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Why are "refugees" still having children?

Actually, people who feel secure about their future tend to have fewer children.
So all of them should be welcomed into Europe so that they will feel "secure" no matter their numbers, ideology etc.?
Because that's what European left wing wants to do. Some left-wing activists even tried to help the Idomeni occupiers (#occupyfarmland) to illegally cross the border into Macedonia.
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
The baby born in hell: Tragic migrant mother gives birth in the squalor of Idomeni's tent city and washes the child in a PUDDLE
The bathing experience is really not that bad. They even have what seems to be Nivea body wash. Nivea is nice shit! Water temperature though can't be too much fun! Note though, that these people refuse to move to better, army-built shelters because they want to be close to the border they are trying to cross illegally.

And this woman already has four other children, the youngest of them only one year old, thus also conceived well into the civil war.
People have sex. Sometimes women get pregnant from having sex. I don't think this hard to understand at all.
People have sex. Sometimes women get pregnant from having sex. I don't think this hard to understand at all.
They could use condoms. Those people also have access to medical care, and thus access to other contraceptives. Of course, having as many children as possible is the weapon in the demographic war against the West.

This trend is only going to accelerate with this so-called 'refugee crisis'.
I answered your question as to my use of scare quotes. Pro-migrant media likes to pretend they are all fleeing mortal danger and thus Europe (and US) should take in unlimited number.

So again, have you determined that it is the "refugees" and not the refugees that are having all of these objectionable children?

Because if it really is the "refugees" then you have defeated your own argument.

No it is not. Regardless of their motivations for trying to illegally enter Europe having children in transit is stupid. These people are victims of their own irresponsibility.
A bit different. Zombie apocalypse resulted in a depopulation of the world so more children are definitely needed.

It seems to me that you place subjective value on humans and species propagation, but expect other persons to not put subjective value on their own genes and their propagation.

So what objective value system are you using to say that humans are needed in the ecosystem at all? How do you know it is objective? And how do you know it's not actually at the right amount, what criteria are you using?
A bit different. Zombie apocalypse resulted in a depopulation of the world so more children are definitely needed.

It seems to me that you place subjective value on humans and species propagation, but expect other persons to not put subjective value on their own genes and their propagation.

So what objective value system are you using to say that humans are needed in the ecosystem at all? How do you know it is objective? And how do you know it's not actually at the right amount, what criteria are you using?

I already said what the difference is. Having 5+ children in a overcrowded situation is very different than having any children when most of humanity has been wiped out.

Make no mistake about it, Islamists want to make Europe islamic. Having Europe import millions of Muslims, who then have 5 children per woman or so, is a way to islamicize Europe. And the fifth columnists are not just letting it happen, they are helping speed it up!




Those babies growing up and some of them becoming terrorists is a real concern

Not sure what repeating what I wrote in different sizes is supposed to mean.
It's supposed to mean you're an evil person. This information is a substantive contribution to the discussion, from the point of view of those who use true/false/evil logic.
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
The baby born in hell: Tragic migrant mother gives birth in the squalor of Idomeni's tent city and washes the child in a PUDDLE
The bathing experience is really not that bad. They even have what seems to be Nivea body wash. Nivea is nice shit! Water temperature though can't be too much fun! Note though, that these people refuse to move to better, army-built shelters because they want to be close to the border they are trying to cross illegally.

And this woman already has four other children, the youngest of them only one year old, thus also conceived well into the civil war.

This has been observed by sociologists for almost a century. In situations where social norms break down there's a bunch of transgressive behaviours that starts to emerge. People become less trustworthy. People who have been friends for decades start stabbing each other in the back. All crime goes up. People have more sex. Not just with partners. Infidelity goes up. People have more babies. It suddenly becomes a hell of a lot urgent for women to have babies. These types of behaviours are standard for any nation at war. In the years immediately following WW1 and WW2 all participating countries had a lot more babies than they usually would have. It's interesting. What that teaches us is that we don't have as much conscious decision of these things as we'd like to think we do. I don't think it's so much that refugees lack self control. They're just doing what humans do in their situation. And we're doing what humans do in our situation. People who feel safe have a lot fewer babies. Which is counter-intuitive. But the numbers add upp.

This has been observed by sociologists for almost a century. In situations where social norms break down there's a bunch of transgressive behaviours that starts to emerge. People become less trustworthy. People who have been friends for decades start stabbing each other in the back. All crime goes up. People have more sex. Not just with partners. Infidelity goes up. People have more babies. It suddenly becomes a hell of a lot urgent for women to have babies. These types of behaviours are standard for any nation at war. In the years immediately following WW1 and WW2 all participating countries had a lot more babies than they usually would have. It's interesting. What that teaches us is that we don't have as much conscious decision of these things as we'd like to think we do. I don't think it's so much that refugees lack self control. They're just doing what humans do in their situation. And we're doing what humans do in our situation. People who feel safe have a lot fewer babies. Which is counter-intuitive. But the numbers add upp.
And why is the solution to import all those people into Europe?
It seems to me that you place subjective value on humans and species propagation, but expect other persons to not put subjective value on their own genes and their propagation.

So what objective value system are you using to say that humans are needed in the ecosystem at all? How do you know it is objective? And how do you know it's not actually at the right amount, what criteria are you using?

I already said what the difference is. Having 5+ children in a overcrowded situation is very different than having any children when most of humanity has been wiped out.

Make no mistake about it, Islamists want to make Europe islamic. Having Europe import millions of Muslims, who then have 5 children per woman or so, is a way to islamicize Europe. And the fifth columnists are not just letting it happen, they are helping speed it up!





I will try to articulate myself on a level where you feel at home.

So again, have you determined that it is the "refugees" and not the refugees that are having all of these objectionable children?

Because if it really is the "refugees" then you have defeated your own argument.

No it is not. Regardless of their motivations for trying to illegally enter Europe having children in transit is stupid. These people are victims of their own irresponsibility.

And yet we are constantly told these "refugees" possess highly sought after skills that Europe can't do without. their biggest skill appears to be pumping out slaves to allah.
I answered your question as to my use of scare quotes. Pro-migrant media likes to pretend they are all fleeing mortal danger and thus Europe (and US) should take in unlimited number.

- - - Updated - - -

Where were Timothy McVeigh's parents born? Terry Nichols' parents? Weren't McVeigh and Nichols both Army vets?
What does this false equivalence have to do with anything?
You had to go to a terrorist act from more than 20 years ago. On the other hand, Islamic terrorism happens multiple times every year. Those two are not comparable.
That is hilarious coming from you.

Since you seem unable to answer, both McVeigh and Nichols were US citizens as were their parents. Not all terrorists are Muslim. Not all terrorists are immigrants or false immigrant sleepers. Not all or even most immigrants and very, very few Muslims are terrorists.
I will try to articulate myself on a level where you feel at home.
Muslims themselves know what their objective is. It is their useful idiots on the left who are denying the objectives to islamicize Europe.

- - - Updated - - -

Not all terrorists are Muslim.
Nobody claimed they were. But most are. Everywhere in the world by the way. Where there are no significant numbers of non-Muslims around, they just suicide bomb each other (Sunni vs. Shia usually).
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
The baby born in hell: Tragic migrant mother gives birth in the squalor of Idomeni's tent city and washes the child in a PUDDLE
The bathing experience is really not that bad. They even have what seems to be Nivea body wash. Nivea is nice shit! Water temperature though can't be too much fun! Note though, that these people refuse to move to better, army-built shelters because they want to be close to the border they are trying to cross illegally.

And this woman already has four other children, the youngest of them only one year old, thus also conceived well into the civil war.

This has been observed by sociologists for almost a century. In situations where social norms break down there's a bunch of transgressive behaviours that starts to emerge. People become less trustworthy. People who have been friends for decades start stabbing each other in the back. All crime goes up. People have more sex. Not just with partners. Infidelity goes up. People have more babies. It suddenly becomes a hell of a lot urgent for women to have babies. These types of behaviours are standard for any nation at war. In the years immediately following WW1 and WW2 all participating countries had a lot more babies than they usually would have. It's interesting. What that teaches us is that we don't have as much conscious decision of these things as we'd like to think we do. I don't think it's so much that refugees lack self control. They're just doing what humans do in their situation. And we're doing what humans do in our situation. People who feel safe have a lot fewer babies. Which is counter-intuitive. But the numbers add upp.


I was thinking about this and it makes sense if the group numbers are suddenly reduced, the replacement population is already seeded. Also, clinging to someone calms us humans.
I just had an intersting few minutes trying to find the source of your 3rd picture there. Seems no one has it apart from some weird winger sites. That's odd. I wonder why.

I looked at all the varieties of the images that appear to be from the same event. It looks like about 12-15 people.
Like the size of a Westboro Baptist Church protest.
I was thinking about this and it makes sense if the group numbers are suddenly reduced, the replacement population is already seeded.
But they are not suddenly reduced. That would explain Glenn and Maggie, not the millions of Muslim migrants flooding Europe's shores.

Also, clinging to someone calms us humans.
I wouldn't know anything about that. :(
But they are not suddenly reduced. That would explain Glenn and Maggie, not the millions of Muslim migrants flooding Europe's shores.
I was referring to the evolutionary history of our species, not the current situation.
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