appears that Joe Biden agrees. His administration's DOJ is the one who pursued charges (even appointed a special prosecutor) and the President has said he is not going to pardon his son. The trial is wrapping up, and it is notable that while Trump has spent the entirety of the past 4 years whining about being "persecuted" and moving heaven and earth to delay every single trial as long as humanly possible (presumably so he can pardon himself), the Hunter Biden case moved along at about the same speed as any normal case would. Right wing media is covering it like it's the Trial of the Century, but really it's just a rich kid with a drug problem who shouldn't have had a gun, and it looks like he's going to lose.

If you look objectively at how the "OMG Hunter Biden's laptop" affair vs the (pick one of Trump's multiple criminal cases), the whole "but both sides are exactly the same" thing falls apart very quickly.

The Left: "Hunter Biden? Fuck 'em. He's not running for President and if he did the crime, he should do the time. His dad is old and sucks, but he's all we've got right now."

The Right: "Nobody in history has ever been treated worse than our Dear Leader Donald J. "Totally Still President" Trump. He is literally Jesus, Ghandi, and Mother Teresa all wrapped up into one svelte and totally not mentally declining package. It's all fake news! Rigged justice system! Show trials! Don't forget to buy a Trump Bible!"
OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?

It's not often that we have a clearcut case to prove which side told the truth and which side lied. Because both sides make up their own "facts" -- the Red facts vs. the Blue facts. And each side can cite their news source --- MSNBC or Fox News etc. for their "facts" which prove the other side is lying.

But in the case of the H. Biden laptop, the truth now is undeniable. This laptop was used for evidence in the recent trial. For years Progressive talk-show hosts have denied that the laptop even existed, and that the whole story was fabricated by Hannity and Giuliani etc. So don't the Demos have to admit this time that it's their side which lied?

What are some other cases where BOTH SIDES must recognize the same truth and must agree on which side lied? Do Trumpsters have to admit that their side is the one which lied, in some other case?

It is true that the Left must admit this now -- Right? It's their side which lied about this. Each side accused the other of lying, for 2 or 3 years. And it is now established what the truth is -- that the laptop did exist and was taken by the FBI for evidence, as Trumpists claimed, while Demos/Progressives continued to deny it and accused Hannity-Giuliani of making up the whole story, because no such laptop existed. And they continued saying this for at least 2 years.

Isn't it good to establish the Truth, for certain, in this or that case, identifying beyond doubt which side lied and which side told the truth? Are Progressives honest enough to now admit that it's their side which lied in this case? At least in this one major Left-Right squabble, it's official that it was the Demos/Left/Bidens who were the liars. Right?
Everyone lies, but pro-fascist lies are more dangerous. I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden (or Chelsea Clinton, or all them crazy Palins) because I am not electing them. But when the person who is going to be president lies about important matters, like whether he was briefed on an incipient global pandemic or which enemy governments he takes money from, we're all in immediate danger.
“I would say it was bravado. If you want to know the truth, it was bravado ... I was talking and just holding up papers and talking about, but I have no documents. I didn't have any documents.” [1]

~Donald J. Trump, confessing to being a routine and casual liar... even to his closest friends, and even about issues of critical national security. And he was, of course, lying about that, too.
How Republicans used misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24-hour period

In edited videos, Republican officials and allies of former president Donald Trump repeatedly tried to turn Biden’s Normandy visit into a highlight reel of senior moments and missteps, aimed at showing the president as infirm, addled or out of his depth. Trump, who turns 78 on Friday, has also repeatedly attacked Biden over his age and fitness, and regularly shares videos of the president looking frail.

But an examination of video feeds from the events in Normandy, France, makes clear that the selected clips had been edited to present a particularly damaging — and often misleading — picture.
Examples it the link.
Both sides use the same methods.

Look at Biden doing the political two step on immigration and Gaza.
Both sides use the same methods.

Look at Biden doing the political two step on immigration and Gaza.
Politics is the art of lying. And both sides fib in politics, but there are political statements that at times torture facts while not technically being lies, the GOP today is something else. The GOP is not lying like the Dems. The whole election 2020 fiasco by Trump and over half of the GOP in the House and a few senators including Two-Step Cotton have turned America on its head regarding ridiculous lying. Heck, Trump has normalized lying to the extent, the majority of Republicans think the election was fishy.
I like how this thread started with "who lies more", and then went into a deliberately disingenuous synopsis about Hunter Biden's laptop.

Wake me up when the left calls someone the equivalent of a secret Kenyan Muslim who is working the atheists to bring about Sharia law. A lie the the right peddled for fucking years incidentally (and some still do).

After that, please tell me the left wing equivalents of Whitewater, WMDs in Iraq, Saddam was behind 9/11, Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, Climate change is a hoax, Michelle Obama is a man, Al Quaeda has smuggled nuclear weapons into the US, Sandy Hook was staged, Jade Helm is part of the left taking over, kitty litter trays in kindergerten classes, Jewish Space Lasers (my favourite), Obama's Death Panels, Trickle down economics, Antifa planning to attack the RNC and the stolen election - just for starters.
The poll options are inadequate. The laptop existed. However, what purports to be an image of the drive has been edited and does not accurately reflect what was on his machine. As such, it's completely worthless as evidence of anything other than the level of fraud that the QOP will commit.

Disk images are images--complete reproduction of drives. With the right software they can be mounted as drives--and some such programs even allow writing to them as if they were drives. I have actually done so indirectly while writing this very post--I am working inside a VMWare virtual machine (the vast majority of malware would not be capable of escaping from the virtual machine onto the main one.) Firefox write state information--but what's the C drive to this virtual machine is really just a file on a SSD. Shut down the virtual machine and the file on the main system is a disk image.

If done carefully such tampering is inherently undetectable. It was not done carefully, though--some of what purported to be on the drive could not have been on the laptop because there were timestamps from when he was in rehab and would have had no access to the machine to be writing a file.
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