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Why won't the Democratic Party Impeach President Trump?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior - it is the Democratic Party’s refusal to impeach him for it." / Twitter

Warren takes aim at Pelosi, Dem leadership over impeachment: 'Congress failed to act' | Fox News
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., took a veiled shot at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in Iowa Saturday for not moving to impeach President Trump, suggesting that Pelosi's inaction enabled Trump to continue seeking foreign assistance in elections.

"Donald Trump did everything he could to obstruct justice. I read all 448 pages and when I got to the end, I called for the impeachment of Donald Trump," Warren said at the Polk County Democratic Party's Steak Fry fundraiser, referring to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

"Congress failed to act and now Donald Trump has shown that he believes he is above the law. He has solicited another foreign government to attack our election system,” she added.

Her comments followed reports that the president repeatedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to look into corruption accusations surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

AOC Challenges Republicans To Vote Against Impeachment of Trump - YouTube
“I want to see every Republican go on the record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this president, knowing his corruption, having it on the records so that they can have that stain on their careers for the rest of their lives,” she told reporters Tuesday. “Because this is outrageous, to protect the amount of lawlessness and corruption coming out of this presidency.”
It could be that the Democratic leadership thinks that there's no benefit to doing it.
Well, Pelosi says she would rather make laws clear on indicting a President after he is out of office instead of working on impeachment. And then she said that she didn't mean Trump, she said "future Presidents."

So I guess that means the next Democrat who wins the Presidency.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says it’s time to change the law to ensure a sitting president can be indicted for wrongdoing.

Pelosi told NPR in an interview Friday that Congress will have to pass laws “that will have clarity for future presidents.”

The California Democrat said she has not changed her mind on pursuing impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Emphasis added.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior - it is the Democratic Party’s refusal to impeach him for it." / Twitter

Warren takes aim at Pelosi, Dem leadership over impeachment: 'Congress failed to act' | Fox News
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., took a veiled shot at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in Iowa Saturday for not moving to impeach President Trump, suggesting that Pelosi's inaction enabled Trump to continue seeking foreign assistance in elections.

"Donald Trump did everything he could to obstruct justice. I read all 448 pages and when I got to the end, I called for the impeachment of Donald Trump," Warren said at the Polk County Democratic Party's Steak Fry fundraiser, referring to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

"Congress failed to act and now Donald Trump has shown that he believes he is above the law. He has solicited another foreign government to attack our election system,” she added.

Her comments followed reports that the president repeatedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to look into corruption accusations surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

AOC Challenges Republicans To Vote Against Impeachment of Trump - YouTube
“I want to see every Republican go on the record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this president, knowing his corruption, having it on the records so that they can have that stain on their careers for the rest of their lives,” she told reporters Tuesday. “Because this is outrageous, to protect the amount of lawlessness and corruption coming out of this presidency.”

Impeachment won't work because the republicans control the senate. More importantly, the failed impeachment will strengthen Trump and empower his followers. We need to stop trying to appeal to tricks. The way to beat Trump is for us to collectively get off our asses and vote...
AOC Challenges Republicans To Vote Against Impeachment of Trump - YouTube
“I want to see every Republican go on the record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this president, knowing his corruption, having it on the records so that they can have that stain on their careers for the rest of their lives,” she told reporters Tuesday. “Because this is outrageous, to protect the amount of lawlessness and corruption coming out of this presidency.”
This is precisely the point. Every Democrat who was in Congress or the Senate in 2002 lost any credibility on their criticism towards the Iraq War because they voted for it. That's an oversimplification of course, but Republicans hung this over the likes of John Kerry and Hillary Clinton for the rest of their careers. This is a golden opportunity, wrapped in bow for Democrats to do the same towards Republicans. And keep in mind Republicans love trying to re-write history. George W Bush didn't exist in their minds in the 2008 and 2012 elections; John McCain didn't exist in the 2012 or 2016 elections. But it is a but hard to obfuscate the past when one is on record saying, "No, this president has done nothing deserving of impeachment, I vote no."

It could also be that collectively, the Democrats like being in opposition because then they aren't held accountable for anything.
I disagree with AOC. I have mixed feelings and large reservations regarding attempts to impeach Trump. Frank Bruni had a good editorial this morning which pretty much explains why I have reservations.


Did that look of unalloyed contempt come naturally to Corey Lewandowski, or did he rehearse it? I picture him in front of a mirror as his “testimony” before the House Judiciary Committee approached, fine-tuning his sneer, perfecting his glare, testing different tilts of his head to see which conveyed maximal disgust with his inquisitors. He was hellbent on acing this performance.

And ace it he did, if the goal was to distill the Trump ethos into a few ugly hours. A flamboyant defiance of authority? Check.

Alas, the route to the far side of Trump probably doesn’t run through committee hearings like the one that Lewandowski predictably turned into a farce. It runs through the ballot box. Nancy Pelosi gets this, and it’s possible that some of the House Democrats who keep muttering about impeachment get it, too — and are either fulfilling what they see as their constitutional obligation or trying to mollify a restive Democratic base. But I do worry that they’re blundering, and I hope against hope that after Democratic voters pick their presidential nominee, Democratic lawmakers will concentrate their energies on getting that person elected.

If you're not a Times subscriber and/or can't read the entire editorial, I tried to post the basics of it. I was very much for impeachment until I watched most of the Lewandowski hearing. If the Republicans in Congress, the A/G, the DNI etc. are going to refuse to testify, refuse to release information, and basically refuse to follow the law, how the hell would an impeachment hearing be worth it? I am well aware of the law and feel that there are plenty of reasons to impeach Trump, but we aren't dealing with normal people. We are dealing with a man and his sycophants that will do everything possible to disobey protocols and laws that would make an impeachment hearing worth while. They and Trump will do everything possible to make the Democrats look like the bad guys.

Plus there are moderates in the Democratic Congress who may refuse to vote for impeachment as they live in conservative districts, and are concerned about losing the 2020 election. I think Pelosi is a wise woman who is trying to do what's best for the country. I'm not opposed to impeachment per se, and I certainly would be supportive of such an effort. I just think that Bruni has made some good points, the same things I've been pondering ever since I watched that hearing earlier this week. We're not dealing with a president who obeys the law. We're dealing with a man who acts like a dictator who believes he is above the law. In fact, I watched his bullshit responses to reporters this morning. He kept saying that the president doesn't have to put up with whistle blower claims, that he had a perfect conversation with the Ukrainian leader and that Joe Biden was the bad guy, not him.

There are already Trump 2020 signs going up near me. That's how hardcore and brainwashed his supporters are. Any attempt to impeach will probably turn more voters away from the Democratic nominee, especially if we have a nominee who is perceived as too far left. I am deeply concerned about the future of my country. I'm just not convinced that impeachment is the best thing to do, since it will only frustrate Congress and allow Trump and the Republicans to play the victim card.

I like AOC, but she is sometimes very naive. She lacks the experience, so I don't take too much of what she says very seriously. I love her idealism, but I learned a long time ago, that idealism isn't as valuable as pragmatism.

I do have mixed feelings about this and I may change my mind again, but I think there are many reasons why trying to impeach may not only hurt the Democrats, it could do grave damage to the country, if it enables a second Trump term.

If you favor impeachment, please explain in detail how it will accomplish anything considering that Trump and company will obstruct any investigation. I'd love to see the fucker impeached, but I don't want to see what I did earlier this week.
If you favor impeachment, please explain in detail how it will accomplish anything considering that Trump and company will obstruct any investigation. I'd love to see the fucker impeached, ...

It is up to the government and the people voting for government officials to create an environment of accountability and rule of law. It's that simple.

What Trump is doing will have long-term effects on the American populace, i.e. the resistance to him and those who want accountability. If you give up and quit, then you are giving up your country to corruption in the very long-term, i.e. for centuries our country will be like those other countries that right-wingers like to complain about because of all the corruption. You have to make corrupt people work for their corruption. It has to come with accountability risk that they need to take into account. You have to keep trying and keep trying.

This is the real world, not idealism. In the real world, the shit you do doesn't always work, but you keep trying anyway. That means with this President, we try to impeach. We might fail. With the next President, we try again. We might fail that one, too. With the third, we may finally succeed. The fact that it succeeds only sometimes means the process IS working and that rule of law is intact, but when you give up, the whole framework goes away.

And even when it fails, it still impacts the environment and how people think of the President and the Congress. That also means the voting booth. Even when it fails, the history books record the results. Those who learn from history look back on it and see the truth to learn what they may.

That's reality, not idealism.

...but I don't want to see what I did earlier this week.

I kinda don't care about small perturbations within much bigger issues such as this. What matters is much bigger.

Lastly, Pelosi....did you see post#3? If you want to think about reality instead of idealsm, one could accuse Pelosi of being an idealist. Does anyone think this bill will pass? Even if it did, it would be so mired in Republican obstructionism, that one could only use it against a Democrat in the future. So, in conclusion, it's a bad idea? Should Congress just go home and let the oligarchs and theocrats win?
"Donald Trump did everything he could to obstruct justice. I read all 448 pages and when I got to the end, I called for the impeachment of Donald Trump," Warren said at the Polk County Democratic Party's Steak Fry fundraiser, referring to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

And it doesn't matter.

The Democrats in the House can vote to impeach, but it's dead on arrival in the Senate. As I said in another post, it might not even come to trial if Mitch McConnell has his way.
"Donald Trump did everything he could to obstruct justice. I read all 448 pages and when I got to the end, I called for the impeachment of Donald Trump," Warren said at the Polk County Democratic Party's Steak Fry fundraiser, referring to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

And it doesn't matter.

The Democrats in the House can vote to impeach, but it's dead on arrival in the Senate. As I said in another post, it might not even come to trial if Mitch McConnell has his way.

This is it. The GOP will not impeach Trump come hell or high water. However, pelosi has not been supportive of investigations supporting impeachment, which I think is an error. If enough evidence accumulated Trump should be impeached if it was not for the GOP's utter lack of willingness no matter what, that could affect the public perception of Trump and the GOP negatively. As it should be.

Meanwhile, swarms of investigations of Trump move forward.
"Donald Trump did everything he could to obstruct justice. I read all 448 pages and when I got to the end, I called for the impeachment of Donald Trump," Warren said at the Polk County Democratic Party's Steak Fry fundraiser, referring to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

And it doesn't matter.

The Democrats in the House can vote to impeach, but it's dead on arrival in the Senate. As I said in another post, it might not even come to trial if Mitch McConnell has his way.

This is it. The GOP will not impeach Trump come hell or high water. However, pelosi has not been supportive of investigations supporting impeachment, which I think is an error. If enough evidence accumulated Trump should be impeached if it was not for the GOP's utter lack of willingness no matter what, that could affect the public perception of Trump and the GOP negatively. As it should be.

Meanwhile, swarms of investigations of Trump move forward.

My understanding is she has been totally supportive of the investigations, that House committees fulfill their duty. I believe she would support impeachment but only when investigations are complete. She wants a full body of evidence if for nothing else, historical record. I expect these investigations to continue long after the White House is cleansed of The Odious One.
"Donald Trump did everything he could to obstruct justice. I read all 448 pages and when I got to the end, I called for the impeachment of Donald Trump," Warren said at the Polk County Democratic Party's Steak Fry fundraiser, referring to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

And it doesn't matter.

The Democrats in the House can vote to impeach, but it's dead on arrival in the Senate. As I said in another post, it might not even come to trial if Mitch McConnell has his way.

Exactly. It's a meaningless gesture. Something the Republicans would do but the Democrats should be above it.
Amid AOC pressure, Pelosi suggests impeachment back on the table to address 'grave new chapter of lawlessness' | Fox News
Just hours after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said her party's failure so far to impeach President Trump amounted to a major "national scandal," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to relent on Sunday -- and warn that a "whole new stage of investigation" could be approaching.

Pelosi, who has long resisted calls to impeach Trump claiming it would imperil the electability of moderate Democrats in the House, specifically said that a whistleblower who reportedly alleged that Trump acted improperly during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy must be allowed to speak to Congress, and the full whistleblower complaint must be provided.

Otherwise, Pelosi said, the Trump administration's "grave new chapter of lawlessness" would necessitate new action.

"We must be sure that the President and his Administration are always conducting our national security and foreign policy in the best interest of the American people, not the President’s personal or political interest," Pelosi said in a statement.
The Administration has been getting away with one outrage after another - and NP seems too cowardly to do much about it. Does she think that she can keep her career going by keeping her head low?
You have your head in the sand. If the Trump Admin doesn’t allow testimony or provide docs (think the White House tapes during Watergate), the can be no House side for an Impeachment.

There are cases going on right now where the courts are being forced to either allow exec privilege or the transfer of documentation / evidence. Trump is taking the Founding Fathers to 12 rounds and it’ll be a split decision.
You have your head in the sand. If the Trump Admin doesn’t allow testimony or provide docs (think the White House tapes during Watergate), the can be no House side for an Impeachment.

There are cases going on right now where the courts are being forced to either allow exec privilege or the transfer of documentation / evidence. Trump is taking the Founding Fathers to 12 rounds and it’ll be a split decision.

Exactly! Pelosi isn't cowardly. Not one bit. She's probably going to voluntarily end her career within the next few years, so the idea that she's doing this for personal reasons doesn't make sense to me.

She just realizes that the House is facing a situation that nobody ever thought possible. She did mention yesterday that this latest evidence might change things and that she supports continuing the investigations. I just currently don't see how attempting to impeach, unless some Republicans in the Congress grow a pair and cooperate, would be helpful. I'm not optimistic that will happen, but who knows!
The Democratic Party won’t impreach President Trump because the Democratic Party cannot impeach President Trump. They don’t have the power. Democrats could be the majority and they still couldn’t.
Three Republicans were on Morning Joe a bit ago, all calling for Trump's removal (and even his execution for treason) in far more strident terms than any Democrat has done so far.
Quite a spectacle.

All three of them share the conviction that if Trump is allowed to cancel elections, defy Congress and remain on the ticket, the Republican party will cease to exist after 2020.
Does anyone here share that opinion?
Perhaps a better question: will the Country be better or worse off if the Republican party ceases to exist? I have mixed feelings about that.
The Democratic Party won’t impreach President Trump because the Democratic Party cannot impeach President Trump. They don’t have the power. Democrats could be the majority and they still couldn’t.
That statement makes little sense. If the Dems had the super majority votes in the Senate, they could impeach. Of course, impeachment shouldn't be a partisan act, it should be bipartisan. And as of now, the GOP apparently doesn't give a rat's ass about our Democracy, national security, or even our place in the World?

At this point, impeachment seems almost like a cake walk. He obstructed the Mueller Investigation, attempted to obstruct the FBI's investigation (already documented). He is using the office to make money at his failing properties and an adjacent unowned airfield by one of his properties (established). And he pressured a foreign leader to investigate his partisan opponent, allegedly threatening to withhold funding of which most likely is true as true Trump has denied it all and as of now the only thing he hasn't admitted to was providing the threat of fund withholding (that's just one call recording away from confirmation).

This man is a menace at best. A traitor at worst. And the GOP just keeps either silent or is defending the indefensible while the 'conservatives' laugh at how Trump is 'trolling' the Democrats.
Let me come at this from a different (and perhaps irrelevant) angle. The bi-laws of any political party in the United States is not legally enforceable. There’s things that a political party can do, but they have no legal standing, and the group (the party) certainly has no power (legal power) to impeach the President. They couldn’t issue a legal document, let alone do something as spectacular as an impeachment proceeding.

ETA: okay, I got a little carried away with the whole “couldn’t issue a legal document” bit, but it (which may be in error) makes my point (which isn’t).
Let me come at this from a different (and perhaps irrelevant) angle. The bi-laws of any political party in the United States is not legally enforceable. There’s things that a political party can do, but they have no legal standing, and the group (the party) certainly has no power (legal power) to impeach the President. They couldn’t issue a legal document, let alone do something as spectacular as an impeachment proceeding.
You were right... it was irrelevant as no one is suggesting the DNC impeach Trump.
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