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Who should I vote for?

Bernie gets excited-ass crowds at his rallies, Biden doesn't. For what that's worth.

There's that, and the fact that his petulant idiot followers probably won't all stay home again.
My suggestion is for you to do your own research. Look at the polls to see who is more likely to beat Trump. Look at how they do in the swing states, not just the general population. That means nothing with our messed up system. Consider whether the platform of the candidates seem reasonable. Consider what it would take to have any of them become law. Write down what is important to you, then compare it to the claims of the candidates. Look at the history of each candidate. Has he or she grown with experience? Have they learned from past mistakes? Are they good at working with others, including those with different views? Then after careful, consideration, vote for the one who most appeals to you or avoid voting for the one you find least appealing.

Then, if your favorite isn't the nominee, hold your nose and vote for whoever is the nominee in November. :)

Don't listen to a bunch of pundit wannabes on the internet. We all have different reasons for supporting the candidate we vote for in the primaries.
I think he lacks a certain level of integrity seeking out the Democratic nomination while not actually being a member except in name only/when convenient for him. I think integrity is important.

There's that, and the fact that his petulant idiot followers probably won't all stay home again.

Anti-Bernie: He's not even really a Democrat!

Also Anti-Bernie: But his supporters owe the Democrat their vote!
Too bad - she was my favorite Republican in the race.
Well, you still have Warren. :tonguea:

Looks like the B team is going to represent the Dems in November.
No kidding. A huge field with >20 candidates this Summer, and THIS is the final four? March Madness indeed!

(Bloomy can go build himself his own damn Whitehouse if he wants one that badly)

, and like Zipr I actually prefer Bernie as less senile and more likely to select a progressive VP. So there it is - I have convinced myself to vote for Bernie.
I agree he is mentally more fit, but physically I have concerns because of the heart attack.
As to veep, I think Biden will have to throw a bone to the progressives with his running mate pick (which would disqualify Kamala Harris because progressives these days HATE law enforcement - see also the #BLM nuts protesting Klob for prosecuting a guy for shooting an 11 year old girl 18 years ago). Bernie would likewise have to throw the bone to moderates.
If going by projecting electability, polling at least shows either Biden or Sanders could win the general, but I wonder if one may be better for down ballot races.
I don’t like these choices at all. Joe Biden was once my favorite, but I think he’s going senile. I think Bernie Sanders is inspiring, but I don’t think he’ll do well as President. I like Warren, but I’m not sure she can win, or whether she can govern well. I think her proposals are too pie in the sky. Lately, I've been liking Klobuchar, but I’m skeptical she can beat Trump. African Americans won’t turn out and vote for her which is what killed HRC. Bloomberg has the same baggage.

It seems like the Dems are just slaughtering themselves this year with attacks that are only going to hurt them in November. I think Bernie is the only one who can really fire up the base. But it might be best if he loses. Then when the economy tanks in about two years, we'll be able to energize progressives throughout the country.

, and like Zipr I actually prefer Bernie as less senile and more likely to select a progressive VP. So there it is - I have convinced myself to vote for Bernie.
I agree he is mentally more fit, but physically I have concerns because of the heart attack.
As to veep, I think Biden will have to throw a bone to the progressives with his running mate pick (which would disqualify Kamala Harris because progressives these days HATE law enforcement - see also the #BLM nuts protesting Klob for prosecuting a guy for shooting an 11 year old girl 18 years ago). Bernie would likewise have to throw the bone to moderates.

That thought had occurred to me. Might be the only way to get a progressive into the office.
I don't see a moderate/progressive ticket quite honestly. It didn't happen in 2016, nor was there any push for it from the media. But if a progressive is the top of the ticket in 2020, you'll get a sustained clamor from the media to see a moderate attached. It will be very loud indeed, and very angry if rebuffed.
Bernie gets excited-ass crowds at his rallies, Biden doesn't. For what that's worth.

You know who else gets excited ass crowds? Trump.

Well, that's why its sort of important to nominate someone more interesting to watch than a wheat field. The Republicans nominated a reality tv star, and we sent a lawyer. How'd that work out? Excited people vote.
Bernie gets excited-ass crowds at his rallies, Biden doesn't. For what that's worth.

You know who else gets excited ass crowds? Trump.

Well, that's why its sort of important to nominate someone more interesting to watch than a wheat field. The Republicans nominated a reality tv star, and we sent a lawyer. How'd that work out? Excited people vote.

No. This is why we need an effective Electoral College. It's not about oneupmanship pandering to the crowd. Are our choices to be between an individual who panders to the worst of our nature an an individual who promises everything we ever wanted? They are two sides of the same coin. Both terribly dividing the nation, something I've not heard a Sanders supporter address.

Or we could try boring unity.

Well, that's why its sort of important to nominate someone more interesting to watch than a wheat field. The Republicans nominated a reality tv star, and we sent a lawyer. How'd that work out? Excited people vote.

No. This is why we need an effective Electoral College. It's not about oneupmanship pandering to the crowd. Are our choices to be between an individual who panders to the worst of our nature an an individual who promises everything we ever wanted? They are two sides of the same coin. Both terribly dividing the nation, something I've not heard a Sanders supporter address.

Or we could try boring unity.

The subtext here is that candidates, politicians, representatives should not offer the things that the electorate has always actually wanted
.. that to actually seek actively and honestly to give people what they want and need in their lives is divisive. Fuck that. That's fucking stupid. Citizens deserve real representation. That's not divisive, that's democracy in action.
I went with Joe. But it was close. I hesitated at the last minute. I so admire Bernie. His passion and ideas I hope will eventually triumph.
Well, that's why its sort of important to nominate someone more interesting to watch than a wheat field. The Republicans nominated a reality tv star, and we sent a lawyer. How'd that work out? Excited people vote.

No. This is why we need an effective Electoral College. It's not about oneupmanship pandering to the crowd. Are our choices to be between an individual who panders to the worst of our nature an an individual who promises everything we ever wanted? They are two sides of the same coin. Both terribly dividing the nation, something I've not heard a Sanders supporter address.

Or we could try boring unity.

The subtext here is that candidates, politicians, representatives should not offer the things that the electorate has always actually wanted
.. that to actually seek actively and honestly to give people what they want and need in their lives is divisive. Fuck that. That's fucking stupid. Citizens deserve real representation. That's not divisive, that's democracy in action.

In happier times, you would be correct. But there are differing opinions on what we want and need and this in fact has caused much divisiveness in the nation. This is why we need a moderating force to bring us back to common ground. A step into what society needs by a disarming force like Joe Biden.
If you think jamming Bernie Sanders up conservatives puckered asses is the solution, you’re in for a rude awakening. It will matter not how right and proper any legislation Bernie may get through Congress is, Tucker and Sean will have them screaming to the high heavens for four long years. Unless of course you believe conservatives couldn’t possibly act against their own self interests.
The subtext here is that candidates, politicians, representatives should not offer the things that the electorate has always actually wanted
.. that to actually seek actively and honestly to give people what they want and need in their lives is divisive. Fuck that. That's fucking stupid. Citizens deserve real representation. That's not divisive, that's democracy in action.

In happier times, you would be correct. But there are differing opinions on what we want and need and this in fact has caused much divisiveness in the nation. This is why we need a moderating force to bring us back to common ground. A step into what society needs by a disarming force like Joe Biden.
If you think jamming Bernie Sanders up conservatives puckered asses is the solution, you’re in for a rude awakening. It will matter not how right and proper any legislation Bernie may get through Congress is, Tucker and Sean will have them screaming to the high heavens for four long years. Unless of course you believe conservatives couldn’t possibly act against their own self interests.

Joe Biden is senile. He is not disarming, or even compromising. And the Republicans today are not interested in compromise, they are interested in blood on the ground. You are deluded if you think, after the center-right Obama years got wholely repealed because they had a D associated with them, that Biden "reaching across the aisle" will lead to anything but one-sided capitulation.

Tucker and Sean and Limbaugh and Hannity, they will scream to high heavens for four long years regardless. It's their job.
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