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Why are "refugees" still having children?

That is a mantra that doesn't really bear out. Negotiation and trade is much more practical than war for that purpose. US did not invade Saudi Arabia for example, but negotiated concessions to develop oil.
If the robbers manage to get their victims to die, who are they going to steal from?
Huh? Is this like that Jesus parable about first binding the strong man and then robbing a place?

No it's totally like Negan.
As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.
But the high birthrate is not something that only appeared with the Syrian civil war. Muslims tend to have 5+ children as a matter of their culture - they never adopted to the modern world with much lower mortality. I don't think the West should constantly bail them out when their own countries get predictably overcrowded as a result of such high birth rate.
Apparently a mother gave birth in the Idomeni camp and the article focuses on how terrible the conditions are. Well it really is terrible, but the couple are responsible for having brought a baby into this situation. The civil war has been raging for at least 5 years now, and continuing to bring more children into this situation is very irresponsible.
The baby born in hell: Tragic migrant mother gives birth in the squalor of Idomeni's tent city and washes the child in a PUDDLE
The bathing experience is really not that bad. They even have what seems to be Nivea body wash. Nivea is nice shit! Water temperature though can't be too much fun! Note though, that these people refuse to move to better, army-built shelters because they want to be close to the border they are trying to cross illegally.

And this woman already has four other children, the youngest of them only one year old, thus also conceived well into the civil war.

Because they are still human.
As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.
But the high birthrate is not something that only appeared with the Syrian civil war. Muslims tend to have 5+ children as a matter of their culture - they never adopted to the modern world with much lower mortality. I don't think the West should constantly bail them out when their own countries get predictably overcrowded as a result of such high birth rate.

This has nothing to do with the war or religion. When agriculture modernises birthrates drop. This has to do with the type of economy. Case in point, Malaysia. A modern industrialised Muslim country that, apart from the name of the dominant religion, could be any western country. The values of their population are modern as well as their brithrate (1.6, on par with Australia).


People have more babies than they otherwise would during war. But Syria was a transitional economy. So birthrates where high before compared to a Western country. But low compared to a purely agrarian society like Sudan.
Interesting theory, but it smells a lot like dehumanization.
"They have no choice but to have babies no matter what" smells a lot like dehumanization.

Actually I was referring to what your statement is implying about your mindset. You are arguing that Muslims are not human, and this mindset leads to the justification of all sorts of atrocities.
And why is the solution to import all those people into Europe?

As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.

Is anyone anywhere ever responsible for their own actions, or are people just mindless rocks rolling with their environment?
As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.

Is anyone anywhere ever responsible for their own actions, or are people just mindless rocks rolling with their environment?
As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.

Is anyone anywhere ever responsible for their own actions, or are people just mindless rocks rolling with their environment?
For some obscure reason, you think this is relevant because......?
As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.
But the high birthrate is not something that only appeared with the Syrian civil war. Muslims tend to have 5+ children as a matter of their culture - they never adopted to the modern world with much lower mortality. I don't think the West should constantly bail them out when their own countries get predictably overcrowded as a result of such high birth rate.

It takes a lifetime for the birth rate to fall to industrialized levels and they haven't had that much time of a decent economy. (And in many cases even now they don't have it.)
Has there ever been a poor and oppressed people that stopped making babies?

Just wondering if there's a precedent for what Derec is asking for.
But the high birthrate is not something that only appeared with the Syrian civil war. Muslims tend to have 5+ children as a matter of their culture...
So do Mormons. Are you afraid of them, too?
Has there ever been a poor and oppressed people that stopped making babies?

Just wondering if there's a precedent for what Derec is asking for.

You need to put in 'refugees' in there. People all over the world throughout time have been poor and oppressed. But not always refugees.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm safer in a lifeboat than a sinking ship to be sure, but I'm not about to put down roots in one.
And this is relevant because having children is the same as putting down roots?

It should be. Studies show children do best in a stable environment.
Has there ever been a poor and oppressed people that stopped making babies?

Just wondering if there's a precedent for what Derec is asking for.

Yes, during the Great Depression, no one had any babies in our own ancestral histories. That's because President Derec Roosevelt said, "Hey people, stop having babies" and they listened.

True story.
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