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Why are "refugees" still having children?


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
The baby born in hell: Tragic migrant mother gives birth in the squalor of Idomeni's tent city and washes the child in a PUDDLE
The bathing experience is really not that bad. They even have what seems to be Nivea body wash. Nivea is nice shit! Water temperature though can't be too much fun! Note though, that these people refuse to move to better, army-built shelters because they want to be close to the border they are trying to cross illegally.

And this woman already has four other children, the youngest of them only one year old, thus also conceived well into the civil war.
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
You are just jealous that it wasnt you that fucked that woman.
My money's on a lack of contraceptive options and the human need to connect physically and emotionally with another person, especially in times of high stress.

They might not have much but at least they have each other.
First these people are looked at as sub-human.

Then from this position of ignorance normal human activities are condemned.
First these people are looked at as sub-human.

Then from this position of ignorance normal human activities are condemned.

While you notice my posts are against immigration in large quantities (but agree with Asylum seekers), we owe reparations to the Syrians for the genocide we have caused as Western Nations. Your statement is correct as these are people having hard times and now being condemned for being poor and homeless.
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
The baby born in hell: Tragic migrant mother gives birth in the squalor of Idomeni's tent city and washes the child in a PUDDLE
The bathing experience is really not that bad. They even have what seems to be Nivea body wash. Nivea is nice shit! Water temperature though can't be too much fun! Note though, that these people refuse to move to better, army-built shelters because they want to be close to the border they are trying to cross illegally.

And this woman already has four other children, the youngest of them only one year old, thus also conceived well into the civil war.

The world being organised as it is, anyone who produces children is a criminal - but we still do it.
Births in this country increased in June of 2002. Not particularly uncommon human behavior to connect in such a way with during tough times.
people be fuckin'

. . . well, most people
Well most people know how to put on a fucking condom. Also people should be able to exert some self control and maybe not have unprotected sex during the middle of a civil war when they already have 4 children. Is a little personal responsibility too much to ask for?

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Why is the word "refugees" in scare quotes?
Because only some of those on the Idomeni camping trip are actual refugees.
Well most people know how to put on a fucking condom. Also people should be able to exert some self control and maybe not have unprotected sex during the middle of a civil war when they already have 4 children. Is a little personal responsibility too much to ask for?

Actually, there are large portions of the world where most people don't know how to put on a fucking condom, or can't afford them, or any of a million other reasons.

I wonder if you would decide to be celibate for an indeterminate amount of time, stretching into years, because some people on the internet thought it would be irresponsible for you to have sex.
Well most people know how to put on a fucking condom.

Of course they know how . . . so?

Also people should be able to exert some self control and maybe not have unprotected sex during the middle of a civil war when they already have 4 children.

People in relationships understand that having sex is about keeping, maintaining and deeepening the relationship. It's not just about getting your rocks off. So you can probably be forgiven for not knowing this.

Is a little personal responsibility too much to ask for?

No, why?

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Well most people know how to put on a fucking condom. Also people should be able to exert some self control and maybe not have unprotected sex during the middle of a civil war when they already have 4 children. Is a little personal responsibility too much to ask for?

Actually, there are large portions of the world where most people don't know how to put on a fucking condom, or can't afford them, or any of a million other reasons.

I wonder if you would decide to be celibate for an indeterminate amount of time, stretching into years, because some people on the internet thought it would be irresponsible for you to have sex.

My money's on a lack of contraceptive options and the human need to connect physically and emotionally with another person, especially in times of high stress.

They might not have much but at least they have each other.

So... bomb them with condoms?

beero1000 said:
Actually, there are large portions of the world where most people don't know how to put on a fucking condom, or can't afford them, or any of a million other reasons.

Is it really that hard to figure out? People who need instructions on how to use a condom probably shouldn't be reproducing. It would help the gene pool.
Of course they know how . . . so?
So why don't they?

People in relationships understand that having sex is about keeping, maintaining and deeepening the relationship.
So it's not about breeding like rabbits? Kind of makes my point.
It's not just about getting your rocks off. So you can probably be forgiven for not knowing this.
Apparently for some it's about having as many children as possible.
Because you are giving excuses for this couple's irresponsible behavior.
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