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Why is it so important for atheists that God does not exist?

''Be nice to your pets because they’ll be judging you on their own sense of morality.
Dogs and monkeys prefer to spend time with people who do good things and help people, said university researchers.

The comparative psychologist tested dogs and monkeys to see if they have a set of ‘morals’.
In the study, dogs watched their owners struggling to open a container while an actor either helped, acted passively, or refused to lend them a hand
The actors would then offer the dog a treat with the study finding the pets were more likely to choose the one who did nothing than those who had refused.

Anderson told the New Scientist: ‘If somebody is behaving antisocially, they probably end up with some sort of emotional reaction to it.

Dog’s long relationship with humans might have made them more sensitive to our feelings.
Similarly, monkeys understood fairness and helpfulness. They would shun actors who refused to help other people with basic tasks when they offered treats.''

atheists existed for 1000s of years but you never writen moral code

Moral codes have been written down since the invention of writing on cave walls.

Here is a small sample of well understood codes for you to learn from:

The Sumerian Code of Ur-Nammu 2100 BC
The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi 1760 BC
The Justinian Code 429 CE (mostly legal in nature, though)
The Tang Code 624 CE
atheists existed for 1000s of years but you never writen moral code

Moral codes have been written down since the invention of writing on cave walls.

Here is a small sample of well understood codes for you to learn from:

The Sumerian Code of Ur-Nammu 2100 BC
The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi 1760 BC
The Justinian Code 429 CE (mostly legal in nature, though)
The Tang Code 624 CE

but they were not atheists
but they were not atheists
Then you can show how their moral codes were completely informed by their particular religion?

Because that's your point, isn't it? That ONLY religion produces morality?
So, support that. Deconstruct each case and show how only a deity could have produced that moral (or legal) code.
Even if he's right, so what? Just because something gives you morality doesn't mean it's true.

Back to the OP, I think that atheists require the lack of gods a lot less than theists require the existence of them. Personally, I wouldn't behave any differently if I believed there was a god.
Pyramid Head is correct. Syed burns through fallacies like elephants eat peanuts. Fallacy du jour is the appeal to consequence mixed with a garnish of baseless assertion.

While it cannot be demonstrated that religions are necessary to produce moral codes it can be demonstrated that religions brought us Jihads, witch burnings, inquisitions, holy wars and cultural wedges that continue to breed atrocities throughout the Mideast and all over the world. Religion brought us Jim Jones, David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite among others responsible for mass killings. You don't have to be religious to behead infidels but it is all the justification some seem to need.

If you're going to appeal to consequence at least have the decency to weigh all the consequences.
Moral codes have been written down since the invention of writing on cave walls.

Here is a small sample of well understood codes for you to learn from:

The Sumerian Code of Ur-Nammu 2100 BC
The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi 1760 BC
The Justinian Code 429 CE (mostly legal in nature, though)
The Tang Code 624 CE

but they were not atheists

The Chinese were... and currently most are...

WHICH religion has the monopoly on morals? Is it Judaism? Hinduism? Pastafarianism?

Are you trying to claim that ANY religion has equal footing on the alleged moral monopoly?

If so, then one religion is no better than any other.... they are all the same. Is that what you are intending to imply too?
It's pretty clear that atheism helps its adherents in various ways. If they feel it does then it does. There's no point arguing against that.

What I don't understand is why the atheists can't leave it at that?

Why is it so important for them that God does not exist? Why can't God exist?

Why can't the creation of the universe be just whatever God created? Why not God?

Since I'm a non believer could you reference the help you stated that non believers received along with the "various ways" that this works? Do I have too fill out paperwork or something to claim my benefits.

Leaving the non existent alone, how would one go about doing that?

The importance of things that have never been shown to exist really isn't high on anyone's list of things to leave alone including yours. Why can't god exist? It does exist, in your mind. It's when you try to make your god tangible that it has to run and hide in your mind again.

Why can't the universe just be, why muck it all up by postulating some super alien creature with magical power? Jebus typing that reading it and saying out just makes me so disappointed in humans. To come so far yet have travelled so little.
When people do whatever they effing well like because they say there is no God/afterlife.

Is that the one that portrays atheists as nothing more the criminals lacking any morality or decency. Watched the trailer to that one in the end the zombies won.
When people do whatever they effing well like because they say there is no God/afterlife.

But that's just an admission that you are an immoral bastard who would like nothing better than to hurt other people. And the only thing keeping you from doing that is God's threat. I'm sorry, but since I'm a morally good person I don't need to be threatened to behave.

So yeah, so much for that theory. But considering how evil and morally corrupt you just admitted to being, I'm happy that you specifically are religious. That certainly saves the rest of us from being your potential crime victims. Cheers to imagined gods for that!
When people do whatever they effing well like because they say there is no God/afterlife.

Everyone does whatever they effing like already. How old are you? Are you a young, naive child? I think it's more likely you live in a little cultural bubble full of people reinforcing the delusion with attitudes like "atheists have no morals" and other inhumane delusions so typical of social dominance religions like yours supported by cognitive bias and lies.

Let's educate you. Religion doesn't stop anyone doing whatever the eff they like. It might make them suppress something, which will inevitably express itself, and often in very humiliating ways. That's how suppression works. Religion is really good at influencing people to suppress a ton of their humanness thinking, I guess, that it will just go away? Guess what? It doesn't. It just gets twisted and pissed and will get its revenge on you, as we so often see among religionists who worship an ideology. They worship being right. But that doesn't stop them doing whatever the eff they like regardless of how many lies and pretenses and secret logistics it takes to feed the urge but still maintain the social conformity veneer. This is probably why people in religious societies like porn more than the rest of us.

Religion doesn't stop crime. It doesn't stop mental illness or physical illness. It doesn't make anyone a better person. Oh, I know there's people who say it does, but show me such a person and I'll show you either a liar or someone who is a better human than their own religion can recognize. Their own confusing, absolutist, incoherent, authoritarian, inhumane, ignorant, irrelevant "moral code."

But what religion DOES offer is extra layers of bullshit and hijacking of human minds through their reactive animal brain and sense of self preservation. You must be so proud.

When Christians say they rationally choose their religion (which they don't, not consciously, not rationally, no) are only saying, "I don't give a shit about truth and I've handed my conscience over to an authority other than myself, so I'm also not accountable for the consequences of caring about ideological identity more than about truth or human beings or anything else really except feeling like I'm right about bullshit I've never questioned even once, but rather going to my pastor or whatever mouthpiece gives me my truth because I'm not capable of figuring it out for myself and don't want to try."

Your religion is based in cognitive error, but I don't expect any Christian to even be curious about that much less actively try to find out why. They don't have the wherewithal to even be embarrassed at the sheer stupidity of organized religion, but that's an easy way to live when millions around you won't question, either. Very easy to not even learn to question.

So yeah, you and all your religious friends are no more controlling your own potential for evil than anyone else. In fact, dogmatic, absolutist, authoritarian religions like yours serve to diminish crucial skills and traits that could help you be a better person on your own, without needing someone pulling your strings and forming your own thoughts for you.

Why don't you name one good thing in the entire human universe that can't be had without religion. Still waiting for the "faithful" to answer that one.

By the way, we don't prosthelytize. We call out inhumane ideologies, most of which happen to be attached to superstition and magical sky daddy beliefs. We speak out against the beliefs and attitudes that might not harm the bearer, but every one of us contributes to the whole of society, and your religious beliefs contribute zealotry, extremism, terrorism, abuse, ignorance, and war. Im sure YOU don't have to be affected by the consequences of that. At least, not yet. Even when your beliefs hit the brick wall of reality, there is always some "plan b" excuse for it. Never questioning. Never brave enough to chuck the whole thing and start again. Maybe you could start by chucking the belief that developing your own conscience is a mortal sin.
It's pretty clear that atheism helps its adherents in various ways. If they feel it does then it does. There's no point arguing against that.

What I don't understand is why the atheists can't leave it at that?

Why is it so important for them that God does not exist? Why can't God exist?

Why can't the creation of the universe be just whatever God created? Why not God?

Because I don't want to be tortured in fire for eternity like a lot of religious people believe. It's important to me that I analyze the thoughts of every Christian or Muslim that I come across, and also study their holy books, to make sure they know what they are talking about when it comes down to whether or not I swim in a lake of fire for the rest of eternity. Fortunately, most of them don't even seem to know the verses that describe this horrible, evil place called Hell.
It's pretty clear that atheism helps its adherents in various ways. If they feel it does then it does. There's no point arguing against that.

What I don't understand is why the atheists can't leave it at that?

Why is it so important for them that God does not exist? Why can't God exist?

Why can't the creation of the universe be just whatever God created? Why not God?

Well, I'll make a few points about how I feel about your question.

I care about what is true. I do. I value truth, even if I don't personally like the outcome of that truth. Personally, I cannot wrap my head around someone that doesn't care about the truth, especially considering

The repercussions. Depending on who you talk to, knowing whether there's a god or not entails a lot of possible repercussions that could very much affect me. Like, what I should value. How I should live, and what may or may not happen to me when I die. These are not small details.

They cannot "leave it at that". For various reasons, many Christians seem to think that it's not good enough for them to live according to their religious beleifs, but demand that others - who do not share those belefs - should as well. This has caused qute a lot of harm in the past and present. Also, different religions have mutually excusive rules that they say must be followed. These religious groups are fond of legislating their beliefs, and I find this unacceptable.
It's pretty clear that atheism helps its adherents in various ways. If they feel it does then it does. There's no point arguing against that.

What I don't understand is why the atheists can't leave it at that?

Why is it so important for them that God does not exist? Why can't God exist?

Why can't the creation of the universe be just whatever God created? Why not God?

What is important for atheists is to be truthful and honest, not that they hold the knowledge that "God doesn't exist".

The character is imaginary.

Why? Because it lives in your imagination. It exists in your imagination. Quantitatively you can not comprehend it and qualitatively you can not understand it, so the best you can do is to imagine it.
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When people do whatever they effing well like because they say there is no God/afterlife.

But that's just an admission that you are an immoral bastard who would like nothing better than to hurt other people. And the only thing keeping you from doing that is God's threat. I'm sorry, but since I'm a morally good person I don't need to be threatened to behave.

So yeah, so much for that theory. But considering how evil and morally corrupt you just admitted to being, I'm happy that you specifically are religious. That certainly saves the rest of us from being your potential crime victims. Cheers to imagined gods for that!
Baptized Christians make up 99% of the U.S. prison population. Guess they didn't get the word about that afterlife thingie.

I think Frankie is on record saying it's better to be atheist than a bad little Christian. You go Frankie!
but they were not atheists

The Chinese were... and currently most are...

WHICH religion has the monopoly on morals? Is it Judaism? Hinduism? Pastafarianism?
Just as long as it doesn't include the Zoodles sect. They are spawn of the Evil One.

Are you trying to claim that ANY religion has equal footing on the alleged moral monopoly?

If so, then one religion is no better than any other.... they are all the same. Is that what you are intending to imply too?
Well, generally I'd say the intentions are random and nonsensical...just as long as it sounds good at the moment. Syed seems to have a big hangup about a religion needing to be monotheistic (or mostly so) to be valid. So yeah, all those laws/codes shouldn't be able to impact morality as those societies were polytheistic or naturalistic. But I'm sure Syed will give them a special exception, courtesy of his god of course, so he can continue making this strange claim...
Does the truth matter Syed? If it doesn't matter, believe whatever you want. But for me, I would like to live in a world where any and every unknown is treated and an unknown and not the absolute truth. It might be nice to think there is a God (whatever that really is?) and that we would live forever with out families.
But reality and the truth point to the fact that everything dies. No one comes back from being dead, you simply cease to exist, just like before you were born. Our lives (in the big picture) don't matter (except to ourselves) any more than all the other life forms on the planet. Birds, insects, fish, die by the millions every year...and so do humans. It is a simple truth that we don't like and we try to pretend it doesn't happen. All religions share the same trait...they don't believe in death.
I think it's all religions "fear death".
It's pretty clear that atheism helps its adherents in various ways. If they feel it does then it does. There's no point arguing against that.

What I don't understand is why the atheists can't leave it at that?

Why is it so important for them that God does not exist? Why can't God exist?

Why can't the creation of the universe be just whatever God created? Why not God?

Well, I'll make a few points about how I feel about your question.

I care about what is true. I do. I value truth, even if I don't personally like the outcome of that truth. Personally, I cannot wrap my head around someone that doesn't care about the truth, especially considering
I too value truth. Yes, truth does not care whether we like it ru not. It just is. Thats why truth is important.
The repercussions. Depending on who you talk to, knowing whether there's a god or not entails a lot of possible repercussions that could very much affect me. Like, what I should value. How I should live, and what may or may not happen to me when I die. These are not small details.
Correct they are not small details. Truth has consequences, whether we accept them or not.
They cannot "leave it at that". For various reasons, many Christians seem to think that it's not good enough for them to live according to their religious beleifs, but demand that others - who do not share those belefs - should as well. This has caused qute a lot of harm in the past and present. Also, different religions have mutually excusive rules that they say must be followed. These religious groups are fond of legislating their beliefs, and I find this unacceptable.
I find that atheists cannot stop telling me how I should live my life. They demand that that I should live to their beliefs (or lack thereof).
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