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Why Trump Will Win in 2020

He also has another problem, the Hispanic vote in Texas. It is mathematically possible for the Democrat to win Texas with a large enough lop sided Hispanic vote victory.
Hispanics skew conservative in ideology if not party affiliation. Pretty much the only thing Democrats have to dangle in front of them is Democrats' unashamed support for illegal migration. I wonder how many hispanics are themselves sick and tired of 100,000s of bogus "asylum seekers" showing up at the border demanding to be let in just because they are at the border.
Trump won Wisconsin by 11 thousand votes. Obama won the state by 300 thousand votes. 2016 was a anomaly. Clinton put little effort there and it was a disaster. That won't happen this time. And Trump's positives in the three states he flipped to with the electoral college are now deeply underwater.

Don't be so sure it won't. If somebody like Elizabeth Warren wins, do you really think she will appeal any better to the cheeseheads than Hillary did? What with her far left economics and full embrace of identity politics (reparations for blacks, veto power to Indian tribes over energy infrastructure projects etc.)
Trump won Wisconsin by 11 thousand votes. Obama won the state by 300 thousand votes. 2016 was a anomaly. Clinton put little effort there and it was a disaster. That won't happen this time. And Trump's positives in the three states he flipped to with the electoral college are now deeply underwater.

Don't be so sure it won't. If somebody like Elizabeth Warren wins, do you really think she will appeal any better to the cheeseheads than Hillary did? What with her far left economics and full embrace of identity politics (reparations for blacks, veto power to Indian tribes over energy infrastructure projects etc.)

She has lead Trump in every poll so far and with the latest bullshit from Trump, Barr, Giuliani et al, by 2020 she will be a shoo in. By 2020, Trump and the GOP will be a pack of pariahs to the larger majority of America voters, especially women voters. Kiss his sorry ass goodbye, Trump is going to get smoked big time.
Trump won Wisconsin by 11 thousand votes. Obama won the state by 300 thousand votes. 2016 was a anomaly. Clinton put little effort there and it was a disaster. That won't happen this time. And Trump's positives in the three states he flipped to with the electoral college are now deeply underwater.

Don't be so sure it won't. If somebody like Elizabeth Warren wins, do you really think she will appeal any better to the cheeseheads than Hillary did? What with her far left economics and full embrace of identity politics (reparations for blacks, veto power to Indian tribes over energy infrastructure projects etc.)

She has lead Trump in every poll so far and with the latest bullshit from Trump, Barr, Giuliani et al, by 2020 she will be a shoo in. By 2020, Trump and the GOP will be a pack of pariahs to the larger majority of America voters, especially women voters. Kiss his sorry ass goodbye, Trump is going to get smoked big time.

It's a strange thing, but polls have showed over and over and women don't like Trump, and yet they vote for him in secret. Especially white women. Secondly, dems need to beat Trump by at least 8% in the popular vote. So, I wouldn't count on the polls or be complacent in any way regarding Trump.
She has lead Trump in every poll so far and with the latest bullshit from Trump, Barr, Giuliani et al, by 2020 she will be a shoo in. By 2020, Trump and the GOP will be a pack of pariahs to the larger majority of America voters, especially women voters. Kiss his sorry ass goodbye, Trump is going to get smoked big time.

It's a strange thing, but polls have showed over and over and women don't like Trump, and yet they vote for him in secret. Especially white women. Secondly, dems need to beat Trump by at least 8% in the popular vote. So, I wouldn't count on the polls or be complacent in any way regarding Trump.

That's a strange take since no one has voted for Trump since 2016.
He also has another problem, the Hispanic vote in Texas. It is mathematically possible for the Democrat to win Texas with a large enough lop sided Hispanic vote victory.
Hispanics skew conservative in ideology if not party affiliation. Pretty much the only thing Democrats have to dangle in front of them is Democrats' unashamed support for illegal migration. I wonder how many hispanics are themselves sick and tired of 100,000s of bogus "asylum seekers" showing up at the border demanding to be let in just because they are at the border.

It's the other way; they used to vote heavily conservative, but are less religious by the generation and tiring of the open and undisguised racism of the Republican party.
She has lead Trump in every poll so far and with the latest bullshit from Trump, Barr, Giuliani et al, by 2020 she will be a shoo in. By 2020, Trump and the GOP will be a pack of pariahs to the larger majority of America voters, especially women voters. Kiss his sorry ass goodbye, Trump is going to get smoked big time.

It's a strange thing, but polls have showed over and over and women don't like Trump, and yet they vote for him in secret. Especially white women. Secondly, dems need to beat Trump by at least 8% in the popular vote. So, I wouldn't count on the polls or be complacent in any way regarding Trump.

Except for the section of white women who are vehemently pro-life to the point of excluding any other issue, I don't really believe the polls.
Here's what I think: Trump will resign before the next election.

Hopefully late enough that the GOP cannot find a decent candidate to put forth. Right now, Romney and Kasich are the best they've got and I think both are a no go.
Here's what I think: Trump will resign before the next election.

Hopefully late enough that the GOP cannot find a decent candidate to put forth. Right now, Romney and Kasich are the best they've got and I think both are a no go.

Scaramucci said he will resign in March, if you want to place any weight to what that slimy bastard has to say.
She has lead Trump in every poll so far and with the latest bullshit from Trump, Barr, Giuliani et al, by 2020 she will be a shoo in. By 2020, Trump and the GOP will be a pack of pariahs to the larger majority of America voters, especially women voters. Kiss his sorry ass goodbye, Trump is going to get smoked big time.

It's a strange thing, but polls have showed over and over and women don't like Trump, and yet they vote for him in secret. Especially white women. Secondly, dems need to beat Trump by at least 8% in the popular vote. So, I wouldn't count on the polls or be complacent in any way regarding Trump.

That's a strange take since no one has voted for Trump since 2016.

I see no reason to believe the polls today vs the polls in 2016.
In all three states Trump flipped to become president, in 2016 he had a distinct approval rating as a candidate. Single digits but still approval ratings were good. But now he is losing those three some by double digits and he is toast in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.


Trump's support in these states has dropped since his election

Michigan - Since Trump took office, his net approval in Wisconsin has decreased by 17 percentage points.
Pennsylvania - Since Trump took office, his net approval in Pennsylvania has decreased by 17 percentage points.
Wisconsin - Since Trump took office, his net approval in Michigan has decreased by 18 percentage points.

Good luck turning that around with his latest antics in Washington.
In all three states Trump flipped to become president, in 2016 he had a distinct approval rating as a candidate. Single digits but still approval ratings were good. But now he is losing those three some by double digits and he is toast in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.


Trump's support in these states has dropped since his election

Michigan - Since Trump took office, his net approval in Wisconsin has decreased by 17 percentage points.
Pennsylvania - Since Trump took office, his net approval in Pennsylvania has decreased by 17 percentage points.
Wisconsin - Since Trump took office, his net approval in Michigan has decreased by 18 percentage points.

Good luck turning that around with his latest antics in Washington.
Here is the deal... Trump didn't exactly have great approval to start the presidency. There are millions of Americans that will vote for the Republican candidate because they can't stomach voting for the Democrat. W was floating near 50% and Obama wasn't much better. Yes, Trump is worse, but Trump has defied all known political conventions to date. We are plowing a new road.
Trump in 2016 was an unknown with a big mouth. One could project big hopes on Trump as a non-politician who would shake things up for the better. Instead he is shaking things up as a corrupt and incompetent loose cannon. The loss in approval ratings I posted above tell the sad tale. Pence is no better. Real Clear Politics has Trump's approval rating at 41.9% But Pence is only 40.4% This is not a winning ticket.

Surveys demonstrate women are deeply unhappy with Trump. Pew has Trump's approval ratings among women at a wretched 31%. Other surveys have women at 59% will not vote for Trump or leaning towards not voting for Trump. If I was on Trump's re-election team, I would be panicking and looking for a graceful way to bail out now.

These shifts in party allegiance might seem mild, but they matter. As Rutgers political scientist Kelly Dittmar recently wrote, women have voted in higher numbers and at higher rates than men for decades. In 2016, according to Dittmar, 9.9 million more women than men voted, and about 63 percent of eligible females voted, compared with 59 percent of eligible males. If more women than men vote in November, women’s shift toward the Democrats is likely to be over-represented on Election Day—especially in an election like this one, in which women are highly mobilized and motivated. The Cook Political Report’s Amy Walter recently noted: “The most recent NBC/Wall Street Journal survey found that [white college-educated women] support a Democrat for Congress by 22 points—58 percent to 36 percent. In 2014, they preferred a Democratic Congress by just 2 points.”

The stink of electoral failure is now very strong on the GOP.

A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday found Trump trailing the top five Democratic contenders by between 9 points and 16 points overall, with each leading the president by 23 points or more among all women.
"These voters are the real closet conservatives who voted for Trump and Romney by double digits. The Republicans lost them in the mid-terms and they are Trump’s biggest roadblock to reelection. He’s done nothing so far that has been successful to win them back,” he added, referring to 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Watch what the women voters of America do up to November 2020. Here is where Trump will lose re-election. It looks grim for Cheetolini so far.

"I am woman, hear me roar!"
Some old song or the other
A lot of driving yesterday and listened to a little Rush Limbaugh. He sounds like Alex Jones now. Says the whole recent testimony was an intricate and elaborate plot to derail the Justice Dept investigation into Biden in Ukraine. If Trump is booted from office, there very well could be violence from his supporters who want to drain the swamp with a bigger swamp.
I catch a little Lush Rimjob now and then. About 5 minutes is all I can stand. Rimjob has sunk to naked red baiting of the lowest sort, and has adopted a lot of conspiracy think. I saw an article on Millennials' news habits and Rimjob is considered trustworthy by only 4% of them. He is now the equivalent of one's least favorite right winged senile uncle who won't shut the fuck up.

I cannot wait to see Trump lose re-election and hear him and the other faux shitheads rant and rave in futile fury. Since younger generations, Generation X, Millennials turned out in larger numbers in 2018 than Boomers and the Silent Generation that is going to be a problem for the GOP. If Trump lasts that long.
I catch a little Lush Rimjob now and then. About 5 minutes is all I can stand. Rimjob has sunk to naked red baiting of the lowest sort, and has adopted a lot of conspiracy think. I saw an article on Millennials' news habits and Rimjob is considered trustworthy by only 4% of them. He is now the equivalent of one's least favorite right winged senile uncle who won't shut the fuck up.

I cannot wait to see Trump lose re-election and hear him and the other faux shitheads rant and rave in futile fury. Since younger generations, Generation X, Millennials turned out in larger numbers in 2018 than Boomers and the Silent Generation that is going to be a problem for the GOP. If Trump lasts that long.
Trump was caught red handed, and the GOP propaganda machine has their based convinced Biden is guilty of crimes.

This morning, right off the bat, Lush Rimjob outed the whistle blower. Who was outed apparently by the New York Times.

Thanks a lot shit heads.
A lot of driving yesterday and listened to a little Rush Limbaugh. He sounds like Alex Jones now. Says the whole recent testimony was an intricate and elaborate plot to derail the Justice Dept investigation into Biden in Ukraine. If Trump is booted from office, there very well could be violence from his supporters who want to drain the swamp with a bigger swamp.

And a lot of people will vote the orange buffoon because they believe all of this.

Trump didn't invent this stupidity. Trumpo happened because lots of people were and are just like Trumpo. Trumpo was just the one with the most money and the biggest mouth.
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